Modern Electronic Communication8e - Gary Miller Beasley - en Ingles

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Instructor’s Manual with PowerPoints to accompany MODERN ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION Eighth Edition Jeffrey S. Beasley Gary M. Miller Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Columbus, Ohio This work is protected by United States copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or sale of any part of this work (includ- ing on the World Wide Web) will destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted. The work and materials from it should never be made available to students except by instructors using the accom- panying text in their classes. All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical pur- poses and the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials. Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America, This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Prentice Hall™ is a trademark of Pearson Education, Inc, Pearson® is a registered trademark of Pearson ple Prentice Hall® is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Instructors of classes using Beasley & Miller, Modern Electronic Communication, Eighth Edition, may reproduce ‘material from the instructor’s manual with PowerPoints for classroom use. 10987654321 LTIUsTo) ISBN 0-13-113038-2 CONTENTS Part I: Chapter Overviews Chapter I: Introductory Topics 1 Chapter 2: Amplitude Modulation: ‘Transmission 4 Chapter 3: Amplitude Modulation: Reception 7 Chapter 4: Single-Sideband Communication 9 Chapter 5:_Frequency Modulation: Transmission " Chapter 6: Frequency Modulation: Reception 14 Chapter 7; Communications Techniques 16 Chapter 8: Digital Communication: Coding Techniques 18 Chapter 9: Wired Digital Communication. 20 Chapter 10: Wireless Digital Communications 2 Chapter 11: Network Communications mw Chapter 12: Transmission Lines 26 Chapter 13: Wave Propagation 28 Chapter 14: Antennas 30 Chapter 15: Waveguides and Radar 32 Chapter 16: Microwaves and Lasers 34 Chapter 17; Television 36 Chapter 18: Fiber Optics 38 Part II: Test Item File Chapter 1 40 Chapter 2 49 Chapter 3 60 Chapter 4 4 Chapter 5 87 Chapter 6 102 Chapter 7 108 112 Chapter 9 17 Chapter 10 121 Chapter 11 128 Chapter 12 135, Chapter 13 143 Chapter 14 148 Chapter 15 153 Chapter 16 158 Chapter 17 162 169 Chapter 18 Part Ill Answers to Chapter Problems Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18, oratory Manual Experiment Result Active Filter Networks Frequency Spectra of Popular Waveforms ‘Tuned Amplifiers and Frequency Multiplication Low-Pass Impedance Transformation Networks Phase-Shift Oscillator LC Feedback Oscillator Colpitts RF Oscillator Design Hartley RF Oscillator Design ‘Swept-Frequency Measurements, Nonlinear Mixing Principles AM Modulation Using an Operational Transconductance Amplifier RF Mixers and Superhetereadyne Receivers Cascode Amplifiers Sideband Modulation and Detection Frequency Modulation: Spectral Analysis, Phase-Locked Loops: Static and Dynamic Behavior FM Detection and Frequency Synthesis Using PLLs Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Time Division Multiplexing Pulse Width Modulation and Detection Digital Communication Link Using Delta Modulation Codecs Electronics Workbench Multisim - dB Measurements in Communications Electronics Workbench Multisim — Smith Chart Measurements Using the EWB Network Analyzer ‘Tone Decoder 178, 189 198 206 212 219 223 229 234 238 242 247 2 216 284 291 296 303 Part V Electronics Workbench Multisim EWB Complementary Exercises Experiment | -EWB Simulation of an ACTIVE FILTER NETWORKS Experiment 2 EWB USING THE SPECTRUM ANALYZER and the SIMULATION and ANALYSIS of COMPLEX WAVEFORMS Experiment 3 - EWB Simulation of Class C Amplifiers and Frequency Multipliers Experiment 5 ~ EWB Simulation of a Phase-Shift Oscillator Experiment 6 EWB Simulation of an LC Feedback Oscillator Experiment 1] - EWB Percentage of Modulation Measurement of an Amplitude Modulated Waveform Notes to the Instructor 428 430 433 435 437 439 INTRODUCTORY TOPICS 1 INTRODUCTION Following a brief introduction to the field of electronic communications, the concept of modulation is introduced. AC this early stage very basic words such as a carrier “carrying” the information are used. Equation 1-1 shows the three characteristics of a carrier that could be modified to carry the information include the amplitude, frequency, and phase. ‘These concepts, form the basis for Chapters 2-6. Table |-1 describes the subdivisions within the radio-frequency spectrum and Fig. 1-1 presents a simple communication system in block diagram form. A discussion of it should get your students thinking and whet their appetite for the chapters that follow 1-2. The dB in COMMUNICATIONS The dB (decibel) is an extremely important measure in communications. Decibels are used to specify measured and calculated values in communications system measurements. The equations for calculating dB using power and voltage ratios are provided in equations 1-2 and 1-3. Examples 1-1 to 1-3 demonstrate the method for calculating and converting dB values. Another technique for converting many common 4B values is provided in Table 1-2. Tables and computer programs are often used on the job for performing most dB calculations or conversions. A list of common decibel terms is provided in Table 1-3 1-3 NOISE A fundamental limitation in communication systems is noise, This, of course, is due 10 the fact that the signal picked up by the receiver is very small, Separating it from all the various. sources of noise is a critical task. The various types of external noise (man-made, atmospheric, and space) and internal noise (thermal, transistor, and flicker) are described. The calculations associated with thermal and noise voltage are facilitated with Examples I-4 and 1-5 1-4 NOISE DESIGNATION AND CALCULATION e important concept of signal-to-noise ratio is introduced as a simple ratio (Eq. 1-12) and in decibel form (Eq. 1-13). This is followed by defining the noise figure as the ratio of S/N at the input over the S/N at the output. Some practice on the related calculations is provided in Example 1-6. ‘The concepts of reactance noise effects, noise duc to amplifiers in cascade, equivalent noise temperature, and equivalent noise resistance close out this section, The importance of related calculations is indicated by the many examples provided to help your students master these topic 1-5 NOISE MEASUREMENT The use of a diode noise generator to make some basic noise measurements is introduced A simple yet effective measurement technique using the diode noise generator is illustrated in Example 1-10. A quick and useful measurement technique using a basic dual-trace oscilloscope is detailed in Fig. 1-7. It is termed the tangential noise measurement technique. 1-6 INFORMATION AND BANDWIDTH ‘There are two fundamental limitations on the performance of a communication system. Besides the noise effects just introduced, the bandwidth allocated for transmission is the other s law states that the amount of information that can be transmitted is, proportional to the bandwidth times the time of transmission, To help the student understand the bandwidth that various signals occupy, an introduction to understanding the frequency spectta is provided. This basically non-mathematical approach promotes understanding of a signal's sinusoidal harmonics and how they combine to form complex signals. The square wave waveform analysis in Fig. 1-9 and 1-10 provides graphic illustration of this process. Visual examples of the frequency components making up complex waveforms are provided in Figures I- 11 and 1-12. These are the FFT representations for a sine wave and a square wave. Table 1-4 gives Fourier expressions for some common periodic waveforms. Figure 1-13 demonstrates the effect a bandwidth-limited signal has on a square wave. 1-7 LC CIRCUITS Sections 1-7 and 1-8 cover some basic characteristics of LC circuits and oscillators. If ‘your students have a good background to this from previous studies, you may wish to omit them. ‘The characteristics of inductors and capacitors are introduced including the concepts of quality (Q) and dissipation (D) factors. This is followed by the concept of resonance and bandpass filters, Examples 1-13 and 1-14 provide practice calculating bandwidth, Q, required component values, and resonant frequencies, 1-8 OSCILLATORS Oscillators are key elements in communication systems. The concept of creating a sine wave via the “flywheel” effect is introduced with the help of Fig. 1-21. An analysis of some ‘common LC oscillators follows including the Hartley, Colpitts, and Clapp oscillators. The very important crystal oscillator is then detailed. Table 1-5 provides stability and cost information for four different crystal oscillator configurations. A useful crystal test circuit is shown in Fig. 1-29. 1-9 TROUBLESHOOTING All chapters of this text are concluded with a troubleshooting section. ‘The importance of developing good troubleshooting skills cannot be over-emphasized. Employers and accrediting agencies are in strong agreement on this matter. Each one of these sections provides troubleshooting skills related to the chapter's topies. Often some general troubleshooting techniques are also included as is the case with this section. ‘This section opens with a comprehensive overview of troubleshooting. This is followed by detail on the four types of circuit failures. Detail on the four basic troubleshooting techniques (symptoms, signal tracing and injection, voltage and resistance measurements, and substitution) concludes the general troubleshooting material ‘Testing a crystal with the aid of the block diagram in Fig. 1-32 is discussed. This section is concluded with information on testing the inductors and capacitors in a Clapp oscillator. A section on understanding digital sampling oscilloscope waveforms is also included in this section. This section discusses the importance of selecting the sample frequency and the effect an improperly selected sample frequency has on the displayed waveform, 1-10 TROUBLESHOOTING WITH ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH MULTISIM Representative computer simulations using Electronics Workbench (EWB) Multisim are provided in each chapter in this text, The computer files are provided in the CD-ROM which ‘comes with the text, The use of virtual instruments is incorporated into each chapter's presentation on using EWB Multisim, Detailed steps are used in the text to lead the student through each of the virtual experiments. In Chapter 1, the oscilloscope and the spectrum analyzer virtual instruments are used to examine the properties of a square wave. The performance and operation of these virtual instruments closely resemble real test equipment and the user has the ability to make connections and adjustments comparable to that made on equipment when working on a bench. Three EWB exercises are included to further develop the student’s understanding of the simulation tool and the virtual instruments. ‘The files provided in the text's CDROM support both the newer Multisim 7 (.ms7) and Multisim 6 (.msm) formats. The files are located in ms7 or msm folders in each respective chapter. AMPLITUDE MODULATION: TRANSMISSION 241 INTRODUCTION This is a critical point in your students’ study. While modulation has been introduced in Chapter I, it is now time for the student to really come to an understanding of what it is all about It may be a good idea to give a quiz after covering Sections 1 through 4 just to make sure that a reasonable level of comprehension has been attained. 2-2, AMPLITUDE MODULATION FUNDAMENTALS ‘A good way to introduce the basic AM process is to compare the linear combination of two signals in Fig. 2-1 with the nonlinear combination in Fig. 2-2. Emphasize that only the non- linear combination produces an AM signal. You also might want to explain why the transmission of the linear combination would leave just the carrier at the receiver while the AM signal should be received basically as transmitted. ‘The equation defining the AM waveform is provided in equation 2-1. This is also a good opportunity to review or introduce the importance trigonometric relationship (sin x)(sin y), equation 2-2. You will find that a thorough discussion of the transmission of a range of modulation frequencies will now be possible, A detailed study of Example 2-1 should be most helpful here The phasor analysis is also important, as for many students this is when something finally falls together, the light bulb goes on, and now they have seen the light. 2.3 PERCENTAGE MODULATION ‘The concept of percentage modulation is usually mastered with ease. In fact, your students will probably enjoy making some quantitative calculations such as illustrated in Example 2-2. This is also a good time to introduce the concept of overmodulation and talk about the problems that it causes. 2-4 AM ANALYSIS ‘Your students may be somewhat resistant to the brief mathematical analysis at the beginning of this section but itis important to their overall understanding. This is their first exposure to a form of modulation and they need to realize that this is not some form of magic—it does withstand analysis with some basic mathematical tools. The importance of transmitting a high-percentage of modulation is now understandable— just make sure they remember that overmodulation is taboo. It is now time to indicate that the carrier in AM systems effectively wastes a lot of transmitter power. Examples 2-3 through 2-8 illustrate a number of useful calculations regarding percentage modulation, total power, carrier power and sideband power 2-5 CIRCUITS FOR AM GENERATION It is now time to introduce some cireuits used to create AM. The whole key here is that it takes a nonlinear combination of carrier and intelligence to generate AM. The difference between high-level and low-level modulation is discussed. Be sure to stress that this has nothing to do with high-pereentage modulation, Use Fig. 2-12 to help explain the difference between high and low-level modulation It is certainly true that IC modulators are used in the majority of new designs. Introduction of several discrete device designs is still important to overall understanding and in working with older equipment, However, there is certainly nothing wrong with emphasizing the linear integrated circuit designs at this time. 2.6 AM TRANSMITTER SYSTEMS At this point it is appropriate to talk about a complete transmitter system as opposed to just the AM modulator. The citizens band transmitter described here is simple enough so that the student can comprehend the various system aspects without getting bogged down with too many details. The concept of coupling transmitter power to an antenna is introduced as is some detail on the fabrication and tuning of this compact transmitter. 2-7 TRANSMITTER MEASUREMENTS. AL this point your students may be anxious to learn some laboratory measurements useful in AM analysis. ‘The trapezoid pattern technique is very good for measuring percentage ‘modulation and for pinpointing some specific problems with the modulator. It is also important to realize that some meaningful measurements can be made with a de ammeter. The spectrum analyzer is also introduced at this point. It is one of the most important instruments available for ‘communication’s equipment and it may be new to some of your students. Its use in making harmonic distortion measurements is provided and Example 2-9 provides a sample computation This section is concluded with some precautions to take when making measurements on RF circuits. ICis often troublesome for the beginner to understand that the measurement tool can be changing the measurement. It is important to also understand why this is happening. 2.8 TROUBLESHOOTING The first discussion has to do with the importance of initially inspecting a piece of equipment when repair is necessary. ‘The novice is surprised at how much time is saved by this process. If inspection by itself has not cleared up the problem then a strategy for repair should be developed. This includes verification that a problem exists, isolation of the defective stage. isolation of the defective component, and replacement of the defective component ‘Troubleshooting a simple self-biased RF amplifier is then provided. This includes looking at the effects of various components being opened or shorted. It is very important for the student to start thinking about shorts and opens as this is such a prevalent type of failure. ‘The process of checking an entire transmitter is the next topic. Be sure to emphasize the material on safety provided when working on high voltage systems. ‘Troubleshooting topics covered include improper frequency of operation, measurement of output power, and how to remedy these parameters when they are not in specification, 2.9 TROUBLESHOOTING WITH ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH MULTISIM ‘The EWB Multisim tools are used to simulate an AM modulator circuit. The student will gain additional experience measuring the modulation index of an AM signal. This exercise also enhances the students understanding of the carrier and modulating signal components of the AM envelope. The oscilloscope virtual instrument is used extensively in this exercise for making measurements on the waveform. The EWB exercises provide the opportunity for the student to test their ability to determine the modulation index and the carrier frequency of an AM signal. AMPLITUDE MODULATION: RECEPTION 3-1. RECEIVER CHARACTERISTICS You may find it helpful to got your students thinking about a receiver by asking them to think about a desirable design for its block diagram. A likely outcome is the TRF concept introduced in this section. This can then lead to a discussion of receiver sensitivity and selectivity, important concepts to carefully consider at this point The basic problem of variable selectivity in a TRF receiver is the main reason that itis not a viable design today. Variable selectivity can easily be shown by working through Example 3-1 3:2. AM DETECTION ‘A key to the detection process is to stress that it takes a nonlinear device just as a non- linear device was necessary to create the AM signal. The basic diode detector is described and Fig. 3-3 can be used to explain the waveforms in a typical circuit. ‘The potential problem of diagonal clipping is introduced and the synchronous detector is also provided, 3-3. SUPERHETERODYNE RECEIVERS ‘The variable selectivity problem with TRF receivers explained in Section 3-1 should be ‘mentioned again at this point because now the solution is at hand. ‘The superheterodyne (superhet) receiver, first used in the 1930's, has proven (o be the dominant receiver format to this day. It should therefore be carefully introduced, as your relatively unsophisticated communication students will be a bit confused by some of the details of this concept. ‘The frequency conversion process explanation will be enhanced by using the block diagrams of Figs, 3-7 and 3-8 3-4 SUPERHETERODYNE TUNING ‘The bulk of today’s receivers use frequency synthesis tuning. This is mentioned here but its detaited discussion is in Chapter 7. Tis good to stick to the basics for now as the student's mastery skills are developing. The variable ganged capacitor tuning is used for the introduction in Section 3-3 and a varicap diode electronic tuning circuit is provided in this section. These tuning methods are still prevalent in low cost receivers, The tracking problems of these tuning systems is explained and the tracking adjustment process described 35 SUPERHETERODYNE ANALYSIS ‘The problem of image frequency is a bit confusing but by the time the student attains, comprehension, the whole superheterodyne concept will usually click into place. If you discuss Figs, 3-13 and 14 an understanding of when images are and are not going to be a problem should be accomplished. The use of double conversion to circumvent the image problem is mentioned but left for a full discussion in Chapter 7. The remainder of this section introduces various circuits commonly used for RE amplifiers, IF amplifiers and the mixer/local oscillator. You may want to use transparencies of these circuits to enhance your explanation and discussions. 3-6 AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL, To initiate AGC discussion, ask your students if all received signals are at the same level. The obvious answer is no, but then ask them why the speaker output is basically constant for all those different signals. This should establish the need for AGC and is a natural lead-in to how it is accomplished. ‘The first step is to obtain the AGC level—some de level proportional to signal strength. ‘The next step is to control the gain of an amplifier to allow maintaining a relatively constant output level. A discrete AGC circuit illustration is provided in Fig. 3-19 while Fig. 3-20 provides an IC AGC system, 3-7 AM RECEIVER SYSTEMS We're now in a position to “put it all together” by looking at a complete AM receiver system. A discussion of the discrete system shown in Fig. 3-21 can be kind of exciting to the student when realization that comprehension of stich a complicated schematic is possible. Once again, an overhead transparency display to accompany the discussion (and Fig, 3-22 for an IC receiver) is very helpful. The AM stereo receiver shown in Fig, 3-25 is also appropriate at this time. This section concludes providing a receiver analysis with respect to the power gain or attenuation of all the various stages. A discussion of Example 3-3 should facilitate an understanding of the power levels throughout a receiver. It also serves to illustrate the use of dbm and dbW in this type of analysis. 3-8 TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Some detailed troubleshooting is provided regarding the self-excited mixer shown in Fig. 3-27. Additionally, Table 3-1 provides experience using a troubleshooting chart. The use of these types of troubleshooting aids is common in the industry. A basie series-pass electronically regulated power supply is provided in Fig. 3-28 and detailed techniques for its repair ate included. This section is concluded with some tips for troubleshooting. audio and RF amplifiers. 3-9 TROUBLESHOOTING WITH ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH MULTISIM The diode detector circuit is simulated using EWB Multisim in this exercise. A virtual AM source, provided by the EWB Multisim tool, is used to generate the AM signal for inputting to the diode detector. The instructor and the student will like the ease that the AM source can be adjusted. The diode detector circuit also contains a “virtual” variable capacitor. The student will be able to increase or decrease the value of the capacitor by pressing ¢ or C to determine if varying the capacitor value effects the recovered signal ‘The chapter 3 EWB Multisim exercise introduces a virtual exercise in troubleshooting a communications circuit. EWB Multisim provides a feature which allows for the addition of a component fault in the circuit. The student will be able to test their troubleshooting knowledge and their understanding of the circuit operation to determine which component(s) have failed. The student will have many virtual instruments to use in the troubleshooting process including the oscilloscope and the ‘multimeter. Component repair is easily accomplished by double-clicking on the component, and correct the setting under the Fault tab. The EWB exercises include two virtual circuits which contain faults, ‘These exercises can be used to test the student's troubleshooting ability and circuit knowledge. A third exercise requires the student to adjust virtual capacitors to minimize the RF noise and to record their settings. 4-1 SINGLE-SIDEBAND CHARACTERISTICS This section begins with a bit of history on the development of SSB. As was mentioned in the AM chapters, the carrier contains no information and yet contains most of the power in the AM transmission. ‘The sidebands contain the information but with (at most) 1/3 the power. A discussion of peak envelope power is also provided. A number of different types of SSB are used. ‘The remainder of this section introduces them and concludes with a discussion of the advantages of SSB over standard AM. 4-2, SIDEBAND GENERATION: THE BALANCED MODULATOR ‘The balanced modulator is a widely used circuit in electronic communications. Since this is the first encounter a detailed look at it is given here. The balanced ring modulator and a linear integrated circuit balanced modulator are described. ‘The output of these modulators is a doub! sideband signal but the carrier has been suppressed. The next two sections will address changing from this double-sideband signal to a single-sideband signal 4-3. SSB FILTERS ‘The elimination of one of the sidebands in a DSB signal can be accomplished with a high-Q filter, Example 4-1 provides clear illustration of this fact. Crystal filters are used in the ‘most demanding of these requirements. Since they were covered in Chapter I, a relatively brief review is provided at this point. Ceramic filters are widely used in today’s communication circuits. ‘They offer Qs that are less than crystal filters but much better than standard LC filters. Surprisingly, mechanical filters are still used in some SSB applications. This section concludes with a discussion of their characteristics. 4-4 SSB TRANSMITTERS There are two basic systems used to create SSB, the filter method and the phase method, The block diagram in Fig. 4-8 is useful as a transparency to help the student understand the filter method. It is pretty straightforward, but a discussion of the block diagram should make it erystal clear. The phase method is a bit more difficult for the student but the block diagram of Fig. 4-10 along with a mathematical discussion using Eqs. 4-2, 3 and 4 should take care of it, Also introduced in this section is the concept of amplitude compandoring. This allows the lower level signals to be transmitted with greater power while staying within the PEP ratings of the transmitter. This section concludes with a discussion of linear power amplifiers. You may wish to use Fig, 4-13 as a transparency for a classroom ani 4-5 SSB DEMODULATION Up to this point the many advantages of SSB have been extolled. The demodulation of SSB exposes a fundamental drawback. The carrier must somehow be recombined with a sideband through a non-linear device in order to recover the intelligence, So the carrier that we removed at the transmitter must somehow be recreated at the receiver. Some techniques for doing this are the subject of this section. 9 4-6 SSB RECEIVERS The block diagram of a typical SSB receiver is given in Fig. 4-17. It basically looks like a superhet AM receiver except for second mixer (detector) and the block that reinserts the carrie often referred to as the beat frequency oscillator (BFO). ‘The complete receiver schematic in Fig. 4-18 makes a good discussion circuit when displayed as a transparency 4-7 TROUBLESHOOTING The first topic of this section involves a basic balanced modulator circuit. Testing for cartier leakthrough is described using an oscilloscope. Checking cartier suppression using a spectrum analyzer is also introduced. A technique for checking the filter used to suppress one of the sidebands is the next troubleshooting topic. This is followed by an explanation of the two- tone test for testing the linearity of a linear amplifier The final topic in this chapter's troubleshooting section is to discuss a technique for testing an entire receiver by using signal injection. Table 4-1 summarizes the procedure in conjunction with the block diagram shown in Fig. 4-26, 48 TROUBLESHOOTING WITH ELECTRONIC WORKBENCH MULTISIM This exercise demonstrates an important fundamental concept of communications which is the production of the sum and difference frequencies. A multiplier, provided in the Multisim tools, is used in this example to produce the sum and difference frequencies however a balanced modulator and “mixer” circuits produce the same result. The complex waveform output, generated by the multiplier, is analyzed using the virtual spectrum analyzer. ‘The exercise includes a demonstration of removing the lower sideband using a five-element Chebyshev filter to produce a SSB signal. The spectrum analyzer is used to verify that the lower sideband has been significant attenuated. ‘The exercise includes a troubleshooting example in which a fault has been introduced in the filter. The students are guided through the troubleshooting exercise and are reminded to perform a visual check of the circuit. The EWB questions include an exercise where the student must tune a high-pass filter circuit and troubleshoot two circuits which contain faults lo

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