The Constitution of The Student Council of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School

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The Constitution of the Student Council of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School

The organization known as the Pope John Paul II Catholic High School Student Council involves freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who work to achieve both personal and academic excellence. Student Council members work to build strong connections between the Pope John Paul II Catholic High School faculty, staff, and students, as well as, sponsor and participate in school and community events. Student Council members must exhibit superb character, scholastic excellence, citizenship, leadership, and service. PURPOSE: To establish the By Laws for the Student Council of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School. Article I: Name The name of this body shall be the Student Council of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School, herein referred to as the Student Council affiliated with Pope John Paul II Catholic High School in Huntsville, Alabama, and the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. Article II: Rights of Students All freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School eligible for application have all legal rights to apply and agree to terms of the application and the election process. Article III: The Executive Council Section 1: Composition The Executive Council shall be composed of the Student Council Advisor, the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Public Relations Manager, the Historian, and the School Store Manager. Section 2: Duties A. The President shall preside over all meetings, activities, and Student Council functions. He/she shall have the authority to call meetings to order, keep the meeting agenda, state motions and put motions to a vote, vote in the event of a tie, and attend monthly Principal Panel meetings. B. The Vice President shall preside over meetings ONLY when the President is absent, head special commissions, write all proposals, and attend monthly Principal Panel meetings. C. The Secretary shall take minutes during all meetings, maintain attendance records, record voting outcomes, and attend monthly Principal Panel meetings. D. The Public Relations manager shall deliver afternoon announcements, advertise for upcoming events, and attend monthly Principal Panel meetings. E. The Historian shall take photographs at all Student Council events, send e-copies of all photographs to the Student Council Advisor, create a school-year scrapbook of Student Council activities, and attend monthly Principal Panel meetings. F. The School Store manager shall keep accurate and up-to-date inventories, remove expired items from store shelves, keep the store clean and tidy, assist with inventory purchases and stocking, and attend monthly Principal Panel meetings. G. All Executive Council members shall co-chair both a Fall and Spring Function Committee. H. The Student Council Advisor must be present at all Student Council meetings. The Student Council Advisor has the authority to assign duties and call for meetings. All concerns or issues 1


are to be brought to the attention of the Advisor. The President will consult with the Advisor before any final decisions are made. The Student Council Advisor and the Pope John Paul II Catholic High School Administration reserve the right to make any decision that is deemed necessary and proper without any prior consultation with the Executive Council and/or the Student Council members.

Section 3: Elections of Executive Council Members A. The Executive Council shall be elected annually by the Student Council members, Pope John Paul II Catholic High School faculty, administration, and the Student Council Advisor. B. Executive Council elections shall be held in May of each school year. C. Executive Council members shall hold their elected position for one (1) full year. D. Executive Council members shall be exempt from re-election the following September. Section 4: Qualifications for Executive Council Membership A. Executive Council members must be juniors or seniors and have held membership in the Student Council for one (1) school year and be currently enrolled in Pope John Paul II Catholic High School. B. Qualifying members must portray high moral values, high academic standards, and demonstrate leadership and school spirit. Qualifying members cannot have any Academic Demerits. C. All applicants must complete a Permission to Run application, a Petition to Run application, an oral interview with the Advisor, and a written essay. D. No member of the Student Council Executive Council shall have below a seventy-five (75) percent average in any course for the current school year. Article IV: The Student Council Class Representatives Section 1: Composition The Student Council shall be composed of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The Senior and Junior class shall have an eight (8) percent representation in the Student Council, and the Sophomore and Freshmen class shall have a four (4) percent representation in the Student Council. Each class shall also have an additional two (2) class representative regardless of class size or rank. Section 2: Duties A. Student Council members shall attend EVERY Student Council meeting, participate in a minimum of four (4) Student Council events/activities, and join a minimum of two (2) Student Council Function Committees during the school year. B. Student Council members shall also conduct monthly lunchtime surveys of student body concerns and questions. Section 3: Elections of Class Representatives A. The Student Council class representatives shall be elected annually by the Pope John Paul II Catholic High School student body. Students running for class representative shall submit an application, an essay, and a portfolio. Students running for class representative will also conduct an oral interview with the Student Council Advisor and Executive Council and deliver a public speech. Class Representative elections shall be held in September of each school year. B. Student Council Class Representatives shall hold their position for one (1) year. Student Council members will need to run for re-election each September.

Section 4: Qualifications for Student Council Membership A. The members must be freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors and be currently enrolled in Pope John Paul II Catholic High School. B. Qualifying members must portray high moral values, high academic standards, and demonstrate leadership and school spirit. Qualifying member cannot have any Academic Demerits. C. All applicants must complete an application, an oral interview with the Advisor and Executive Council, a written essay, and a public speech. D. No member of the Student Council shall have below a sixty-five (65) percent average in any course for the current school year. Article V: Attendance Section 1: Duties It is the duty of all Student Council members to attend all meetings and designated functions. The Secretary shall keep official attendance of all meetings with the approval and supervision of the Student Council Advisor. Section 2: Absentees A. If an absence from a meeting or function is necessary, the Student Council Advisor and the President must be informed at least two (2) days before a meeting, and at least five (5) days before the activity/function unless it is an emergency. Failure to notify the Advisor will result in two (2) Student Council demerits. B. In the case of an emergency, notification and approval are still required either in person or via email/telephone. Failure to notify the Advisor will result in two (2) Student Council demerits. C. An emergency is defined as personal illness, immediate family illness, death in the immediate family, legal requirements, or hazardous weather conditions. Note: If the school office records the student absence as unexcused it will not qualify as an emergency absence from a Student Council meeting. Article VI: Merits and Demerits Section 1: Merits Merits will be awarded by the Student Council Advisor only, not the Executive Council. Merits will be given to members for exceeding the requirements and contributing to the Student Council of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School. Section 2: Demerits A. Both Pope John Paul II Catholic High School demerits and Student Council demerits will be administered by the Student Council Advisor only, not the Executive Council. B. Student Council demerits will be given if any rules are broken (i.e. tardiness to meeting or functions, refusal to dress in uniform, absence, behavior problems, refusal to work at the School Store, etc.) C. All unexcused absences will result in two (2) Student Council demerits, and a tardy of three (3) minutes or more will result in one (1) Student Council demerit. Absences from School Store work shifts will result in one (1) Student Council demerit. D. All other infractions will be reviewed by the Student Council Advisor and administered a Student Council demerit based on the circumstance. E. Students receiving four (4) Student Council demerits will receive one (1) Pope John Paul II Catholic High School demerit.

F. Student Council members obtaining four (4) or more Pope John Paul II Catholic High School demerits and/or summoned to Honor Council will serve one (1) Quarter grading period of probation. During the probation, the student will attend all Student Council meetings but shall not be allowed to take part in official functions/activities. After the probation, a hearing will be held by the Student Council Advisor and Executive Council to decide the status of the Student Council member. G. Student Council members obtaining any academic demerits (i.e. cheating, plagiarism, etc.) will attend a hearing held by the Student Council Advisor and the Administration. Section 3: Tracking Academic Progress The student will be responsible for submitting his/her academic forms for classes taken during the academic school year for each teacher to note his/her progress. The forms must be picked-up within three (3) days of the time limit established by the Advisor. The teachers will return forms directly to the Student Council Advisor via the office mailbox. The Advisor will review the forms and take action if required. It is understood that these forms will report grades and appropriate behavior as noted in the election process. Section 4: Dismissal Students are expected to maintain the standards used as the basis for their election: academics, service, leadership, and character. Failure to maintain these standards will result in dismissal. A. If a member of the Student Council has accumulated eight (8) Pope John Paul II Catholic High School demerits, or one (1) Academic Demerit, or if a member of the Student Council flagrantly violates school rules or civic laws, he/she may be dismissed. He/she will be given the opportunity to come before the Student Council Advisor and the Administration and explain his/her action(s). The Advisor and the Administration will discuss the infraction(s) and a final decision shall be made to or not to dismiss. B. If a Student Council member has failed a class in any grading period, the member will be placed on probation for one (1) Quarter grading period. Two grades of an F in one academic year will result in automatic dismissal. During the probationary period, the student will be given the opportunity to improve his/her grade, and the student will attend all Student Council meetings but shall not be allowed to take part in official functions/activities. Probation will end when the student provides proof of a satisfactory grade for the following grading period. Failure to maintain a sixty-five (65) percent average in all courses may result in dismissal. i. For Executive Council members, failure to maintain a seventy-five (75) percent average in all courses may result in dismissal from the Executive Council. C. Student Council members are subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the Pope John Paul II Catholic High School Parent/Student Handbook. Demerits and dismissal from the Student Council may occur if a student commits a violation outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook.

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