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Community College of Qatar GUST 0342 (29861), Fall 2012, SU/TU 6:00-8:00pm West Bay Campus, Room G43

Professor: Kate Moore E-mail address: kate.moore@ccq.edu.qa Twitter: MooreCCQ Class Blog/Webpage: http://thatsreadable.wordpress.com/ Turnitin: www.turnitin.com Phone/Voicemail: 4401 1346 (call only during office hours) Office hours: First door on left in classroom F10B Office hours: S/Tu 3:15-3:45 and M/W 2:30- 3:15

NB: Mobile phone usage is not allowed during class.

Course Description College Reading II is a continuation of reading skills introduced in GUST 0341. Stronger emphasis is on critical reading and critical thinking skills. The goal of GUST 0342 is to teach students to analyze materials thoughtfully, synthesize materials from various sources, and apply outside information to their reading. Student Learning Outcomes By the end of the course, student will have learned how to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Acquire vocabulary Identify main and supporting details. Identify relationships in a reading selection Develop reading retention skills. Acquire communication and learning skills Acquire technical, organizational and testing skills. Develop critical thinking skills.

Textbooks and Other Required Supplies Please bring all materials to class daily. 1. Handouts 2. A non-fiction or fiction book of 150 pages or more 3. One A-4 Notebook 4. Paper, pencils and pens 5. A folder or binder 6. USB Flash Drive (very important) 7. Internet access (at home or on campus)

Homework & Quizzes This course requires regular reading and homework, which will be checked at the beginning of class or as otherwise stated (via the blog, for example). Anytime you are assigned a reading, you may be assigned a pop quiz during the first ten minutes of class on the following class day. The completion of homework assignments is imperative to your success in the class. Late pop quizzes will not be administered under any circumstance. Major Assignments The major assignments will include three unit exams, a midterm, a final, and an independent reading project published on a blog(details during week two). Turnitin.com All writing assignments in this course will be submitted via turnitin.com. Follow these directions to set up your account. To create a turnitin.com account and submit your work: 1. Go to turnitin.com. 2. Click Create Account. 3. Put in CCQ email address and create a password 4. Click Student. 5. Put in class ID and password (course ID: 5467475 password: read). 6. Put in your other information. 7. Click on our class. 8. When you are ready to turn in your composition, click on submit and upload it as a single file. 9. Once it is uploaded, you will receive a receipt. Retain it as proof of submission. Late Work Homework that is not turned in on time will not be accepted. Make-up pop quizzes will never be offered, and make up tests and exams will be at the instructors discretion. Extra Credit No extra credit assignments will be offered in this class. Most students who ask for extra credit do so because they have not completed the regular course assignments. It makes no sense to reward extra credit when the regular credit has not been completed. That said, there may be occasional bonus questions on tests or exams, which could provide a small boost to your grade because you demonstrate mastery of a learning objective.

Grade Breakdown and Scale You are responsible for keeping track of your grades. I will give you access to my Engrade account for the course, and I expect you to monitor your average, so you are not shocked at the end of the session. If you have questions about your grades, you should consult me promptly. Do not wait until the end of the session. Tests= 30% Midterm = 15% Final Exam = 15% Independent Reading Project= 30% Homework & Quizzes= 10% 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C Below 69 = IP* or F

Attendance At CCQ, no absence is an excused absence. Students are expected to attend all of their classes each semester and remain in class during the entire class time. According to CCQ policy, students are not permitted to miss more than 12.5% of instructional time. This course meets for 64 hours this semester. Therefore, if you accrue 4 absences, you will have missed 12.5% of classes. I will allow 5

An IP is awarded when a student completes a course (including the final exam) but does not earn a grade of 70 or higher. An IP may only be awarded once per course and it requires the student to repeat the course.

absences. However, if you miss class a 6th time, you will be withdrawn (dropped) from the course. Note that if you are absent for any reason at all, it is your responsibility to contact your classmates to determine what you missed that day. Do not email or call your professor asking for missed work. Checking the class blog would be wise if you are absent. Also, being absent does not excuse you from keeping up with course work, and you are expected to return to class up to date on all assignments and with any homework assigned while you were absent. Punctuality and Leaving Early All students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when class begins. Being late to class is disrespectful of your professor and your fellow students. Additionally, when you are late you miss valuable information, therefore decreasing the likelihood that you will excel in the course. It is in your best interest to be on time to class. Students who arrive late or leave class early may be counted absent. Mobile Phones As stated at the beginning of this syllabus, the use of mobile phones is not allowed in class. They are a distraction to both students and faculty and should be turned off and put away during class. Recording You may only record class sessions with the prior approval of your professor. If approval is granted, a mobile phone may not be used for this purpose. Academic Honesty and Cheating You may not copy other peoples work. You may not copy work from the internet or use a translator to write for you. You may not work with others on assignments unless you receive permission from your professor. You may study with others, but graded assignments must be your own original work. Violation of these rules may cause you to lose some or all credit for the assignment, and even for the entire course. All students must sign a plagiarism contract for this course.

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