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FERTILIZATION PROCESS Ovum When ovulation occured, ovum is at the stage of meiosis II.

Ovum is surrounded by a proteinaseosa circle called pellucida zone. Before sperm perform fertilization, at the first through the coating around ovum before doing penetration into ovum membrane.



Sperm When coitus and ejaculation accured, millions of sperm are deposited in the vagina.Most of them, never reach the site of fertilization.Abnormal sperm rarely can successfully perform this long journey, and even the majority of healthy spermatozoa even die in the street.

Fertilization Fertilization is fusion of sperm nucleus with the ovum nucleus. Fertilization occurs in ampulla of the fallopian tube. There are 3 phase of fertilization, that is : 1. Penetration of the corona radiata Corona radiata is the outer part of the ovum.To perform penetration, sperm will compete with hundreds of millions of other sperm because only one sperm that can penetrate the corona radiata.Only sperm that has been capacitation can penetrate the corona radiata. 2. Penetration of pellucida zone Pellucida zone is a glycoprotein that facilitate the sperm in acrosome reaction. The release of acrosomal sperm will facilitate sperm penetrate the pellucida zone.After one sperm penetrate the pellucida zone, ovum will condition so that no other sperm can enter the pellucida zone. 3. Membrane fusion of sperm and ovum Once it attached, membrane of sperm and ovum fused and perform reactions that will produce a zygote.

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