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Preliminary Table of Transformational Practices[1]

For this coding, David Zeitler used Susanne R. Cook-Greuter's table, indicating first the basic scale (alpha-numeric from A-F), and then the 10-point scale. The quadrants are indicated by UL (upper left), LR (lower right), etc. All entries are tentative. a) Traditional Spiritual Practices i Indian (vedic) Yoga 1) Kundalini D, F; 7- 9; UL, UR 2) Raja 3) Bhakti F; 10; UL 4) Laya 5) Kriya 6) Hatha D, F; 7-10; UL, UR 7) Ashtanga 8) Surat Shabda 9) Vedanta 10) Jnana D, F; 7-10 11) Karma D; 8; UL ii Buddhist Yoga 1) Theravada 2) Shamatha/Vipassana 3) Mahayana practices a) Tonglen b) Metta 4) Highest Yoga Tantra a) Six Yogas of Naropa b) Kalachakra c) ........ 7) Mahamudra 8) Dzogchen F; 10; UL 9) Zen F; 10; UL-- B; 5; LR-- C; 6-10; UR-- B, C; 5, 6; LL iii Taoist Yoga 1) Chi Kung D; 7; UL, UR 2) Jing- Chi- Shen cultivation 3) Eight-Extra meridian Chi-Kung 4) Kan and Li alchemical Practices 5) T'ai-Chi D; 7; UL-- A-D; 1-7; UR-- C; 6; LR, LL

iv Sufi/Islamic Yoga v Jewish Yoga 1) Kabbalah D; 9; UL 2) Hassidic practices vi Christian Yoga 1) Contemplative prayer 2) Orthodox practices vii Western Esoteric Tradition
1) 2) 3) 4)

Qabbalistic practices D; 8-9; UL Enochian practices Ceremonial Magic Alchemy

viii Indigenous 1) Universal Shamanism- A-D; 2-7; UL, UR-- A; 2; LR, LL a) Foundation for Shamanic Studies

2) Aboriginal 3) Siberian 4) Central Asia a) Bon 6)European 7)Celtic 8) African 9)South American 10)Central American 11) North American 12) Pacific b) Contemporary Spiritual Practices i Clever Man's way 1) 4th Way 2) Arica school 3) Diamond Approach 4) TM ii Secular
1) 2) 3) 4)

B-D; 4, 5, 7, 8; UL

Lucid Dreaming D; 8; UL, UR Subtle Body Projection D; 7; UL Kundalini Awakening D; 7; UL, UR Spontaneous Awakenings


iii Daism iv Osho v Contemporary Teachers c) Traditional Therapy i) Behavioral 1) Cognitive Reprogramming B; 5; UL, UR 2) Behavior modification ii)Psychodynamic 1) Psychoanalysis 2) Analytical Psychology 3) Reichian Analysis 4) Individual Psychology 5) Ego Psychology B; 5; UL, LL B, C; 5, 6; UL, LL B; 4,5; UL

iii)Humanistic 1) Gestalt B, C; 5, 6; LL 2) Transactional Analysis A, B; 3, 4, 5; LR, UR 3) Rogerian Therapy 4) Existential C; 6; UL 5) NLP B; 5; UL, UR 6) Psychodrama B; 4; LL, LR 7) Pesso Boyden psychomotor iv)Transpersonal 1) Process Psychology 2) Psychosynthesis d) Creative- Arts i) Music Therapy 1) Mary Priestly 2) Nordoff-Robins 3) Bonney Method- Guided imagery and music

Art Therapy 1) Dance /Movement 1) Authentic Movement 2) Gabriel Roth 5 Rhythms



e) Family Therapy f) Radical Therapy i Breath Work 1) Holotropic breathing 2) Rebirthing (Leonard Or) 3) Alchemia Heart Breath

A-D; 1, 6, 8; UL, LL A-C; 1, 6; UL

ii Primal Therapy

A; 1; UL

iii Past Life Therapy 1. Woolger Past life therapy 2. Dethlefsen Reincarnation therapy 3. .......... iii Pre-Perinatal Psychotherapy 1. Emerson Training 2. ............ iv Hypnotherapy 1) Ericksonian Hypnotherapy 2) Alpha Calm Therapy 3) Autogenic Training 4) Alchemical Hypnotherapy v Group Transformational Processes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Hoffman Quadrinity Process Insight Training The Forum Avatar Group Bohmian Dialogue

C, D; 6, 7; LL

vi) Esoteric 1) Spirit Release Therapy 2) Soul Retrieval g) Somatic Therapy i) BodyMind Therapy / Somatic Psychotherapy 1) Alchemical Synergy 2) Ayurvedic Psychology 3) Bioenergetics 4) Body centred transformation 5) Body-Enlightenment

6) Body-Mind Integrative Therapy 7) Breema 8) Barbara Brennan Healing Science 9) Chua Ka 10) Core Energetics 11) Haelan Work 12) Hakomi Integrative Somatics 13) Integrative Body Psychology 14) Medical Orgone Therapy 15) Neural organisation technique 16) NeuroCellular Repatterning 17) Polarity Therapy 18) Process Acupressure 19) Release Work 20) Rosen Method of Bodywork and Movement 21) Rubenfeld Synergy Method 22) SHEN 23) SomatoEmotional Release 24) Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy ii) Energetic Therapy 1) acupressure 2) Jin Shin Jytsu 3) Jin Shin Acutouch 4) acupuncture 5) Amma therapy 6) chi nei tsang 7) Do-in 8) Johrei 9) Lomilomi 10) Makk-ho exercises 11) Ohashiatsu 12) Pranic Healing 13) Radiance Technique 14) Reiki 15) Shiatsu 16) Thai Massage 17) Tantsu 18) Tsubo Point Therapy 19) Watsu iii) Structural 1) Alexander Technique 2) chiropractic 3) CORE Bodywork

4) Cranial-Sacral Therapy 5) Egoscue Method 6) Hellerwork 7) LooyenWork 8) Ortho-Bionomy 9) Parma Training Program 10) Postural Integration 11) Rolfing 12) Soma Neuromuscular Integration 13) Sotai 14) Spinal Touch Treatment 15) Wengrows Synergy 16) Zero Balancing 17) v) Trauma Work 1) Appropriate Touch 2) Safe Touch 3) Trauma Touch Therapy 4) Somatic Experiencing 5) EMDR vi) Health 1) 2) 3) 4) Applied Kinesiology Applied physiology Resonant Kinesiology Touch for Health

vii) Massage Type Work 1) Benjamin system of muscular therapy 2) Bindegewebsmassage 3) Bodywork for the Childbearing Year 4) Reilly Massotherapy 5) Constitutional Massage 6) Cyriax massage 7) Hemme Approach 8) Hoffa massage technique 9) Hoshino Therapy 10) Kripalu bodywork 11) Kriya Massage 12) Lymphatic drainage massage 13) McMillan massage technique 14) Menell massage technique 15) MotherMassage 16) Myofascial release 17) Naprapathy

18) Neuromuscular reprogramming 19) Okazaki Restorative Massage 20) Therese Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy 21) Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy 22) reflexology 23) Sports Massage 24) St John Neuromuscular Therapy 25) Swedish massage 26) Trigger point Therapy 27) Visceral Manipulation 28) Zone Therapy h) Hi-Tech Yoga i) Body/Mind 1) Bio-feedback B, C; 5, 6; UR 2) Chi-kung machines ii) Dreams 1)Lucid dream machines ( Lucidity Institute) 2) Psychomanteum D; 7, 8; UL, UR iii) Brain 1) Hemi-Sync ( Monroe Institute)

i) Sexual Practice i) Western Sex Therapy 1) E.S.O

2) ii)

Tantric sexual communion 1) SkyDancer Tantra (Margo Anand)



Taoist sexual yoga 1) Healing Tao

[1] The table raises many issues for discussion, perhaps the most important of which is to identify those practices that actually facilitate development, that is, are transformational, as opposed to which are simply translational (yielding change within a single level). Perhaps this is more a matter of degree than of kind. In any case, the inclusion of any practice below simply places it on the slate for discussion.

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