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Teaching Grammar to Adult English Language Learners: Focus on Form By Amber Gallup Rodrguez, Center for Applied Linguistic

First we defined what Focus is on form. Defined as any planned or incidental Instructional activity that is intended to induce language learners to pay attention to linguistic form, according to Ellis (2001).

Many of the second foreign language teachers do not see the relevance of research to their teaching. This article says that the form-focuses are a research issue of particular interest to both teachers and students. Also discusses the connection between error correction and focus on form. Research implications are summarized on grammar and vocabulary learning, and reference is made to key resources dealing with focusing on form. Teachers should thus think about how can improve their teaching and students learning. Also the teachers should provide their students with opportunities for written and spoken output and interaction in their classes, as well as helpful feedback on their language use. Instructional Activities implicit techniques imput flood input enhacement structure-based task

Areas for further research The question is no longer whether explicit grammar instruction helps learners gain proficiency in English, but rather how this approach can best be accomplished. In conclusion as I mentioned before, focus on form in instruction supports to help learners Improve their grammatical accuracy; instructors should embed explicit focus on form within the context of meaningful learning activities.

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