Grade: 4 Unit: Key Learning: The Characteristics of Data Sets and Their Various Representations Allow You To Analyze and Interpret Data

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Grade: 4

Unit: 2 Describing the Shape of Data (Data Analysis)

Student Learning Map

Key Learning: The characteristics of data sets and their various representations allow you to analyze and interpret data. The probability of an event can be used to predict the probability of future events.

Unit Essential Question: How can we use characteristics and representations of data sets to analyze and interpret data? How can probability help us predict future events?



Concept: For enrichment:


Data Characteristics & Representations

Lesson Essential Questions:
How can data be organized and represented? How do the characteristics help us to describe data?

Analyzing & Comparing Data

Lesson Essential Questions:
What information can be gathered from analyzing two data sets? What conclusions can we draw by analyzing two data sets?


Lesson Essential Questions:

How can we describe and represent the probability of an event occurring? How can we predict the probability of an event through multiple trials?

Lesson Essential Questions:

What does it mean to create a convincing argument? What is the value of making mistakes in math class? What does it mean to persevere while problem-solving?
Data, Line plot, Bar graph, Range, Outlier, Median, Representation, Typical, Atypical

Numerical data, Survey, Conclusion, Value

Possible/Impossible, Certain/ Uncertain, Less likely/ Equally likely/ More likely, Probability, Likelihood line


Additional Information & Resources:

Math Practice #8: Look for and express regularity and repeated reasoning. (Probability) Math Practice #3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. (Drawing the conclusions and comparing the data sets.) Math Practice #6: Attend to precision. (Develop arguments based on the data.)

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