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WH Question

WH Question adalah pertanyaan yang menanyakan informasi dengan menggunakan Question Words (kata tanya). Sering disebut dengan Wh-question karena semua kata tanya diawali dengan Wh-, kecuali How. Yang termasuk Question Words (QW) adalah: What, Who, Whom, Whose, Why, Where, When, Which dan How.
Pola umum: QW + aux + S + verb + Object/Complement ?

What (Apa)
Menanyakan nama benda, nama orang atau jenis profesi.
Rumus : What + Auxiliary Verb + S + O / C Contoh: ~ What is that? That is an apple. ~ What are you? I am a Lecturer. ~ What is your name? My name is Mey.

Who (Siapa)
Menanyakan orang sebagai pelaku/subject.
Rumus : Who + verb + O ? atau Who + to be + S ? Contoh: ~ Who are you? I am M. Ansyori. ~ Who writes the letter? Martin does. ~ Who is very beautiful? Maisari is very beautiful.

Whom (Siapa)
Menanyakan orang sebagai object.
Rumus : Whom + Auxiliary Verb + S + O / C Contoh: Whom do you meet? I meet Inul Daratista. Whom is she looking for? She is looking for Brian Safina.

Whose (milik siapa)

Menanyakan pemilik suatu benda.
Rumus : Whose + noun + auxiliary Verb + S + O / C Contoh: ~ Whose bag is this? This is my bag. ~ Whose sister is the girl? She is my sister.

Why (mengapa)
Menanyakan alasan atau penyebab terjadinya sesuatu.
Rumus : Why + Auxiliary Verb + S + O / C Contoh: ~ Why do you come late? Because I missed the bus this morning. ~ Why is Mrs. Julia very healthy? Because she does sport every morning. ~ Why do you love me? Because you are very Romantic

Where (di mana)

Menanyakan tempat atau tujuan
Rumus : Where + auxiliary Verb + S + O / C

Contoh: ~ Where does Alicia study? She studies in SMPN 03 Wonogiri. ~ Where do you go every day? I go to school every day. ~ Where is the library? The library is beside the hall.

When (kapan)
Menanyakan waktu.
Rumus : When + Auxiliary Verb + S + O / C

Contoh: ~ When does Alfian get up? He gets up at five oclock every morning. ~ When did you go to Eromoko? I go to Eromoko last week. ~ When do you go to school? I go to school at 06.30.

Which (yang mana)

Menanyakann pilihan.
Rumus : Which + Auxiliary Verb + S + O / C Contoh: ~ Which is your car? My car is the red one. ~ Which is his sister? His sister is the girl in blue jacket.

9. How (bagaimana)
Menanyakan kondisi atau keadaan.
Rumus : How + Auxiliary Verb + S + O / C Contoh: ~ How are you? Im fine. Thanks. ~ How is Reynas school? Her school is large and clean.

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