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AUT Co-op Research Survey

I invite you to participate in this survey to help me find out why the hospitality industry has a high rate of labour turnover. This research is part of my Cooperative project at AUT University. Your responses are both anonymous and confidential so no one will know your identity. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey Age: Gender: Male Female (Please circle your gender)

1) Have you ever worked in hospitality based job environment within the last 2 years? Yes (Go to question 2) No (End of Survey)


Have you ever worked in a caf? Yes No

3) Did you ever quit your job within that last 2 years? Yes (Go to question 3) No (End of Survey)

4) How many hours per week did you work?

5) Was the workload of your employment the main reason you left? Yes No

Please expand your answer

6) How satisfied were you with your work/life balance?

Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Moderate Satisfied Very Satisfied

Please expand your answer

7) How satisfied were you with your working hours?

Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Moderate Satisfied Very Satisfied

Please expand your answer

8) How fair was the pay you received reflecting on the amount of work load that you had to do?
Very Unfair Unfair Moderate Good Very Good

Please expand your answer


Did you have an official break during typical work shift?

1-2 Breaks 3-4 Breaks Or More (Please Specify)

Please expand your answer


Did you feel as though you have been treated fairly from your

employer in comparison to your fellow workers?

Very Unfair Unfair Moderate Good Very Good

Please expand your answer


Would you consider taking a job with a previous employer?

Yes No

Please expand your answer

Please comment on any other information that you would like to share relating to your work place.

Thank you for completing this survey

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