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Presented By Group1 B



Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that we have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and beliefs in harmony and avoid disharmony. Leon Festinger (1957) proposed cognitive dissonance theory When someone is forced to do (publicly) something they (privately) really don't want to do, dissonance is created between their cognition (I didn't want to do this) and their behavior (I did it)


Evaluation of Cognitive Dissonance Theory

We cannot physically observe cognitive dissonance, and therefore we cannot objectively measure it.

Advantages of Dissonance Theory

It can consider more than two cognitions at a time. It acknowledges that some cognitions are more important than others.

Case Study Walmart

Difference in attitude and Values:
Effective Behavioural


Person Organisation Fit

10 Values employers looks in employees


Strong Work Ethics



Self Confidence

Possessing a Positive attitude

Motivated to Grow and Learn


Self Motivated

Honesty and Integrity

Levels of Leadership
Level 5 leaders are often described as those that have the right mix of personal attributes and professional desire to achieve greatness. Characteristic 1: Drive for sustained results Characteristic 2: Set up successors for success Characteristic 3: Modesty Characteristic 4: Take responsibility Characteristic 5: Organization focus

Characteristic 5: Organization focus

The ambition of the Level 5 leader is first and foremost on the organization. Great leaders are often hard to find but good leaders can become great Level 5 leaders Duncan Brodie of Goals and Achievements (G&A) works with individuals, teams and organizations to develop their management and leadership capability.

Case 2 Dr. V
Fierce Will

Operating Style

Compelling Humility

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