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Generated on: 27-,Tune-2010

Dear Customer, Thank you for buying Veraz Networks Equipment. As you h o w , your system requires an operating license, corresponding to the configuration ordered by you. The license below is required in order to install and configure the equipment according to the required and purchased options. For any questions, problems or license upgrade requests, please contact your regional Customer S~apport, the list of Vcraz Technical Assistance Centers For (TAC), please visit B P Uweb site at: ~

Note: Whenever you contact our Customer Senvice, and in order to obtain your license and avoid delays, please make sure to communicate to us the S.O. number and the IGate Box number (see below).
Sincerely Global MTC Operations Vesaz Networks.

S.O. Number:


IGate4000EDGE Serial #:


License 3 1 DSOs Catalog Number:

16 P2 1279

License Media Gateway Catalog Number:


license Switched Mode Catalog Number:


License Desc:

License for 3 1 DSOs (1 El): 16 (496 DSO) License for Media Gateway: Enabled 1,icense for Switched Mode: Enabled

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