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Personal Narrative = A detailed story about a personal experience, ending with an explanation of what you learned from the

experience. ***Begin your narrative in an interesting way to draw in your audience. Make sure you let your audience know when and where your story takes place and what the focus of your story is. You will chose between 3 possible topics for this essay: First possible topic: Personal Influences Write about a person who has greatly influenced you. What did they do that was so influential that it made such an impression on you? Something you will always remember. Here are some ideas: -parents -grandparents -special aunt or uncle -friend -sibling Second possible topic: Decision/Challenge/Obstacle Write about a decision you had to make, or a challenge/obstacle that you faced. Here are some examples: -cheating on a test -whether or not to please/disappoint your parents -scuba diving (but nervous in water) Or Third possible topic: Moment of Reform/Outlook Write about a moment in your life when you decided to reform, to adopt a whole new outlook. Here are some examples: hung out with a negative crowd changed group of friends admitting that you aren't good at something and turning it around to a new hobby, etc. ***Your goal is to recreate your experience with such detail that your reader feels as if he or she is there watching it unfold. After you tell your story, remember to reflect on your experience, and explain what you learned from the experience.

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