Technical Writing

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Islamic University Of Gaza

Technical Writing
Faculty Of Engineering
Designed By: Bassam AL Saqqa

Technical Writing

Lectures Page: Lecture 1: Lecture 2: Lecture 3: Lecture 4: Lecture 5: Lecture 6: Lecture 7: Lecture 8: Lecture 9: Lecture 10: Lecture 11: Lecture 12: Lecture 13: Lecture 14: Lecture 15: Introduction.. 2 Successful Writing ... 6 Mechanics.. 8 Abstract Writing ..... 13 Laboratory Report... 18 Proposals... 22 Resume...... 28 Memorandums.... 34 Writing Letters .... 41 Formal Report... 50 Job Interview..... 61 Oral Presentation...... 66 Progress Report...... 73 Research & Internet..... 76 Presentation On Ethics...... 80

Technical Writing

Lecture 1


Technical Writing

These slides, which are used in graduate and undergraduate engineering courses at Virginia Tech, come from Chapters 1, 16, and 17 in The Craft of Scientific Writing (3rd ed., SpringerVerlag). If you would like a 60-day evaluation copy of The Craft of Scientific Writing, please go to the following web page: This first slide is a title slide for an introductory lecture about writing in engineering and science. The purpose of this presentation is two-fold: (1) to inspire students to invest time into learning how to write and speak well, and (2) to show students where to begin the process of writing a scientific or engineering document. With this title slide, you have the opportunity to give your own testimony as to the importance of writing in engineering and science. This slide is also an opportunity for you to mention two references (the shown web site and textbook) that students have for improving their writing. Note that these slides use the term scientific writing to encompass the writing done by engineers and scientists and the term scientific documents to encompass the documents written by engineers and scientists. If you prefer the more general term technical, you can use the Replace command to replace scientific with technical throughout. Likewise, if you desire a term more specific than scientific, you can use the same command to insert your preferred term (engineering or biological would be two examples). Note that all future references to chapters and pages are for The Craft of Scientific Writing (3rd edition). Mapping slide for this introductory presentation on scientific writing. This presentation has two divisions: (1) a discussion of the importance of scientific writing, and (2) a discussion of key principles. These principles include analyzing the situation, distinguishing between style and form, and making the process efficient. Reference for picture: Report to the President on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: Presidential Commission, 6 June 1986), p. 33. With this background slide, I try to convince students of the importance of scientific writing. This slide presents three surveys that show different points about the importance of writing for engineers. The first survey was performed by Richard M. Davis of the Air Force who surveyed 245 distinguished engineers. This survey not only found the result presented on this slide (25% of work week spent on writing), but also found that those surveyed attributed their success in part to their ability to communicate. Source: Richard M. Davis, Technical Writing: Its Importance in the Engineering Profession and Its Place in the Engineering Curriculum, AFIT TR 75-5 (WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1975). The second survey was performed by Dean John Bollinger from the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin who contacted 9000 engineers who had graduated. The slide shows an important result of that survey (that the engineers found writing to be their most useful subject). Interestingly, the second most useful skill cited was the ability to speak. Source: Dean John G. Bollinger, Alumni Survey Results, Perspective (Madison: College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Summer 1994), p. 2. The third survey was performed by the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. Here, recruiters to Virginia Tech were polled. The purpose of the survey was to determine what skills that engineering graduates needed most improvement upon. Source: Virginia Tech, College of Engineering, Summary Report of Employer Focus Group (October 2000). With this background slide, I try to convince students of the importance of scientific writing. The photograph shows the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Engineers were deeply 3

Technical Writing

concerned about the O-ring design on the booster rocket before the launch, but were unable to convince managers at NASA of that concern. Richard Feynmans paper from Physics Today (February 1988) gives a good account of this case study. In teaching scientific writing to engineers and scientists, convincing them about the importance of scientific writing is probably the single most important argument that you will make. My experience has been that professional engineers and scientists recognize the importance, while students do not. For that reason, with students, I spend more time on this argument. Source: Richard P. Feynman, An Outsiders Inside View of the Challenger Inquiry, Physics Today (February 1988), pp. 26-37. Reference for picture: Report to the President on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: Presidential Commission, 6 June 1986), p. 33. This slide makes the point that engineers and scientists have to communicate in many different situations. Not only are they called upon to write different types of documents and speak in different occasions, but they also face several different audiences. Given this variety, coming up with a set of rules to handle every situation is difficult, not impossible. Engineers and scientists therefore have to learn to analyze each situation and decide upon the best way to communicate in that situation. This news is hard for many engineering and science students to accept. Repeat of mapping slide for this presentation on scientific writing. This slide introduces the second part of the presentation: a discussion of key principles. These principles include analyzing the situation, distinguishing between style and form, and making the process efficient. Reference for picture: Report to the President on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: Presidential Commission, 6 June 1986), p. 33. With this slide, I try to impress upon the students the differences between scientific writing and other types of writing that they have studied. While the students will draw upon many of the things that they have learned in other writing courses, students have to be critical thinkers as far as taking advice that may pertain to literary writing or journalism and applying it to scientific writing. For instance, in scientific writing, the most important goal of language is precision--a goal that poets sometimes subordinate for the sake of rhythm. (Chapter 1) By the way, the photograph in the upper left is from Rosalind Franklins x-ray work that greatly influenced the discovery of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick. The story is an interesting one from both a communications perspective and an ethical perspective. Watson has documented it in The Double Helix, but take a look at the Norton critical edition, which presents other viewpoints, including the one that Rosalind Franklin deserved considerably more credit than Watson or Crick gave to her in their original article. Reference for parachute photo: Peterson, C.W., and D.W. Johnson, Advanced Parachute Design, SAND86-8006 (Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories, 1986). This slide is perhaps the most important slide of the set because it shows what constraints students are under as they begin writing a scientific document. In other words, this slide tells students where they should begin the writing process (an assumption here is that the students understand the content of their document and now must communicate that content). The constraints of audience, purpose, and occasion are discussed in Chapter 1. The aspect of format is also discussed in Chapter 16 and in the Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students. The aspect of process refers to how the student actually puts words onto paper. Will the student write as an individual or part of a group? Does the 4

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student have a fixed deadline? Chapter 17 discusses this aspect in more detail. Formality refers to the expectations that the audience has as far as mechanics, which is also discussed in Chapter 1, Appendix A, and Appendix B. Interactive exercises for mechanics can be found in the Writing Exercises for Engineers and Scientists. On this slide, you should make it clear to the students that no simple recipes exist for the challenging documents that they will have to write. Students should assess the audience, format, formality, and other constraints of the situation before committing words to paper. The slides that follow elaborate on each of the constraints. One problem that many students have is that they dont have a sense of hierarchy about aspects of writing. These students might equate a small aspect of form such as using a contraction with a serious mistake in content such as leaving out important information, or style, such as not emphasizing the most important result. With this slide, I try to distinguish these three terms. While there certainly is overlap among these terms, their definitions are distinct. Content is the message given, style is the way that message is presented (structure, language, and illustration), and form is the appearance of the message (grammar, punctuation, usage, spelling, and format). (Chapter 1) If the constraints are what the engineer or scientist does not control in the writing process, then style is what the engineer or scientist does control. Style comprises three perspectives: structure, language, and illustration (all three are defined in Chapter 1). Students should note that unlike most terms in engineering and science, most terms in writing do not have universal definitions. For that reason, you and your students should agree upon a few definitions so that your discussions about writing make sense. So often, I have seen discussions about writing become unproductive because people invoke terms that others either do not understand or have different definitions for. Terms often used in discussions of writing, but not often understood by students, are format, style, structure, language, illustration, tone, active voice, passive voice, past tense, and the major parts of speech. These are defined in the textbooks glossary. Reference for parachute photo: Peterson, C.W., and D.W. Johnson, Advanced Parachute Design, SAND86-8006 (Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories, 1986). Information about the format of scientific writing can be found on pages 6-7 and in Chapter 16. Information about the mechanics of scientific writing can be found in Appendices A and B (and in The Craft of Editing (Springer-Verlag, 2000). Both of these subjects are discussed in separate presentations. Discussion of making the process of writing more efficient to perform can be found in Chapter 17. When I first started teaching, I discussed the process of writing towards the end of the course. Recently, I have begun incorporating discussions of it throughout the course, particularly just before assignments are due. Conclusion slide to this presentation. One of the best ways to improve ones writing is to select strong models. Conversely, a reason that so many engineers and scientists write so poorly is that they select poor models. Two excellent models of scientific writing are Maria Goeppert Mayer, who won the Nobel prize in Physics for her work on the structure of the nucleus and Linus Pauling, who won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on covalent bonds. Both were excellent communicators of their work. 5

Technical Writing

Lecture 2

Successful Writing

Technical Writing

Five Steps to Successful writing: 1. Preparation 2. Research 3. Organization 4. Writing the draft 5. Revision 1. Preparation: Establishing your objective. Simply determine what do you want your readers to know? Or be able to do when they have finished reading your report. Identifying your reader. What are your readers need in relation to your subject? What does your reader already know about your subject? Determining the scope of your coverage. The first two steps will help you to decide what to include and not to include in your writing. 2.Research: To understand your subject do search in the library, internet, and interview 3.Organization: To make topic understandable by the reader, follow the following steps: l Outline l Illustration l Layout and design 4.Writing a Draft: Expand your notes from outline to paragraph Concentrate on converting outline into sentences and paragraphs 5.Revision: l Structure l Grammar

Technical Writing

Lecture 3

Mechanics Writing a Sentence

Technical Writing

Avoiding Common Errors of Grammar: One of the most important skills a writer can have is the ability to compose clear, complete sentences. The sentence is the basic unit of communication in all forms of English. Funk, McMahan, and Day Elements of Grammar

REQUIREMENT OF A WRITTEN SENTENCE: l A capital letter at the beginning l A period, a question mark, or an exclamation point at the end l A subject, stated only once l A complete verb phrase

l Standard word order: In English, the regular sequence is Subject + Verb + Object, with insertions possible at several points in the sequence l An independent core idea that can stand alone ( main clause)

Combining Sentences: Example: 1. Dr. George was a successful engineer. 2. He won the prize. The most important aspect of grammar is understanding what a sentence is: Sentence: Fragment: Run-on: A sentence is group of words with a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought. A fragment being a group of words that either is missing a subject or a verb or does not express a complete thought. A run-on is two or more independent clauses that are not joined properly, for instance, a common mistake is to have a comma between the clauses.

Technical Writing

Which are sentences (S), fragments (F), or run-ons (RO)? 1. 2. 3. Rubidium has no major uses, however, it is more common in the earth than zinc, copper, or nickel. RO Although carbon dioxide occurs naturally, man has dramatically increased its concentration this past century. S Several systems can detect plastic explosives. For example, thermal neutron activation systems, nitrogen sniffer systems, and enhanced x-ray systems. S / F

Shown in Red are corrections to the errors from previous : Although rubidium has no major uses, it is more common in the earth than zinc, copper, or nickel. Although carbon dioxide occurs naturally, man has dramatically increased its concentration this past century. Several systems can detect plastic explosives. Examples include thermal neutron activation systems, nitrogen sniffer systems, and enhanced x-ray systems. Note that there are several ways to correct each of these errors: Rubidium has no major uses; however, it is more common in the earth than zinc, copper, or nickel. Rubidium has no major uses, but it is more common in the earth than zinc, copper, or nickel. Rubidium has no major uses. This metal, however, is more common in the earth than zinc, copper, or nickel.


Technical Writing

Avoiding Common Errors of Punctuation Punctuation marks are the traffic signs and signals placed along the readers road. They tell him when to slow down and when to stop, and sometimes they warn him of the nature of the road ahead. Traffic engineers do not always agree on what signs should be used and where they should be placed, and neither do writers or editors. Theodore M. Bernstein The Careful Writer

Use numerals when referring to measurements:

When to use numerals : Specific measurements Percentages Monetary figures Large numerals 3 volts, 2 seconds, 1 m/s 15 percent $3000 5 million

When to write out numbers : Counting (one or two words) Informal measurements First word of sentence twenty-three gages two hours Thirty-three...


Technical Writing

Certain words are commonly misused *We produced a small (amount, number) of autos this year, even (fewer, less) than last year. *A companys success depends on (its / it's) employees. *The new material is (composed / comprised) of plastic and iodine. *It appears (as if, like) the Department of Energy will choose the third option. *Reduced weight was the (principal / principle) reason for choosing aluminum. *The talk centered (around / on) the (principal / principle) of virtual work. *(Regrettably / Regretfully), the launch was delayed because of thunderstorms. *You need not proceed any (farther / further) on your test. *The serum had serious side (affects / effects). *Whichever design you choose is (alright / all right) with me. *(Irregardless / Regardless) of the shipping delay, the work will stop because of the strike. *Applying that set of constraints is a (most unique / unique / very unique) way to approach the problem. *The serum had (alot / a lot) of side effects.

Combining Sentences l Coordination and Subordination l Subordinating conjunctions and dependent clauses l Avoiding fragments with subordinate clause l Clauses with although


Technical Writing

Lecture 4

Abstract Writing


Technical Writing

Abstracts Abstract summarized and highlight the major points of a longer piece of writing. Abstract are written for many formal reports, journal articles, and most dissertations. Abstract primary purpose To enable readers to decide whether They enable researches to review a to read the work in full. great deal of literature in a short time.

Abstract for reports and articles Abstract must accurately but concisely describe the original work so that researchers in the field will not miss valuable information. Abstract should contain no information not discussed in the original.

When are abstracts used? l Ordinarily part of a research article in a journal l For chapters in a book, especially if each chapter has a different author l Library reference tools, such as Biological Abstracts l For presentations at scientific meetings (often the "published abstract" is the only written record of such a presentation) l Dissertations, some papers in the sciences and social sciences require abstracts Abstracts l An abstract is a short informative or descriptive summary of a longer report. l It is written after the report is completed, although it is intended to be read first. l In a technical report, the abstract appears on a separate page after the table of contents and list of illustrations Abstract Classification Descriptive Informative


Technical Writing

Descriptive Abstract l Tell readers what information the report, article, or paper contains l Include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper l Do not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations. l Are always very short, usually under 100 words. l Introduce the subject to readers, who must then read the report, article, or paper to find out the author's results, conclusions, or recommendations

Example Of Descriptive Abstract: Purpose and scope: This report describes the practices selected foreign countries for providing engineering expertise on shift in nuclear power plants. The report discusses the extent to which engineering expertise is made available and the alternative models of providing such expertise. The implications of foreign practices for U.S. consideration are discussed, with particular reference to the shift Methods used: technical advisor position and to a proposed shift engineer position. The relevant information for this study came from the open literature, interviews with utility staff and officials, and governmental and nuclear utility reports.

Informative Abstracts l Communicate specific information from the report, article, or paper. l Include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. l Provide the report, article, or paper's results, conclusions, and recommendations. l Are short -- from a paragraph to a page or two, depending upon the length of the original work being abstracted. Usually informative abstracts are 10% or less of the length of the original piece. l Allow readers to decide whether they want to read the report, article, or paper.


Technical Writing

Example of Informative Abstract Purpose and scope: This report describes the practices selected foreign countries for providing engineering expertise on shift in nuclear power plants. The report discusses the extent to which engineering expertise is made available and the alternative models of providing such expertise. The implications of foreign practices for U.S. consideration are discussed, with particular reference to the shift technical advisor position and to a proposed shift engineer position. Methods used: The relevant information for this study came used from the open literature, interviews with utility staff and officials, and governmental and nuclear utility reports. Finding: The countries used two approaches to provide engineering expertise on shift: (1) employing a graduate engineer in a line management operations position and (2) creating a specific engineering position to provide expertise to the operations staff. The comparison of these two models did not indicate that one system inherently functions more effectively than does the other for safe operations. General Conclusion: However, the alternative models are likely to affect crew relationships and performance; labor supply, recruitment, and retention and system implementation. Recommendation: Of the two systems, the nonsupervisory engineering position seems more advantageous within the context of current recruitment and career-path practices.


Technical Writing

Where to find examples of abstracts: l The best source of example abstracts is journal articles. Go to the library and look at engineering journals, or look at electronic journals on the web. l Read the abstract; read the article. Pick the best ones, the examples where the abstract makes the article easier to read, and figure out how they do it. l Not everyone writes good abstracts, even in refereed journals, but the more abstracts you read, the easier it is to spot the good ones. Which Type Should you Write? The answer depends on the organization or publication for which you are writing. Aim at the needs of the principal readers of your document. Length of Abstracts: A long abstract defeats the purpose of an abstract. For this reason abstracts usually no longer than 150 to 250 words. Descriptive abstracts may be considerably shorter, of course. Abstract Should Includes: The subject of the study The scope of the study The purpose of the study The methods used The results obtained (informative abstract only) The Recommendations made, if any (informative abstract only) COMMON PROBLEMS: Too long: If your abstract is too long, it may be rejected. Abstracts are often too long because people forget to count their words Too much detail: Abstracts that are too long often have unnecessary details. The abstract is not the place for detailed explanations of methodology or for details about the context of your research problem Too short: Shorter is not necessarily better. If your word limit is 200 but you only write 95 words, you probably have not written in sufficient detail. Failure to include important information: You need to be careful to cover the points listed above. Assignment: Write Abstract for your Formal Report


Technical Writing

Lecture 5

Laboratory Report


Technical Writing

Cover Page: Course Title Experiment Number The Experiment Title By: (name of performer) The title and address of the performer The name of the supervisor Title and address of the supervisor Date: (month day, year) Example: Circuit Theory I Experiment number 1 Verification of Ohms Law By Bassam AL Saqqa Submitted to Eng. Mohammed Hussein Islamic University Gaza March 1, 2007

Title: n Reflect the factual content with less than ten words in a straightforward manner n Use keywords that researchers and search engines on the Internet will recognize n Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and initials.


Technical Writing

The format of the report: AIMRAD Abstract Introduction Methods Results Analysis Discussion +Conclusion

Abstract (informative): One short paragraph n Aims: Concise but informative One or two sentences should be sufficient Example: To determine the relative molecular mass of an unknown dibasic acid n Methods: Explain in short the method or methods you used to get the results. n Results: Write down your results Introduction: A few paragraphs or a few pages. Includes: n Background n Theories, equations, and rules used in calculations n Brief about the work (hypotheses) and expectations Remember to quote your sources (you should include a bibliography of your references after the conclusions section).


Technical Writing

Method: q Concise but sufficient for someone to repeat the work. q List materials used, how were they used. q Describe special pieces of equipment. q Use third person past tense Example: A solution of barium chloride (0.05 mg in 100 cm3) was prepared in water and titrated against silver nitrate. q Avoid starting a sentence with a number Example: 0.05 mg of barium chloride was mixed with 100 cm3 water Results: n Tabulate the numerical data when possible n Make sure that you divide tables by measurements units such that you write only number inside the table n Title all figures and tables; include a legend explaining symbols, abbreviations, or special methods n Number figures and tables separately and refer to them in the text by their number, i.e. n Figure 1 shows that the activity.... n The activity decreases after five minutes (Figure 1) Analysis: Calculations and graphing Interpretation of results go into this section Remember to layout your calculations clearly, showing each step Discussion: How relevant are your results ? What errors are there ? Did something go wrong ? Try to be positive Write your ideas to improve the experiment Conclusion: Did you meet the aims of the experiment ? Example: The relative molecular mass of the unknown was determined to be 146.5. The conclusion should echo the Abstract and be as short as possible. References: All references should be listed Quiz 1: Name the Abstract Classification, and what are the differences between them?


Technical Writing

Lecture 6



Technical Writing

What is a proposal? A proposal is document which outlines a problem and proposes a detailed plan to solve it. The goal of a proposal is to persuade readers that the job needs doing and that you are the one to do it, so be sure to include all the benefits as well as the limitations of your solution. Try to foresee and counter any arguments against the solution. Overview: q A proposal is a strategy for solving a problem. q Proposals range from 1000 pg report to 1 pg form. q Two types: q Solicited q Unsolicited q Proposal purposes are to persuade not inform. q The writing involves individual as well as teams. TWO MAIN TYPES OF FUNDED RESEARCH: 1. Research you really want to do: Find sponsor! 2. Topics some sponsor wants to see done: Respond to RFP What should the proposal accomplish? 1. FOR SCIENTIFIC AGENCIES: Need to convince reviewers of scientific merit, and of your qualifications and ability to successfully make an important contribution to the state-of-the-art. 2. FOR SPECIFIC TOPIC RFPs: Need to convince sponsoring agency that you understand the problem, that you have a realistic approach that is likely to succeed, that could be implemented, and that you will deliver results that will make them look good. Solicited Proposal: q Company or agency advertises that it desires the solution to a problem. q Most cases, this company or agency sends out a request for proposals, often called an RFP, that presents a problem which needs addressing For example, if the Department of Energy desires research on reducing nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines, then the Department announces its request, often in periodicals such as the Commerce Business Daily. Unsolicited Proposal: q There is no request. Instead, an engineer on his or her own initiative recognizes a client's problem, writes a proposal that first makes the client aware of the problem, and then presents a plan for solving that problem. q Often occur within a company. For example, an engineer or scientist may write a proposal to his or her division supervisor suggesting a new computer system to handle that division's work


Technical Writing

Aim of the proposal q Explain your plans q Why this work is worth while While preparing: v focus on your work v Get early feedback Audiences of Proposals: includes both managers and engineers. These audiences view proposals in different ways. q Managers review proposals to see if the plan for solving the problem is cost effective. q Engineers and scientists, on the other hand, review proposals to see if the plan is technically feasible. Proposal Writing: l Make sure your proposal is letter perfect and in full compliance with the application guidelines. l Use the active, not the passive voice wherever possible. l Write clear, concise sentences. l Use tables, charts, and side-headings to divide/organize/format your text. l Find both expert readers in your field, and professionals who will critically review your drafts. Format Of Proposal: q Headings q Body Heading: To: Name of your advisor From: Your name Subject: The subject of your proposal Date: date of submission Example Of Heading: A PROPOSAL Research the Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel at Yucca Mountain Prepared for Walter E. Foerster, Jr. President of New England Etching 23 Spring Street Holyoke, MA 01040 By Holohan Consulting 72 Triangle Street Amherst MA 01002 December 12, 1996 24

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Body: Divide your body to sections: I. Introduction II. Statement of the problem III. Proposed project and purpose IV. Plan of activities with deadlines V. Evaluation VI. References I. Introduction: q Summarize your project q Explain why you are proposing it

Example of Introduction: Nuclear power plants produce more than 20 percent of the electricity used in the United States [Murray, 1989]. Unfortunately, nuclear fission, the process used to create this large amount energy, creates significant amounts of high level radioactive waste. More than 30,000 metric tons of nuclear waste have arisen from U.S. commercial reactors as well as high level nuclear weapons waste, such as uranium and plutonium [Roush, 1995]. Because of the build-up of this waste, some power plants will be forced to shut down. To avoid losing an important source of energy, a safe and economical place to keep this waste is necessary. This document proposes a literature review of whether Yucca Mountain is a suitable site for a nuclear waste repository. The proposed review will discuss the economical and environmental aspects of a national storage facility. This proposal includes my methods for gathering information, a schedule for completing the review, and my qualifications. II. q q q q q q q III. Statement of the Problem: What is current state of technology? What is The need or problem? Why do you want to address this problem? Why is it significant? Who should care and why? Provide examples and/ or supporting evidence Including references Briefly review current work

Proposed project and purpose: q State your proposed project q Its goals q Your approach


Plan of Activities with deadlines: q List your major activities q Make a schedule for your work q List specific items you will produce as part of your project device, test report, instructions, or running computer programs


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Evaluation: Proposals will be evaluated in two ways: from a management perspective and from a technical perspective Also considered in the evaluation of the proposal will be the quality of the writing

Management Evaluation: q Is the review worth doing? q Does the proposal either show an important problem that needs addressing or arouse the reader's curiosity in the topic? q Does the proposal show what readers will be interested in the review? q Does the proposal show objectivity? Technical Evaluation: q Are the boundaries of the review logical? q Does the review take on too much or too little? q Are the limitations clear? q Is there something unique about the proposal's perspective? q Does the writer convince the proposal reviewers that he or she can gather the information? q Is the schedule believable? q Does the writer justify himself or herself as the one to perform the review? VI. References: q List all your references q Glossary If any Acronym/Abbreviation dpi GHz GB HD ppm Definition Dots per inch Gigahertz Gigabyte Hard drive Pages per minute

Recommendations: q For a proposal to succeed, you need a good idea. No amount of crafted writing can make up for a weak idea. q If you have a strong idea, then crafting the writing of that idea to meet the constraints will improve your proposal's chances for acceptance. q What is it that you have that will allow you to succeed where others may have failed, or to make a unique contribution that others could not attain within the same time frame? q Be constructive (diplomatic) in reviewing others work; dont blast all previous work, dont be dismissive and definitely dont single out anyone with scorn. Chances are they are reviewing your proposal. 26

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Be constructive: BAD: All previous studies are worthless because they failed to recognize the effect of X on Y. Chen and Smith (1998) tried but their approach was simply wrong. Ours is the first study to address this question correctly. BETTER: Previous studies have made important contributions to this challenging problem, however none of the published studies appear to have completely accounted for the effect of X on Y. A pioneering effort in this direction is described by Chen and Smith (1998), highlighting the need for additional investigation of the system properties when the full set of interacting factors are incorporated in the model. Assignment: Write a proposal for your formal report


Technical Writing

Lecture 7



Technical Writing

What is Resume: A resume is a brief summary of your abilities, education, experience, and skills. Its main task is to convince prospective employers to contact you. A resume has one purpose: to get you a job interview. Characteristics of Resume: Resumes must do their work quickly.. your resume must quickly convey that you are capable and competent enough to be worth interviewing. The more thoroughly you prepare your resume now, the more likely someone is to read it later. Steps to write the Resume: Gather and check all necessary information Match your experience and skills with an employer's needs Highlight details that demonstrate your capabilities Organize the resume effectively Consider word choice carefully Ask other people to comment on your resume Make the final product presentable Evaluate your resume Gather and Check All Necessary Information: Write down headings such as : OBJECTIVE, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, HONORS,SKILLS,ACTIVITIES,REFERNCE Objective: To obtain a ______ position in the area of ______ (write this infinitive phrase to target the audience of this resume) This infinitive phrase is often reworked by the author to target different audiences and purposes. EDUCATION: usually means post-secondary, college and university. If you are just starting college, you can include high school as well. List degrees and month/year obtained or expected; names and locations of schools; major and minor, if any; grade point average. A brief summary of important courses you've taken might also be helpful.

EXPERIENCE: Includes full-time paid jobs, academic research projects, internships or co-op positions, part-time jobs, or volunteer work. List the month/years you worked, position, name and location of employer or place, and responsibilities you had. As you describe your experiences, ask yourself questions like these: Have I invented, discovered, coordinated, organized, or directed anything professionally for my community? Do I meet deadlines consistently? 29

Technical Writing


Street Address Am I a good communicator? City, State, Zip Code Do I enjoy teamwork?

Phone Number HONORS FAX (if applicable) List any academic awards (scholarships, Address Email fellowships, honors list), professional awards or recognition, or community awards (i.e. for athletic skills). (if applicable) http://web.address/ SKILLS List computer languages and software, research, laboratory, teaching or tutoring, Objective communication, leadership, or athletic, area of ______ (write this infinitive phrase to target the audience of this To obtain a ______ position in the among others. resume) ACTIVITIES List academic, professional, or community organizations in which you hold office or are currentlyDegree on Which You Are Working, Expected Month/Year Education Name of a member; List professional and community activities, including volunteer work. University Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00 Listing hobbies is optional. Targeted GPA (if beneficial): X.XX/4.00 Match Your Skills and Experience with an Employer's Needs Name of Next Most Recent Degree, Month POSITION: What kind of position do youYear (if applicable) want for this job-search? Make notes. Now University or College match your wishes up with positions GPA arebeneficial): X.XX/4.00 Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00 Targeted that (if actually available (postings, ads, personal contacts, or your own research). EMPLOYER: For a certain position, what aspects of your education, experience, or skills Relevant Courses will be most attractive to that employer? List SPECIFIC coursework, areas of specialty, Most Relevant Course Fourth Most Relevant Course Second Most Relevant Course that you Fifth Most Relevant Course employer. specific skills, or knowledge think would interest the Third Most Relevant Course Sixth Most Relevant Course


Most Recent Position, Company, Location (Month/YearMonth/Year) Verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed Second verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed Third verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed (if appropriate) Next Most Recent Position, Company, Location (Month/YearMonth/Year) Verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed Second verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed Third verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed (if appropriate) Third Most Recent Position, Company, Location (Month/YearMonth/Year) Verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed Second verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed Third verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed (if appropriate)


Most Impressive Honor or Award Second Most Impressive Honor or Award Third Most Impressive Honor or Award Fourth Most Impressive Honor or Award Most Impressive Activity Second Most Impressive Activity Third Most Impressive Activity Fourth Most Impressive Activity


Outside Interests

One outside interest, a second outside interest, perhaps a third outside interest


Technical Writing

Organize the Resume Effectively: PERSONAL INFORMATION: Top center of first page. Name (no title); addresses; phone numbers; e-mail and/or fax addresses (optional); citizenship if applicable. Example : Bassam Al Saqqa 273 East Sixth Street Gaza, Gaza Strip 47401 (970) 599-325698 EDUCATION: Often comes first in student resumes, especially if it is a strong asset. Example: Islamic University Of Gaza (Gaza Strip) Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Expected June 2006) Major: Electrical Engineering Minor: Computer Science EXPERIENCE: Here, you can use one of two formats: Functional or Chronological Functional To emphasize skills and talents, cluster your experience under headings that highlight these skills: for ex.: leadership, research, computers, etc. This format can be helpful if you have little relevant job experience Chronological: To emphasize work experience, list jobs beginning with the most recent. Some hints: Write all job descriptions in parallel phrases, using ACTION verbs List the most important responsibilities or successes first Emphasize collaborative or group-related tasks Example of Experience: Gaza Electric Company (Gaza, Gaza Strip) Research Assistant intern, Summer and fall 2004 Assistant manager of corporate planning and developed computer model for long-range planning Ali Corporation (Gaza, Gaza Strip) Technician May,2003 to May, 2004 Use variety of test equipment to troubleshoot, repair and test precision electromechanical and electronic instruments in a team environment. AWARDS/HONORS: Use reverse chronological order; include titles, places, dates. Example: Deans List- IUG,3.88 grade point average of possible 4. Senior Honor Society- IUG, 2004 ASAI Scholarship 2003-2004, Islamic University of Gaza. 31

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SKILLS & ACTIVITIES: Generally, list hobbies, travel, or languages only if they relate to your job interests. In some cases, you may wish to emphasize your willingness to travel or relocate Example: Computer: Verilog HDL & Matlab in unix environment, Assembly,Pspice, Fortran,C++, will be learning Java Proven record of outstanding performance and dependability with increasing responsibility, both in teams and in stand alone projects. Willing to relocate, love all kind of sport, speak & write French well Member Of IEEE. REFERENCES: You need not put these on your resume. Write a separate list of references, with complete name, title, company name, address, and telephone numbers for each individual. Example: Available upon request CREATING YOUR DRAFT: Look at other resumes written for positions within your field. TYPE each entry in a format close to the one you want to use for your resume. LENGTH: for many resumes, two pages is the maximum length Consider Word Choice Carefully: In a resume, you need to sound positive and confident: neither too aggressive, nor overly modest. For a list of typical verbs used in resumes see page 602 in your text. Examples: accomplish; achieve; analyze; adapt; balance; collaborate; coordinate; communicate; compile Ask Other People to Comment on Your Resume: It STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you have an advisor, potential employer, or someone in your field critique your resume. Make the Final Product Presentable: Use a computer and high-quality (preferably laser) printer Evaluate Your Resume: Hold your resume at arm's length and see how it looks. Is the page too busy with different type styles, sizes, lines, or boxes? Is the information spaced well, not crowded on the page? Is there too much "white space"? Is important information quick and easy to find?


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CONTENT: Check Name and address All entries highlight a capability or accomplishment Descriptions use active verbs, and verb tense is consistent; current job is in present tense; past jobs are in past tense Repetition of words or phrases is kept to a minimum Capitalization, punctuation, and date formats are consistent There are NO spelling errors ORGANIZATION: Your best assets, whether education, experience, or skills, are listed first The page can be easily reviewed: categories are clear, text is indented The dates of employment are easy to find and consistently formatted Your name is printed at the top of each page FORMAT/DESIGN: No more than two typestyles appear; typestyles are conservative Bolding, italics, and capitalization are used minimally and consistently Margins and line spacing keep the page from looking too crowded Printing is on one side of the sheet only The right side of the page is in "ragged" format, not right-justified. Right justification creates awkward white spaces Assignment: Write your own resume


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Lecture 8

Memorandums (memo) Interoffice way of communication.


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Basically, it is an in-house business letter. Like a business letter, a business memo is a type of professional writing. However, a business memo differs from an ordinary letter in several important ways: 1) It is written in a specific format, which will be described later. 2) Unlike a letter, you do not sign your name at the bottom of your memo. Instead, you write your initials next to your name at the top of the memo.

Purpose Of Memo: A business memo serves a very useful purpose. (Memos solve problems) q It helps members of a business organization communicate, without the need for time-consuming meetings.
q It lets someone know something they need to know in an effective and efficient


DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEMOS AND ESSAYS: MEMO Audience Format: Goal: Introduction: Body of the writing: Project: A particular person Intro, specific points. provide information. List-like, straightforward A series of short discussions followed by a summary ESSAY Ambiguous Intro, thesis, evidence, conclusion. prove a point Abstract summary, broad A series of paragraphs of finer detail followed by a conclusion.

A memo exists for a very specific purpose: to convey information to a colleague


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Purpose- Example: q Mr. Howard has asked me to arrange a working lunch for all members of the writing staff, at the main office, sometime before the end of the month. q The purpose of this memo is to request authorization to purchase a sound card and a modem for the computer in the front office. q This memo confirms the details of your tour of the new processing plant, as we discussed over the telephone this morning.

Used for all kinds including: Short note Exchange information Request information Instruct employees Report results Small reports Internal proposals

Memos Role: Play an important role in management: Keeps employees informed Motivates employees Keeps their moral high

To achieve this goal: Memos Should Convey the message in a clear and accurate way


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Memo Format I. II. III. IV. V. Heading Opening Discussion Closing Summary

I. Heading TO: (readers' names and job titles) FROM: (your name and job title) DATE: (Month day, year) SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way) From Line It is a good idea to initial your name in handwriting. CC: (others who are involved) BCC: ( not directly involved)

Subject line: q Should summarize the reason of the memo. q Should be 10 words or less. q Is NOT a sentence - it is a long title.

II. Opening Three parts: 1. The context and problem 2. The specific assignment or task 3. The purpose of the memo. 37

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1. The context Event, circumstance, or background of the problem you are solving. You may use An opening sentence, such as, As Jane recommended, I reviewed the office reorganization plan" Include only what your reader needs, but be sure it is clear.


Task Describe what you are doing to help solve the problem.

If the action was requested, your task may be indicated by a sentence opening like, "You asked that I look at...." If you want to explain your intentions, you might say, "To determine the best method of controlling the percentage of rat extremities, I will...." Purpose Statement Are you announcing a meeting, welcoming a new employee, or asking for input on adopting a new policy about lunch hour length?V


III Discussion: In the discussion segment, give details about the problem, Don't ramble on incessantly, but do give enough information for decision makers to resolve the problem. Describe the task or assignment with details that support your opening paragraph (problem). IV Closing: q Close with a courteous ending that states what action you want your reader to take. q Make sure you consider how the reader will benefit from the desired actions and how you can make those actions easier. V Summary: If your memo is longer than a page, you may want to include a separate summary segment. This part provides a brief statement of the recommendations you have reached. These will help your reader understand the key points of the memo immediately. 38

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Example Plankton Engineering To: From: Employees In Research and Development Team Mary Silvers, Project Manager

Date: January 15, 2002 Subject : New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002 Plankton Engineering is offering a new flex-time schedule to all employees. You MUST sign up for this plan by Feb. 20, 2002, in order to use it. Components of the Plan Employees must agree to: Work 40 hours a week Work a minimum of 4 days a week Arrive at work no later than 9:30 a.m. Leave work no earlier than 3:30 p.m.

Scheduling Considerations Employees may schedule work time as long as it fits the above criteria. Employees who sign up for this new flex time scheduling must declare their work hours during the previous week. The supervisor will take responsibility for recording each employees work schedule. Employees who wish to try this new plan must stay on it for three months before returning to the current policy. Employees who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar year to sign up.

Important Reminder Remember - Sign up by Feb. 20 to take advantage of the new Flex-Time schedule.


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Assignment: Write a memo telling your professor about the problems you encounter or faced in IUG. In which you will answer the following questions: What are the problems? Why are they problems? And what is your plans to solve it?

Exercise: What are the differents between a memo and a business latter and What is the purpose of a memo. Exercise: What are the types of proposal, and what is the different between them.


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Lecture 9

Writing Letters


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Types of Letters: n Cover Letter n Acceptance Letter n Acknowledgment letters n Adjustment letters n Application letters n Complaint letters n Correspondence good news and bad news letters n Inquiry letters and responses n Reference letters ( Recommendation letter) n Refusal letters n Resignation letters n Technical information letters Letter Format: Two common Format: 1 - Full Block Style 2 - Modified Block Style Full Block: Your address The recipient address Date Dear Mr./Ms recipient last name: Body Complimentary close Space for Signature Typed name The recipient address Date Dear Mr./Ms recipient last name: Body Complimentary close Space for Signature Typed name Modified Block Style: Your address

Instructions: 1. Establish your objectives 2. Determine your readers attitude and needs 3. Prepare an outline 4. Write the first draft 5. Allow a cooling period 6. Revise the draft


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Tone: Imagine the reader sitting across the desk Keep the language neutral Careful choice of words

Cover Letter: q Identifies the item being sent q The person to whom it is being sent q The reason for sending it Letter of application (cover letter) is a sales letter Main Objective is to get the job interview. n Each letter should also make specific references to the company and indicate your knowledge of and interest in the work the company is currently doing. n The cover letter also allows you to highlight the most important and relevant accomplishments, skills, and experience listed in your resume. Should provide the following information: 1. Identify an employment area 2. Point out your source of information 3. Summarize your qualification 4. Refer the reader to your rsum 5. Ask for interview Content of the Cover Letter: n In the first paragraph, you should state what job you are applying for and how you learned about it. n You should also state your general qualifications for the job. n Pick out the most relevant qualifications listed in your resume and discuss them in detail n Be as specific as possible, and refer the reader to your resume for additional details. n State where and when you can be reached, and express your willingness to come to an interview or supply further information. Cover Latter Example: n John Jackson 34 Second Street Troy, New York 12180 October 4, 1999 n Mr. James Roberts Recruiting Coordinator Department DRR 1201 Database Corporation Princeton, New Jersey 05876


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Dear Mr. Roberts: Your advertisement for software engineers in the January issue of the IEEE Spectrum caught my attention. I was drawn to the ad by my strong interest in both software design and Database. I have worked with a CALMA system in developing VLSI circuits, and I also have substantial experience in the design of interactive CAD software. Because of this experience, I can make a direct and immediate contribution to your department. I have enclosed a copy of my resume, which details my qualifications and suggests how I might be of service to Database. I would like very much to meet with you to discuss your open positions for software engineers. If you wish to arrange an interview, please contact me at the above address or by telephone at (518) 271-9999. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely yours, Joseph Smith Acceptance Letters: This letter is written in order to accept a received job offer. It should be written within a week of receiving the offer. The format is as follow Acceptance Letters Example: 230 Elnaser St. Gaza, Palestine 1/3/2007

Dr. Basil Hamed General Manager Mechatronics Company 22 Omer Al-moktar St. Gaza, Palestine Dear Dr. hamed: I am very happy to accept your offer for a position as a computer engineer at a salary of $1200.00, per a month. Since graduation in July 25, I plan to move to Gaza from Khan Younes this month. I should be locating to a suitable living accommodation within a week and be ready to report for work on Saturday, August 26th. Please let me know if this date OK to you. I look forward to work for you and join a great team. Sincerely, Ahmed Ali


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Acknowledgment Letters: In this letter you acknowledge receiving an item (letter, box, or something). It serves as a good public relation practice. In this letter you mention what and when items are received in a short and polite manner. Acknowledgment Letters Example: Rocky Tech Corp. 112 Jamal Abed Nasser St. Gaza, Palestine March 1, 2007 Mr. Ayman Majeed, Salesman 102 Mannara Square Ramalla, Palestine Dear Mr. Majeed: I received your shipment of ten digital multimeters today; the shipment seems To be complete and in good shape. Thank you for sending it on time. After the multimeters passing our tests, we will send you a check with the last payment covering the cost of this purchase. Sincerely, Ahmed Ali, General Manager Complaint Letters: When customers are not satisfied with goods and services that are offered by businesses, they write complaint letters asking for fixing these situations. In order to be more effective, the tone of the letter should not be angry. In order to obtain a positive response, you should not vent your anger in the letter. You should state your claim supported by factual evidence and ask for adjustment.


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Complaint Letters Example: June 25, 2003 Islamic University of Gaza PO Box 108, Gaza, Palestine Attention: ECE Department Head On June 16, I filed for an incomplete grade in the Power Systems course. All the supporting items were attached which included a medical doctor report, medical prescription, and the hospital check out papers. On June 23 I received a denial for my incomplete application without any explanation. I immediately contacted the department with a note explaining my situation. Not only I received no explanation but also I was advised to just forget about it. Please either send me a explanation for the denial or else advise me with the steps and procedures that I need to take to fix this problem. Sincerely, Majed Imran 5th year Computer Engineering student PO Box 1004 Kan Yunis, Palestine

Correspondence Letter: The Correspondence Latter Can be: q Good news Letter q Bad news Letter Good News Letter: 1. Good news 2. Explanation or facts 3. Goodwill Good News Letter Example: Good News: Please accept our offer for the position of electrical engineer at IUG. Explanation: if the terms we discussed in the interview are acceptable to you, please come in at 9:30 a.m. on September 5, at that time we will ask you.... Goodwill example: Everyone here at IUG is looking forward to working with you. We all were very favorably impressed with you during the interview


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Bad News Letters: n Buffer n Bad news n Goodwill Bad News Letters Example: Buffer : Thank you for your time and effort in applying for the position of electrical engineer at IUG Bad News: Since we need someone who can assume the duties here with a minimum of training, we have selected an applicant with over ten years of experience. Goodwill: I am sure that with your excellent college record you will find a position in another office. Inquiry Letter: Two types: 1. Provides benefit to the reader Example: Asking about a product the company recently advertised 2. Provides benefits to the writer Example: Asking the public utility for information on energy-related project you are developing Objective: to obtain, within a reasonable period of time, answers to specific questions.


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Sample Letter of Recommendation:

n XYZ Company 123 XYZ Way New York City NY 12345 (123) 555-0000 Fax (123) 555-0001

n February 1, 2000 n To Whom it May Concern: n I've been Holly Smith's manager for over six years. While I wish her only the best and fully understand that she must advance her career, I'm truly sorry to see her go. It has been a pleasure having her on my team. n Holly is a professional technical writer of the highest caliber, who meticulously researches, formats, edits and proofs her documents. I've received many compliments from customers who rely on Holly's documentation. Management and personnel in tech support, engineering, technical training, and other departments praise her work. n Holly is an innovative self-starter, who rarely needs supervision. She is punctual and typically exceeds expectations. She handles pressure well, and will voluntarily work overtime and take work home to meet a deadline. For example, we received a rush order from one of our customers for a complex product modification, including critical user documentation. Holly not only made the extremely tight deadline, but beat it; yet she still produced a stellar, technically-accurate addendum for the standard user manual. Sales, marketing, training and engineering were quite pleased with Holly's performance in this crunch. Even our CEO was impressed, and our customer was ecstatic. This is just one example among many of Holly's superior skills and admirable work ethics. n Holly is an invaluable asset to any technical communications department, and I highly recommend hiring her. If you'd like to discuss her attributes in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact me. n Sincerely, n [Signature] John Doe Manager, Technical Communications Ext. 245,


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Resignation Letter Sample: [Your Name] [Street City State Zip Code] [Phone # Fax phone # Messages phone # Email] [Date today] [Recipient's name] [Company name] [Address] n Dear [Recipient's name]: n Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from [Company name], effective [date, two weeks from date above]. The associations I've made during my employment here will truly be memorable for years to come. n I hope a two-week notice is sufficient for you to find a replacement for me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know. n Thank you very much for the opportunity to work here. n Sincerely, n [Sign here] n [Your name, title] Retirement Letter Sample: n Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email n Date n Name Title Organization Address City, State, Zip Code n Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: n I would like to inform you that I am retiring from my position with Smith Agency, effective August 1. n Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me over the years. I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company. n While I look forward to enjoying my retirement, I will miss working for the company. If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know. n Your Signature n Your Typed Name Assignment: I. Write a cover letter for any (from internet, newspaper,) announced job. II. You bought something (computer, book, electronic instrument) from the internet, when you received it was not in good shape. Write a complaint letter to the company. 49

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Lecture 10

Formal report


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Contents: u Basic Page Layout. u Preliminary Pages. u Text Pages. u Back Mater. Basic Page Layout: 1. Margins 2. Line Spacing 3. Line Spacing for Equations 4. Font Types 5. Font Size 6. Font Style 7. Page Number 1. Margins: u Left and right 2.5 cm u Top and bottom 3.5 cm 2. Line Spacing: u Single space the text. u Single space: table/figure caption u Single space appendix materials and tables. u Allow additional space above and below the equation to separate it from the text. 3. Font Types: u Use proportional font -- Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, -- must use at least 12-point font. u Fixed fonts -- Courier, -- use 10 ( 10 character per inch). 4. Font Size: u Text must be a minimum of 12-point. u Fonts 10-point not acceptable for body of report. u Fonts 8-,9-,or 10-point may be used for tables and appendix to accommodate the margins u 5. Font Style Any standard office font style is acceptable -- not script, italic, bold, characters with slant or different sizes. u Italic fonts may be used when appropriate. u Times Roman -- uses 13-point size. u Font size and style are the same for text and page number. 5. Font Style: u Any standard office font style is acceptable -- not script, italic, bold, characters with slant or different sizes. u Italic fonts may be used when appropriate. u Times Roman -- uses 13-point size. u Font size and style are the same for text and page number. 51

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6. Page Number: u Pages should be numbered consecutively, with numbers located in the upper right, lower right, or lower middle of the page. u The Introduction should begin with 1. u Before Introduction, use Roman numerals. Front matter: u Front cover u Title page u Dedication page (optional) u Acknowledgment (optional) u Abstract u Table of Contents u List of Tables u List of Figures u List of Abbreviations u Foreword (optional) u Preface (optional) Title Page: u Title of document u Your name u Degree title - Course title u Major Subject u University name, city, country u Date (month, year) u Assign numeral i, but does not appear u Back of title page is empty Dedication Page: u Optional u Type the word DEDICATION u Insert two double spaced blank lines and begin the text-double spacing all lines. Acknowledgment Page: u Optional u Type the word ACKNOWLEDGMENT u Insert two double spaced blank lines and begin the text-double spacing all lines. Abstract: u Type the word ABSTRACT u Single space all lines u Must have statement of the problem exposition of methods & procedures summary of the finding u Usually 200 to 250 words. 52

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Table of Contents: u Type TABLE OF CONTENTS List items followed with dotes and page number Abstract List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations and so on u Dont list anything before the Table of Contents Table of Contents Continue: u Include all chapter heads-upper case Subheads as they appear in chapter. u Generally no more than three levels of heads are used. If heads in any levels is listed, all headings of that levels must be listed. u List Appendices next u The Bibliography Table of contents Example: Abstract .. .... ......iii List of Figures ....... .............iv List of Tables ... ..v 1 SUMMARY ... ......1 2 INTRODUCTION ... .. 3 3 METHODOLOGY ... .....6 3.1 Selection of study area ........... 8 3.2 Description of study series............10 3.2.1 Pilgrim 1 ..12 3.3 Time series analysis . ............14 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ....20 5 CONCLUSION ..22 APPENDIX A ..23 References .....24 List of Tables (Figures, Abbreviations): u List each one on a separate page with each table followed by dots and page number at the right margin. u Double space between each caption but single space captions longer than one line. u Number all tables/figures consecutively Foreword: u Optional introductory statement written by someone other than the author. u May discuss the purpose of the report. u May include background information


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Preface: u Optional written by the author. u Include the purpose, background, and scope of the report. u Specify the audience for whom the report to be given. Text Pages: I. Introduction. II. Materials and methods. III. Results and discussion. IV. Conclusion Text Pages Continue: u Must be divided into chapters which could be sub divided and listed in the Table of Contents. u Use just boldface, just italic, or just underline any heading. u Single space all heading. u Each new chapter must start on a new page. u Avoid having a heading as the last line of text on a page. I. Introduction: u First paragraph should capture readers attention. u Should include Statement of the problem Motivations Complete description of the project. Mentioning each part of the report II. Materials & Methods: u Literature Review. u Theoretical Derivations. State your assumptions clearly. Step-by-step derivation. Figures may be necessary. u Summary of the approach taken. Software simulation, hand calculation, design and implementation, programming, or analytical derivations. III. Results & Discussion: u Software documentation. u Analysis of plots, charts and figures where each should be mentioned and discussed. u Explanation of the results The punch line How did it turn out? Was it as expected? Did it turn out according to theory? Were the results repeatable? Do you understand the significant of the results? u The reader should know exactly what happened and why. 54

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IV. Conclusion: u Tie together any loose ends. u Summarize the whole report. u Should include restatement of the problem restatement of the goals restatement of the approach taken restatement of the results & their relevance future works, extrapolation and possible applications for technology Back Mater: u Page numbers continue as Arabic numerals u Appendix u Bibliography or References u Glossary u Index (optional) Appendix: u Labeled as Appendix A, Appendix B, so on. u Observe the margins and the page numbering. u Include materials that are too long and technical or unnecessary in the appendix. Bibliography: u Single space all lines of each entry, but double space between entries. u Use numbered reference list. u At least three references should be given. u References include course notes, text books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and thesis. Reference should include: author title of work title of journal or text volume number date page number publisher publishers city Bibliography Examples: 1. Samir S. Soliman and Mandyam D. Srinath. Continuous And Discrete Signals And Systems,2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998 2. Khotandzal A. and et al, Neural Networks--Generation Three, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol. 8, No. 4, July 1997


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Glossary: u List of selected terms on particular subject that are defined and explained. u Arrange alphabetically u Follow dictionary style. Abbreviation Definition


Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Local Area Network Hard drive Single Input Single Output

Index: u Alphabetical list of all the major topics discussed in the report. u Cites the pages where each topic can be found thus allows readers to find information on topics quickly and easily. Title page example: TITLE OF THE SENIOR PROJECT BY YOUR NAME Senior Project submitted to the Electrical & Computer Engineering In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Specialization in: Communication Islamic University of Gaza Gaza, Gaza Strip July 2006


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Title page example:


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To my parents and to my family who made this accomplishment possible: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: First and foremost, I would like to thank the chairman of my committee, Dr. xxxxxx, for his support, outstanding, guidance and encouragement throughout my senior project. I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. xxx for all the help and guidance he provided throughout my education, and to the other members of my instructors, Dr. xxxxxxx and Dr. xxxxxxxx. I would like to thank my family, especially my parents, for their encouragement, patience, and assistance over the years. I am forever indebted to my parents, who have always kept me in their prayers. ABSTRACT: Title of the senior project BY Your name The design of controllers for nonlinear systems in industry is a complex and difficult task. The development of nonlinear control techniques has been approached in many different ways with varied results. One approach which has been shown promise for solving nonlinear control problems is the use of XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Table of Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION .......1 1.1 Introduction ..........1 1.2 Literature Review ....3 1.3 Contribution ......4 1.4 Outline of This Thesis....5 2. CLASSICAL CONTROL SYSTEM......8 2.1 Background .............8 2.2 Controller Design.....9 2.3 Proportional-Integral-Derivative ...11 3. DESIGNING PID CONTROLLER FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEM...14 3.1 Introduction ....14 3.2 Inverted Pendulum Problem ...15 3.3 Nonlinear case ......17 3.4 linearization case......19 7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH .....99 REFERENCES .....103 APPENDICES A. THE FUZZY RULES OF MAMDANI MODEL FOR INVERTED PENDULUM PROBLEM...109 B. THE FUZZY RULES OF SUGENO MODEL FOR INVERTED PENDULUM PROBLEM .....112 C. COMPUTER PROGRAMS ..115 58

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D. PHASE PLAINS .....121 LIST OF TABLES: Table 3.1 Inverted Pendulum Parameter Values 21 Table 5.1 Inverted Pendulum Equations .....53 Table 5.2 Inverted Pendulum Parameter Values ......54 Table 5.3 Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) .....59 Table 5.4 Set of Input-Output Data for First Rule ..70 Table 5.5 Finding Parameters of First Rule Using Least Square Method ...70 Table 5.6 The Eigenvalues of Sugeno Fuzzy Control Using State Variable Feedback ........85 LIST OF FIGURES: u Figure 2.1 u Figure 2.2 u Figure 3.1 u Figure 3.2 u Figure 3.3 u Figure 3.4 u Figure 3.5 u Figure 4.1 u Figure 4.2 u Figure 4.3 u Figure 4.4 u Figure 4.5 u Figure 4.6 GLOSSARY: Closed-Loop Controller ....8 A PID Controller ........12 PID Controller for Inverted Pendulum .........18 The Cart Position of the Inverted Pendulum (Nonlinear Case) ..18 The Position of the Inverted Pendulum (Nonlinear Case).19 The Cart Position of the Inverted Pendulum (Linearized Case) ...22 The Position of the Inverted Pendulum (Linearize Case)..23 The Venn diagram of a fuzzy set ......27 Intersection of fuzzy sets A and B ...29 Union of fuzzy sets A and B ........29 Complement of fuzzy set A .......30 A bell-shaped membership function .. .......31 A triangular membership function ......31


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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: 1.1 This is a Section Heading This is a sentence to take up space and look like text. This is a sentence to take up space [1]. This is a sentence to take up space and look like text. 1.1.1 This is a Subsection Heading This is a sentence to take up space and look like text. This is a sentence to take up space [2]. This is a sentence to take up space and look like text. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

APPENDIX: APPENDIX A THIS IS AN APPENDIX : This is a sentence to take up space and look like text. This is a sentence to take up space and look like text. A.1 A Section Heading Inside an Appendix : This is how equations are numbered in an appendix: This is a sentence to take up space and look like text


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Lecture 11

Job Interview


Technical Writing

Job interviewing: Job interviewing is one of the most popular career topics on the Web. But no career advisor can tell you exactly what to say during a job interview. Interviews are just too up-close and personal for that. About the best that career advisors can do, is to give you some tips about the typical questions to expect, so you can practice answering them ahead of time. But, while there are many canned interview questions, there are few canned answers. The rest is up to you. Interview: The Interview can be divided into three stages: 1. Before the interview 2. During the interview 3. After the interview Before The Interview: Show that you are knowledgeable about the company and its operations Learn about your potential employer before the interview What kind of business is it ? Is the company locally owned? Is it a nonprofit organization? If the job is public employment, at what level of government is it? Does the business provide a service, and, if so, what kind? How large is the firm? Is it expanding? Where will you fit in? Know Interviewer himself (if possible) It is good idea to try to anticipate the questions an interviewer might ask and to prepare your answers in advance Example of Interviewer questions: Why Should We Hire You? What are your short-term and long-term occupational goals? What are your major strengths and weaknesses? Do you work better alone or with others? Why do you want to work for this company? How do you spend your free time? Why are you leaving your job? What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you? Interview Questions NOT to Ask: What does this company do? (Do your research ahead of time!) If I get the job when can I take time off for vacation? (Wait until you get the offer to mention prior commitments) Can I change my schedule if I get the job? (If you need to figure out the logistics of getting to work don't mention it now...) Did I get the job? (Don't be impatient. They'll let you know.)


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During The Interview: Be sure to arrive for an interview at the appointed time Take along your resume The interview will actually begin before you are seated What you wear and how you act will be closely observed Remain standing until you are offered a seat. Present a positive attitude Self confidence & Be modest Tell your interviewer about your recent accomplishments and future career plans Don't interrupt the interviewer. Take your time - it's perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to collect your thoughts Don't smoke, chew gum, eat, or drink. Unfreeze your face smile ! A man without smiling face must not open a shop Shake hands firmly ! Depends upon occasions Listen Attentively: Listen is not hearing Make sure you listen to the question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before you respond. Look directly to the interviewer Dont argue mentally Rid yourself of visual distractionsglasses, pen, or other objects. Bridle your thoughts Listen with animation q Be mindful of physical appearance q Show Enthusiasm Approach the question of salary cautiously Do not talk too much Never create a situation where you keep Interviewer waiting Get the interviewer to like you Job Interview Tips and Suggestions: Job interviewing never seems to get any easier - even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count. You are meeting new people, selling yourself and your skills.


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Job Interview Tips: q PRACTICE q PREPARE q BE TIMELY q STAY CALM q SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW q FOLLOW UP PRACTICE: Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy PREPARE: Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our company BE TIMELY: Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there STAY CALM: During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm as possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question! SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW: Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for FOLLOW UP: Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note. End of the Interview: q Thank your interviewer q Indicate you are interested in the job q Tactfully get an idea of when expect to hear from the company. After The Interview: q Jot down pertinent information you learned during the interview. q A day or two later, send the interviewer a brief note of thanks.


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Sample Thank You Letter: Your Name Your Address Date Name Title Organization Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

Follow-up Letter to job Interview: Dear Mr. Vallone: Thank you for the informative and pleasant interview we had last Wednesday. Please extend my thanks to Mr. Wilson of the Servocontrol Group as well. I came away from the meeting most favorably impressed with Calcutex Industries. I find the position to an attractive one feel confident that my qualifications would enable me to perform the duties to everyones advantage. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Philip Ming


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Lecture 12

Oral Presentation


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Oral Communication is different from written communication: Listeners have one chance to hear your talk and can't "re-read" when they get confused Important of Oral Presentation: q Oral presentation is part of the professionals Career. q Presenting your talent and skills q Present your ideas clearly and persuasively with self-assurance and dynamic energy. Preparing for your presentation: I. Define Your Task q Identify the topic of your presentation q Specify the kinds and amount of information q Identify many key points that you want the audience to understand. q List the important questions that you want to answer in your presentation. II. Know your audience: q What are the notable characteristics of this audience? Curious? Inhibited? Cautious? Eager? Expert? q Does this audience respect a formal or informal style? q Does this audience value simplicity or complexity? III. Collecting Data: q Gather information more than you need for the presentation to build confidence. q Use all sources of information like brainstorming, written material, interviewing others, and your own background IV. Developing (Organizing) the Topic: Select the best organizational strategy q Problem-solution method of development q Comparison method of development q Cause-and-effect method of development q Specific-to-general method of development q General-to-specific method of development q Increasing-order-of-importance method of development V. Outlining the presentation: q Opening (Introduction) q Body q Closing (Conclusion) The Opening: Your opening is the most important part of your speech. It should catch the interest of your audience, stimulate their curiosity, and impress them.


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Ways to start your opening: q A rhetorical question Example: Will colonizing outer space ever be practical? q A dramatic story Example: Terry Foxs attempt to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research q A quotation from a famous person Example: Good order is the foundation of all good things. Edmund Burke q A historical events Example: Do you remember where you were when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon? q A reference from literature or the holly book The Body: q Begin the body with a statement of your theme. q Then state all the evidence and proof necessary to support your theme statement. q The strength of your proof will sell your ideas. q Use analogies, stories, testimony, logic, statistic, and examples to support your theme. The closing: Plan your closing as you planned your opening. It is as important as the opening, because what you say in the closing is what your audience is most likely to remember. Review, highlight and emphasize - key points, benefits, recommendations Draw conclusions - where are we? ... what does all of this mean? ... what's the next step? A Generic Talk Outline: This talk outline is a starting point, not a rigid template. Most good speakers average two minutes per slide (not counting title and outline slides), and thus use about a dozen slides for a twenty minute presentation A Generic Talk Outline Continue: Title/author/affiliation (1 slide) Forecast (1 slide) Give gist of problem attacked and insight found (What is the one idea you want people to leave with? This is the "abstract" of an oral presentation.) Outline (1 slide) Give talk structure. Some speakers prefer to put this at the bottom of their title slide. (Audiences like predictability.) Background Motivation and Problem Statement (1-2 slides) (Why should anyone care? Most researchers overestimate how much the audience knows about the problem they are attacking.) Related Work (0-1 slides) Cover superficially or omit; refer people to your paper. Methods (1 slide) Cover quickly in short talks; refer people to your paper 68

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Results (4-6 slides) Present key results and key insights. This is main body of the talk. Its internal structure varies greatly as a function of the researcher's contribution. (Do not superficially cover all results; cover key result well. Do not just present numbers; interpret them to give insights. Do not put up large tables of numbers.) Summary (1 slide) Future Work (0-1 slides) Optionally give problems this research opens up. Backup Slides (0-3 slides) Optionally have a few slides ready (not counted in your talk total) to answer expected questions. (Likely question areas: ideas glossed over, shortcomings of methods or results, and future work.)

VI. Select Visuals Aid: Identify the purpose of your visual aid to clarify a key point to provide an illustrative example to model to summarize Select Visuals Aid Continue: If you pay attention to these four concept as you put the visuals together, the end products will be more effective: 1) Make it BIG 2) Keep it Simple 3) Make it Clear 4) Be Consistent Select types of visual aids well matched to the needs of your audience with respect to specific portions of your presentation. Examples: Table, bar graph, line graph, flow chart, pie graph, diagram, organizational chart q q q q q q q table - good for presenting groups of detailed facts bar graph - can represent numerical qualities line graph - shows how one quantify changes as a function of change in another quantity pie graph - effective for depicting the composition of a whole diagram - similar to a drawing but relies upon symbols flow chart - means of representing successions of events organizational chart - usually depicts hierarchical arrangement


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Bar graph:
100 80 60 40 20 0

East West North

Organizational chart:

Pie graph:
Production per year
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994

Select presentation vehicles: q Overhead q Chalkboard q Hand-out q Slides q Model q Computer screen q Poster


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Critique your visual aid: q Is it large enough to be easily seen or is it too small and detailed? q Is the contrast/color effective or distracting? q Does it clarify a difficult concept or introduce confusion? q Is the visual aid necessary or superfluous? VII. Practice your presentation: q Maintain eye contact with the audience. q Eye contact gives l self-confidence l feedback (speed up, slow down, repeat your self) q Keep body movement quiet and natural. q Maintain appropriate voice volume. q Avoid wearing distracting clothing or accessories. q Maintain a constant rate of speech Practice your presentation Continue: wont be able to duplicate the real audience stress. Avoid being nervous by: Practice in front of classmates, colleagues, family or friends. taking deep breaths distributing weight equally on both feet Use Body Language Effectively: relaxed gestures, eye contact; don't play with a pen or pointer. don't block visual aids Be sensible about transparencies: q The optimal number 6-10 per 10 minutes talk q Avoid transparencies with 1 or 2 lines. q Avoid jam-packed transparencies q Text to be concise and self-explanatory Most people find the more they practice, the more at ease they feel when they give their presentation. Questions from the floor: q Let questioner finish the question q Be prepare to rephrase the question q Keep the answer short q Deflect hostile questions and Never argue with questioner Example: I am sorry, but it appears we have a difference of opinion. This probably is not the proper forum for a debate but Ill be happy to discuss the matter with you in private.


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Group Presentation Evaluation Form: Rate the Group Presentation (5= Excellent; 1= Poor NA= not applicable) Comments would be very helpful. Group Number:____ Group Topic:________________________________ ____1. Introduction: Did the introduction capture your interest; was necessary background given; was a clear purpose conveyed ___2. Organization: Was there a clear organization; were transitions between sections clear and effective; did the organization lead to a clear conclusion? ___3. Content: Did the group support their points; was the supporting material relevant, up to date? ___4. Visual Aids: Were visual aids used effectively and appropriately, carefully prepared? ___5. Conclusion: Were key points reinforced; was a sense of closure provided; if appropriate, was a course of action proposed? ___6. Delivery: Were the speakers natural, enthusiastic; did they speak clearly; were appropriate gestures, posture, expreesions used ___7. Discussion: Were questions answered accurately, clearly, effectively? ___8. Overall Rating General Comments (use back):


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Lecture 13

Progress Report


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Progress Report: When you have a job with a company or any organization, your bosses will want you to keep track of the progress you are making on your work. One way for them to do this is to ask you to write a progress report. They may have a form for this, or they may expect you to complete a memo. q A progress report describes the status of an ongoing project. q Progress reports range in size from single-page blank forms to documents running to sixty or seventy pages. q Some progress reports are written when an unexpected breakthrough occurs or when a project falls under new administration q Most, however, are written upon completion of a certain stage Goal of Progress Report: q Progress reports are written to provide information about the way a project is developing q to convince your audience that you are making progress, that it's the proper progress, and that you will finish on time, or q to explain problems and to request assistance or guidance q Force you to establish a work schedule so that you'll complete the project on time. Audience: n Instructors n Supervisor n Associates n Customers What Should progress Report Include: Successful progress reports answer the following questions q How much has been accomplished since the last report? q Is the project on schedule? q If not, what went wrong? How has the problem been corrected? How long will it take to get back on schedule? q Are there any unexpected problems (other than schedule problems)? q When do you anticipate completion? Basic layout: q 2 3 pages q Single spaced Format of Progress Report: Depending on the size of the progress report, the length and importance of the project, and the recipient, the progress report can take the following forms: n Memo--A short, informal report to someone within your organization n Letter--A short, informal report sent to someone outside your organization n Formal report--A long, formal report sent to someone outside your organization


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Organization of the Progress Report: q Headings q Body I. Introduction II. Discussion III. Conclusion q References Heading: To: Name of your advisor From: Your name Subject: The subject of your proposal Date: date of submission Body: I. Introduction: n Purpose of the project n Specific objectives of the project n Scope, or limits, of the project n Date the project began; date the project is scheduled to be completed n People or organization working on the project n People or organization for whom the project is being done n Overview of the contents of the progress report II. Discussion ( Project description ): 2 possibilities for subheadings in this section n Option #1-Chronological organization Work Completed Work in Progress Work Remaining n Option #2-Topical organization Task #1 Task #2 Task #3 Whichever organization you choose, provide a detailed discussion of your progress. III. Conclusion: n Briefly summarize your progress. n Relate back to the originally proposed schedule and deadline. n Reassure the reader that you are adhering to the schedule and that the project will be completed on time. n Emphasize the benefits of the final report. References: n List all the references you used Assignment: Write a progress report for your formal report


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Lecture 14

Research and the Internet


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Research and the Internet: The Internet can be a great tool for research, but finding quality web materials and using them to your advantage in your writing can be challenging. Why do we need to evaluate web sources? Virtually any person can publish almost anything on the Internet. Unlike most print sources, web sources do not have to be professionally accepted and edited to be published. Researching the Internet: Use search engines to your advantage Identify the web site Examine for credibility Determine depth and scope of information Assess date of information Types of web pages: Informative pages Personal web pages Political/interest group pages Marketing-oriented pages Entertainment pages What is a search engine? A search engine is an Internet tool that locates web pages and sorts them according to specified keywords. Types of search engines: Yahoo and Alta Vista are the most useful search engines for beginning searches. Google, Northern Light, and Snap access the greatest percentage of the World Wide Web--only around 15-16%. Dogpile will search through several search engines at once. A collection of search engine links is available at the OWL web site: Use search engines to your advantage: Pick the right search engine for your research needs. Yahoo and AltaVista will help you to distinguish between different categories of web sites. Hotbot, however, locates information based upon the popularity of the site. Refine your search whenever possible. Limit your keyword search: It is a good idea to read the directions for each search engine to get the most out of your search. Use words like AND and OR to limit your search and get more specified information.


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Identify the web site: Assess the authorship, content, and purpose of the web site. This is important because many web sources are not checked for accuracy. some personal sites are used to express individual opinions about issues, but not necessarily the facts. Sometimes the actual purpose of the web site may not be clearly articulated. Can be difficult to separate advertising from accurate information. Some marketing sites will offer misleading information in attempts to sell their products. Whenever possible, try to locate the home page. You can often do this by eliminating some information from the end of the URL. .org .gov .com .net .edu .us .au .uk Who is the creator of the site? What is the purpose of the site? Who is the audience of this site? Can you purchase products at this site? Is the site affiliated with a business or university? Does the site offer idiosyncratic information about a particular person or group? Examine for credibility: Credibility may be compromised by purposeful misinformation or by unintentional neglect. Locating the name of the sites creator may be challenging. Credentials may be missing even if the authors name is provided. Who is the author of the site? What is the authority or expertise of the individual or group? What else comes up when you type the authors name into a search engine? Does the source have a political or business agenda? Is the site sponsored by a political or business group? If so, what can you find out about that group? Does the site provide a list of sources or a Works Cited page? Can you locate any of the source material? How reliable is this material? Are there links to other credible sites with additional information? Does the site provide a link for emailing the author or webmaster?


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Determine depth and scope of information: Does the material show signs of research, such as references to other sources, hyperlinks, footnotes, or a reference page? Does the author consider opposing points of view? How closely does the site really match the information for which you are searching? Corroborate information whenever possible! Are there a lot of flashy pictures, colors, animated images, and logos designed to attract attention? Do these eye-catching images distract you from noticing a lack of credible information? Do they disguise an attempt to get you to buy something? Different from print sources: Information covered on web pages is often presented for easy digestion and visual appeal. Information may not provide sufficient depth or scope. Material may be affected by marketing or political bias. Sometimes web sources may not be the right sources for the information you need. Assess date of information: Can you locate a date on the web page? Dates on web pages can mean: Date the author first wrote or developed the material Date site was first available on the Internet for public access Date site was most recently updated, including revisions, additions, or subtractions to the material Evaluating web sources: Use search engines to your advantage Identify the web site Examine for credibility Determine depth and scope of information Assess date of information Assignment: Write lab report using the format you learned in the lab report presentation


Technical Writing

Lecture 15

Presentation on Ethics in Business and Society


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What Is Ethics? A few years ago, sociologist Raymond Baumhart asked business people, "What does ethics mean to you?" Among their replies were the following: "Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong." "Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs." "Being ethical is doing what the law requires." "Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accepts." "I don't know what the word means In order to understand what ethics is, and what it might look like, it's important to distinguish the difference between ethics and values . Ethics is about the way we treat one another and is an action concept that dictates how we choose to live our lives. The ultimate true test of our character is when we are willing to do the right thing even when it is not in our best interest to do so. VALUES: Refers to our core beliefs or desires , the things we value the most. Our values shape our attitudes and determines how we will behave in certain situations. Ethical Values Vs. Non-Ethical Values: Ethical Values directly relate to our beliefs concerning our moral duty as opposed to what is correct, effective, or desirable. These are the values that drive our principles. Non-Ethical Values are concerned with things that we like or find personally satisfying and/or important, with no regard to the moral content. When evaluating ones goals and objectives, a vital question must be asked: What is your highest aspiration? A. Wealth B. Fame C. Knowledge D. Popularity E. Integrity If integrity is second to any of the alternatives, then it is subject to sacrifice in situations where a choice must be made. Such situations will inevitably occur in every persons life. Why talk about ethics? Why talk about ethics? In the aftermath of major corporate failures and questionable accounting practices, American Accounting Association President G. Peter Wilson said that in the classroom, educators need to increasingly emphasize the value of integrity, what has long been a mainstay of accountants reputation In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Psychology professor Steven Davis says that cheating by high school students has increased from about 20 percent in the 1940s to 75 percent today. Students say cheating in high school is for grades, cheating in college is for a career.


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If students lack ethics in high school and college, then there should be little surprise that they lack ethics in their careers. Greed and over-reaching ambition often end in disastrous personal consequences. Convicted inside trader, Dennis Levine, in a Fortune magazine article wrote: Many institutions of higher education have instituted policies regarding ethics education. For example, the Faculty Handbook of the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University includes the following statement: Therefore, faculty and staff have a responsibility for creating an academic environment that promotes honest academic inquiry and teaches students ethical behavior in the process. Educational Institutions have established ethics codes for their students, e.g. the U.S. Air Force Academy: "We Will Not Lie, Steal Or Cheat, Nor Tolerate Among Us Anyone Who Does" -- Which do you think is the harder part: Line 1 or Line 2? Why? What do profs think? In a survey of college faculty, 187 professors responded to several statements about teaching ethics: 1. The importance of ethics and personal integrity should be stressed in the courses I teach.4.75 2. The basis for ethics and personal integrity should be discussed (e.g. benefit to society as a whole, moral and religious foundations of society, etc.) 4.11 Note: Scores are based on a scale from 1: Strongly Agree to 5: Strongly Disagree American Institute of CPAs Code of Professional Conduct, Principles Article I: In carrying out their responsibilities as professionals, members should exercise sensitive professional and moral judgments in all their activities. Is there an ethics crisis in America? One recent national election day poll indicated that 56 percent of voters thought that Americas problems are primarily moral and social. Only 36 percent thought that the nations problems were primarily economic. Can ethics be taught? Teddy Roosevelt said, To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. In his best-seller, The Closing of the American Mind, Allan Bloom says that the eternal conflict between good and evil has been replaced with Im okay, youre okay. Students unthinkingly embrace a blind tolerance in which they consider it moral never to think they are right because that mean someone else is wrong. [Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind, New York, Simon and Schuster, Inc. 1987] Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in the exclusion of religious principle. George Washingtons Farewell Address, September 17, 1796 82

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We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. President John Adams, 1789 God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever. Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence The second paragraph of America's founding document states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Where Do We Start? Upon What Can We Agree? Whether we derive a code of ethics from religious beliefs, a study of history and literature, or personal experience and observation: We can all agree upon some basic values. In an issue of Management Accounting, James Brackner stated: The universities are responding with an increased emphasis on ethical training for decision making. For the most part, however, they ignore the teaching of values. For moral or ethical education to have meaning there must be agreement on the values that are considered right. Be sure you are right, then go ahead. Davy Crockett 1786-1836 A nation or a culture cannot endure for long unless it is undergirded by common values such as valor, public spiritedness, respect for others and for the law; It cannot stand unless it is populated by people who will act on the motives superior to their own immediate interest. Chuck Colson, Against the Night Michael Josephson, in Chapter 1 of Ethical Issues in the Practice of Accounting, describes the Ten Universal Values: Honesty, integrity, promise keeping, fidelity, fairness, caring, respect for others, responsible citizenship, pursuit of excellence, and accountability. Until about 50 years ago, it was commonly accepted that universities were to provide students not only with knowledge and skills, but also moral guidance based on the essentials of the our tradition. Business Prof Geoffrey Lantos


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If we want to produce people who share the values of a democratic culture, they must be taught those values and not be left to acquire them by chance. Cal Thomas, The Death of Ethics in America Can you make a difference? To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. Abraham Lincoln Do you think this relates to line 2 of the U.S.A.F. Academy Code of Honor? The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour. Japanese proverb


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