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Rules Enforcement Procedure

Adopted January 22, 2011
I. Enforcement procedure is initiated by the filing of a written Complaint with the Association by the RP Board, any RP Committee, Community Association Member or the Property Manager(s) of the Rancho Paloma Homeowners Association. It must be verified that there has been a violation of the CC&Rs, Bylaws and/or Rules and Regulations. Violations that are intangible, for example noise, acts of violence, or misuse of common property must be verified by the Property Manager or the RP Board, or a majority in any RP Committee membership, or in the alternative, by written Complaints from two (2) or more individual Homeowners from different lots. The Complaints do not need to be filed at the same time, but must be regarding the same incident and parties. II. After proper verification of a violation, enforcement procedures shall be as follows: 1. A Notice of Violation letter stating the violation, the fine, and a Ten (10) day correction period dated by which the violation must be remedied to avoid penalty, shall be mailed to the Homeowner. This letter will be mailed by USPS as well as emailed to Homeowner in violation. 2. With the violation notice sent, the Homeowner in violation must either remedy the violation and advise the RP Board of all details related to the remediation thus avoiding the fine penalty or contact the RP Board and ask for a hearing at an Executive session of the RP Board with a simple majority of the RP Board in attendance. At the hearing the Community Member in violation will be given an opportunity to defend against the violation however the view and decision by the RP Board on the matter will be deemed final. 3. If the Community Members defense is accepted by the RP Board the violation will be dropped. 4. If the defense by the Community Member is rejected by the RP Board the Community Member will be given a remediation date for the violation in question with consideration from the Community Member on timeline, however the RP Boards decision on said timeline is deemed final. Failing to meet the remediation timeline the fine mentioned in the Notice of Violation will be added to

Community Members Assessment and if not paid will be pursued through the Rancho Paloma Collection Policy. 5. If the Community Member ignores the Notice of Violation the fine mentioned in the Notice of Violation will be added to the Community Members Assessment and collected through the Rancho Paloma Collection Policy. 6. A second Notice of Violation with an increased fine can be issued by the RP Board if either the Community Member fails to meet the remediation date or fails to respond to the Notice of Violation. 7. The process by which the Community Member should respond to the second Notice of Violation is the same as in the first Notice of Violation. 8. A third Notice of Violation with a still higher fine can be issued by the RP Board with voting rights of the Community Member rescinded if the Community Member Fails to meet the remediation date or fails to respond to the Notice of Violation. 9. The process by which the Community Member should respond to the third Notice of Violation is the same as the first and second Notices of Violation 10. If the Community Member does not meet the RP Boards expectation on remediation after the Third Notice of Violation the Community Member in question will be summoned by notice with threat of fine to an Executive Session of the Rancho Paloma Board to discuss the matter. 11. If the Community Member does not commit to meeting with the Rancho Paloma Board after being summoned to the Board, the Board will fine the Community Member fifty (50) dollars per day until the Community Member responds favorably to either remediation on the violation or meeting with the Board and discussing the matter and accepting a remediation plan proposed by the Board. The views and remediation plan and additional fines, if any, proposed by the Board will be deemed final in the matter. All fines will be added to assessments and collected through the Rancho Paloma Collection Policy. 12. Notice of Ruling shall be delivered or mailed to the Homeowner describing the Action taken in any violation process.

Violators of the Rancho Paloma Rules and Regulations, Rancho Paloma Bylaws or Rancho Paloma CC&RS will be fined:
Fifty ($50.00) Dollars First Offense One Hundred (100.00) Dollars Second Offense Two Hundred (200.00) Dollars Third Offense

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