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This person co-ordinates the work of other managers and is responsible to the Board of Directors for the effective running of the organisation. Who is he? 1. Managing director 2. Head of director 3. Chairman of the board 4. General Manager a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 4 d. 1 and 4 (2 marks) 2. You want to pass an important message to another country. However, that count ry is 12 hours behind the time of your country. Which is the best way to send the massage ? a. Telephone b. Courier c. Video conferencing d. Electronic mail (2 marks) 3. Bill plc bought goods from our company recently. Information regarding this t ransaction can be found in which of the following database? a. Account receivable b. Account payable c. Purchase ledger d. Sales ledger (2 marks) 4. The following are ways to make sure information is accessible to authorised p ersonnel only? 1. Password control 2. Dedicated terminal 3. Database access control 4. Identification badge and PIN a. 1, 2 and 3 b. 1, 2 and 4 c. 1, 3 and 4 d. 2, 3 and 4 (2 marks) 5. a. b. c. d. (2 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. What is a system of assessing the performance of employees known as? Performance scheme Monitoring scheme Valuation scheme Appraisal scheme marks) How can a firm ensure health and safety at workplace? appoint fire and safety officer ensure employees are aware of safety procedures disregard evacuation procedures keep records of accidents 1, 2 and 3 1, 2 and 4 1, 3 and 4 2, 3 and 4

(2 marks) 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. (2 Which of the following are the advantages of centralisation? More flexibility for departments to determine method Sharing of resources Specialisation of local marketing Standardisation of work 1 and 2 2 and 3 2 and 4 3 and 4 marks)

8. The figures below show the average cost incurred by your organisation in prod ucing 100,000 widgets in each of the last six months. How can an accountant present these info rmation in a meeting? a. Present the figures shown as above b. Use a line graph c. Use flip chart d. Discuss in the meeting without any charts (2 marks) 9. Integrity of the data depends on the correctness of the data stored in the da tabase. Is the above statement true or false? a. False b. True (1 mark) 10. Unemployment that is resulted by surplus in labour supply in financial servi ces after financial crisis of a country is known as cyclical unemployment. Is the above statement true or false? Average Production Costs (per 100,000 widgets) January 1995 85,127 February 1995 87,240 March 1995 86,357 April 1995 88,888 May 1995 82,540 June 1995 68,245 a. True b. False (1 mark) 11. Which of the following is the feature of an informal group? a. Communication is done through grapevine b. There is no common purpose for the group c. There is no sense of identity d. There is no leader in an informal group (2 marks) 12. Jean Louise Finch is your boss, and she is currently in a meeting with the f inance director of the firm that you both work for. You are eager to book a holiday for next month as you

would like to go to Paris for the weekend. When would the most appropriate time to discuss your holiday with your boss? a. Immediately, whilst she is in her meeting with the finance director b. The day before you are due to go to Paris c. As soon as she has finished her meeting with the finance director d. At a time that is mutually convenient to you both (2 marks) 13. Which of the following situation is considered favourable to a leader? a. Staff support the leader, project objective is clear and staff are willing to accept reward but not punishment from the leader b. Staff accept leader s decision on reward and sanction, unclear about their role s and responsibilities and they are close to the leader c. Staff know the objective of the team, like their leaders and are willing to a ccept leader s reward and punishment d. Leader can command authority to reward and punish his staff, they avoid him a nd make sure that they are clear about their respective duties to perform. (2 marks) 14. Which of the following indicates the correct sales cycle? I. Receiving orders from customers II. Checking the customers creditworthiness III. Sending out invoice IV. Record sales transaction V. Supplying the necessary goods or service a. I, II, III, IV, V b. I, III, V, IV, II c. II, I, V, III, IV d. I, II, V, III, IV (2 marks) 15. What is the meaning of the term stagnation? a. Economy of a country faces stagnant growth b. Prices become stagnant c. Inflation that is caused by increase in price of crude oil d. Another name for deflation (2 marks) 16. Which of the following are functions of treasury division in a finance depar tment? 1. Investment appraisal 2. Financial reporting 3. Funding 4. Project evaluation a. 1, 2 and 3 b. 1, 3 and 4 c. 2, 3 and 4 d. All (2 marks) 17. Which TWO of the following are internal control procedures that should be ca rried out in the process of invoicing customer? a. Matching invoice against order and delivery note b. Pre-listing

c. Checking the customer creditworthiness d. Price checking (2 marks) 18. National culture, size of organisation, ownership of the business and techno logy are factors that can influence _____________________. Which words can be used to complete th is sentence? a. The structure of an organisation b. The culture of an organisation c. The profit of an organisation (1 mark) 19. Giving a candidate applying to be a group accountant a test of performing co nsolidation of accounts is an example of which type of selection test? a. Psychometric test b. Aptitude test c. Competence test (1 mark) 20. Which of the following communication network is the most effective in solvin g simple problem? a. Circle b. Chain c. Wheel (1 mark) 21. Match the following theories to the authors. Theory Author A. Hierarchy of needs 1. Herzberg B. Two-factor theory 2. Vroom C. Expectancy theory 3. Maslow D. Theory X 4. McGregor A Matches ___ B Matches ___ C Matches ___ D Matches ___ (2 marks) 22. What is main concern of accounting control? 1. Ensuring adherence of company policy by the staff 2. Ensuring efficiency in business operation 3. Safeguarding company assets 4. Ensuring completeness and accuracy of transaction records a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 4 d. 1 and 4 (2 marks) 23. In making decision or solving problems, we can use a committee. Which one of the following is a major advantage of using committee? a. Different views or different ways of solving the problem can be obtained b. Conflict and disagreement between members can occur c. Solving problem using this method is slow d. Member with strong personality can overshadow other members opinions

(2 marks) 24. An organisation is structured based on product, rather than function. Which of the following is likely? a. There is one human resource department, one marketing department and one administration department b. There are a few accountants, one for each product c. The product department is the most important department d. There is efficient use of resources (2 marks) 25. According to Honey and Mumford s learning styles, people who tend to test solu tion and improve existing process are known as _______. Which of the following word compl etes this sentence? a. Activist b. Theorist c. Pragmatist d. Reflector (2 marks) 26. When a country is in surplus, its _______________ is more than its _________ ______. Which words, in correct order, correctly complete this sentence? a. Sales, purchases b. Purchases, sales c. Imports, exports d. Exports, imports (2 marks) 27. One of the recent issues in the corporate governance is the emphasis of pres ence of nonexecutive directors in the board of directors of public limited companies. Is the above statement true or false? a. True b. False (1 mark) 28. What does IFRS stands for? a. International Foundation of Reporting Statements b. International Financial Reporting Statements c. International Federation of Reporting Standards d. International Financial Reporting Standards (2 marks) 29. This approach of ethic has the idea that a person should behave according to a set of absolute moral rules in all conditions, which approach is this? a. Ethics base on consequences b. Ethics base on virtue c. Ethics base on guideline d. Ethics base on duty (2 marks) 30. A caller makes enquiries about an advertised vacancy for a payroll clerk has been incorrectly routed to your telephone extension. Which office should you transfer the call to?

a. b. c. d. (2

Finance Human resource Sales Administration marks)

31. Which one of the following is an example of direct discrimination? a. Paying less to operational level staff b. Employing only staff who possess the required qualification for the job c. Employing staff who is 190cm or taller d. Paying less to female workers that perform the like job as male workers do (2 marks) 32. Select the personal qualities (select all correct qualities) expected of an accountant from the following list. a. Respect b. Responsibility c. Accountability d. Courtesy e. Independence f. Timeliness g. Reliability h. Skepticism i. Social responsibility (2 marks) 33. Three desirable qualities of information being input are that it should be a ccurate, complete and valuable. Is the above statement true or false? a. True b. False (1 mark) 34. Inflation that happened in many countries which reached fifty to nineteen th ousand eight hundred percents after world war one and two is known as superinflation. Is the above statement true or false? a. False b. True (1 mark) 35. Which TWO of the following are frauds that could happen in a purchase cycle? a. Bogus supply b. Teeming and lading c. Fictitious supplier d. Bounce cheque (2 marks) 36. Which of the following are roles of non-executive directors? (select all rel evant answers) a. Risk management b. Strategy formulation c. Performance management of the company d. Internal control review (2 marks) 37. To assure regulators, investors and the public that audited statements of pub lic limited

corporations can be relied upon to provide accurate picture of the financial hea lth of those companies . Whose responsibility is this? a. External auditor b. Internal auditor c. Board of directors d. Public oversight board (2 marks) 38. Which of the following are the work of manager according to Drucker? (Select all correct answers) 1. Set objective 2. Performance appraisal 3. Motivating and communicating with staff 4. Training employee 5. Organise work (2 marks) 39. Feedback in a communication process includes which of the following? 1. a smile 2. an answer 3. a blank look 4. a shrug a. 1, 2 and 3 b. 1, 2 and 4 c. 2, 3 and 4 d. All (2 marks) 40. Test our analysis of the experience by applying the ideas and principles iden tified . In which stage of experimental learning cycle does this happen? a. Experience b. Reflection c. Conceptualisation d. Application (2 marks) 41. What is the name given to a condition applicable to both DELETE THIS SPAM MS G!!! but which one *DELETE THIS SPAM MSG!!! has considerably smaller ability to comply with it than the other? a. Direct discrimination b. Indirect discrimination c. Victimisation (1 mark) 42. Which of the following are decision-making role of a manger according to Min ztberg? a. Disseminator, spokesperson and monitor b. Figurehead, liaison and leader c. Coordinator, negotiator and implementer d. Entrepreneur, disturbance handler and resource allocator (2 marks) 43. Who is the author of dispersed leadership theory? a. Bennis b. Kotter c. Heifetz d. Kotler

(2 marks) 44. Team members resign and new team members join the team . In the team development model according to Tuckman, which of the following terms would be used for this stage of the team s development? a. Forming b. Norming c. Adjourning d. Dorming (2 marks) 45. What does data redundancy mean? a. Keeping the data in one physical database b. The same physical database can give rise to different logical views c. The same data is needlessly held in more than one place d. Efficient storage and processing data (2 marks) 46. _______ dismissal is dismissal without good and fair reasons. Which word cor rectly completes this sentence? a. Wrongful b. Unfair c. Redundancy (1 mark) 47. Keith is a successful businessman and when he is asked on what is his greate st dream he said a son to be my successor . What need is he trying to fulfill? a. Needs for affiliation b. Self actualisation need c. Security need d. Ego need (2 marks) 48. Which of the following controls will help to ensure that data has been input correctly? 1. Format check 2. Computer matching 3. Range check 4. Limit check a. All b. 1, 2 and 3 c. 1, 3 and 4 d. 2, 3 and 4 (2 marks) 49. What does it mean by appraisal as bureaucracy? a. The appraisal should be part of a continuing future focused process of perfor mance management and not just once a year affair. b. It is considered a form filling exercise to satisfy the personnel department. Its underlying purpose of improving individual and organisational performance is often forgotte n. c. Appraisals are based on yesterdays performance and not on the whole year, tha t there is lack of agreement on performance levels d. The appraisal interview is considered an exercise without purpose or outcome

(2 marks) 50. Which TWO of the following are true about segregation of duties? a. It means different people should be doing the tasks of authorisation, executi on, custody and recording b. It reduces the risks of intentional manipulation or errors c. It reduces checking in business transactions d. It allows a person to record and process a complete transaction # Had my f1 cbe yesterday. Got 83%.The questions are not as easy asit seems on the text and syllabus.Most of them are scenario based and conceptual, but interesti ng.Its better to do a through reading and understanding.Memorizing theories does nt seems to be enough.You have to know how they are applied in everyday business environment.Dont miss even a single topic.I missed the learning process theorie s and lost 7 marks from that!!!!!!!! I did self study using kaplan text book. Bought tony surridge materials and did all the Q&A in opentuition. So if you do a little bit of work its easy to score about 70%-80%. Gud Luck!!!!!!!!!!!! Some the cbe questions I can remember 1)Trade union and staff association In which TWO sectors they belong? a,non profit b,for profit c, mutual d,co-operative 2)An organisation removed some of their managers from its structure.what differe nce it made -select TWO a, tall scalar chain b, wide span of control c, short scalar chain d,narrow span of control 3)as part of a restructuring program a company retarined some of its staff and r ehired them. some of its managers are now working in small project teams. what was the process a, downsizing b, restructuring c, delayering d, outsourcing 4)The culture of an organisation depends on the following a, its founder yes/no b, its history yes/no 5)Which TWO of these are both internal and external information a, inventory report b, sales invoice c, bank reconciliation d, 6)Whats the main interest of a share holder a, increase in share value b, return on investment c, decision making d, 7)what is the duty of a committee secretary a, signing the minutes b, preparing the agenda

c, writing minutes d, 8)which one relates to ethics select from few options 9)ecological which environmental factor does it belong a, political b, social c, technological d,economical 10)Which one is the duty of staff regarding to health and safety a, make sure equipments are working safely b, appoint safety officer c, inform other staff about immediate hazards d, 11)which one of these effects the demand in an economy a, savings c, investment on capital goods 12)country xyz has a trade surplus what will happen if its currency becomes weak er a,value of imports will be less and export will be more b, value of export will be less and import will be more c, both import and export value will be less/ d, more 13) Which one is porters generic strategies a,customer focus b,cost leadership c, d, 14)relationship between accountancy and production dpt. 15)Functions of financial management 16)anita is doing th evariance analysis-which dpt. is she working a, systems b, budget preparation c, management accountant d, 17)vrooms theory is aa,process theory b, content theory 18)whos theory is about basic human needs a, drucker b, herzberg c, maslow d,bennis 19)which one of these are the benefits of having diversity policy 20)what is the first stage in kolbs theory when some one learning something new. 21)shiela is struggling with learning and meeting deadline before a test , which one of these categories she belong a,activist b, reflectors c,pragmatist d,theorist Thats all guys Sorry that i cant remember all the options and the exact wordings o f the questions but hope this help you all a bit. Rate this post+2 Quote # # Avatar Image lizzykapambwe said 1 month, 3 weeks ago: 1,D 2.B,C

3.A 4.Both a and b(yes) I think these are the is the last one Rate this post Quote # # Avatar Image lizzykapambwe said 1 month, 3 weeks ago: 5.C 6.A 7.C 8. 9.D 10. 11.A 12.A 13.B 14. Raising finance and controling resources 15. 16. c 17.a and b 18.b 19 20 21.a Please send me the answers.thank you for the questions.please send more. Passed ACCA F1 a couple of days ago (CBE), managed to finish all the questions j ust under one hour. Started to take note of some of the questions I wasn t sure of in case failing the exam as I had quite a lot of time left. Glad I passed. The followings are the notes I took from the version in my exam. I hope it ll help oth ers to pass their exam. Good luck! 1. 2. 3. 4. Duty of audit committee Connected stakeholder (choose from the a list) Characteristic of assimilating Which trend can be described by demography Economic Population Globalisation Employment 5. the advantage of service provision happy customer, better company reputation reduce marketing cost as customer retained reduce in cost of distribution reduced wage costs in service department during low activity 6. what s mechanism of internal control? 7. who would be the loser of rapid inflation saver borrower business with large overdrafts non-unionised labour 8. what aspect does external audit assess internal audit about? 9. scrutinised draft financial statement is concerned with which of the followin g reliability comprehensiveness relevance

comparability 10. informal organization and formal organisation co-exist aloneside, under what circumstances this relation hindered? tall organisation flat organisation organisation in transition 11. a question about X and Y theory. John believes employees value security abov e all, Tom believes contribution, meaningful goal is more important for employee s. Who is using Y theory? Neither John Tom Both 12. Government is trying to increase employment via immediate growth of private sector, which of the following measures will be used? Reduce public sector spending Reduce public sector borrowing Reduce income tax Increase interest 13. What a mispresented financial statement will result in? false share price reduction of working capital incorrect decision 14. general system control training new staff testing & document of program changes 15. A team has been working together very well for a period of time, they have n ow felt that they have achieved the purpose of forming the team initially: gette r financial situation and decide it s time to split and concentrate on their perso nal goals. Which stage is this team at?? Storming Norming Adjourning Forming 16. A company employed a Financial controller and treasury manager, which of the following would be the duties of the financial controller Providing accounts reports for the other department Preparing costing for new products Payroll Investing surplus 17. Which member(s) of the committee should sign the minutes at a committee meet ing to confirm it s the true and accurate record. Chairman Any 2 members Secretary 18. Which of the following is the Greek god did Handy liken to role culture 19. Honey and Mumford learning style, what s the characteristic of pragmatist Step back & observe Try out new idea and see if work in practice Involve themselves fully without bias to new experience Adapt and integrate info step by step 20. True or False, in a flat organisation structure Supervisor has more personal relationship with employees Structure more adaptable to a participative form of management. 21. What would be Intrinsic rewards for John, who is a journalist, with good sal ary, enjoys getting exclusive stories, being mentioned in the headlines, excited about various of work he gets involved .. Getting exclusive Variety of work Status of position

Good pay 22. Fayol s theory: function of management 23. Porter s 5 forces 24. Which of following has the highest richness of information Emails Memos Telephone Face to face 25. Tom s work involves print monthly budget report, budget cost & control cost an d any variance occurred. What management information system would Tom needs?? 26. Vroom theory emphasised on Process Content 27. Who s theory interested in meeting basic human needs Maslow Honey&mumford McGregor the ones I remember Question about 1) the definition of internal audit 2) few questions of audit committee ( adv of, deciding best remuneration of..) 3) what human resource management concerned with 4) link between production and accounting department 5) link between marketing and accounting department 6) ecological : which 2 PEST would be concerned with this 7) technology and its affect on a organisational structure 8) identify what is coaching 9) business ethics 10) internal controls 11) identify a substantive test 12) identify if its was authority, responsibility etc 13) best place for a small accountancy firm to advertise for a new job. 14) financial accounting vs management accounting 15) T/F : a treasurer or internal auditor report to the finance director hi.. thanks so much for taking ur time to identify the qns.. would like to know the ans for this 2qns if u still remember them.. 10. informal organization and formal organisation co-exist aloneside, under what circumstances this relation hindered? tall organisation flat organisation organisation in transition 17. Which member(s) of the committee should sign the minutes at a committee meet ing to confirm it s the true and accurate record. Chairman Any 2 members Secretary

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