My Earth My Duty

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MY EARTH MY DUTY Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Luis.

He was good in studies, had good attitude, but one thing which was not in him, was love towards nature. Though he knew that trees give us everything like Oxygen, fruits to eat etc, yet he used to crush flowers, broke branches and harmed nature. His mother always used to tell him to love nature and care about it. She used to say, if there were no trees then it will be difficult for us to survive. One night while sleeping he dreamt a strange thing. He saw that he was wearing a spacesuit. He also saw that his family members were also wearing spacesuits. He asked his mother what happened and why they were wearing such strange dress? His mother replied that it was due to us. As all the trees were cut, there was no greenery, no fresh air and also no freshness in environment. It had happened due to greed and selfishness. On hearing this Luis felt bad. Suddenly, he heard his mother calling. Hurriedly he got up. He thought about his strange dream and felt if it really happened then how living beings would survive? Unwillingly he got up and got ready for the school. On the way he kept on thinking about the Motherland and its destruction. As he reached School thinking about the nature, was stopped by his friends. They asked him what was he thinking? Why was he tensed? Then he told everything that he felt and dreamt in his dream. On hearing this they also felt sad. Luis and his friends realized the importance of trees. They promised to each other that they will plant as much trees as they can. They will save trees and nature for the sake of mankind. As it was their duty for themselves, they started planting trees. Now, they all were happy as there was greenery in their surroundings. Sandeep Rawat VIII B

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