Environmental Justice 17

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Monday 9/17 & Tuesday 9/18

DO NOW: Name 3 things you know about this molecule, more if you know more.

Goals & HW
GOALS: IWBAT understand the properties of proteins and nucleic acids HW: Do the virtual DNA gel electrophoresis lab online (should take about 30 minutes) http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/labs/gel/ http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp16/1602001.html ***Quiz on this virtual lab on Wednesday, the procedure and purpose of each solution.

What are the 4 macromolecules?

Add the name and draw each

Macro = big


1.Nucleic Acids 2.Proteins 3.Lipids 4.Carbohydrates

Another name for a macromolecule

Poly = many

Nucleic Acids


Monomers linked and bonded together

Monomer of nucleic acids= nucleotides What do you

notice about the phosphate group?

Draw it

Transport proteins



Enzymes Marker proteins

Monomers of proteins are amino acids

Proteins are also know as


Role of enzyme
To catalyze a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy.

Enzymatic reaction
Substrate Product


Enzyme-substrate complex


How to stop and enzyme

Change the temperature (hot or cold) Change the pH (acid or base) Change the ionic conditions (make salty)

Called Denaturing or unfolding

Norms for Webquest

1. 2. 3. 4. One computer / person Sit with your group only Complete the webquest SLOWLY (plenty of time) If computer issues, you may share computers with 1 other person.


Flashcards Cards
Nucleic Acids Nucleotides Charge of DNA Bonds between nucleotides Proteins Amino Acids enzymes Bonds between amino acids Activation energy Gel electrophoresis Property of gel that electrophoresis depends on?

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