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Internal Structure of the Earth Key Terms = explain the following terms. Examples of features should always be included.

Using these terms and explaining them in your answer can be used as SRPs! Atmosphere Hydrosphere Endogenic Exogenic Lithosphere Asthenosphere Core Inner Core Outer Core Mantle Magma Lava Lower Mantle Upper Mantle Crust Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Moho Plate Tectonics Convection Currents Alfred Wegener Continental Drift Pangea Gondwanaland

Laurasia Iapetus Ocean Continental Fit Active Plate Margin Trailing Plate Margin Subduction Zone Constructive Margin Destructive Margin Conservative Margin Mid-Atlantic Ridge Pacific Ring of Fire Oceanic Trench Hot Spot

Use the following questions and key points to construct your own answers to these 30 mark questions. ***REMEMBER this information can be adapted to answer a variety of questions!!! ****

1. Explain the process of global crustal plate movement as it is currently understood. (30 marks) The plate tectonics theory was developed in the 1960s and 70s and is the study of the processes which cause the movement of the earths tectonic plates and the landforms that result. Crust divided into tectonic plates which are moved by convection currents. Magma heated from core becomes less dense rises cools becomes denser magma moves in circular motion and drags overlying plate. Simple diagram of convection currents. Alfred Wegener 1st to propose this theory in 1912, known as the continental drift theory. He used evidence such as matching fossils and rocks on different continents and continental fit to prove his theory. e.g. fossils/rocks in South America match those in west Africa, and the coastlines of both continents fit, known as continental fit. 7 major plates e.g. Pacific, Eurasian plates and several minor ones. These tectonic plates can collide, separate or slide past each other. Constructive/Divergent plate boundary = they separate. Common where 2 oceanic plates separate and form a Mid Ocean Ridge. Trench forms as plates separate and magma from mantle rises to fill it. When magma reaches surface as lava, forms large ridge of basalt or granite. e.g. The American and Eurasian plates separate to form the Mid Atlantic Ridge. This ridge has broken the sea surface to form islands e.g. Iceland in the North Atlantic. Destructive/Convergent plate boundary = they collide. 3 types of destructive plate boundary, because theres 2 types of crust. 2 types of crust: Continental (SIAL = granite, lighter, thicker 30-60km) and Oceanic (SIMA = basalt, denser, thinner 5-10km). OCEANIC v OCEANIC (SIMA) denser and older oceanic crust will subduct at the subduction zone oceanic trench will form e.g. Mariana Trench and Volcanic Island Arcs e.g. Japan will form. These formed when the Eurasian and Pacific Plate collided. OCEANIC v CONTINENTAL (SIMA v SIAL) oceanic crust subducts underneath continental crust at subduction zone oceanic trench forms under the sea - fold mountains/volcanoes on land. e.g. Pacific Plate collides with the N. American plate denser Pacific Plate subducts Fold Mountains form (Rockies) and volcanoes e.g. Mt St Helens which erupted in 1980. CONTINENTAL v CONTINENTAL fold mountains e.g. Himalayas when Indian Plate collided with Eurasian Plate 60 million years ago. Conservative/Passive plate boundary = they slide past each other. Usually no volcanic activity but a lot of seismic activity e.g. San Andreas Fault N. American plate moving north-west at 1cm a year while Pacific plate same direction at 6cm a year. Earthquakes are prone at such boundaries and have caused destruction in cities like San Francisco (1906) and Los Angeles (1994).

Include simple labeled diagram of each plate boundary.

2. Discuss how Irelands location has changed over time. (30 marks) Irelands location has changed dramatically over 800 million yrs. From 30 south of equator 400 million yrs ago to 53N at present. This is due to tectonic plate movement as result of convection currents. These currents form when magma heated from core becomes less dense rises cools becomes denser magma moves circular motion and drags overlying plate. Simple diagram of convection currents. Alfred Wegener 1st to propose this theory in 1912, known as the continental drift theory. He used evidence such as matching fossils and rocks on different continents and continental fit to prove his theory. e.g. fossils/rocks in South America match those in west Africa, and the coastlines of both continents fit, known as continental fit. There are now 7 major plates e.g. Pacific, Eurasian plates and several minor ones. Ireland has moved around 10,000km in a NE direction in period of over 800 million yrs. 800 million yrs ago Ireland was 2 separate landmasses southern half close to South Pole northern half about 60S of equator separated by the Iapetus Ocean. Southern part moved N and collided with northern part around 400 million yrs ago = Caledonian foldings Ireland a single landmass for first time. Features formed at this time = Nephin Beg and Maumturk Mts, Leinster Batholith. Continued northwards and was around the equator 380 million yrs ago. Only northern part of Ireland was above sea level = Old Red Sandstone in Munster formed as rivers eroded the new mountains in the north and deposited in the sea, south of the country. Sea level rise about 350 million yrs ago Ireland submerged under warm tropical sea carboniferous limestone formed from remains of dead, sea creatures. 250 million yrs ago African plate collided with Eurasian plate Armorican foldings formed Macgillycuddys Reeks and Munster Ridge and Valley province was located roughly where the Sahara is Ireland was part of the supercontinent Pangea. 200 million yrs ago New Red Sandstone formed as mountains were eroded. 100 million yrs ago - 35N chalk formed. Around 65 million yrs ago volcanic activity Ireland separated from American plate that led to beginning of Atlantic Ocean as magma stretched crust and opened rifts e.g. Antrim Derry plateau. Ireland has therefore moved from 30S 400 million years ago to its present location at 53N.

3. Explain what you understand of the Continental Drift Theory. (30 marks). Continental Drift Theory Task The aim of this task is to construct a Mind Map on this topic. Use all the key terms below to assist you in this. You can also add more detail to your mind map if you wish to do so. Alfred Wegner (1880-1930) German meteorologist. Continental Drift Theory in 1912. Pangea (Super-continent). 200 million years ago. Pangea starts to break up. Laurasia (Europe, North America and most of Asia). Gondwanaland (S.America, Africa, India, Australia and Antarctica). Geologists refused this theory. Theory accepted after his death in 1963. Sea Floor spreading at Mid Atlantic Ridge supported his theory. Proofs of Continental Drift. Continental Fit. Jigsaw puzzle. Shapes and coastlines of Africa and South America are perfect fit. Matching fossils. Fossils and plants on separate continents suggest continents were once joined. Glossopteris (a fern) and Mesosaurus (a reptile) belonged to early Triassic period, over 200 million years ago. Both discovered in Southern Africa and Southern S. America (so proof it was once joined). Matching Rocks and Mountain Ranges. Many mountain ranges end at coastlines of continents. Many same age, structure and rock type. Appalachian Mountains on East coast of USA and Caledonian Mountains of Ireland, Britain and Scandinavia used to form one continuous chain before the Atlantic spread open. Age of the ocean floor.

In 1960s rock analysis showed that the rocks get older as you move away from the Mid Atlantic Ridge. This proves sea floor spreading. Satellite technology shows its spreading at around 2.5 cm per year! How do the plates move? Convection Currents. Heat from core. Hot, less dense material in mantle rises. Cools as gets closer to surface, becomes denser and sinks. As the material moves laterally (sideways) it moves the lithospheric plates along with it.

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