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Public Policy Polling 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Raleigh, NC 27604

Democracy for America Contact: Linsey Pecikonis Communications Director 202-746-8426

Phone: 888 621-6988 Web: Email:

Californias 36th District: Ruiz Within 3 of Bono Mack Bono Mack Facing Sinking Favorability Ratings
Seven term Republican incumbent Mary Bono Mack is in trouble in the 36th district, as Democratic challenger Raul Ruiz has pulled within 3 points of Bono Mack while holding the veteran Congresswoman under 50% in the polls. As 44% of voters have not yet heard enough about Ruiz to form an opinion of him, the 36th looks like a prime opportunity for a Democratic pick up. Bono Mack leads Raul Ruiz 47-44, with 9 percent of voters still undecided. Despite voters continuing relative unfamiliarity with Raul Ruiz, we find that his favorability numbers have increased 6 points since PPPs August poll of the district, from 28 favorable and 18 unfavorable to 35 favorable and 21 unfavorable. Ominously for her campaign, Mary Bono Macks favorability rating is now underwater with voters (41 favorable to 44 unfavorable) a contrast to her standing last month where she received a net-positive 43-39 rating from voters. While Ruiz runs a few points behind President Obamas performance in the district (Obama and Mitt Romney are tied 48% to 48%), this seems to be largely due to Ruiz name recognition among Democratic voters. In fact, while Bono Mack draws only as much support as Romney from Democratic leaning voters, this group has many more undecided voters than in the presidential race. With the election kicking into high gear, Ruiz with a lot of room to grow in terms of name recognition and Bono Mack facing sinking favorability ratings, the momentum appears to be with the challenger in this race. PPP surveyed 1,281 likely California 36th district voters from September 12th to 13th. The margin of error for the survey is +/-2.74. PPP surveys are conducted through automated telephone interviews. Democracy for America, a people-powered political action committee paid for the polling.

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