Dereje Alemayehu

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( June 1993) When it took power, the TPLF is said to have found a huge stash of archival documents left

behind by the previous military junta. What is really absurd about Megintus regime was that it meticulously kept record of the heinous crimes it was committing. For instance, those ordering execution of political prisoners usually signed, dated and filed the records. Torture sessions were recorded and/ or video taped. The successor regime of TPLF used these archival materials to persecute the Derg perpetrators. It also used and continue to use those archival materials to humiliate its adversaries and trump up its own legacies ( remember Qeshi Gebru and Amora). Among recorded documents found in Derg archives were the torture sessions of Haile Fida, one of the leading intellectuals during the revolution. Before he was executed along other political prisoners, Haile was imprisoned and rutinely tortured for two years, according to those prisoners who survived the ordeal. So when TPLF found Haile Fidas torture tapes, using alias name (Hagos), one of them wrote an article on their Efoyta magazine, ridiculing Haile and the political party he belonged to, All Ethiopian Socialist Movement other wise known as MEISON in its Amharic abbreviation. Note that in early 1990s the two revolution time parties, MEISON and the EPRP were still considered a threat by the TPLF. In response to TPLFs article Dereje Alemayehu who was with Haile when they were captured and was in jail with him until the last minute, composed the following article. Although Alemayehu might have been catalyzed by the attack on his comrades, but the issues he discusses are much more than that. It is a comprehensive critique of political violence in contemporary Ethiopian politics. And its a fine piece of Amharic literature.

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