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Ques 1.(a)(i) Criteria Able to name P, Q and R. Answer: P : Mitochondrion Q : Rough endoplasmic reticulum R : Chloroplast Able to explain the function of organelle P in the plant. Sample Answer: P1: site of cellular respiration P2: to produce energy P3: (energy is needed )for photosynthesis/growth/transport of organic substances Any two Able to explain the effect to the plants growth if ribosome is lacking in Q. Sample answer P1: Plant growth rate slower /stunted / any suitable answer P2: less auxin P3: Cell elongates slower P4: less synthesis of proteins Any two Able to state the level of cell organization of part S. Answer: Organ Able to explain how the organ is build up Sample Answer: P1: The flower/ organ is build up of a group of different tissues P2 : epidermal tissues, ground tissues and vascular tissues P3 : to carry out several functions// any examples of function Any two Able to state which coloured parts of the leaf has more starch and explanation Answer Green coloured part Explanation Sample answer P1 : the green coloured part has more chloroplasts/chlorophyll P2 : can absorb more light energy P3 : higher rate of photosynthesis P4: more glucose produced/more starch stored Any one Total Mark 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12






Ques 2. (a)(i) Able to name stage S. Answer Metaphase


Mark 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Any two 2 1 1

(a) (ii)

Able to explain the chromosomal behaviour in stage S. Sample answer : P1: The spindle fibre holds on the centromere of the chromosomes (at both sides) P2 : The chromosomes are arranged / aligned at the equatorial plate / metaphase plate.

2. (b)

Able to arrange the stages of mitotic process in correct sequence. Answer: P, S, Q, R

2 .(c)

Able to explain the difference in condition at stage R and stage T. Sample answer : P1 ; Cleavage furrow form at Stage T in animal cell but not at Stage R in animal cell // Plat cell form at Stage R and not at Stage T P2 : membrane cell of the animal cell is very thin// cell wall is very thick. Able to explain how callus is formed Sample answer P1 : the leaf cells divide by mitosis P2 : forming a group of cells P3 : in suitable pH / temperature Any two Able to explain the characteristics of cloned plants formed. Sample answer P1: Clones are genetically identical to the parent cell P2 : no exchange of genetic materials P3: Clones have the same chromosomal number as the parent cell P4 : no reduction in the chromosomal number P5 : Clones easily get disease // shorter life span P6: Clones have the same body resistance against disease

2(d) i

2. (d)ii

2. (e)

Able to explain the characteristics of cells in zone X. Answer: P1: Zone X is the zone of cell division P2: consists of meristematic cell

P3: that divide actively / continuously P4: by mitosis. Any 2 Total

1 1 12

Ques 3(a)(i)

Criteria Able to label P and Q. Answer: P : Pectoral fin Q : Caudal fin / tail Able to explain the effect of the injury of Q on the movement of the fish. Sample answers P1: tail cannot beat ( left and right ) P2: Slower / no forward thrust P3: cannot propel forward P4: fish is unstable Any two Able to explain two adaptations of a fish to reduce water resistance when swimming. Sample answers: P1: (Fish) have streamline body shape (where the anterior of the fish is smooth and rounded) P2 : the body is long and tapers (towards the end) P3 : Body is covered with scales P4 :the scales are moist and slimy P5 :the scales are arranged pointing backward direction against water current ( to reduce water resistance) Any four Able to explain how muscles X help in movement Sample Answers P1: blocks of muscles / myotomes P2: act antagonistically P3: contraction of the myotomes (at one side of the vertebral column ) / relaxation of the myotomes (on the other side ) P4: cause the body to bend ( in direction of the contraction). P5 : the tail beats accordingly P6: produces a forward thrust /// propels the fish forwards Any two

Marks 2 1 1 2


1 1 1 1 4


1 1 1 1 1


1 1 1 1 1 1


Able to explain one similarity in adaptation between a fish and a bird in movement Sample answer P1 : Both have streamline body shape P2 : to reduce resistance in the habitat P3 : Both have strong muscles P4 : acts antagonistically// explanation P5 : for forward / upward thrust Any two Total 1 1 1 1 1


Ques 4(a) Able to name X and Y. Answer: P : Afferent ( neurone ) Q : Eferent ( neurone )


Mark 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 3


Able to explain how the effector response to the heat stimuli. Sample answer P1: nerve impulses are transmitted from efferent neurone to effector P2: effector /muscles contracts P3: pull away hand from the flame


Able to explain the effect of drinking excessive alcohol to the transmission of impulses between neurons. Sample answer: P1 : Alcohol is a depressant P2 : stops / reduce the release of neurotransmitter P3 : in the synapse P4 : slows down the transmission of nerve impulses( to the next neurone ) P5 : slows down the response action P6 : slows down the activity of the central nervous system Any three 1 1 1 1 1 1


Able to state two differences between the action in Diagram 4 and a a voluntary action such as walking action Sample answer P1 : Reflex action is controlled by spinal cord but voluntary action is controlled by cerebrum P2 : Reflex action cannot be controlled by will but voluntary action can be controlled by will 1 1


P3 : Reflex action occurs under unconscious control but voluntary action occurs under conscious control P4 : Reflex action is a very fast action, voluntary action is a slower action Any two Able to explain the importance of reflex action. Answer: E1 : to provide a rapid / automatic /spontaneous action E2 : to respond immediately to dangerous stimuli E3 : to protect from serious injury Any two Total

1 1 2 1 1 1 12

Ques 5(a)

Criteria Able to state the type of variation in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. Answer: Diagram 5.1 : Discontinuous variation Diagram 5.2 : Continuous variation 1 1

Mark 2


Able to state two differences between variation in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. Sample answer: Variation in Diagram 5.1 P1 The graph shows discrete distribution P2 The trait is controlled by genetic factor only The trait can be inherited Characteristic falls into distinct categories//the differences is very distinct Variation in Diagram 5.1 The graph shows normal distribution The trait is controlled by genetic and environment factors The trait cannot be inherited Characteristic shows a gradual change from one extreme to the next// the differences is not distinct Any two 1 1 1 1

P3 P4

5( c )

Able to explain one factor which caused the variation in Diagram 5.1

Sample answer P1 : Due to genetic factor P2: During meiosis P3 : crossing over (during prophase 1) P4 : random assortment of homologous chromosomes (during metaphase 1) P5 : random fertilization Any three Able to statet the most compatible blood donor for the man and able to state a reason Answer Blood group O

1 1 1 1 1 2 1

5( d )


Reason 1 P1 : Blood group O can only receive blood from blood group O 1 P2: because blood group O is universal donor P3 : has no antigen A or B in red blood cell and has antibody a and b 1 in blood plasma Any one Able to state three importance of variation in organism. Sample answer : P1 : better adaptation to the environment P2 : higher survivial rate P3 : have varieties 1 1 1

Ques 6.(a) (i)

Criteria Able to explain the graph of individual P. Sample answer P1: Individual P receives injections of serum // blood plasma without fibrinogen P2: that results in immediate immunity against a disease /rapid increase in concentration of antibody ( in the blood plasma ). P3: The concentration of antibody ( after the first injection ) will increase above the immunity level P4: (and sufficient) to provide immunity/ fight against the disease. P5: After a period of time, the immunity level drops below the immunity level. P6: The second injection is needed to fight against the disease if the person is still infected by the same disease. P7: After second injection, the immunity level will increase rapidly above the immunity level P8: Individual P acquired artificial passive immunity P9 :The immunity is not permanent / temporary // does not last long Any six 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Mark 6

6(a) (ii)

Able to explain the differences between the type of immunity acquired by individual P and Q. Sample answer P1: The type of immunity obtained/ acquired by P is Artificially( acquired ) passive immunity whereas the type of immunity obtained by Q is artificial ( acquired ) active immunity. P2: P is injected with serum, Q is injected with vaccine. P3 : Serum contain blood plasma without fibrinogen, vaccine contain dead/weakened pathogen P4: P will receive the immediate immunity against a disease whereas Q will not have the immediate immunity against a disease P5: No antibody will be produced in the body of P whereas there is a production of antibody in Q( by lymphocytes ) P6: For P, injection is given during an infection whereas for Q injection is given before the infection. P7: P is a way of treatment , Q is a way of prevention P8: Immunity obtained by P is short lasting / temporary whereas immunity obtained by Q is long lasting/ permanent 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

P9: After the first injection, the concentration of antibody in P will raise above the immunity level whereas the concentration of antibody in Q is below the immunity level. P10: For P, the second injection is needed to fight against disease ( after the concentration of antibody from the first injection drop below the immunity level ) whereas in Q the second injection is needed to boost up the production of antibody above the immunity level. 6(b) Any eight Able to explain why Y has higher possibility of getting a heart attack compared to X. Sample answer P1 : Artery of Individual Y shows narrower lumen P2 : deposition of plaques / cholesterol / fats / minerals / calcium // any suitable example P3 : at the inner wall of the artery P4 : ( The hard plaques/ deposition ) hardened the artery P5 : Artery unable to dilate P6: Blood flows at high pressure P7: (Platelet sticks to the plaques and )caused blood clot P8 : Blocked the oxygen to be flowing / transported to the heart P9 : less oxygen supplied to the heart ( tissues ) P10 :caused high risk of cardiovascular disease / atherosclerosis / arteriosclerosis./ heart attack / any suitable example Any six

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Ques 7 a(i) Able to explain process P Sample answer


Mark 6

P1: Diploid primordial germ cells divide by mitosis to form spermatogonium P2: Spermatogonium divides by mitosis to form primary spermatocytes P3 : Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis I to form secondary spermatocytes P4 :Secondary spermatocytes undergo meiosis II to form spermatids P5 :Spermatids are haploid P6 :Spermatids differentiate to form spermatozoa 7a(ii) Any six Able to state the similarities and differences between process P and process Q Sample answer Similarities P1 : Both processes P2 : Both processes P3 : Both processes P4 : Both processes P5 : Both processes Differences P6 : Process P / Spermatogenesis produces four spermatozoa (from a primordial germ cell) but process Q / oogenesis produces one ovum and three polar bodies . P8 : In spermatogenesis the product of meiosis I is two secondary spermatocytes but in oogenesis the product of meiosis I is one secondary oocyte and a polar body P9 : During meiosis II, in spermatogenesis ,every secondary spermatocyte divides to form two spermatids but in oogenesis secondary oocyte divides to form one ovum and a polar body P10 : Size of secondary oocyte formed is bigger in oogenesis compared to size of secondary oocyte formed during spermatogenesis Any eight involves mitosis and meiosis produced gametes begin with a diploid primordial germ cell occur in the reproductive organs produced haploid daughter cells

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1



Able to name the genetic disorder and to explain how it occurs Answer Down Syndrome Sample answer P1 : During meiosis P2 : the chromosomes fail to seperate P3 : spindle fibre did not form ( to attach itself to one of the homologues of chromosome number 21) P4 : chromosome number 21 and its homologue could not separate P5 : both chromosome 21 and its homologue are pulled into the same gamete P6 : the gamete now has an extra chromosome P7: when fertilization occurs, P8 :the zygote has 47 chromosomes P9: an extra chromosome at chromosome number 21 Any 5 Total

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Ques 8 (a)

Criteria Able to explain the energy flow in the food chain. Sample answer: P1: Aquatic plants convert solar energy into chemical energy P2: chemical energy stored in organic molecules during photosynthesis P3: when primary consumer/herbivore feeds on/consume the producer/aquatic plant P4: the energy in the plant is transferred to the primary consumer/herbivore P5: the energy is then transferred to the secondary consumer/carnivore P6 : not all energy in the food is transferred to the consumers P7 : some energy is lost during respiration/defecation /reproduction // 90% of the energy lost to the environment P8: 10% is converted into new tissue and storage material P9 : the last consumer receives the least energy P10 : the plant / producer receives the most energy Any four 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Marks 4


Able to explain the occurrences at year 1870 and 1950


Sample answer: Year 1870 P1: Colonization process occur P2: pioneer species colonises the newly formed pond P3: pioneer species/floating plant causes change in the pond P4: so that the environment in the pond is more favourable for other species P6 : Pioneer die, the remains accumulated at the base of the pond P7 : Decomposes by bacteria/fungi P8 : Soil more nutrients / more fertile P9 : The pond bank more shallower Any three Year 1950 P10: Succession occur P11: successor plant/emergent plant gradually replace floating plant P12: result in greater plants death that sink to the bottom of the pond P13: raising the pond bed/making the pond more shallow//water level in the pond decreases P14 : No longer favourable for the successor P15 : more favourable to the terrestrial plants 8(c) Any three Able to explain the importance of the activity to maintain a balanced ecosystem. Sample answer: P1: Tree planting activity P2: Tree as producer carry out photosynthesis P3: Produce glucose / organic food for the consumer P4: in food chain/food web P5: The roots of the trees hold the soil structure P6: avoid soil erosion/any suitable disaster P7: Trees is a natural water catchment area P8: Provides habitat // breeding places for organisms P9: Contributes to biodiversity of flora / fauna P10: Produce oxygen for respiration of organism P11: ensure a balanced in the carbon cycle P12: Source of major sources of food / traditional herbs / medicinal plants. P13: Trees carry out transpiration/water loss to the environment P14: Ensure a balance water cycle P15: Prevent the effect of global warming and climate change Any 10 Total No Criteria 20 Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 10



Able to explain why the offsprings are three black coloured wing and one pale coloured wing. P1: Parents genotype is Bb and Bb (any representative of alphabet are accepted) P2: during meiosis P3: each gamete receive allele B, b P4: during fertilization P5: zygote/offspring( genotypes ) are BB, Bb, Bb and bb P6: the zygote/offspring with( genotype ) BB is black coloured wing P7: because of the presence of two dominant allele P8: the zygote/offspring with ( genotype ) Bb is black coloured wing P9: because of the presence of one dominant allele P10: the zygote/offspring with ( genotype ) bb is pale coloured wing P11: because of the presence of two recessive allele P12: the presence of dominant allele in the zygote/offspring will express the trait / black coloured wing P13: homozygous dominant / heterozygous is black coloured wing P14: homozygous resessive is pale coloured wing Any 10 Able to explain why males have a higher probability to hemophilia compare to females Sample answer P1: Hemophilia is a sex linked disease P2: Hemophilia is caused by the presence of a recessive allele P3 : in the X chromosome P4: Recessive allele on X chromosome is represented by Xh P5. Male has only one X chromosome P6 . If the male has Xh P7 : the male has hemophilia P8.Female has two XX chromosomes P9. If the female has Xh X P10 : The female is normal , she is only a carrier P11 : The female has hemophilia if she has both Xh Xh Any 8 Able to state two ways how hemophilia can be avoided in a family Sample answer P1. By avoiding marriage of the cousin / close relatives who are carriers through a few generations P2. By avoiding marriage with the carrier female P3. By avoiding marriage with the person that has hemophilia Any 2 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



9 b. ii


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