The Customer S Revenge FINAL

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Presented by: Umashankar Joshi(131) Ruchi Gupta(132) Ravish Kapoor(133) Archana Madhu Kumar(134)

Flow of Presentation
Introduction to the case
Description of the problem Analysis of the problem from various dimensions

Solutions to the problem

The flip side Conclusion

Jim McIntire is the Vice President of customer service

at Atida Motor Company The Company is 70 year old Automobile manufacturer Better known for its innovative styling and better performance than for service Jim joined the Company a decade ago and changed the customer service operations The Company recently launched Andromeda XL and its sales were going strong

Hierarchy at Atida Motors

Changes in Customer Services

Comprehensive warranty on all its new vehicles
An Atida credit card rewarded customers with

accessories for their cars Returning customers received radio satellites Atida came up with a state of the art call centre in Bangalore

Problem faced by Atida

Atida is facing problems in dealing with unhappy

customers Jessica Long is unhappy with her car despite her car being replaced by the Company . She has even expressed concern over the quality of call centre service Tom is exasperated with the kind of service the Company offers and threats the company of making a nasty film about the company and upload it on youtube

The disgruntled customers are flooding the Companys CEO,

Paul Turms, mailbox with complaint letters and the service department has not taken any action yet Lisa Ross , head of customer communications , is not ready to accept the problem of customers whose complaints border on extortion . Marieke Kuesters , head of public relations, wants them to log a solution for every pronto .

Reasons for Being concerned

Jim recently saw a video on youtube about Angel

airlines and knows what negative impact internet can have on the peoples viewpoint . In customer satisfaction survey they have dropped down on the rankings These could result in drop of the sales of their newly launched Andromeda XL model

TARP (Technical Assistance Research Programs), a

U.S. group which focuses on complaining customers, found that 26 out of 27 people who experience problems do not complain. The average upset customer tells nine people. One in five tells more than 20 people. A brand that is known for 70 years may loose its sheen because of this negative publicity Because of lack of services they may lose business to rivals

Short term solutions

Cater to the customers who are currently facing

problems with their Atida Cars The CEO of the company should reply to Mr. Tom and Mrs. Jessica Lang and assure them that their problem will be looked into Dishonest customer s with fake complaints, must be dealt with in a positive yet stern manner.

Solutions to the problem

A change in the service policy is required to cater to

customers with issues beyond the boundaries of service department The customer care staff should be trained enough to handle calls related to all the issues Follow up is required to track whether the customer is satisfied after the issues with the car are being resolved

Implementation of solutions
The complain should be answered immediately with either the car being repaired within a specified period of time or being replaced
If the lower level management is not able to solve the problem the issue needs to be taken with upper level on priority basis Customers should be made aware of the problem that they are facing in their car and the probable reasons for it .

Implementation of solutions cont

Mapping of customer experience and complaints for each category of car to analyze the quality of the product
Train customer service representatives to handle technical and high profile calls In response to any online negative publicity initiated by an upset customer the company can upload a video justifying its stand .

The flip side

The changes in policy may set a bad precedent for

the customers . They may leverage on this to make all kinds of claims A dishonest customer may take advantage of these new policies and may bring in invalid complaints which will consume time and company resources Training the customer care staff will require more time and funds Introduction of new compensation programs will require investment

A complaint is a blessing in disguise as it helps the company to improve its product and services since many customers might do not bother to complain & thus may satisfying many other customers indirectly. At the same time dishonest customers should be identified and dealt with intelligently and should not be ignored .

Thank you

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