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Viewing Guide Rubric

Your questions were well formulated and demonstrate that you were thinking of the big picture. Your pictures and words do a fabulous job of showing me what you were thinking. I can see inside your mind! Wow! Your response is well worded and well thought out. I can really tell what you thought about after you viewed these videos. Comments

Only one of your questions were well formulated and demonstrated that you were thinking of the big picture. Your pictures and words give me a glimpse of what you were thinking.

Your questions were not that well formulated or do not show that you were thinking of the big picture. Your pictures and words are minimal and therefore dont really show me what you were thinking. You have a response, but Im not really sure what youre trying to say. Most of your writing is hard to understand.

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Before viewing

During viewing

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After viewing

Your response is pretty good. Some of it might be a little sparse or confusing.

This section was blank. Did you forget to do it?

Overall Mark


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