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Continuation Form  ·  Form RE⁄CON

registration number

For Renewal Registration  ·  United States Copyright Office

For best results, fill in the form on-screen and then print it. effective date of renewal registration (mm⁄dd⁄yyyy)

complete only the spaces that apply to your claim. form re⁄con rec’d:

do not write above this line. page _  of _ 

A Title at line 1a of Form RE:

B Continuation of title in line  ò 1a  ò 1b  ò 1c:

C Additional original copyright claimants (line 1g):

D Additional authors who contributed to the work or material claimed (line 2b)

Name:    This author created: 

Date of death, if applicable: 
(mm/dd/yyyy )

Name:    This author created: 

Date of death, if applicable: 
(mm/dd/yyyy )

Name:    This author created: 

Date of death, if applicable: 
(mm/dd/yyyy )

Name:    This author created: 

Date of death, if applicable: 
(mm/dd/yyyy )

E Additional statutory claimants (line 3a)

Name:    as the: 

Address:    ◊ or ÿ  Year of death: 

Name:    as the: 

Address:    ◊ or ÿ  Year of death: 

Name:    as the: 

Address:    ◊ or ÿ  Year of death: 

Name:    as the: 

Address:    ◊ or ÿ  Year of death: 

form re⁄con  rev: 10 ⁄ 2007  print: 10 ⁄ 2007 — xx,000  Printed on recycled paper u.s. government printing office: 2007-330-945 ⁄ 60,xxx

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