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As I walked down the nearly invisible path, I shivered as a cold blast of wind slammed into me.

I grabbed the edges of my coat and squinted at the early morning rays of sunshine. This was the day. The day I find my best friend, the lemon. At first I though this was really silly, but if it's bound to happen, why not go for it? ~flashback~ The short and grimy witch stared into the bubbling cauldron of a surprisingly clear liquid, adding what she called a mandrake root, which quickly sizzled and burned, producing steam. She stirred it and told me, "Rise, child. Look into the cauldron." I warily peered down and the image started to form; the image of me walking down a path to an old lemon tree grove. I gasped and ducked as a great flock of crows flew right over me to a tree. They flapped their wings so violently, a small green and not yet ripe lemon fell. I ran to it and shook off the dirt and tiny bugs, picking it up and wrapping it in my pocket. Kind of smiling, I picked it up and put it in my coat pocket. ~~ I kept walking, waiting for the flock of crows to fly past me. I jumped as I heard the sudden caw of a crow and ducked, feeling the sudden rush of wind above me as the crows flew over head. I smiled. I watched as the crows settled fluttering their wings and watching as the tiny, tiny, lemon fell. I laughed and ran to it, her, and lifted her up. I felt her over. Smooth and cold. Suddenly, a pair of black eyes and opened and a mouth appeared and shouted, "Hey! I'm kinda cold here! Mind putting me in your coat?" I near about dropped her, I was so shocked. But quickly I recovered, putting her carefully in my pocket and started walking home with a huge grin on my face. I could feel her shivering in my pocket, but I was too excited about meeting her so I pulled her out of it and smiled at her. She glared at me. "Still cold!" I shrugged at her. "I just want to talk to you. I've known about you for almost five years now. I've been really excited to meet-" she cut me off. "Five years? What are you, a stalker or something?" I chuckled and shook my head. "No, when I was 10 I came across a hedge witch who told me she saw my future. I, being curious, followed her and she showed me this exact scene. She told me your name; Lemmy, isn't it? I'm Autumn. Nice to meet you." She lifted a yellow mound of an eyebrow at me and smirked. "I like you already. I think stalking someone to get to know them if a great idea," she said, all sarcastic. I just shrugged. The witch had warned me about her bold behavior, but I shrugged it off. Guess I'll just learn to deal with this. Autumn Sandifur Creative Writing period 3

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