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Theme - How we organise ourselves

Key concepts - which lenses are we looking through to focus our unit? Central Idea

People play different roles in the communities to which they belong.

Year One students will develop the following skills: - formulating questions to find out the roles and responsibilities of people in our communities - recording data about our communities - sorting and labeling information found - recording observations of their home, class and school communities - communication of ideas about what a community is
We are inquiring into:

Form - what is a community like? Function - How does a community work? Responsibility - What is our responsibility in the community?

How we contribute to a school community Roles and responsibilities within a community How communities are organised

Related concepts - which other concepts will we use?

Citizen, structure & cooperation

Through the Unit of inquiry communities we will be developing following:

The learner prole attributes: Caring and Open-mindedness The attitudes: Tolerance, respect & commitment The Transdisciplinary skills: Research skills


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