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Midterm Examination

IT 8 Basic Multimedia System

Name: ________________________ Course & Yr.: ____________ Test I Identification (2 pts. each) 1. Multimedia

2. Pixel

3. DPI

4. PPI

5. Resolution Test II Enumeration (1 pt. each) Instruction: Write your answers @ the back of the exam. paper. 1-4 Characteristics of a Multimedia System 5-7 Three (3) Rules of Design 8-9 Two (2) Types of Compression Method 10-15 Give Six (6) Desirable Features for a Multimedia System Test IV - Discussion Instruction: Write your answer @ the back. 1. Discuss why Video Editing is both Artistic and Technical Process. (5 pts.) 2. Discuss the Non-linear Video Editing. (10 pts.) 3. Differentiate the Image Compression/Formatting for Print & Multimedia(web & screen output). (10 pts.)

In Nomine Domini Nostri Jesu Christi


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