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Name: ___________________ Date: __________

E2- Pd ______ Ms. Brill/Ms. Levinson

Directions: We will read several short stories during the next few weeks. For each short story, you must do the following in your notebook. Your reading logs will be graded based on how thorough you are in your responses! Recommendation! While you read, use post-it notes to record information that will help you fill out your reading log organizer.

Short Story Reading Log Assignment

Your task is to . 1. Fill in the following information for each short story: a. The date you completed the assignment b. Title The title should be written in quotation marks. c. Author 2. Write a 1-paragraph summary of the plot (main events of the story). Be sure to include page numbers where you provide information. ex., Lily felt excited when she met her best friend at the lake (pg 30). 3. Explain what you did not understand about the story. a. This is where you ask questions that you have about the story. Saying, I dont have any questions is unacceptable. b. You might be perplexed (confused) about a characters motivations, or about the events of the story, or about a conflict, resolution, etc. c. Here you should also include and define any vocabulary words (with the page number) that might be unfamiliar to you. 4. Explain what you did understand about the story. a. This is where you might want to comment on the overall meaning of the story, b. What you noticed about certain characters and their actions. c. You might even want to comment on a particular scene or image and discuss why it was powerful or meaningful to you (or to the overall story.

Name: ___________________ Date: __________ Short Story Reading Log Organizer Date: _____ Title: __________________________

E2- Pd ______ Ms. Brill/Ms. Levinson

Author: _________________

Write 1 paragraph explaining the plot.

Explain what you did not understand about the story. Include page numbers. 1. 1.

Explain what you did understand about the story. Include page numbers.





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