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FINALS: ACTIVITY NO.1 (20 pts) individual Presenting Baguio... CREATE A SIMPLE VIDEO ON YOUR OWN CHOICE.

(Using photos, video clips or both that you have) ACTIVITY NO.2 (30 pts) individual CREATE A VIDEO: Your Own AUTOBIOGRAPHY Instructions: Include some photos, video clips, audio You can add poems, some text describing the photos and videos Apply some transitions, effects on your video Create a unique title at the beginning and write your name at the End of the video Video must be at least 5 minutes but not more than 10 minutes. Output should be placed in a CD. Due: On or before September 20, 2012

PROJECT: (40 pts) Adobe Premiere

per group

CREATE A VIDEO: TOPICS ARE LISTED BELOW Topics: Hotel Advertisement (HOTELS IN BAGUIO) Advertisement of Tourist Spots (TOURIST SPOTS HERE IN BAGUIO) *If you have suggestion on what will be the topic you want to present ask your Instructor.* Due: On or before October 2, 2012

Criteria: Interview some foreigner about your chosen Hotel or tourist spots Insert some text on your video like Historical insights about the place/hotel Video must be at least 5-10 minutes. (edited) Place in a CD Each member of the group should be seen in the Video Raw/Unedited videos should also be submitted in a CD format also. Scoring will be based in the actual outcome of the project and from the scores coming from your group leader.

Suggested Reference: magTV Na show, pinoy adventures

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