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A: Good morning Husnu B: good morning hafidz, how are you today? A: Im Fine, thank you.

I want to ask you about the lesson this year? B: I think this time schedule is very solid compared to last year ,now more practical than theoretical. A: I, too, how about Monday? B: On Monday there is a lesson about DSP, Electronics Telecommunications and Microprocessors A: What is easy? B: hmmm, it's all theory and not practice, I think we have to read a lot of formulas. A: You're right, but this time a lot of material related to telecommunications. B: yaa, that's right, you know about the telecomunication seminar this year? A: I do not know, when is the event held? B: On 20 September 2012. A: what will be discussed at the event? B: We'll talk about IP Protocol and Cloud Computing. A: sounds interesting, are you coming? B: Of Course. A: how much it costs to attend the event? B: 35,000 rupiah. A: Thank you for the info. B: Youre welcome A: I had to rush to the house, see you tomorrow. B: see you too.

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