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The Lost Cities

By: Zahrina Yustisia Noorputeri XII-IPS 1


For its 4.5 billion of age, our beloved Earth had through some wonderful times either it happened in the past or present. No one knows exactly when the human race came to The Earth and joint together to create The Worlds History. Since the fallen of Adam and Eve to the Earth, their descendant, the human race, gathered together and lived as a family. The family then grew into a community which then big and various enough to create a city. A city then grew a kingdom.

The kingdoms which were rich enough in cultures, technology, science, politics, and division of labors could revealed a new civilization. Some of the ancient civilizations were so great, beyond the imagination of modern people. Although their greatness was famed, most of the cities where the civilization took place could not survive the destruction, either its plague, war, and the most dangerous of all, natural disaster. Those who could not survive then became lost and buried inside, waiting to be discovered.

Some of those cities and civilization could be discovered by the archeologists, anthropologists, and historians. Though so, the mysteries of what made them great still be an unanswered questions or us, modern humans.


City of Babylon

What Made Them Great

Babylon was a famous center of Mesopotamian Civilization and its glory was mentioned in Bible and although only a little, in The Quran as Babil. It was located near the Tigris and Euphrates River The city of Babylon had some Worlds Wonders like The Hanging Garden, Ishtars Gate and The Tower of Babel. Also famous kings like Nebuchadnezzar and Hammurabi which invited the first written law, The Code of Hammurabi.

How They Fall

Various wars had beaten the city, like the war with The Persian and Alexander The Great which then conquered it in 331 BC. Bible said that the people of Babylon were arrogant and they built The Tower of Babel so high so the could reach Gods Heaven. God was furious and destroyed The Tower and sent disaster to Babylon. In 141 BC, Babylon was completely destroyed.

Miscellaneous Facts
In 1983, Saddam Husein declared the reconstruction of Babylon and he believed he was the descendant of Nebuchadnezzar.

City of Troy

What Made It Great

The city was famous for became the center background of the famous literature, Homers Iliad. It was located on Asia Minor (Turkey today). Although the city was really existed, it was questioned either its really Homeric Troy or it was only fictive. Troy had through some period, started from 3000 BC to 1st Century BC. The 1300 1900 BC Troy could be the Homeric Troy.

How They Fall

Most of the Troy period fell because of war. The famous one was The Trojan War which was written by Homer. The nine years war was caused by Paris, Prince of Troy, took a wife of Menelaus, King of Greece. City of Troy was unbeaten because of The Palladium. The Greek then planned a strategy, they forfeited and sent it a gift, a horse statue which was filled with soldiers. When all were asleep, The Greek attacked the city and The Palladium was fallen.

Machu Picchu

What Made Them Great

Machu Picchu was built by The Inca Empire on 1450 on a sacred geography of Mount Machu Picchu. It was built as a religious site to worship the God of Sun. Tearchitecture was all made from stones and so tight, even the grass couldnt grow among the stones, thats why the ruin still strong until now, through South American moist temperature.

How They Fall

Although was built perfectly, The Machu Picchu couldnt stand the attack of Conquistador and smallpox. It was fallen after 100 years of its existence.


What Made Them Great

Pompeii laid on Italy and was found around 7th-6th BC. It was famous for the high cultural achievement. Buildings like The Temple of Apollo, Isis, and Jupiter were built so beautifully. Bathhouses, houses, and amphitheatre were existed, while paintings and murals adorned the city.

Why They Fall

In 79th AD, Mount Vesuvius eruption destroyed the whole city and buried it. What made this city eerie was when the site was discovered, the people that used to lived in Pompeii were petrified, so we could see their expression when they face the day of destruction. Religion like Islam and Christian believed that its the warning from God for their immoral behavior, like homosexuality.

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