WLFringe Fire ProtectionPP

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Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Meeting

Meeting Agenda
Welcome and Overview Technical Presentation Open Forum

Residential Tax Rates - $'s per $100,000 of assessed value

Taxes Paid in 2011

Agreement between the Province and the City of Williams Lake

Local Area H $ 199

Agreement(s) between the CRD and the City of Williams Lake Williams Lake Fringe Phase l Williams Lake Fringe Phase ll $ $ 102 191

Estimated for City of Williams Lake Residential Taxpayers City of Williams Lake $ 74

Average Fire Protection Service Agreements in the CRD

$100,000 of residential assessment

Average cost of Fire Protection Services by CRD Fire Departments Average cost of Fire Protection Services under agreements with the District of 100 Mile House, City of Quesnel and the District of Wells



Current Rate for Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Service

The City has offered a new financial formula if all affected properties remain in the existing Williams Lake Fire Protection Boundaries. Cost Allocation based on Total Assessed Values

Approximately $130 per $100,000 of residential assessment

Current Costs for 150 Mile House and Wildwood Fire Protection
Residential Tax Rate - $ per $100,000 of assessed value
Taxpayers able to access fire protection services from 150 Mile or Wildwood Volunteer Fire Departments Current Cost of Fire Protection Services (budget 2012)

150 Mile VFD

Wildwood VFD



Remaining tax payers would have the option to continue to receive service from the Williams Lake VFD WLFD Cost Allocation based on Total Assessed Values $140 per $100,000

or have no fire protection service

or start a new service at an estimated cost of: approximately $ 100 per $100,000

We Need to Hear From You!

Surveys will be available on the tables by the back doors. Please pick up a copy and return it completed to your electoral Area Director or the CRD office; Cariboo Regional District 180 D North Third Avenue Williams Lake, BC V2G 2A4 The Survey will also be available on the CRD website tomorrow morning at www.cariboord.bc.ca or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/caribooregion


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