Book Bulletin #LH27

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Plot Device

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Book Bulletin #LH27

Rewrites of Chapter Two and Three
Tonight I made another change to Chapter Two which I think will tighten up the final scene and move the story into the next big thing that I have planned for the characters. Back when I wrote the original chapters two and three, I had something specific in mind, but when I dropped some key plot points I realized that I needed to make some changes or it wasnt going to work. There was originally going to be a doppelganger for Melinda, but as I thought about it I really didnt know where to go with this. I dont think that the characters should see Melinda until the moment that they find her. Im very excited about the mystery of what happened to Melinda. I think that the answer as to why Melinda was acting strangely and where she has gone will be very fulfilling, but wont be expected.

The Curse and Blessing of posting drafts on the Web

I have found it to be rather satisfying to be able to instantly post my work on the web for all to see, but also equally uncomfortable to then have to go back and make revisions. But, I think that this is all a part of the iterative nature of fiction writing. These are, after all, first drafts and the story cant progress without some tweaks here or there. After Chapter Three, I believe that I am going to slow down the release of the chapters from this book, so that I have a chance to polish things a little more before they are shared with the general public.

Thank you for Reading

Im seeing that Chapters One and Two have both been read around seventy or eighty times. I dont know who everyone is who is reading these chapters, but I just wanted to tell you thank you for checking out my work. This is the first attempt at writing long term fiction that Ive made in almost ten years. If you would like to stay in touch with the progress Im making on the novel, please visit its official blog at Plot Device on Wordpress. I will also be posting chapters on a Pressbooks site as they are completed. Ive started a fan page for Plot Device on Facebook, and Ill also be sharing chapters with members of the Read a story, Leave a Story group.You can also stay up to date with my progress by visiting the storys dashboard.

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