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10 Heroic Archetypes

King Arthur (The Hero)

King Arthur is a hero because at the beginning of the book. He pulls the sword out of the stone showing his honorability for his brother because his brother asked for the sword. Arthur gave the sword to his brother to fulfill his command. King Arthur changed the world because he brought peace to the land, and prosperity because he won all the battles which led to little to no wars for England. King Arthur had great courage and was willing to sacrifice himself to kill Mordred and save England.

Merlin (The Mentor)

Merlin is King Arthurs counselor and teacher because he guided him throughout his whole life. He is a lot more older and wiser than everyone else. He gives King Arthur information, gifts/weapons like the sword in the stone, etc.

Sir Launcelot (The Warrior)

Sir Launcelot is honorable, and is also King Arthurs best friend and most trusted companion before he went at it with Guinevere behind his back. He fought side by side with King Arthur to kill Mordred and saved England.

King Pellinore (The Threshold Guardian)

King Pellinore tests King Arthurs courage and worthiness to begin his reign when he fights him with spears and swords. Fighting King Pellinore shows Arthur that his journey will very difficult because other leaders will stand in his way to keep peace in England.

Sir Ector (The Herald)

He began Arthurs journey by raising him to be honorable and honest, and he is the reason that Arthur became king.

Mordred (The Shadow)

In the end of the story King Arthur battles Mordred. Both must end up dying to kill each other. King Arthur ends up struggling against Mordred in the final battle. Mordred ends up being destroyed and sadly so does King Arthur

Morgana Le Fay (Trickster/Fool)

Morgana le Fay uses trickeries to trick one of the knights to capture Guinevere. Soon Sir Launcelot come to the rescue slaying the traitor knight and rescuing Guinevere. She makes King Arthur questionable about the trust he has in his knights.

Balyn (The Outcast)

He was banished because he killed The Lady of the Lake Soon he just goes around to another and ended up in The Lot of Orkney and soon went to The Castle of Meliot Soon both brothers end up killing each other without knowing who each other are (Balyn and Balan)

Balan ( Faithful Companions)

Balan was faithful to his brother Balyn after he got banished from the kingdom. He stuck with his brother until they end up killing each other.

Sir Galahad (The Initiate)

He endures training to become a knight He gets chosen to go find the Grail

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