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Teaching Perspective Inventory

Christian Alexander Magaa Martinez English major Teaching perspectives inventory (TPI) This report is written in order to show my quality of teaching and to take it in to account to improve my teaching style, the TPI means. Teaching Perspective Inventory. The TPI is a really good test that tells teachers the points to improve and know how change their lower areas in education techniques So I recommend you this program quiz to any teacher who wants to know his\her style and if his\her techniques and believes are right and according to nowadays educational needs.
My TPI scores are: 14-SEP-12 Transmission total: (Tr) 38.00 Apprenticeship total: (Ap) 43.00 Developmental total: (Dv) 37.00 Nurturance total: (Nu) 40.00 Social Reform total: (SR) 38.00 Beliefs total: (B) 64.00 Intention total: (I) 66.00 Action total: (A) 66.00 Mean: (M) 39.20 B=15; I=9; A=14 B=13; I=15; A=15 B=12; I=14; A=11 B=13; I=14; A=13 B=11; I=14; A=13

Standard Deviation: (SD) HiT: (HiT) 41.00 LoT: (LoT) 37.00 Overall Total: (T) 196.00


.This is the result of my quiz as you see I not bad at all but there are some areas that I have to improve and I am working on it I know that when teaching you have to see your student as a person not as a client because there are some feelings that you most respect and take in to account while teaching that helps you to connect personal to them and it makes easy to teach by following different techniques and mixing ideas. As a conclusion my teaching perspective are to be a better person in the class to make students feel as important as they are in the class to help them and also to teach real time situations applying to the topic we see.

Teaching Perspective Inventory

I strongly agree with my result and I really like this side because there some areas in teaching that I do not pay attention because I thought they were less important but now I will change it.

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