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Reduction of Corrosion through Improvements in Desalting

by Kenneth W. Warren PhD NATCO Houston, Texas Presented to Benelux Refinery Symposium, Lanaken, Belgium, 1995. Abstract Historically, desalting has been used to reduce fouling in the crude distillation unit and to reduce corrosion in the crude distillation tower overhead. For this service, desalting requirements have been moderate and have focused on the removal of inorganic chlorides. Now emphasis is being placed on the use of less desirable crude oils and on the conversion of low quality crude oils with new catalyst systems. These changes have resulted in more stringent desalting requirements including not only a reduction in permissible inorganic chlorides, but also in the reduction of alkali metal cations to very low concentrations. Improvements in the design and operation of desalters have been required to meet these new requirements. These improvements include modifications of the electrostatic field configuration and intensity, modulation of the electrostatic field, alteration of the flow patterns within the desalter, and new ways of contacting the crude oil and the wash water. Also important are new chemical treatment programs which reduce suspended solids entrainment in the oil. All of these changes have been made in conjunction with environmentally mandated improvements in water discharge quality. Introduction Crude oil production is usually associated with the the co-production of varying amounts of water, formation solids, and corrosion products. This water may be connate water from the oil reservoir, or it may result from water injected in an enhanced recovery process. The water frequently contains sizeable concentrations of dissolved salts with the chlorides, sulfates, and bicarbonates of alkali metals and alkaline earths predominating. Separation processes are applied at the production site in order to minimize transportation costs and to prevent corrosion in the transportation system. These result in the removal of most of the water and the heavier formation solids. The level of field dehydration is determined by specifications set by the oil transporter and is reflective of the relative difficulty of dehydration. Therefore, dehydration specifications typically range from 3% bulk sediments and water (BS&W) for heavy crudes in warm climates to 0.2% BS&W for lighter ones in cold climates. After such processing, most field crude oils contain less than one percent bulk sediments and water. The crude oils also may become contaminated with sea water used for ballasting during ocean transport and additional corrosion products may be accumulated. This residual water is normally the source of mineral salts appearing in the crude oil. The most common of these salts are the chlorides, bicarbonates, and sulfates of sodium, calcium, and magnesium, although other minerals may predominate in some localities. Mineral precipitates may, in some instances, constitute a significant portion of the observed inorganic matter in oil. Iron sulfide is a particularly troublesome example of a common mineral precipitate. This material, which results from corrosion processes, is oil-wetted and contributes to emulsion stabilization and sludge formation within process vessels. Other precipitates which may become dispersed in the oil result from the formation of scales, e.g., calcium carbonate, as a result of changes in temperature or system chemistry. Finely divided scale

minerals may concentrate at phase boundaries and contribute to emulsion and sludge problems, or they may remain dispersed in one of the phases. Another type of mineral precipitate results from the formation of crystals of water soluble salts which then become dispersed in the oil. This effect is most frequently observed in light oils containing high salinity dispersed water. As these light oils are stabilized to lower pressures, gas evolution results from evaporation of light ends and precipitation of gaseous hydrocarbons from solution. Partitioning of the water between the liquid phase and these gases results in loss of liquid water. The salts contained in the water are then left behind as either dry crystals in the oil or as crystals attached to drops of saturated solution. A third source of mineral matter in the oil is metal-organic compounds such as porphyrins or salts of organic acids such as naphthenates. These are soluble or semi-soluble in oil and account for most of the heavy metals found in crude oil. Refiners have historically been concerned with the removal of these residual contaminants in order to minimize salt and sediment deposition on the trays of the crude distillation tower and corrosion in the crude column overhead. A major culprit in this corrosion is hydrogen chloride formed by the hydrolysis of calcium and magnesium salts. Although the hydrolysis reaction also produces an equivalent quantity of calcium and magnesium hydroxides, the volatility of hydrogen chloride results in its separation from these basic compounds with the result that zones of condensation are bathed with hydrochloric acid solution. Chloride ion is particularly detrimental since it promotes corrosion by depolarizing corrosion cells and degrades precious metal catalysts by complexing and solubilizing them. Sulfur compounds and naphthenic acids also contribute to corrosion, but usually to lesser degrees. More recently, concerns have turned toward the effects of alkali metal cations on the life of catalysts. Sodium ion binds to acid sites on silica/alumina catalysts and forms a eutectic whichs destroys catalytic activity. The ecomonics of many fluid catalytic cracking and hydrodesulfurization processes are strongly dependent upon catalyst life. The very low salt concentrations necessary for successful application of these processes require operation of desalters close to their practical limits of efficiency. Salts have historically been removed from crude oil by washing it with fresh water and then separating the phases as completely as practicable. As in most liquid separation processes, the critical steps are coagulation to destabilize the dispersion, flocculation to agglomerate the destabilized drops, and sedimentation to separate the two liquid phases. Heat is used to both improve the reaction kinetics and enhance the sedimentation rate. Coagulation is essential for effective separation and is accomplished by chemical treatment. Although flocculation may be produced by thermally induced collisions or chemical aids, the requirements for a high degree of separation and for avoidance of by-products preclude reliance on these techniques. Therefore, electric fields have been almost universally accepted as the flocculant of choice in desalting operations. Sedimentation is carried out in a quiescent chamber with a minimum of flow induced or thermally induced turbulence and provision for elimination of refractory interface sludges. Desalting Processes Earlier technology for electrically induced flocculation utilized alternating current (AC) fields in the range of 16 to 23 kilovolts (KV). Although this technology grew out of work done on the electrical precipitation of solid particles from gases which used direct current (DC) fields, the choice of AC was made to avoid electrolysis of the aqueous phase that would result from the application of DC fields as well as to reduce the possibility of galvanic corrosion of the pressure vessel. The rapid reversal of polarity in an AC system (every 8.3 milliseconds with 60 hertz power) causes any electrically induced reactions to remain reversible since the reaction products do not have time to diffuse away from the reaction site. However, this rapid reversal of the electrical field also precludes any significant drop travel

due to electrical forces. The flocculating effect of an AC field is due to polarization of the water drops resulting in a stretching deformation. Since adjacent ends of two water drops would be oppositely polarized, an attractive force exists which can result in coalescence if the drops are very close together. The attractive forces between the induced dipoles of water drops in an AC field are short range in action. The attractive force between drops of equal size can be expressed as follows:


6KE 2r 6 d4

Interdrop Attractive Force in an Electric Field

Where: F = Force of attraction K = Dielectric constant E = Electric field gradient r = Drop radius d = Interdrop distance Inspection of this equation illuminates both the advantages and weakness of an AC field in electroflocculation. Note that the dipolar attractive force is highly dependent on drop size (as the sixth power exponent testifies), with limited benefit in the coalescence of small drops. Also note the rapid decline in dipolar force with distance. In an AC field, the efficacy of electroflocculation is dependent upon diffusion and fluid flow to bring dispersed water drops into close proximity. The AC field is most effective in removing large drops which are close together. Very small drops not significantly affected by the field. Therefore, the AC field is most effective on the high water content emulsion at the inlet of a desalter vessel and on the collection of large drops which accumulate at the oil/water interface. An additional benefit of the oscillating elongation of the drops produced by the AC field is the rupture of any stabilizing films which might have formed. This effect is of particular advantage in resolving slowly condensing dispersions in the zone of hindered settling at the oil/water interface. In a DC field the electrical forces are sustained and unidirectional. Therefore, polarized drops are able to move along the lines of force of the field. A system was perfected in the early 1970's for combining the freedom from electrolysis and galvanic corrosion of the AC coalescer with the advantages of drop transport of the DC system. The electrodes in this device consist of parallel plates connected to oppositely oriented diodes in such a manner that alternate plates are oppositely charged. Both diodes are connected to the same end of the transformer secondary winding; therefore, the plates are charged on alternate half cycles of the AC power supply. The other end of the secondary winding is connected to ground, so that the electric field projected from the electrode array to the vessel is still AC. Also, the AC field is still available at the oil/water interface to assist in condensation of the settling dispersion as well as to provide coalescence and settling of the loosely dispersed water fraction of the incoming crude oil. The DC field is then available to supply translational energy to the very small drops. These drops approach the nearest plate, become charged, and are repelled toward the opposite plate on a collision course with oppositely charged drops from that plate. Rapid coalescence ensues. Because the plates can only charge on alternate half cycles, the current between them is limited to discharge of capacitively stored energy and is unable to produce significant electrolysis. These plates are also operating in

relatively dry oil which further limits current dissipation from them. This system, known as Dual PolarityTM, has been widely used for both field dehydration and desalting. A weakness of electrostatic coalescers has been the means of protecting the electrical system in the event of excessive power requirements during short term upsets. Protection has been provided in the form of a saturable core reactor in series with the transformer. As power demand increases in such a system, the reactor limits the current to the transformer primary winding. Unfortunately, this has the effect of reducing power input to the vessel at precisely the time it is most needed. To counteract this situation, an electronic controller capable of sensing the load demand and modifying the power input to the transformer was developed. This controller differs in action from the reactor in that power is reduced on the basis of time rather than by variation of maximum voltage. Short bursts of high intensity energy are applied to the emulsion with duration of the pulses limited to maintain an average power output within the rating of the transformer. Recent work at the University of Bradford has shown that much of the coalescing action of an electric field occurs during the rapid change of voltage with time (high dV/dt) at the leading edge of an electrical pulse. Therefore, much of the coalescing ability of the electric field is preserved during this pulsing action. The controller also includes provisions for programming various electric field versus time profiles for cyclical operations. Another limitation of electric coalescers lies in the compromise that must be drawn between field strength required for adequate translation of small drops and field strength strength sufficient to produce subdivision of large drops. As drop size increases and the surface-to-bulk ratio decreases, surface free energy is no longer able to maintain rigidity of the drop, and viscous drag on the moving drop causes deformation. As velocity or drop size increases, this deformation becomes sufficient to cause the drop to shatter. At any given field strength there is a range of stable drop sizes limited at the lower end by the ability of the field to transport the drop and at the upper end by drop size that can be transported without shattering. An ideal arrangement would be a field with a high intensity zone for coalescence of very small drops followed by gradually decreasing field strength for shifting the equilibrium drop size range to large values. Various arrangements may be used for accomplishing this end. Attention has so far been focused on the use of electric fields for flocculation, but an equally important facet of desalting is achieving contact between the entrained water in the crude oil and the dilution water used to wash the oil. Typically, the dilution water is added to the oil upstream of a valve. The water is injected into the oil flow line through a distributor. The differential pressure across the valve is then used to shear the water drops and mix the two phases. Typical pressures are in the 12 to 30 psi range. Although mixing valves are generally satisfactory, they do have some disadvantages. Mixing efficiency is generally low at extremes of phase ratio, so the use of small quantities of dilution water (less than 3%) may not be feasible; likewise, turndown in flow rate will require adjustment of the valve to maintain contact efficiency. More serious disadvantages include the requisite compromise between mixing efficiency and excessive emulsification and the waste of energy expended on shear of the continuous phase. Because very small drops act as rigid spheres following flow streamlines, it is unlikely that they will ever achieve sufficient energy to participate in mechanically induced collisions; therefore, their contribution to the salt content of a crude oil represents a fraction unreachable by means of mixing valves. Mixing efficiency can be improved by adding static mixer elements downstream of the mixing valve to achieve a more homogeneous blend of brine drops and dilution water drops. Static mixers consist of a series of short helical baffles mounted in a pipe with adjacent baffles having reverse twists. These devices continually blend the stream at low shear. Since increasing mixing efficiency by increasing shear rate can result in emulsification problems, the use of low shear devices for blending the stream can be an asset, particularly with difficult crude oils. At best, a mixing valve/desalter combination can function only as a single stage mixer-settler.

By manipulating the relation of drop size to field strength, the electric field can be used to both mix and separate. Drops of dilution water subjected to high field strength can be sheared to very small sizes by the combination of translational shear and shattering due to charge density instability, and then as the field strength is lowered, they coalesce with the entrained brine and settle out. It is worth noting that most of the contact between the brine and the dilution water occurs as the two are coalesced together. Therefore, multiple coalescence events contribute much more to contact efficiency than does greater shear in a mechanical device. By cycling the field strength, the process can be repeated many times during the retention time of the drops within the electric field. As a result, the contact efficiency of a multi-stage mixer-settler can be realized in a single vessel. Since the electrical force is concentrated on the dispersed phase, loss of energy due to shear of the continuous phase is reduced. Turndown and low dilution water flow rates are readily accommodated. The electrostatic mixing system operates with countercurrent contact between the dilution water and the crude oil. This is in contrast to conventional systems which are restricted to concurrent flow by the nature of the mixing device. Countercurrent flow results in contact between the freshest water and the cleanest oil. This ensures maximum effectiveness of the dilution water. This flow pattern also has the effect of placing fresh water near the outlet so that any inadvertent carry-over will be free of salt. Efficient mixing combined with effective electrical flocculation and sedimentation can achieve a high degree of removal of dissolved salts. However, the other two classes of mineral matter, precipitates and oil soluble compounds, are not as well handled. Oil soluble compounds cannot be removed by water washing unless the chemistry of the system can be manipulated to alter their solubility characteristics. Precipitates, particularly soluble salt crystals, present a difficult challenge, but one that must be faced if exotic catalysts are to be protected. Crystalline salt in oil is not driven toward coalescence by strong interfacial tension nor is it accelerated by electrical forces. Contact between the salt crystal and a drop of dilution water depends upon imparting sufficient kinetic energy to the water drop alone to produce a collision capable of penetrating any surrounding film and wetting the crystal surface. Contact efficiency is limited at best, and a combination of high intensity mechanical mixing with electrostatic mixing will give better results than either by itself. There are several conditions which should serve as danger signals or "red flags" to desalting process engineers. These are for the most part things that can be handled if considered early in the design process, but which can be problematical or fatal otherwise. The presence of wax can lead to solid stabilized emulsions which are very difficult to resolve. Wax precipitates from solution at a temperature known as the cloud point. Operating near or below the cloud point of a waxy crude oil should definitely be avoided. Another temperature related problem is viscosity, particularly with heavy oils. Viscosities of approximately 50 SSU (Saybolt Seconds Universal) or less are preferred for desalter operation. Also of concern is the bubble point which is the pressure at which gas is evolved at the operating temperature. If the gas partial pressure exceeds the bubble point, gas bubbles will form in the vessel and will cause the liquid to be stirred and "back mixed" with resulting loss of extraction efficiency. The presence of crystalline salt is always a "red flag." Salt crystals can become coated with a film of impurities or semisolid hydrocarbons and be exceedingly difficult to reach with the dilution water. The mechanisms of attraction and acceleration which produce drop/drop coalescence are not operative in the case of salt crystals; therefore, contact is not readily obtained. Other conditions of which the designer should be wary are the presence of suspended solids, particularly iron sulfide, which can lead to stabilized emulsions. Iron sulfide, being heavy and oil wetted, can rob the sedimentation process of its driving force -- density differential. Dilution water quality can also be a

problem due to high pH, the presence of surfactants, or other conditions which can lead to increased emulsion stability. It is obvious that in order to remove salt, the dilution water must be sufficiently low in salt content to achieve the required equilibrium concentration in the residual entrained water. However, not as obvious is the need for dilution water quality sufficient to avoid contributing to an emulsification process. Streams containing considerable amounts of coke particles, suspended solids, iron sulfide, or emulsified oil should not be used. Neither should streams containing traces of surfactant chemicals or caustic soda. Ammonia should be limited to less than 200 ppm to avoid fouling and corrosion in the crude distillation unit overhead as well as to limit pH excursions. Ammonia also tends to form volatile salts which can contribute to salt carry-over. The pH of the water should be preferably below 9.0 and provision for acid injection for pH control should be made if higher values are expected. High values of pH may enhance the formation of stable emulsions. The water should contain less than 0.02 ppm oxygen, less than 1 ppm fluoride, and should be low in sodium salts, suspended solids, and total hardness. Desalting Equipment A desalting system consists of a means of mixing fresh water with an oil stream and a means of separating the water and oil. The oldest desalter designs used pressure drop across a valve to mix the dilution water with the oil and an AC field to enhance separation. Special globe valves were favored as mixing devices in these systems. Later, laboratory tests showed that the Sauter mean diameter of the drop dispersions were directly related to differential pressure across the valve and not highly dependent on valve type. As a result of these tests, less expensive valves may be employed. Desalter vessels are usually equipped with some type of spreader to distribute inlet flow and an oil outlet collector. Interface drains and sand jets are frequently provided for removal of solids and sludge, and sample taps arranged for sampling above, below, and several points within the interface zone are included. AC Desalters AC desalters most commonly use an arrangement of charged horizontal bar gratings or grids for establishing the electric field within the vessel. A two grid system uses a lower charged grid and an upper grounded grid with a separation of six to eight inches (sometimes adjustable) between them. The incoming oil is introduced near the oil/water interface and flows upward through the grids to an outlet collector. The water layer is also grounded through the shell of the vessel. AC fields are then established between the water and the charged grid and between the charged grid and the grounded grid. Oil flows across both of these fields as it transits the vessel. Newer designs use a multiplicity of charged grids in an effort to improve efficiency and throughput. Also employed is a technique for spreading the incoming emulsion between the energized electrodes. All of these variations are aimed at

increasing the retention time of the dispersion within the most intense zone of the electric field in order for polarized drops to have time to achieve approach distances within the range of action by the dipolar forces. Transformers for AC desalting are usually built with 16KV and 23KV secondary taps. Single phase transformers are most commonly used with multiple transformers wired for load balancing on large installations. In some cases, three phase transformers are employed with multiple grids wired to accept different phases. In order to protect the transformers during process upsets, an internal reactor equal to 100% of the transformer reactance is placed in series with the primary winding. As the load on the transformer increases, the voltage drop across the inductor increases thereby limiting the current to the transformer. A transformer with 100% reactance can tolerate a short circuit on its secondary output without overheating. An unfortunate side effect of this protection scheme is that when the process is most in need of power, the reactor prevents the transformer from delivering it. Dual PolarityTM Desalters Dual PolarityTM desalters also use mixing valves for phase dispersion and contact. However, the electric field is established with a horizontal array of vertically hung parallel plates. Alternate plates are charged positive and negative through connection to diodes. The two sets of diodes are connected to the same end of the transformer winding with the other end connected to ground. This arrangement gives a DC plate-to-plate field and an AC plate-toground field. In this way, the advantages of drop movement and drop charge in a DC field are combined with the film rupturing capability and corrosion resistance of an AC field. Transformers for Dual PolarityTM desalters are identical to those used for AC desalters with the addition of an oil filled secondary junction box which houses the diode packs. Load Responsive ControllerTM Dual PolarityTM desalters may also be fitted with a power supply known as a Load Responsive ControllerTM (LRC). The LRC consists of a 30% reactance transformer in combination with an electronic device which senses the load being drawn and adjusts the power to the transformer accordingly. The power adjustment is accomplished by silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) which switch the power on and off rapidly so the very short bursts of high power are interspersed with off periods so the transformer does not exceed its average heat dissipation rating. This allows power to be delivered to the process under upset conditions without compromising the integrity of the power supply. The LRC may also be programmed to modulate power to the process.

Electro-DynamicTM Desalters

The Electro-DynamicTM Desalter is a new design incorporating the principles of field strength control, electrostatic mixing, and countercurrent flow. Field strength control can be accomplished in several ways. The most obvious of these is by variable electrode spacing. Although this arrangement functions well, its mechanical implementation is difficult, especially with regard to large vessels. A more practical approach is the use of electrodes of varying conductivity. High field strength exists across zones of high conductivity, and reduced field strength is found in the regions of lower conductivity. The desired conductivity patterns can be produced by using electrodes constructed of composite materials whose surface composition can be adjusted in manufacture to provide these patterns. Such electrode plates have the advantage of maintaining a tapered field strength under a range of operating conditions. They are also "self healing" under arcing. A metal grid array will be completely discharged by an arc with loss of field in the entire vessel. Because an arc on a composite grid must be fed through a surface resistance, it is quickly quenched, and only the plate area in the immediate vicinity of the arc is discharged. Slippage due to temporary loss of field is largely eliminated. A third method of controlling field strength is to vary the transformer output voltage to create a time based field decay rather than a spatial variation in strength. Since this method is based on time, it can easily be tailored to the kinetic needs of the process. It also can be used to eliminate excessive "hold-up" of small drops in the zones of high field intensity which could lead to arcing if unchecked. The electrostatic mixing process can be applied most successfully when both the composite plate technology and the modulating controller are employed. Four distinct stages have been identified in the mixing and coalescing process with unique field strength requirements for optimum performance of each stage. These are as follows: Dispersal: A fast ramp-up of voltage to the mixing voltage. Provides rapid reduction of the large drop population. Mixing: Sustained high intensity field for maximum drop subdivision. Coalescing: Voltage ramp-down to permit optimum drop growth. It is in this stage that most of the contact between the dilution water and the entrained brine occurs. Settling: Sustained low intensity field for drop growth and sedimentation.

Each of these stages can be adjusted for optimum intensity and duration using the Load Responsive ControllerTM (LRC). Often it will be found necessary to effect a small compromise between dehydration (coalescing and settling) and contact efficiency (dispersal and mixing). The compromise is small because in the presence of countercurrent flow the water carry-over produced by intense mixing is mostly fresh water; therefore, desalting efficiency is not diminished. Countercurrent flow is essential for realization of the full potential to be gained by multiple stages of mixing and coalescence. To achieve this benefit it is necessary to introduce dilution water above the electrodes in the zone of dry oil. The water must remain as coarse drops in this area to prevent carry-over. Uniform distribution is desired, although the electric field produces some amount of distribution and will overcome mild maldistribution. The simplest way of spreading the dilution water above the electrodes is through a system of laterals with orifices sized to produce a slight pressure drop at design flow rates. Because of increased contact efficiency, less dilution water is usually required in this system. Sometimes other benefits may accrue in injecting any excess water into the feed stream, e.g., reduced upstream heat exchanger fouling or crystalline salt removal. The Electro-Dynamic DesalterTM is a system consisting of electrostatic mixing, the Load Responsive ControllerTM, composite electrodes, and countercurrent flow of the dilution water. Both the composite electrodes and the LRC have been applied in oilfield dehydration systems for many years and have proven to be reliable and effective. Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests on prospective crude oil feedstocks have proven quite effective in assisting in desalter design. Laboratory evaluation of crude oil desalting is done with a combination of static and dynamic test methods. Samples are routinely checked for viscosity as a function of temperature, API gravity, BS&W content, suspended solids content, and salt content. Microscopic examination for the presence of crystalline salt may also be performed. If desired, foam indices may also be determined. After physical and chemical characterization, a small aliquot of the sample is subjected to static electrostatic testing. The power consumption as a function of time is plotted and the shape of the curve is used to draw conclusions regarding the treatability of the sample. Static testing also serves as a useful screening tool for optimizing chemical selection. Dynamic testing is then performed using a pilot plant capable of 300o F, 100 psi operation. It is designed as a vertical section through a full scale desalter with a liquid depth of eight feet. Variable parameters include flow rate, pressure, temperature, chemical dosage, countercurrent or concurrent flow, dilution water rate, AC or DC field, conventional or electrostatic mixing, and a full range of modulated electric field profiles. This unit has been used for desalting studies on a number of crude oils from both domestic and international sources.

Chemical requirements are relative, but the pilot unit historically requires more chemical than field installations due to mixing and retention time characteristics. Inlet BS&W has little relation to outlet salt since much of the water in high BS&W crude oils is easily removed. Therefore, meaningful performance comparisons must consider absolute outlet values rather than percentage removal. Desalter flux, expressed as barrels per day per square foot of longitudinal vessel cross section, affects both the retention time of the liquid in the electric field and the net sedimentation velocity of water drops settling against the rising oil. Since net sedimentation velocity is related to drop size, increasing flux increases the minimum size of drops which can be settled. This results in increased carry-over at high flux. This carry-over includes dispersed brine and produces high effluent salt as contrasted to the fresh water carry-over resulting from excess mixing voltage. Analytical Procedures Laboratory results are obtained by analysis of total chloride ion followed by conversion to equivalent sodium chloride and reported as pounds of salt per thousand barrels of oil (PTB). At salt levels of 2 PTB and below, great care is required in order to achieve meaningful and reproducible results. Although several analytical schemes are available for salt analysis, extraction and analysis of soluble salts has proven to be the most reliable method for use with the least interference from other constituents. The procedure involves diluting an oil sample with xylene and extracting the mixture with boiling deionized water. The extraction funnels are then placed in a water bath at 140 to 160oF for phase separation to occur. If necessary, acidification or chloride-free emulsion breaker may be used to enhance separation. The aqueous layer is removed and filtered if it is still cloudy or if entrained oil is present. It is then titrated with dilute silver nitrate (0.01N) using chromate indicator under incandescent lighting. The titration procedure is known as the Mohr Method and is more fully described in American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice RP 45. Endpoint recognition requires a practiced eye when using dilute titrant. Alternately, ion chromatography may be used for chloride determination if available. This technique is extremely accurate for determination of small quantities of chloride, but the equipment is more expensive. Care must be taken to avoid contamination of the sample during handling due to the widespread occurrence of chloride in nature and the very small quantity being measured. Another method in common use is the spectrophotometric determination of the metals - sodium, calcium, and magnesium. These techniques, using atomic absorption or inductively coupled plasma, are accurate and highly automated. However, they do not distinguish between soluble salts and those which exist primarily in the oil phase such as metal-organic compounds or mineral precipitates. Therefore, the results obtained with these methods may be poorly related to desalter performance. Analysis by conductivity, as described in ASTM D-3230, is a widely used technique for process monitoring and quality control. At low salt levels, oil conductivity becomes a function of water content and pH as well as salt content. Since the ions responsible for pH changes are from 2.6 to 4.6 times as conductive as chloride, minor pH changes far outweigh the effects of changes in chloride concentration. Other problems such as variation in the composition of the salt mix in oils also help to preclude the use of this method as a reliable indicator of absolute desalter performance at low effluent salt contents. Summary

In any process designed to approach theoretical limits, attention to detail becomes critical -- in analysis, design, operating conditions, and control of feedstream quality. In order to minimize 10

corrosion and maximize catalyst life while processing heavy or low quality crude oils, it is essential that refinery desalters be operated at maximum efficiency. Electric field control, countercurrent desalting, and multi-stage contact provide means of increasing desalter efficiency to meet these needs.


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