DR - Kore-Creation of The Universe

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By : Pastor Dr. Rajkumar Vikram Kore

The mystery about the creation of the universe can be unraveled only with the word of God. The first book of the Bible Genesis gives a detail description of the creation account in the first two chapters. The other books of the Bible also have glimpses of this .The mystery about the creation of the universe is incomprehensible to the human mind with his own efforts because the grasping capacity of the human is so limited. The creation account of the Bible definitely satisfies the curious but limited mind of human kind. When discussing about the creation of the universe, one thing should always be remembered that the creation of the universe is so incomprehensible that it is impossible for mankind to unravel it with his limited mind, Because God almighty created the universe with his might and imagination. It is not a sudden or a spontaneous incidence. God is the one who initiated it and to emphasis this very truth God asked Job, Where were you when I laid the earths foundation ?. The uniformity and beauty visible in the creation displays Gods might, goodness and imagination, while expressing this experience in words the Psalmist being led by God says The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands, The earth and sky also proclaim the Glory of God. Gods acts shows his goodness, but a detailed revelation of his goodness is evident from his word. The word of God is the Bible. The only book in the world written by the inspiration of God. This is why the creation account in this book is the truth and standard. The Bible account of creation may stand the test of Logic and reasoning and conclusively prove the goodness of God. God does not want these conclusions and proofs to be the only basis of our faith, but desire us to know
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Him and come to Him whole heartedly and with faith. Because the word of God says, By faith we understand that the universe was formed at Gods command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Heb. 11:3, When we try to verify the word of God by applying the rules of manmade science, science falls short. Gods word is full of light. Verifying the enlightened word of God under the dim light of science and after there declaring it worthy trust and then accepting God is totally inappropriate and unjustifiable. Spiritual faith will always stand tall above intellectually verifiable approach. Gods handiwork means the universe, and Gods word means the Bible. This reveals the Glory of God, but when this same glorious God i.e. Jesus became man and came to this earth for the redemption of mankind, this became the pinnacle of his work. That is why the Bible gives information about creation enough to satisfy the curious human mind, whereas the rest of the Bible focuses on Gods plan of redemption for man. Other than the Bible there are many other religions and their writings that discuss creation. In the following series, as we do a comparative discussion and put forth conclusive evidence, it will not be difficult for readers to differentiate between the hollow concepts of other religions and the concept based on truth.


The civilizations which the world considers ancient like the Sumerian, Egyptian and Chinese and other cultures can these so called ancient civilizations be considered great because of their ancient origins ? Is the world justified in glorifying these cultures for their intellectual and cultural status ? How far can these cultures come close to the truth about creation of the universe ? When we try to answer these questions we realise that the above mentioned cultures are
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not only away from the scientific truth and reality, but have strayed to the extremes, resulting in unrightous and corrupt imagination. When we see the so called truths of other cultures we realise that they are hollow, false, foolish and based on hilarious concepts which is visible in one glance of their doctrines.


In the Egyptian, Babylonian and Sumerian view their god has to first take birth from a lifeless thing like water. This shows that their gods have a beginning, they are not eternal. According to this they believe that water existed before God did. That means god had to rely on an inanimate object. That means he is not omnipotent. How can a mind and intellect which is bound by space and time come up with any mature thought than this. They show that their Gods are also bound by space and time. A frog in a pond thinks that the pond is the entire world. He cannot think beyond that because he does not have the capacity to think beyond. In the same way worldly concepts are not only immature and wayward but also based on corrupt knowledge. On the contrary in the Bible account of creation. The true living God who is not bound by time space is reveled. The existence of God before the creation of the universe is so naturally demonstrated in the Bible that apart from the other aspects of God that shows his omniscience, his eternal existence which is inseparable is evident. Secondly, the universe which is bound by space and time came into existence out of nothing only by the power of God. This means space and time have a beginning and limits. The Bible says that this could come in to existence only because of the will and power of the true and living God. Through this Gods natural will, freedom and ability is revealed. Unless and until God on his
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own does not reveal his characteristics to man, it is impossible for a human to grasp it. From this we can conclude that all the other literatures and books in the world who have ideas about God, do not come from God. God revealed himself in a written form only through the Bible. That is why the Bible is God breathed. God revealed himself to the world through his son Jesus Christ. Hence the words that Jesus Christ spoke are to be considered as the benchmark as opposed to the opinion of any man. Among the different views that the world has about creation, the concepts expressed in the same cultures lack harmony in such books there is one concept which is stated, and in the immediate few pages, later there is an exact opposite concept mentioned about the same topic. The self contradiction which is visible in worldly ideas and concepts shows that these are birthed out artificially. For this reason worldly concepts do not stand the test of authenticity. Contrary to this the unanimity that you see from the first chapter of the first book of the Bible (Genesis) to the last chapter of the last book of the Bible (Revelation) is very surprising. The reason for this is that God is one who has created the universe. He saw it when it was being formed and he is omniscient that is why you come across sentences in the Bible like God said, Let there be light and there was light. God saw that the light was good. God himself was giving an opinion about his work. To reveal his power and eternal existence God asked man (Job) where were you when I laid the earths foundation ? Tell me, if you understand, It is true that man needs to understand the boundaries (limit) of his knowledge and humble himself before almighty God. We come across another thing when we look at worldly concepts about creation. Their gods have to use their body parts to create the universe. Their gods are incapable of creating the universe out of nothingness. This is what they themselves point out. If a human potter has to make an earthen vessel, he has to have mud in order to make it. From this we see the incompetence and weakness of man. These characteristics of incompetence and weakness are given to their
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gods are worldly ideas because these gods have taken shape out of worldly knowledge. That is why worldly weaknesses were visible even in their gods. The Bible says that God is completely out of bounds (separate) of space and time. The universe did not come out of God as his part nor is God a part of this universe. God has a complete different separate existence and so does the universe; and God has complete control of this universe. In this way the Bible account of creation is the only one which stands the test of authenticity supremacy and uniformity.


There are three types of theories that are currently present in the scientific world which discusses the creation. I) Big Bang Theory :- This theory was first proposed by Gamow, Alpher

and Herman. According to this theory the universe was formed twenty thousand million years ago. And the universe is expanding continuously since the big bang. And in support of this : a) b) Red shift Background Radiation are presented.


Steady State Theory : This theory was first presented by Bondi, Gold

and Hoyle, According to this theory the universe does not have a beginning but new matter is continuously created.


Oscillating Universe Theory : This theory states that the gravitational

attraction of the mass within the universe will eventually slow down and stop the expansion of the universe. The outward motions of the galaxies will then be reversed, eventually resulting in a Big Crunch, where all the matter in the universe will be constructed into a small volume of high density. This could
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undergo a further Big Bang, Thereby creating another expansion phase. The theory suggests that the universe would alternately expand and collapse through alternate Big Bang and Big Crunches. From the above mentioned 3 theories we realise one thing, that the scientists lack unity of thought in these theories; the first two theories are contrary to each other. None of these theories give relevant and satisfactory explanation for the information available. The above mentioned theories have less of observational information and more of imagination. Flaws in the Theories : Many flaws and faults have been noticed in these theories. The redshift is the theory on which the evolutionist big bang theory rests. But according to many scientists there is no relationship between readshift and expanding universe. Halton Arp an American astronomer from the Hale observatory found out a group of galaxies. In one group, he observed that the redshift greatly varied. This observation has dealt a big blow to the theories relating to expanding universe and readshift. For this reason the redishift cannot be considered as a substantial proof for Big Bang theory. As there are other explanations that can be given for background radiation this automatically leaves the Big Bang theory inadmissible and hollw. According to the steady state theory the galaxies far off should look like galxies that are near. But the fact is that actual observation does not line up with the theory. This theory cannot explain Quasars, due to which this theory proves to be totally wrong and inadmissible. The third theory oscillating universe theory is similar to the big bang theory and redshift do not have any similarities and that is inadmissible. Hence this theory which barley stands on the big bang theory is also inadmissible. Moreover there is more of imagination rather than facts based on observation. This theory, which builds on imaginative thinking without taking into consideration the ground realities inevitably collapses. Because for a human
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mind to grasp the nitty gritties of the universe on its own accord is an impossibility. The above mentioned 3 theories are inadmissible


Science is created by man. Man is using this as a tool in discovering the universe and creation. The image, the human mind has about scientific knowledge is that it is factual, true and perfect. But now it is inevitable that we find out how true this is. The questions that arise now are; Has science so far explained the mysteries of nature ? and will it succeed in doing it from here on ? When we analyse the above mentioned questions it is observed that science is a manmade and that the human intellect is limited and falls short. Due to this, mans mind and manmade tools like science are incompetent in understanding the vast and complex universe. Moreover due to mans sinful nature and corrupt mind, it is impossible for man to proceed without an enlightenment from God. All the unsuccessful attempts that man has made to unravel the mystery of creation by his own intellect shows us the weakness of human intellect. Science consists of 3 components: 1. Observation 2. Generalization, 3. Verification. 1. Observation :- The information gathered by human senses or scientific

tools is known as observation. The information gathered can be close to the facts; but sometimes due to wrong observation or use of wrong observation tools can be far off from the facts. 2. Generalization :- The scientist uses the knowledge gathered through

observation to establish certain rules or theories. He does this with his own intellect. This is known as generalization. This is exactly where possibility of science straying away from the fact (truth) can arise. Generalization is not only based on information gathered from observation but the scientist also uses his
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imagination to draw conclusions. Because observation forms a minor part, and imagination (generalisation) form a major component of a scientific theory; the statement that scientific theories are factual, true and perfect is totally wrong. 3. Verification :- The third components of science is verification or

ascertainment. This means the theory or idea that has been drawn is now tested on a small scale and then the theory is established. In some case this proves useful as this can show us that the theory is based on the truth. But in some cases it fails, eg. The act of creation by God was done once, it is not possible for man to replicate this in a laboratory or anywhere. Due to this it is beyond mans capacity to propose a theory and then prove it through experimentation. And this exactly why a revelation from God is necessary, without which it is impossible for man to know the truth. Out of the three components of science viz. observation, generalization and verification Observation without faults can be termed as scientific truth in the true sense of the term. Because out of the three components mentioned above Observation without Fault is the closest to the truth. This scientific truth (i.e. observation without faults) supports the Bible account of creation. Contrary to this the Bible strongly opposes the theory of Evolution, which is considered to be a Scientific truth but the fact is, it does not have any truth. The evolution is a theory and is associated with the second component of science i.e. Generalization. It can not be deemed as a Scientific truth. Because as we saw before, generalization does not completely consist of observation, but is also made up of a scientists imagination and immature and incomplete ideas that come from limited human intellect. There are many so called scientific theories. They have emerged out of the intellect of man. But due to errors, incompleteness, and internal contradiction the scientists have abandoned them. In the book of Inaccessible Earth, it says about the solar system that as of now there is not even one theory, which can give us a real picture of the solar system from its initial
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stages. We still do not know if the solar systems are common occurrences which should be included in mediocre processes; or are rare occurrences for which extraordinary occurrences need to be stated for explanation. (Inaccessible Earth- G.C. Brown and mussett edition 1981 Page No. 50 & 46) science does not have answer to the above mentioned questions. Bible is the only book in which God unravels the mystery for man.

CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE Among the ancient people Abrahams decedents were the Jews i.e. the only people among the nations who had light full of truth, reality and righteousness among them, and this light was the word of living God. These words were revealed to Moses by God himself. Moses wrote them down. From that time on these words still remain in pure and original form. Because these words come from the living God. These divine revelations in the written form were given only to the Israelites. When we read the book of Genesis in the Bible, we see that there is a deep rooted meaning in every word of it, and this applies to every verse in the Bible. 1. Beginning :- In the beginning God .....

This is the beginning of the first verse in the Bible : This verse shows the eternal existence of God. This verse shows that God existed before he created the universe. Before the creation, there was God and there was nothing else but God. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world from everlasting to everlasting you are God. (Psalm 90:2). CoL 1:14 says that He (Jesus) was before all. In the beginning shows Gods omnipotence. CoL 1:14 say All things were created by him and for him. Eph, 1:11 says that Who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, This shows Gods liberty. God decided the nature of his universe according to his purpose and made it a reality with his word.
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The first verse of Genesis shows another important characteristic feature of God and that is His trinity in God. This word in the original hebrew is plural word. Elohim, This reveals God the father, God the son (Jesus), and God the Holy spirit trinity, and at the same time use of the word Bara which is a singular verb shows their unity. The triune God is an obvious secret, but the human language falls short to explain this, because of which difficult sentence construction had to be used in which a plural noun was denoted with a singular verb. This shows that every word in the Bible is intentional and this shows that the Bible is the inspirational word of God. God did not compromise language or grammar when he gave the prophets his word. If it was so, the intended meaning would have not been revealed.


Heavens and the Earth :- The first act of creation was the creation of

heavens and earth. God created the heavens and the earth with his word. God spoke and everything was done Psalm (The Universe was formed at Gods command. Heb 11:3). Heavens :- When we see the description of heaven, we see that it is a positive thing and not something that it lacks. Because it says that He stretched out the heavens by his understanding. Jer 10:12, In the same way Isa 42:5. says He who created the heavens and stretched them out. In Heb 1:10-12 it says that the heavens will wear out like a garment, you will roll them up like a robe.

Earth :- The other thing created with heaven was the Earth. There is some important point that we need to notice, and that is according to the Bible, the earth was created before the sun, moon or any star. This shows that theories like the creation of earth from a star or from the sun are inadmissible. The heaven and the earth did not exist before and were not created out of anything, but solely by the word of God. The Hebrew Verb Bara suggests that same thing. This word is originally used to show Gods acts and never used for a
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man. Probably no language in the world has such a unique and special word. Except for the word Bara there is no other word in the Hebrew language which suggests creation from nothingness. When we say that God created it also means that the universe is not a part of Gods body as it is mentioned in other worldly religions ideas. This shows that matter is not eternal and the heaven and the earth were not created by accident. (creation revealed in six days author P.T. Weizman 1948, page No. 106).

The initial form of the Earth :- And the earth was without form and void. The hebrew language uses the words Tohoo and Bohoo for without form and void. Tohoo means without a form nothing. and bohoo means empty. Change on earth was necessary for man to dwell because earth was occupied by water. Here we need to consider one thing that spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The universe was created by God the father, God the son and God the spirit. What does the earth was void mean ? This means the earth was empty because no man was yet on it. God had not yet created man. In Isa 45:18 God clearly tells us the intention behind the creation of the earth. He who created the heavens, He is God; he who fashioned and made the earth he founded it, he did not create it to be empty but formed it to be inhabited. In the beginning man did not inhabit the earth, to show this it says that the earth was empty. As the earth was covered with water it is possible that it could have a cool crust. Some other theories suggest that hot matter was thrown from the sun and it gradually went on cooling. But the Bible suggests that in the initial stage the earth was cool. Not possibly hot, because it was covered with water. The other theories which suggest that the earth evolved out of hot matter thrown out of the sun (Tidal theories) were discarded by the scientists due to internal conflicts, errors and insufficient explanation. Therefore these theories do not arouse doubt about the Bible account.
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God gave the earth a special place when He created the universe. God created the earth in a very special and particular way, because he was going to create man on this earth with his compassionate hands to have fellowship with Him. Earths shape :- The earth is round. This fact was mentioned in the Bible in 931 B.C. i.e. 3000 years back. Proverb 8:27 says, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep. The earth is not just round (like a saucer) but it is circular like a ball, this fact was mentioned in the Bible in 8th Century B.C. by Prophet Isaiah. During this time the concept that the earth was round (like a ball) did not exist any where on the earth. Isa 40:20 says He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. The hebrew word used here does not denote the flat round (like a saucer) but a circular sphere (like ball). Even before this Moses (1400 B.C.) says that God has distributed the stars below the heaven above all the nations. Every nation has their own peculiar star. This is so true. The people in the south cannot see the stars that are in Canada (North) or people from South Africa cannot see the stars above Russia (Can we know ? Author Dale, Page No. 50) (Because the earth is round it is not possible to view the stars in the northern hemisphere from the southern Hemisphere. If the earth was flat it could have been possible). Initially the Greeks considered it to be round like a saucer. This was their opinion till the 6th Century B.C. According to socratess disciple Theoforeus, Parmanides (Pythagorass disciple) was the first who taught that the earths crust was round. He lived towards the end of 6th century BC and the beginning of 5th Century B.C. Some people give the credit for this discovery to Pythagoras (Astronomy fred Hoyle Pg 83) Pythagoras lived in 6th Century B.C. The Greeks whom the world exalts for their knowledge, based their ideas on hollow and false knowledge. The Bible had already revealed that the earth is round in 8th Century B.C. The Greeks took 200 years to understand it. The
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Greeks were unsure. But the Bible very boldly and clearly revealed the truth long before. This is because the Bible is the word of God and the knowledge it gives is perfect and true. Earths Speed :- The earth revolves around its axis. This was discovered by Heraclidus. He lived in 4th Century B.C. But 600 years before that Job in the Bible (Job 38:13, 14) writes; That it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it ? The earth takes shape like clay under as seal; its features stand out like those of a garment. In the olden days cylindrical seals were used and these seals were rolled on clay. They would form an impression. In the same way when the earth revolves around its axis it gets on part of it in the light of the sun, and this darkened part gets lightened. As science or as poem do we come across such description in any other book of the world ? (Many infallible Proofs- Evidence of Christianity - Author Pearson Page 119) The earth is not suspended from anything it hangs without support, this imp. truth is revealed in the Bible 3000 years ago through the book of Job 26:7. He suspends the earth over nothing. Earths Measurement : God decided the shape, position and the mass of the earth with his imagination and intellect, while revealing the same thing God asked Job, who marked off its dimensions ? surely you know ! who stretched a measuring line across it ? There is so much of order, uniformity and organisation about the earth that man is awestruck and cannot help but praise God. If the earth was smaller in size (like that of a moon) what would the result be ? The earth could have been unsuccessful in holding the atmosphere and water on its surface with its gravitational force. The resultant high temperature would make survival difficult. If the earth was twice its size, the size of the land would be four times the present size, which would cause height of the atmosphere to drop to dangerous
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levels due to increase of gravitational pull. The pressure of the atmosphere would increase by 15.30 pound Sq. inch. This could bring devastation. This could have rendered a huge area inihabitated due to extreme cold. (The evidence of God in Expanding Universe - Editor John Clover Monsma Page No. 22) Water on the Earth :Isa 40:12 who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, This verse shown that even the waters on the earth are created in proportion by God. Sea water is heavy. It is estimated that the expands of the sea is 335 million cubic miles one cubic mile water weight 4200 million tones From these figures we can imagine the amount of weight exerted by the water on the sea bed. Geologists say that the sea bed is made up of a heavy stone called Basalt. (Creations Amazing Architect - Walter Beasley. Pg 31) We find that the sea bed is made up of heavy rock to bear the pressure while the sea shore is made up of light particles. This shows a systematic pattern in its creation. Every thing in the earths creation is so proportionate and systematic, that every thing from water to the land is proportionate and measured. Foundation of the Earth : Job 38:4, 6 says Where were you when I laid the earths foundation ? on what were its footings set, who laid its corner stone ?. The human grasping capacity is very limited about the creation account. Myself (writer / author of this article) is also not an exception; due to this, the writer believes that Revelation from the Holy Spirit is needed to understand the creation mystery. The earths corner stone and foundation is a mystery. The unique feature of earth is that its core is made up of solid metals like iron and Nickel. Compared to other planets the density of earth is more. Creation of light : Gen. 1:3-5 And God Said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness he called night.
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The hebrew word for let there be light is Yehi God created light in the universe on the first day with his word exactly the way he created the heaven and the earth. What was the form of this light is a big mystery. This light was scattered everywhere. Because immediately after that it says that, God separated light from the darkness. Probably the light (was focused from a particular direction, the part on which the light fell was called as Day) And because the earth was moving on its axes there was evening and there was morning - the first day.

Creation of the Expanse :Gen 1:6-8 And God said, Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water. So God made the expanse and separated the water under the the exanse from the water above it. And it was so. God called the expanse sky and there was evening, and there was morning - the second day. The hebrew word Raquiya means expanse (weizman commentary creation revealed in Six Days) Initially the entire earth was covered with water. God must have separated some of this water and placed it as a cover above and called it sky. In the same way as there is atmosphere between the sky and earth, God created atmosphere between the water above and the water below. Probably the water above the expanse was stored in the form of vapour. Distribution of Land and Water :God said, Let the water under sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear and it was so. God called the dry gound Land and the gathered waters he called sea. God separated the land and water by gathering the water together. The book of job says, When I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place. When I said, this far you may come and no father. Job 38:10, 11 In the same way proverbs 8:28, 29 says, When he established the clouds above and fixed securely the foundations of the deep, when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command.

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The creation and balance of water on the earth reveals Gods imagination. And this is why it is unique. The earth is unique because of its atmosphere, which is made up of Nitrogen, Oxygen and a considerable amount of water. (Inaccessible Earth - Brown and Musselt Pg. 45) On the third day God created vegetation : Seed bearing plants and trees. Creation of Sun Moon and Stars : God said, let there be light in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night And let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth. And it was so. God made two great lights the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night, He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth. To govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. From the above passage we can infer that the sun, moon and stars were created on the fourth day. And they were created to give light to the earth. The greater light to govern over the day This statement shows that the greater light i.e. the sun, is bigger than the moon. This is one example of scientific truth. The moon was created to give light to the earth. Scientifically there is one unique characteristic feature. The moon is made out of material with reflective qualities. (Macmillan dictionary of Astronomy Pg 242) The above mentioned scientific proofs, prove that the Biblical statements are trustworthy. Every word of the Biblical statement made 3500 years ago are proving to be perfect today. What an accuracy of Gods Word ! Glory to his name. Amen ! Author : Pastor Dr. RAJKUMAR VIKRAM KORE Founder President & Director Fire Ministry Originally published by the Auther in Marathi and Translated In English by : Sis. Pratiksha P. Kore

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