MP 2012-13 Mid Test Paper Final

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Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Mid-Semester Test, Acad.

Year-2012-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subject: -Microprocessor and Peripherals. Term: I Class: - T.E.(Shift II) Total Marks: [50] Date:- /09/12 Time: Q 1. Solve any Four questions.(4x5=20 marks).
1. The following program is run on 8085 microprocessor. Address Mnemonic 2000 LXI SP,1000H 2003 PUSH H 2004 PUSH D 2005 CALL 2050 2008 POP H 2009 HLT Give the contents of Program counter and Stack Pointer after the completion of execution of program. 2. How Signals like , , and Also generate the same signals using 74138. 3. Draw and Explain Flag register of 8085. 4. Differentiate between Memory Mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O 5. Draw and explain chip select circuit needed to have the address of memory mapped I/O as E700h 6. Explain with example following Instructions a. XTHL b. Push Rp can be generated using logic gates .

Q3. Solve Following questions.(3x10=30 marks).

1. What is an Interrupt? With Suitable internal block diagram explain interrupt structure of 8085.State the Vector address and triggering levels of all interrupt. 2. Write assembly Language program to demonstrate BCD to HEX and HEX to BCD Conversions.

3. Draw an Explain in brief Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor and explain in brief.

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