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Sign onto CA7 with id of ISMSXX and a password of ACS /LOGON ISMSXX,ACS Display the jobs in the request ready and active queues LQ Display job information from the database - jobname is ISMSTOTC LJOB,JOB=ISMSTOTC,LIST=ALL Display a last run of a job. Job name is ISMSACS LPRRN,JOB=ISMSACS Check job flow for SMFDAILY SCHID=1 FSTRUC,JOB=SMFDAILY,SCHID=1 Display the JCL for job ISMSDALY LJCL,JOB=ISMSDALY Display jobs in request and ready queue with update access XQ Forecast jobs to run in CA7 for a 24 hr period. The time frame you are forecasting starts 1/1 FJOB,JOB=*,FROM=0101,SPAN=24 Demand job ISMSVTOC DEMAND,JOB=ISMSVTOC Cancel job #1359 CANCEL,JOB=1359 Display the JCL libraries /DISPLAY,ST=JCL Display what calendars there are defined /DISPLAY,FM=SCAL Bring in job ISMSWKLY on hold DEMANDH,JOB=ISMSWKLY Logoff CA7 /LOGOFF

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