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Cognitive Domain of Blooms Taxonomy 1 Knowledge Recall or recognize Multiple-choice tests, Arrange, define, describe, label, information recount

facts or list, memorize, recognize, relate, statistics, recall rules reproduce, select, state or definitions, quote laws or procedures 2 Comprehension Understand Explain or interpret Explain, reiterate, reword, meaning, restate meaning from a given classify, summarize, illustrate, data in ones own statement, solution to translate, review, report, words, interpret, a given problem, discuss, re-write, interpret, extrapolate, create examples or paraphrase, reference, example translate metaphors 3 Application Use or apply Put a theory into Use, apply, discover, manage, knowledge, put practical effect, execute, solve, produce, theory into demonstrate, solve a implement, construct, change, practice, use problem, manage an prepare, conduct, perform, knowledge in activity react, respond, role-play response to real circumstances 4 Analysis Interpret Identify parts and Analyze, break down, catalog, elements, functions of a process compare, quantify, measure, organizational or concept, test, examine, experiment, principles, deconstruct a method relate, diagram, divide structure, internal or process and give relationships; qualitative assessment, quality, reliability measure requirements of individual or needs components 5 Synthesis Develop new Develop plans, design Develop, plan, build, create, unique structures, solutions, integrate design, organize, revise, systems, models, ideas or resources, formulate, propose, establish, approaches, ideas; create new approaches assemble, integrate, rearrange, creative thinking, modify operations 6 Evaluation Assess Review ideas, options Defend, make a case for, report effectiveness of or plans in terms of on, investigate, appraise, argue whole concepts, in efficacy, practicability, relation to values, or sustainability outputs, efficacy, viability; strategic comparison and review; judgment relating to external criteria Adapted from:

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