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Edited by Dr.

Ashok Nene

Historically, dowsing is a method to locate underground water sources. Throughout history dowsing techniques with pendulums, Y-rods, L-rods and bobbers have been used to find metal, ores, gemstones, oil and lost articles.

Breech child

Dowsing: If during birth of a child's feet

appear first, then such child is called breech

child " Such person possesses some magnetic

powers which are useful for water divining or dowsing.

If such person (born as breech child) is not available, drowsing can be done with the help of herbs mentioned in ancient Indian text Mantrashashtra.

An herbal paste is prepared by grinding ten types of seeds or roots in cow's urine. Such paste is applied to the feet of a person who

wishes to do dowsing.
locating subsurface water.

This paste helps in





describes the constituents of this herbal paste.

1- Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce

2-Koshataki - wild ribbed gourd, wild ridge gourd

4-Shvetark - White MADAR)

5-Girikarnika - Clitoria ternatea Aparajia

6-Vacha - Calamus root

7- Patha -abuta, barbasco, false pareira brava, false pareira

8- Nirgundi - Vitex Negundo

9- Katu tumb - Bitter pumpkin (root of)

10 Nimb - Lemon

11- Keshar - Mammamia longiflora

Gomutra - Cows Urine

Review the Past with Modern Perspective

For Details , Contact Dr. A.S. Nene

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