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Store Management System


BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY Branch Information Technology


Deepika Sharma

26 July 2010

Mr. Manish Tyagi

Central Electronics Limited


First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my project guide Mr.Manish Tyam for his Supervision. I was privileged to experience a sustained enthusiastic and involved interest from his side. This fueled my enthusiasm even further and encouraged me to boldly step into what was a totally dark and unexplored expanse before me. Last but not least, I would like to thank CEL Organization to arrange this industrial training, which made me learn about working experience in industry.

Branch- IT
Engineering &Technology

HI-Tech Institute of



Central Electronics Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It was established in 1974 with an objective to commercially exploit the indigenous technologies developed by National Laboratories and R&D Institutions in the country. CEL is one of the rare companies, which utilized the homegrown technologies during all these years of its existence. CEL has developed a number of products for the first time in the country through its own R&D efforts and in close association with the premier National & International Laboratories including Defense Laboratories. In recognition of all these efforts, CEL has

been awarded a number of times with prestigious awards including National Award for R&D by DSIR. CEL is pioneer in the country in the field of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) and it has developed state-of-the-art technology with its own R&D efforts. Its Solar products have been qualified to International Standards EC503/IEC1215 by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, and ISPRA, ITALY. CEL, pioneer in the field of Railways Safety & Signaling, has been identified as a major indigenous agency for design and development of modern electronic Signaling and Safety equipment by Indian Railways. The equipment manufactured in CEL finds extreme usage in Railways in the form of Axle Counter, Axle Counter Block System and Train Approach Warning Devices. CELs Digital Axle Counter is approved as per European CENELEC safety level SIL-4 by RDSO (Research, Design and Standard Organization of Indian Railways) as an approved source in Part-I (i.e. approved for bulk production) for various Railway Safety and Signaling Equipments for more than 25 years. CEL has developed a number of critical components for strategic applications and is supplying these items to Defense.

Pioneer in India in Photovoltaic, Railway Signaling & safety equipments, C-Band & X-Band phase shifters & Electronic Ceramics Capability to meet competition in India and abroad State-of-the-art solar cell process technology Latest infrastructure & equipment for processing silicon solar cells & modules

Solar PhotoVoltaics Strategic Electronics
Railway Electronics Microwave Electronics

Solar PhotoVoltaics:
The function of this business unit is to manufacture and market Solar Voltaic Cells, Modules and complete systems in India & Abroad. Central Electronics Limited (CEL) is the pioneer and the largest manufacturers of Solar-Photovoltaic (SPV) Cells, Modules and Systems in India. Through sustained in-house development and constant R&D efforts, spread over a decade of continuous efforts, the company has converted a laboratory concept into an industrial technology.

Strategic Electronics:
Railway Electronics: Central Electronics Limited, a
Technology & Production Enterprise of the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India was established in June, 1974 to develop core competence in the areas of renewable energy systems and new generation electronic equipment. The

Company is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of Railway signaling and Safety equipment. With more than 5000 successful installations in Indian Railways, CEL is all set and prepared to meet the signaling requirements of railways from other part of the world with a greater thrust by producing state -of- the- art electronic signaling systems by meeting stringent European standards (CENELEC) for railway safety.

Microwave Electronics: Phase shifters are critical elements

for electronically scanned phased array antennas that allow the antenna beam to be steered in the desired direction without physically re-positioning the antenna.

Electronic phase shifters assumed special significance because of their potential utility and volume requirement in phased array antenna systems for inertia less scanning. CEL is one of the very few companies, worldwide, that have pioneered the production of the ferrite phase shifters for Cand X- bands. The ferrite phase shifter supplied by CEL is an indigenously developed product and CEL is totally self reliant for various materials/components used in the design. CEL has developed various production facilities for meeting the bulk demand of the phase shifters. The measurement of the phase shifter is fully automated using customized software.


Solar PhotoVoltaics : Largest manufacturer of SPV in India. CEL, today is also a major international player in


Solar PhotoVoltaics Cell Solar PhotoVoltaics Modules

Strategic Electronics: CEL is globally recognized as a leader in manufacturing Railway signaling and safety equipment.

Railway Electronics Microwave Electronics

Cathodic Protection : CEL supplies Automatic Electronic
Cathodic Protection (Anti-corrosion) Systems for the protection of Oil/Gas Pipelines to Organizations like Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.(ONGC), Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL), etc.

Electronic Ceramics: A variety of Piezo ceramics materials based on Lead Zirconate Titanate composition have been standardized for low power as well as high power applications. These materials can be tailor made to various shapes and sizes. To meet customer requirements, CEL's capability in the area of High Alumina up to 99% is planned to be exploited to meet potential large volume requirements of substrates, bearings, bulletproofing etc.


The STORE MANAGEMENT project is an excellent Application to manage the stock on the basis of the quantity of issued and received items. Store Management System is an application which is

developed by using JAVA(Swing) at front end and Mysql at back end. This application is easy to use . It features a familiar and well thought-out, an attractive user interface, combined with searching, Insertion and reporting capabilities. The report generation facility of store management system helps to get a good idea of which are the items can be issued in what quantity.

The store Management System has following four main modules:

Entry Show Update Search



Under this module we used to update database on the basis of various document types described as follow:

OPB (Opening Bill) CSRV (Certified Stores Receipt Voucher ) MRN (Material return Note) FGN (Finished Goods Note) STV-R (Stock Transfer Voucher-Receive) PHV-R (Physical Variant - Receive) MIR (Material Issue Receipt) STV-I (Stock Transfer Voucher-Issue) PHV-I(Physical Variant - Issue)

OPB (Opening Bill)

It is the document which is used to show the total quantity present of all the items available in store at the start of financial year (1st April).

CSRV (Certified Stores Receipt Voucher )

This document is received along with item received from market or supplier then it is send to the Quality Control Department. QC fixes the total number of received items after discarding the waste items and sends CSRV back to the store to make entry in Database.


MRN (Material return Note)

It is used to get back the extra issued quantity of any item.

FGN (Finished Goods Note)

It is used to receive any item from other department and this received item must be the final product for that department.

STV-R (Stock Transfer Voucher-Receive)

It is used to receive any item from the store of other department.

PHV-R (Physical Variant - Receive)

It used to receive the free samples of any item.

MIR (Material Issue Receipt)

It is used to issue the quantity of available item to its department

STV-I (Stock Transfer Voucher-Issue)

It is used to issue the available item to other department.

PHV-I(Physical Variant - Issue)

It used to issue the free samples of any item.


This module shows both the tables Opening_bill and Inventory.

Using this module we can update the description of any item in the Openng bill table It also make the user to update the entry corresponding to a wrong BINCARD.

Using this module we can search various attributes of both opening_bill and inventory table using their primary keys BINCARD and doc_merger respectively.



System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing system. Problems with existing system: It is not having the user friendly interface Key based system Cant restrict the negative value of quantity

Proposed system solved all the problems of existing system.It is having the following features: User friendly interface You can use mouse as well Look and Feel Environment It restrict the negative value of quantity



Whatever we think need not be feasible .It is wise to think about the feasibility of any problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the organization by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or negative. When the positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered feasible. Here the feasibility study can be performed in two ways such as technical feasibility and Economical Feasibility.

Technical Feasibility:
We can strongly says that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the application as well. All the resources needed for the development of the software as well as the maintenance of the same is available easily here we are utilizing the resources which are available already.

Economical Feasibility
Development of this application is highly economically feasible .I needed not spend much money for the development of this application as I used the tool java 6 runtime environment and MySQL database which are the open sources. The only thing is to be done is making an environment for the development with an effective supervision. Therefore , the system is economically feasible.


Processor RAM Hard Disk Monitor monitor Key Board : 122 Keys : : : : Dual Core 2 GB 1 TB 15 Color



Operating System Language Environment. Database

: Windows XP. : Java 6 Runtime

: Mysql.


This application is platform independent as it used java at front end and Mysql database at back end and both are the open sources therefore we can use this application on any operating system i.e windows, UNIX, LINUX etc.


This application is platform independent as it used java at front end and Mysql database at back end and both are the open sources therefore we can use this application on any operating system i.e windows, UNIX, LINUX


OPB : to add new BINCARD






Show Opening Bill Table entries

Show Inventory Table entries


Update description in Opening Bill table



Search various attributes of different items in

table Opening Bill corresponding to respective BINCARD.



The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and effectively. After designing input and output, the analyst must concentrate on database design or how data should be organized around user requirements. The general objective is to make information access, easy quick, inexpensive and flexible for other users. During database design the following objectives are concerned:-

Controlled Redundancy Data independence Accurate and integrating More information at low cost Recovery from failure Privacy and security Performance Ease of learning and use


Table Name: opening_bill

Field Name BINCARD description Unit_of_measure quantity rate value CURQTY CURRATE

Data Type char(20) char(50) char(10) int(11) int(11) int(11) int(11) int(11)

Description Primary Key -

Table Name: inventory

Field Name doc_merger doc_type doc_num doc_date BINCARD quantity rate value

Data Type char(30) char(30) char(30) date char(30) int(11) int(11) int(11)

Description Primary Key Foreign Key -


Coding For AWT Choice Component
private void dropbincard2ItemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt) { txtbino.setText(((Choice)evt.getItemSelectable()).getSelec tedItem()); try{Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stock_man agement","root","deepika"); String pquery10 ="SELECT * from opening_bill where BINCARD =?"; PreparedStatement pstat =(PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(pquery10); pstat.setString(1,txtbino.getText()); ResultSet rs = pstat.executeQuery(); while( { txtdesco.setText(rs.getString(2)); txtuomo.setText(rs.getString(3)); } rs.close(); } catch(Exception exe) {


System.out.println("the error is" + exe);

} }

private void dropbinfgnItemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt) { bincardfgn.setText(((Choice)evt.getItemSelectable()).getSelectedIte m()); }

Code to call various entry panels:

public void opbcalling() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { dropbincard2.removeAll(); btnnewitem.setEnabled(true); CardLayout copb = (CardLayout)(pnlentrycard.getLayout()); try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stock_man agement","root","deepika"); stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from opening_bill"); while( { dropbincard2.add(rs.getString(1)); } rs.close();


Code to enter the inventory table value and update the opening_bill table:
public void updatemir() throws SQLException { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stock_mana gement","root","deepika"); String pquerymir ="insert into inventory values(?,?,?,?,?, (select CURRATE from opening_bill where BINCARD=?),rate*quantity)"; PreparedStatement pstat =(PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(pquerymir); String doctypemir = lblmir.getText(); String docnummir1 = docnummir.getText(); String docdatemir1 = docdatemir.getText(); String bincardmir1 = bincardmir.getText(); pstat.setString(1,doctypemir); pstat.setString(2,docnummir1); pstat.setString(3,docdatemir1); pstat.setInt(5,Integer.parseInt(qtymir.getText())); pstat.setString(4,bincardmir1);


pstat.setString(6,bincardmir1); pstat.executeUpdate(); } catch(Exception exe){ System.out.println("the error is" + exe); } mirqty2 = Integer.parseInt(qtymir.getText()); mirqty4 = Integer.parseInt(mirtotalqty.getText()); if (mirqty2 < mirqty4) { jTextField1.setText("requested quantity is available"); } else { jTextField1.setText("requested quantity is more than available quantity"); }

try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stock_mana gement","root","deepika");


String pquerymrn1 ="update opening_bill SET value = value - (select value from inventory where doc_num=? AND doctype=?),CURQTY = CURQTY - (select quantity from inventory where doc_num=? AND doctype=?) WHERE BINCARD=(select BINCARD from inventory where doc_num=?)"; PreparedStatement pstat =(PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(pquerymrn1); pstat.setString(1,docnummir.getText()); pstat.setString(2,lblmir.getText()); pstat.setString(3,docnummir.getText()); pstat.setString(4,lblmir.getText()); pstat.setString(5,docnummir.getText()); pstat.executeUpdate(); } catch(Exception exe){ System.out.println("the error is" + exe); } finally { conn.close(); } }


Query to generate report:

select bincard,'1' as doctype,description, 0 as receive, to_date('01-Apr-2010' )as doc_date,0 as issue, quantity as total_qty from opening_bill union select ' ' as bincard,b.doctype as doctype,' ' as description , b.quantity as receive, b.doc_date , 0 as issue, (a.quantity +(select sum(quantity) from inventory where doctype = ('2') ))as total_qty from inventory b ,opening_bill a where doctype = ('2') and a.bincard = b.bincard


union select ' ' as bincard,b.doctype as doctype,' ' as description , b.quantity as receive, b.doc_date , 0 as issue, (a.quantity +(select sum(quantity) from inventory where doctype = Any('2','3') ))as total_qty from inventory b ,opening_bill a where doctype = ('3') and a.bincard = b.bincard union select ' ' as bincard,b.doctype as doctype,' ' as description , b.quantity as receive, b.doc_date , 0 as issue, (a.quantity +(select sum(quantity) from inventory where doctype = Any('2','3','4') ))as total_qty from inventory b ,opening_bill a


where doctype = ('4') and a.bincard = b.bincard union select ' ' as bincard,b.doctype as doctype,' ' as description , 0 as receive, b.doc_date , b.quantity as issue, (a.quantity +(select sum(quantity) from inventory where doctype = Any('2','3','4') )- (select quantity from inventory where doctype =('7'))) as total_qty from inventory b ,opening_bill a where a.bincard = b.bincard and doctype =('7') order by 5



Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. The implementation phase constructs, installs and operates the new system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new successful system is that it will work efficiently and effectively. There are several activities involved while implementing a new project they are End user training End user Education Training on the application software System Design

Parallel Run And To New System

Post implementation Review


The purpose of the system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will be suggested and push the systems to limits. The testing process focuses on the logical intervals of the software ensuring that all statements have been tested and on functional interval is conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with the required results. Program level testing, modules level testing integrated and carried out. There are two major type of testing they are 1) White Box Testing. 2) Black Box Testing.

White Box Testing


White box some times called Glass box testing is a test case design uses the control structure of the procedural design to drive test case. Using white box testing methods, the following tests where made on the system A) All independent paths within a module have been exercised once. In our system, ensuring that case was selected and executed checked all case structures. The bugs that were prevailing in some part of the code where fixed b) All logical decisions were checked for the truth and falsity of the values.

Black box Testing

Black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. This is black box testing enables the software engineering to derive a set of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. Black box testing is not an alternative to white box testing rather it is complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors that white box methods like..


1) Interface errors 2) Performance in data structure 3) Performance errors 4) Initializing and termination errors

This project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in a library. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses.



1) 2) 3) 4)




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