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Quennie N.

Quiobe BSED 2A Title: The Cock Author: Tao Kim Hai


Output #5 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature)





One of the most stand-out quality in the plot that it gives a hint of realism is the fact that the author have made use of superstitious belief that is known in Vietnam, although the belief was proven to be just a hoax, still the impression is still there, that people make meaning of the different occurrences in the natural world. The reality of the discrimination that exist between the social classes thats even present today, that a person of a high stature is forbidden to develop a relationship with that of a low-class citizen. In my own opinion, it is possible that the author has seen this kind of events in the course of his life, although I doubt it if it was really him who experience such societal disadvantage, he is after all, a person titled with honor and achievement. The cock is an important element in the story, it contributes to the main conflict in the short-told tale, and its presence gave the narrator the purpose of telling the story. I find the first paragraph effective as a prelude to the conflict, it provides the background and gives a hint on how the story would go, and it gives the readers knowledge that the cock plays an important role in the lives of the main characters. The last paragraph proved to be effective for it still provides information of the cock, it gives a sense of conclusion and channels to readers a feeling of contentment, and all thats well ends well. The problems encountered by the two main characters in their relationship are that the affair that was once a secret was revealed just because of the cock and the judgement of the community against them. The lethal cup represents the object that will be given to the girl by her family if she would be given death through poisoning. The saber will be the object provided to be used to kill her, so that she shall bleed to death. The red silk cord will be the instrument of her death if she shall be hanged. The Philippines is probably one of the few countries who value marriage and family so much, in our country, marriage is a decision that you must think of a hundred times for it is not a joke, it is sacred. Love, courtship and marriage are things that most Filipinos treat with great importance. Cross-culture had brought changes in the Philippine customs, the influence of the west made the once sacred and lifetime deal just a hearing away to be dissolved, the subject of divorce and annulment proved this fact. The cock is probably one of the most abundant animal in the country, it is being treated as one of the leading income on livestock, on the side of superstition the cock is believed to be an instrument of awakening the soul, for when it cocks people would get up and prepare for another day. Hai achieved tension in the denouement when he had included a corresponding consequence on the marriage of the main characters, that even though they were wed and lived a happy marriage, still they were treated as outcasts in the community, they absorbed prejudice. The ending was spontaneous because it introduces to the reader the concept of inevitability, that this was the only way to end the story and no other.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #6 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: American Guests Come To Our House Author: Aziz Nesin 1. Nesins use of the first-person point of view allowed me to feel like he was actually telling the story just for me, I laugh at some points, I got annoyed, I want to express my own opinion and I even felt the narrators embarrassment. His style brought out the natural humor in the story, he has achieved the ultimate goal in writing and that is letting the reader feel what the writer is feeling while he was writing the storyin my case I was saying this countless times, Are they for real? On the other hand, if Nesin had used the third person point of view, I think he will not be able to achieve the naturalness that the story had provided on the use of the first-person point of view, I think it will make the story less humorous and the narration would be stiff because there are plenty of things that you must consider when you are using the third-person point of view, you have to left the readers with no questions unanswered starting from the time, the place, the characters and the events that happened. 2. It must be noted that in the beginning, the main character actually did not care whatever the American guests are going to see in their home, since he had the belief that it was him that the guests were seeing, the incident that change everything is that when his neighbors started to volunteer that their homes be the ones to be visited in by the Americans. For me the main characters action is not credible, why should he think of what other people might say? He should have been firm on his conviction in the beginning that the guests will not come to see the furniture and appliances in his house but him himself. 3. Yes, because the author had been consistent in incorporating humor in the story, that even though the main character has find a way to solve his problems and that he was given the opportunity to be helped by the people he knew, the author finally gave his ultimate weapon in providing humor to his readers and that is when he revealed the amusing turn-up of events, that just as the main

character thought that his problems were solved it turns out the more problems await for him ahead. 4. Yes, basing from my observations I can tell that the Turkish way of entertaining guests is almost similar to on how Filipinos do such thing. Ive used the word almost because, never in my life that Ive seen people who dressed up as though going to a ball or a Santacruzan just to entertain the guests, I certainly hope no Filipino had done such bizarre thing, Ill certainly fell embarrassed for them, anyway going back to the my point, we Filipinos also give importance to making ourselves presentable enough to foreigners, in entertaining guest we have this habit of putting out our most treasured possessions just to inform the guests that we have such things, we are extravagant in nature, so, that probably explains why even though deep inside we think that we should be true to ourselves and not make others believe that we have more than what we really have, we cant help but to desire more things. 5. Nesins use of satire provokes the human mind into thinking about the different truths concerning mans attitude towards what he pertains as a significant event that is about to happen in his life. The author objectively reveals the possible reactions of a person who is going to deal with an event that is important and critical not only to him but the entire community that he belongs to. 6. The special effect of the coming of the American guests to Muzaffer is simply bringing him to a state of thinking where he must act in order to improve himself and do things that would make the whole community view him as a man who cares about the image that he will present to the guests. the coming of the Americans also motivated Muzaffer to prepare thoroughly because it was already carved in his mind that whatever it is that he shows to the Americans, will be their judgment of the community which he belong to. To his womenfolk, its probably their efforts on being presentable and their pursuit to be a true socialite when they show up to entertain their guests; they surely did a great job on the entertaining part. To Muzaffers neighbors, the special effect is probably their eagerness to somehow help Muzaffer on how to entertain the guests.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #7 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Instant Injustice Author: Tewfik al-Hakim 1. Yes, the story have universality since it almost revolve around only a single theme and conflict; which may be about awareness of the law and the characteristics and attitude being displayed by the judge. Immediacy is conveyed in the narrative through the sequence of events that happened in the presence of the judge, one can remember that once the judge has already given his verdict, nothing can break it, theres no elaborate argument; whats it is it. Also it must be noted that the actions in the story happened at a single setting and a specific time frame, it happened in a manner like almost telling what you have done throughout your day. The judge definitely has a counterpart in our country in reality, arent most judge like him? Bestowing injustice rather than justice, not saving the oppressed but instead being more oppressive towards them and interpreting the law unlawfully to bring those bad people to glory. Of course the living versions of the judge in this tale arent all concentrated in our country, it might be worst unto other countries, especially those with no clearly defined government, one cannot argue about the fact that injustices almost rule this world. 2. The language of the judge is very formal and you can fell that he is prosecuting, it is clear that he wants to emphasize his position and wants to make clear who he is in that particular room, his language establishes the mood inside the courtformal. His language also indicates that he holds authority over everything that is in connection with a particular issue. The verbiage of the judge is very much different from the defendants since the language of the defence is almost as if pleading. Emotive language is used by the defendants, thats because its a common knowledge that if youre the one who is at fault and you know that you have no way of winning the argument, its best if you just act as if youre the one who is being taken advantage of, you have to bring out all your valour to make something so wrong sound so right.

3. The relationship between the second paragraph and the last two paragraphs is that it adds as a proof that there is immediacy in the story, also it adds to the development of the characterization of the judge wherein it seemed that the errand that he asked Sha ban was more important than the cases that he just handled in court. 4. Al-Hakim presents his characterization of the judge in a manner that he makes the readers want to believe that this is the true nature of a judge, that a man of the law practices injustice. He also used realism, I think that al-Hakim made a story out of something that he has observed or experienced. 5. The author attacks the judicial system of a particular country or place, from the story I can tell that the author is sensitive to the unjustly ways of the court. I think the story would affect a young reader negatively, he likely would judge lawyers and judges as bad persons, and also, he being exposed to the dirty antics in the court will lead to his lack of trust in the judiciary. 6. The logical pattern is more predominant in the story than the psychological pattern, its because in the judgement of the judge you can recall that he always based his verdict on what the law states, he also uses straightforward questions that also need to be answered up-front, he also doesnt give the accused the liberty of explaining or telling his side of the story. 7. The ending of the selection is just pure irony, its shameful that after all the unjustly actions of the judge, he didnt even felt guilt. Its like telling the readers that what happens inside the court need not to be brought outside of it. It also gives a hint that what happened in the selection was happening habitually.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #8 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: A Meeting in the Dark Author: James Ngugi 1) What is the main action of the story? The main action of the story is the uncovering of the mystery that surrounds the character of John, the real reason of why he feels the emotion thats engulfing him. The events that are necessary in the development of the plot are; Johns secret meeting with Wamhu, the intimidation brought about by his father and Johns impending travel to study. 2) At what precise point did you notice the inner conflict in John? What intensified his inner tension? How long did it last? Ive noticed that somethings up with John when he starts to show signs of uneasiness that was brought about when he was talking with Wamuhus parents, Johns inner tension intensified when the parents started to talk to him and ask him questions as if they know something about his identity and his relationship with their daughter, that tension disappeared when Wamuhu finally arrived and together they left. 3) Explain the interaction of human character in John. Wamuhu and Johns father. One thing that I noticed in the interaction of human character in John that one would view him as a person that has responsibility of carrying a good image to not disappoint the expectations of the people around him. Between Wamuhu and Johnd father it is evident that Johns father is being judgemental towards, on Wamuhus side; she shows a hint of fear to Johns father. 4) A. Do you find the presence of racial prejudice in the plot? Yes B. Tribal differences? Yes C. Counter-culture? Yes D. Point the out. Racial prejudice is shown in the communitys unwelcoming of the Whites Tribal difference is shown in Wamuhus opinion about the place where John came from Counter-culture is the fact that some people do not accept the philosophy of others. E. Is there racial prejudice in the Philippines? Yes, but not very much. F. Do you think the cultural differences in our country can rebound to regionalism? Yes, if different communities or tribes do not open their minds and be respectable towards the belief of other than their own. 5) What is the atmosphere of the story? How does the writer communicate to the reader? I felt uneasiness and suspense throughout reading it, the writer uses suspense to make his readers engaged until one has finished reading it. 6) How is suspense maintained in the selection? Comment on the last sentence. Through the slow uncovering of events and the different emotions showed by the characters. The ending of the selection is very effective, it adds to the impact that the story gives, it reveals Johns soon to be tainted image, that he had not only committed a single mistake but two, that he was both one who gave life and one who has took it.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #9 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Toads for Supper (Chapter 2) Author: Chukwuemeka Ike 1. Which portion in this chapter satirizes the white man subtly? The part where the design of the chairs in the auditorium, wherein the white man was subtly regarded as someone who always smoke. Is there any passage which tickles you to laughter? Yes, the part where Amadis sponsors go out of there way just to give Amadi the letter he needed so he could take medicine and the fact that he had alredy started attending classes on medicine even though his application was not approved yet. Do you find any situation ironical? Yes Support your view. Whats ironical is that after all the efforts he has done, the school still did not grant him what he was pleading for and also the fact that he was given the chance to be on a History course but didnt take a qualifying exam for it plus him being in the same class with the girl who caught his attention on the orientation program.

2. Pick a proverb in the selection. The chicken can never forget the person who plucks the feathers of its tail during rainy seaon. Paraphrase: One who is greatly remembered is one who stood by a persons side even in the hardest times. Philippine proverb: A person who does not know how to look back wont be able to reach his desired destination. Someones success depends on how much he perseveres. 3. Do you find any parallelism or contrast between African educational system and that of the Philippines. Yes, like the fact that someone has to pass a qualifying exam just to take a course, that one has to maintain his grades if he wants to pass school and also the reality that education nowadays seems impossible to attain by the poor because of the high costs it demand. 4. Compare you introduction to collegial life with that of Amadi. College life is simply a continuation of my high school, only its harder and there are many obstacles on the way some even would affect you for a lifetime, but if I were to describe my first day in college it wont be far from what Amadi felt, the feeling of excitement, wonder and fear combined. 5. Pinpoint the elements of a story that are present from his exposition to the denouement or falling action. There is the theme, which pertains to college life; the introduction of the main characters led by Amadi, the conflict was also introduced and there was definite conclusion on the chapter.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #10 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Coffee for the Road Author: Alex La Guma 1. Pick out the figurative language used by the author. Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language. Ive noticed a lot of it in the selection, the following are some of these: o The land, going south, was scattered with scrub and thorn bushes, like a vast unswept caret. o Domino-shaped structures along a brown slope. o The landscape ripped by, like a film being run backwards. o The sun was a coppery smear in the flat blue sky, end in the countryside, scorched yellow and brown, like an immense slice of toast, quivered and danced in the haze. o The miles purred and growled and hummed past: flat country and dustcolored koppies, the baked clay dongas and low ridges of hills. o A shepherds hut, lonely as a lost soul, crouched against the shale-covered side of a flat hill. o The glare of the sun quivered and quaked as if the air was boiling. o Watched over by a man like a scarecrow. o The sun danced and jiggled like a midday ghost across the expressionless earth. o It looks like a face. o The flat blue sky danced and wavered and the parched, scrub-strewn scenery stretched away round them in yellow glance of the sun.

2. Analyze the significance of La Gumas long exposition. What could be his intention in his impressive verbal array of places and people? The long exposition is very important in establishing and drawing the identity of the story. It gives the readers a chance to have a clear picture of the setting of the story; it also stirs the imagination of the readers in imaging the place and people connected to the story. 3. What triggered the complication of the story? The thirst for coffee and the discrimination towards the black people specifically the incident on how the lady from the caf treated the mother. 4. Does the story contain immediacy? Yes, the story was short and does not go on for days; it revolves only at a specific time and place. 5. Is there an interpretation of plot and character in this narrative? Yes, the authorupon deciding the plot of the story, has a clear goal in writing, it is to expose the discrimination and racial prejudice drawn upon black people by the white people, he wants to open the eyes on many on the inequality in the treatment to white people and black people. It is clearly emphasized that in the story, black are the oppressed and white are the oppressors.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #11 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: A Day Off Author: Anthony M. Hokororo

What spurred Zale to take a day off from home, housekeeping and husband Abdu? Because of an article that she read and the feeling that she was on grooves. Did the author in his presentation of this motivation follow the sequential order of events? Yes, the author effectively explained in his exposition why the wifes character is encouraged to take a day-off.

2. Trace the activities of Zale after she left her house that morning till her return on the

3:45 train. i. She went to the station to buy a ticket train. ii. Rode the train and read for the fourth time the article from drum. iii. At 10 oclock the train stopped, Zale arrived at her destination. iv. She walked among the crowd across Acacia Avenue to Kiriakoo. v. She met an elderly man. vi. She was accompanied by her new acquaintance to the cathedral. vii. Both went to the Rainbow Hotel where they talked over dessert and coffee. viii. They went out of the hotel, and Zale bid her newly found friend goodbye. ix. She went to the barber shop and cut her hair. x. She rode the 3:45 train. xi. She arrived home.
3. Show the parallelism between the married lives of Zale and Richard. Observe how the

institution of marriage works in the lives of Filipinos and comment on it. Both of them are experiencing a hard time in their marriage, but; in a different way, Zale in the sense that she feels her husband is slowly accepting the routine that they have in the house and Richard, the fact that his wife had just met an accident. 4. Explain in your word: Beauty hasnt anything to do with time; a great deal can be crowded into a small space. It only means that the true essence of beauty doesnt solely pertains to the physical aspect, beauty on the physical side fades through time but the beauty within transcends through time. 5. Do you think the denouement fits the tension, earlier mounting, in the story? Why? The denouement was perfectly well thought off, it gives the right conclusion on the story, it relieves the tension that was going on at the beginning of the selection, the feeling of anxiety of Zale was given the perfect solution, and that is the realization that her husband really notices her and gives her importance.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #12 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Pot-Smoking (From The Bitter Mulberry) Author: Muhammad al-Arusi al-Matwi 1. How important is the Shaikh in the unfolding of events in this selection? Would his absence in the setting affect the flow of narration? Why? The Shaikh is so important, because his presence at the beginning of the selection gives the right opening; the atmosphere of the story was introduced as well as the setting. 2. Although the novelist does not directly describe the sisters, how can the reader know their personal traits? It will be noted that Mabruka is the serious type and that she is the kind of sister who would always look after her little sisters well-being while Aisha is a little bit immature, she is more carefree and displays the trait of almost all of the youth curiosity. 3. What harm did smoking takturi do to Abdalla? Enumerate ills of drugs to those addicted to them and to society. Explain what the Philippine government has been doing in the eradication of this vice. What punishments are meted these days to Filipinos who are convicted of being drug lords, drug pushers or drug users? Abdalla temporarily lost his reason and ate the raw meat which is extremely bizarre and unhealthy. Harms of drugs to the addicted: o Death due to respiratory arrest. o Can lead to serious mental changes (psychoses) like insanity, suicidal and/or homicidal tendencies. o Poor impulse control. o Damage to chromosomes, hence, affecting potentially the offspring. o Impairs the brain, eyes, heart, lungs, reproductive organ and immune system. Bad effects of drugs to society; o Drugs and alcohol is one way of not meeting and solving the problems of life. When people do not solve their problems, society will work less well. o Drugs and alcohol can cause effects like illnesses, which can be expensive for society to cure, for example lung cancer caused by cigarette smoking, mental illness like psychoses or neurological illnesses. o Use of alcohol or narcotics during pregnancy will increase the likelihood of children with bad school results and, when grown up, unemployed. o The high costs of narcotics abuse can cause economic catastrophe for the addict.

o The high costs often cause other criminality, which causes extensive damage. o Alcohol and drugs can make people behave in unsafe, irresponsible and aggressive way, and are therefore forbidden in combination with driving motorcars, ships, etc. o Medicines prescribed by medical doctors can make life easier to live and prevent crime. This is true, also for narcotics like Methadon to people who already are heroin addicts. These medicines are similar to Heroin, but do not prevent the user from work. They do however have side effects, for example sexual problems. 4. Comment on the dialogue on this selection. The dialogue in the selection was fixed in a way that the readers would easily understand the selection, Aishas way of retelling the story that she heard from her friend was very straight forward making it easy to comprehend. Mabrukas dialogue also suited her character as the older sister, very serious and curios about her little sisters whereabouts. 5. Pot-Smoking has a capsule-size story-within-a-story. Relate it. How can it be embedded in the plot: without the use of actual story-retelling? Think of other stories you have read containing a size story-within-a-story and analyze the manner used by the writer in its intercalation. How can spontaneity rule over contrivance in this aspect? The real story of the Pot-Smoking was actually told in the dialogue between Aisha and Mabruka, it can be embedded in the plot through narrating the things that Aisha was doing before she was seen by her older sister. There are many other stories whose author used this kind of technique and based from what I read Ive noticed that this method was proven effective because an author can easily relate to the readers some of the things that his characters have experienced and it also gives clarifications in some of the events in the story.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #13 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Rabindranath Tagore Author: Niyamat Hussain 7) Why is the poem entitled Rabindranath Tagore? The poem is entitled Rabindranath Tagore because the poem speaks of extreme love and devotion to the Bengali language and since Tagore is known for his artistic use of the language in literature, the author had used him somehow as a symbol, he represents Bengals literature, the poem is also a form of tribute to Tagore. 8) What does the line We respect the memories of Shakespeare, Dante and Tolstoi signify? Being a poet, he gives outmost respect to well-known English writers or westerners, he also gives credits to their works and accomplishments, however his loyalty remains on his fellow Bengali writer, he patronizes his countries own literary works. 9) Reread the history of Bangladesh for a better understanding of the language movement of 1952. How does it relate to this poem? At this particular period, due to the widespread colonization, Bangladesh also experienced infiltration in its culture, it gave numerous effects on their language both in a bad and a good way. This relate to the poem because you can see here the authors firm stand as an advocate and lover of his own language. 10) How does the poets love for this language affect his daily life? His love for his own language affected his life in a good way since he was able to compose an amazing and heartfelt poem such as this, he is also living with great nationalism, giving the love and respect that his language deserves, it may also give him a sense of fulfilment since the best way to show your love to your nation is to never grow tired of using its language, because every language is unique on so is every country. 11) Define language. What is the relation between man and language? Man and country? Explain Rizals quotation: Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika ay higit pa sa hayop at malansang isda? Language is a system of communication that enables man to cooperate. The relation between man and language is that man is able to express his thoughts and opinions through language. A country having its own language makes is it different from all other countries in the world, a country which has its own language is something that its citizens can be proud of. The quotation simply implies that every person should love his own language, because its what makes you as a human being and a citizen of a nation, you should show respect to your native language by using it.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #14 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: The Green Barbet Author: U.E Maung 1) What is the counterpart of a barbet in the Philippines? This bird is used by the professor-poet to reveal some tenets of Buddhism and his philosophical musings. Point them out. The counterpart of the green barbet in the Philippines are probably those people who are fortunate enough to live on a life where money is not a problem, I say so because of the description of the bird in this poem. Worshipping a pagoda of the exalted one, aiming to the destination of achieved nirvana and the different kind of discipline with reference to abstention from evil. 2) To the virtuous man worshiping a Pagoda of the Exalted One, what is his concept of human existence? That human beings are living contradictory to the will of God, that sometimes people forget the importance of praise and giving time to God in praying. That people exists because we are loved by God and therefore we must give our thanks through praying for him. 3) Why do lovers believe that love is more extraordinary and refreshing that the moon or sandalwood? Because the most beautiful thing to experience in the world is love, and no other thing nor entity can replace that. 4) Is this poem concerned primarily at moralizing? How does the poet poeticize the barbet? In what ways does he present his country to the reader? Yes, the poem concerns itself with moralizing, you can decipher in the poem the teachings and messages that came from Buddhism. The poet uses description and figurative language to express underlying message in the poem. He presents his country through the details that he used in the poem. 5) Read up on Buddhism. Study its beginnings. Name the Buddhist countries in the world. What makes Buddhism different from all other religions? Among the Buddhist countries in the world that I know are Japan, China, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia. In these countries, people show extreme faith on their religion, they have practices that are far different from Christian nations, and you can see that they greatly uphold the ideals of their religion. Buddhism is very different on other religions in ways that it has certain practices that other religions dont have, they have certain beliefs like attaining nirvana, cleansing rituals and reincarnation. It is a religion unique in its own way.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #15 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Parting Author: Walujati 1) Compare the two poems as to content and style. These two poems both express a melancholic idea. In content sadness is evident but each has its own message and uniqueness. 2) Show how Walujati and Chairil Anwar use the flower-symbol. The flower symbol was exploited beautifully on both of the poems, each author used his own style of writing that made the two poems almost a twin but very different. An example is the ff. line: You bright flowers Red roses, white jasmine Blood and holiness. And spread them in front of me With decisive look! For you. Together we braid flowers Into a delicate, fragrant bouquet, Returning home, happy As the red ball drops down from the sky. 3) Give the dominant mood of each poem. The dominant mood of each of the poem is a mixture of happiness and sadness, the character in each of the poem began to feel certain joy at the beginning but fell into a sad paranoia in the end. 4) Which poem expresses a world of undertones behind its simple language? For me, Parting is the poem that expressed different undertones, although it was written through simple words it conveyed a lot of emotions or feelings, its a moody poem. 5) Do the poems contain universality in idea? Why? Yes, the poem contained universality in the sense that both of the author used flower to symbolize a particular idea. Both of the poems conveyed emotions of gaining and loosing something, it also teaches us the lesson that sometimes we have to accept that some things are not meant to be ours and that we should learn to let go. 6) Comment on the last stanzas of the two poems. What do they imply? The last stanzas of the two poems is similar because they express one single emotion, the feeling of loss is evident in here because the characters in the poem is like expressing their goodbyes.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #16 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature)

Title: Three Tankas and Three Haikus

1) After reading the three tankas, what generalizations do you arrive at regarding their subject matter? After reading the three tankas Ive realized that they speak mostly about the truths and lessons about life, that even in their simple construction they hide a deep and complex meaning Ive also noticed that the authors give readers vivid descriptions on what they saw or experienced. 2) Do you find any parallelism or similarity between the haikus of Basho and Hara Sekitei and the tanka of Ito Sachio? Support your answer. Although the haikus of Basho and Hara Sekitei and the tanka of Ito Sachio shows uniqueness and possesses distinct qualities, still one can see the similarity in them, its the fact that the authors have made use of elements in nature to give to the readers their message, the structures of the haikus and tanka is also similar in terms of the point of view, I thought that the authors just jotted down the things that they saw and felt. 3) Read further on the structure and form of the haiku. Study the relationship between the lines. Comment on Takashis haiku. What is its contextual meaning? A haiku is not the typical poem, one has to be very precise of his description and pays close attention to his surroundings so that he can give his readers the exact picture of what he is trying to convey in his work.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #17 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: From the Sea to Children Author: Choe Nam-son 1) Consider Choes poem. Do you find it pragmatic in context? Why? Is there an addresser? An addressee? Yes, because the speaker effectively finds a way to engage people to have relation with each other. The poem is very practical in the sense that it is very straightforward and once you read it you can have the impression that this is somethings that someone is saying to another person. There is definitely an addresser because there is a visible speaker in the poem, the speaker is the one who is reciting the message in the poem. If there is an addresser then there is an addressee, the addressee in the poem although not directly stated are the citizens of a particular country, this is becomes clear at the end on the poem. 2) What is the general attitude of Choe? What tone does he use? What attitude is the reader expected to take? The attitude being displayed by Choe is one which is strong and has already experienced many hardships that he was able to overcome; he is not one who is fearful or afraid. He the tone of a person who has risen from the ashes. The reader is expected to have an attitude that makes him realize that it is important to be strong to overcome lifes challenges, it is also important that he brings out the essence of nationalism. 3) How is the poets use of figurative language in From the Sea to Children? Justify his appointed appositive to Napoeleon. At first you wouldnt quite understand the poem but if you decipher the symbolisms and figures of speech youll find the beauty of the poem. His appositive to Napoleon is well-thought off; the fact that he has used one of historys most famous figures adds appeal to the poem. 4) Prove that this is a poem in free verse form. Is there a difference between free verse and poetic prose? It is in free verse because the author is able to effectively convey what he wants to say through the use of the language in a way that he is comfortable with, unlike when one is using the poetic prose, one has to be very restricted because he thinks about the number of the lines, the syllables and the stanzas. And some other important elements. 5) Does the first stanza provide an effective introduction to Choes poem? What do you think of the final lines? Do they help define the meaning of the poem? Yes, because the first stanza is already powerful and catchy, it encourages the reader to read on. The final lines are full of love and care, yes they help define the true essence of the poem because it serves as a message, a reminder and a conclusion.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #18 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Flower in a Classic Whisper Author: Chon-Pong-gon

1) In form and content, Flower in a Classic Whisper is a modern poem. Does this poem awaken in you a certain feeling, a certain mood? Or, does it appeal to your mind? Read more about the characteristics of present-day poetry. At first the poem was like a love poem, the words were so artistic I cant help but admire the poet, but I was even more amazed when I started to analyze it line by line, it really is something worth reading. 2) What is the underlying philosophy of Chon-Pong-gons poem? What lies behind its title? The poem speaks of something that has been the dream of someone through the years, the hope for peace. When you read its title youll be thrown in a deep thought where you will ask what is the author trying to say in his work, what is really the message of the poem? 3) Poeticizing is rendering more beautiful something that already is. What is the poet poeticizing in this work? The poet is poetizing hope for peace, we all know that during those years of endless wars and battles peace is something that everyone is hoping for, peace is beautiful because, when there is peace, everyone is free, everyone has the chance to live every day without fear that their lives would end, and since peace those days is something that is regarded as unattainable, the poet was able to perfectly describe his meaning of peace. 4) Attempt to analyze this poems literary value. The poem ha great literary value because it combines the simple use of words and the complex use of figurative language, to be able to understand and decipher its meaning one must be patient and keen enough to observe how the author use description of the things being said and how he has expressed his sentiments on a particular part of the poem. 5) Paraphrase: Have you ever seen endless youth? At such time, you are a leaf on a root, a fruit on a leaf, and a root on a fruit. Have you ever seen so many children and happy people? In that time, you have already child and you were given the chance to see your childs child.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #19 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Danak-Bunga Beach, Zambales Author: Cirilo F. Bautista

1) Comment on the craw and the crab images that Bautista uses to convey the mood on his first poem. This pertains to the symbolisms that Bautista used on the women in the Zambales, on how they sacrifice their flesh to survive poverty, and how some women are so fascinated by foreigners to the point that they sell themselves, it also points out the outcome of their actions and that is have many fatherless children that look exactly like the ones that have gone to that place, and how those children reminds them of the things that they have resort to just to have money. It helped in conveying the mood of shame and disbelief; it also gives the reader the feeling of being sorry to those people.

2) In this poem, the poet is alliterative and iterative. How do these figurative devices, among others, help bring about his intention? Bautista is a true poet having done this great poem, his intention message within the poem is clearly disseminated because of his artistic yet simple use of language, although he has many figures of speech, he still is easy to understand because of his hints inside the stanzas, he makes sure that his readers have guide so that they would not get lost in interpreting the poem.

3) Can you distil from his lines what you expected from the title? Yes, the title is fit to the message of the poem, because it gives already the overview or specifically the setting of the poem.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #20 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: Till Hearts End Author: Chayasi Sunthonpipit

1) How does the poet express his faith in Buddhism? The poet was able to express his faith in Buddhism through his words telling that he will carry out and live Buddhas divine law until his hearts end, as long as he is still living and even after death he will still live with Buddha. 2) What passage point out his steadfast grasp of own belief as pitted against the weaknesses of the outside world? This clear light inside me Pushes the wild, heavy night back It will never flicker, it can never change Neither pain nor sorrow can reach it. 3) Show the poets facility in manipulating contrastive ideas and images for effect. Though the sky splits and crackles. Drops no gentle music. Though a roosters hurried cackle jars my ears, And a frightened dog goes whimpering up and down. 4) Explain this line: Men living like men. This means that men has never change throughout the years, he still does his bad deeds. He does not change, he continues to live in a life where his actions are not well-thought of, and they live away from the teaching of God. 5) Are there figures of speech in the poem? If there, name them. Yes there are figures of speech in the poem, here are some of them: Hanging golden and clear over all the world, men living like men Of the most precious words ever written Words like drops from heaven. Falling like wisdom, strength, peach, beauty, Into my waiting heart. (A simile) My mind glows And a frightened dog goes whimpering up and down. The earth swings in circles.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #21 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: The Song on Human Action Author: Saraha

1) Point out the similes found in the stanzas and interpret them. So like the sky, the sea remain This means that both the sky and the sea share a characteristic, they are similar in a way that both of them are vast and constant. To a fly that likes the smell of putrid This means that the smell of a fly in compared to that of a putrid. Like salt sea water that turns The comparison of salt sea water to something in the poem.

2) Know the meaning of the following terms: Nirvana, Samsara, sentient, ineffable, encompassing, thingness, sensual. Nirvana refers to the state of suffering after an often lengthy of committed spiritual practice. Samsara literally means continuous flow. It refer to the cycle of birth, life, death, rebirth or reincarnation. Sentient, it is the ability to feel, perceive or be conscious or to have subjective experiences, it also pertains to the ability to have sensations. Ineffable- too scared for utterance Encompassing- including or constituting Thingness- quality on state of objective existence or reality. Sensual- relates to the gratification of the senses in the indulgence of appetite.

3) In the following passage, distinguish between pictorial and emotional meanings: To fly that likes smell of putrid/Meat the fragrance of sandalwood is foul. PICTORIAL: To a fly that likes the smell of putrid. EMOTIONAL: Meat the fragrance of sandalwood is foul. 4) Know the meaning of the following verbs and use them in sentences: squint, delude, stimulate, discard, and covet.

Squint- looking obliquely; have distorted vision. He had a squinty look when he bumped his head. Delude- to cause to believe what is untrue. Ana was deluded into believing the lies that Jose has said. Stimulate- to give life, vigor or spirit The energy drink stimulated his senses. Discard- something separated from the group, to not include They discarded the assistants idea in the board meeting. Covet- to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy The dancers coveted that they win.

5) Do you agree with this line: Beasts do not understand the world to be a sorry place? Support your answer. Yes, I totally agree, a person who does not care about others can be compared to a beast, he doesnt show compassion and only cares about himself, he only focuses on the betterment of his own life.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #22 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: The Odes Author: Hafiz 1) How does Hafiz string together the descriptive elements to create unified central image? What images illustrates the abstract concept of this ode. Hafiz put together different descriptive elements to some up with a central image by conveying in the ode how the religious fanatics speak of fake flowery words. The ode brings out Hafizs feeling because of the fanatics not believing his philosophy because it is against the religion. 2) What is the mood of this ode? Point out the words/passages that help bring about this mood. The mood of the ode is hopelessness and uncertainty, these are the passages that bring about this mood: If you have the patience of Noah in troubles flood, you may turn away calamity. AND How can I conceal what they would celebrate? Hafiz, do not give up what you desire, for what you love, leave the world, forsake it. 3) Cite the poets philosophy in the life that is mirrored in the first ode? In the second ode, Hafiz pours out his personal qualities dramatically. What are they? What kind of man was he? What bearing, if any, on your answer to the last passage.. All of us have different beliefs or religion and its not right that we judge other peoples practices in their religion just so because its wrong based on our own belief. We should have respect and understand that, that is their way of showing God their love and praise. In the second ode he dramatically expresses himself on how he becomes hopeless and useless because of his works. He also felt that no one was supporting him. In the last passage it is understood there how Hafiz has regained his composure and firmly conveyed he will not give up and fight for what he loves despite the hindrances. 4) Read Omar Khayyams Rubaiyat. There are words, catch phrases and expressions in Odes w/c are also mentioned in Rubaiyat: List them down. These are the words and phrases that are also mentioned in Rubaiyat: Fill the cup Bowl Drink

Wine East 5) Explain fully what is meant by carpe diem. It means that one must live his life to the fullest. That he should make most out of the day and live it happily to satisfy himself. One must be optimistic to the future and never give up hope, for those who have faith is subjected into a life of happiness.

Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A Output #23 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature) Title: The Sense of the Beautiful Author: Jose P. Rizal 1) Rizal wrote The Sense of the Beautiful as an artist. It transmits to us that beauty isnt just on the eye of the beholder but also in the mind of an art lover. The real meaning of beauty is priceless and can just be found around. We only learn to appreciate it and get connected to it. That is the essence of our existence. 2) Yes, the use of figurative language became helpful to illustrate lifes beauty secrets and those are evident in nature. Such literary devices became essential in adding colourful touch to mans imaginative reproductions with reference to Gods given gifts of nature.

3) Men invented the fine arts to give form and express his sentiments and created objects which created sentimental values thus became symbolic through the expertise of their hands and imaginations. Music is the first art that was born as a form of self-expression sparkling of emotion through sounds. 4) The essay is not so easy to understand because it tackled about mans greatest passion to his artistic inclinations. The most difficult subject to understand is an art form, for me artists created it not just for external appreciation but beyond that there is a deep reason, a hidden message or symbol a lover of art should discover. In that aspect, his sensitivity is raised.

5) Rizal regarded painting an art that gives man the right to call himself the image and likeness of God, it is because man can produce through his imagination scenes and images which God created Himself. Man can illustrate his thoughts and sentiments subjected to highest form of interpretation and understanding in an aesthetic manner.

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