1.Hvdc Basic Theory

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Introduction to HVDC

Basics of HVDC Why HVDC ? HVDC Theory

Basics of HVDC

Principles of HVDC HVDC Applications HVDC Long Distance Transmission Systems Why Back-to-Back Links HVDC Station

Principles of HVDC

Simplified Block Diagram

Id in one direction only Magnitude of P or Id controlled depending on difference in terminal voltages (U1, U2)

System 1


System 2

Equivalent Circuit
1 d



Direction of P controlled depending on polarity of terminal voltages (U1, U2)

HVDC Applications
Long Distance

System 1 DC line

System 2

Sea Cable

System 1 DC cable

System 2


System 1

System 2

HVDC Long Distance Transmission Systems


Terminal A

Transmission Line

Terminal B

Pole 1

Pole 2 Terminal A Transmission Line Terminal B

HVDC Long Distance Transmission Systems

Bipolar System: Operating Modes


Monopolar, ground return one DC line pole

HVDC Long Distance Transmission Systems

Multi Terminal
Terminals in Parallel

Terminals in Series

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System 1

System 2

Technical Reasons
Different system frequencies (f1 f2) Different system control (Df1 Df2)

Exchange of low power compared to the size of the interconnected AC systems

HVDC Station
Bipolar HVDC Terminal AC
System 1

System 2

Controls, Protection, Monitoring

To/ from other terminal

1 AC Switchyard 2 AC Filters, Capacitor Banks

DC filter

3 Converter Transformers
Pole 1

AC filter DC filter Pole 2

4 Thyristor Valves 5 Smoothing Reactors and DC Filters 6 DC Switchyard

HVDC Station

Tasks of Equipment

AC Switchyard (1) Connect the terminal to the AC system AC Filters, Capacitor Banks (2) Reactive power supply Filter harmonic currents Converter Transformer (3) Obtain the AC voltage needed for the required DC voltage Obtain 12-pulse operation (star and delta connection) Allow for series connection of 6-pulse bridges

HVDC Station Tasks of Equipment Thyristor Valves (4) Convert AC to DC and vice-versa Connect 6-pulse bridges in series for required DC voltage Smoothing Reactors and DC Filters (5) Smoothen the DC current Avoid resonance with DC line Limit interference caused by DC side harmonics DC Switchyard (6) Achieve required DC-side transmission configuration

Converter Theory - Commutation Groups

Converter Theory - Commutation Groups

Three-Pulse Converter (Commutation Reactances neglected)

Converter Theory - Commutation Groups

Three-Pulse Converter (Commutation Reactances neglected)

Converter Theory - Voltage Formation

Idealized un-controlled Three-Pulse Converter

Converter Theory - Voltage Formation

+ 3

3 U di0 = u ph cost dt 2p

3 U di0 = u ph 2sin 2 3 Uv 3 3 U di0 = 2 2 2 2 3 1 35 U di0 = U v 2

Idealized un-controlled Three-Pulse Converter

Converter Theory - Voltage Formation

Idealized controlled Three-Pulse Converter

Converter Theory - Voltage Formation

3 U di = u ph cost dt 2 + 3 3 U di = u ph 2sin cos 2 3 1 35 U di = U v cos 2 U di = U di 0 cos

Idealized controlled Three-Pulse Converter

+ + 3

Converter Theory - Voltage Formation

Idealized controlled Three-Pulse Converter Inverter Operation = 180 -

Converter Theory - Current Commutation

Three-Pulse Converter (Commutation Reactances considered)

Converter Theory - Current Commutation

Commutation at Rectifier cos - cos (+u) = 2 dx

Converter Theory - Current Commutation

Commutation at Inverter cos - cos = 2 dx

Converter Theory - DC Voltage Calculation

a) Three pulse MP circuit b) Three phase bridge circuit

c) Twelve pulse group

Converter Theory - Valve Voltages (12-Pulse)

Main Equations - Angle Definitions

180 = + u + firing angle u overlap angle extinction angle

=u+ advance angle, firing angle of inverter

=+u extinction angle of inverter

Main Equations - Udc

Relative Voltage Drop dx for 6-Pulse Bridge:

1 +u uv dt 2 Dx = 6 T Dx = 6 f LTr I d with 1 U di0 N LTr = u k 2 f 6 I dN Dx = uk I d U di0 N 2 I dN

Dx dx = U di0 dx = uk I d U di0 N 2 I dN U di0

Main Equations - Udc

U d = U dio (cos dx dr )= U dio (cos dxtot ) dxtot = dxtotN U dio = uv U dioN id U d = uvU dioN cos dxtotN uv U d = U dioN (uv cos dxtotN id ) U dN = U dioN (cos N dxtotN ) id uv id = Id I dN

Uv U dio uv = = U vN U dioN

(1) (2)

Ud uv cos dxtotN id = ud = U dN cos N dxtotN


Main Equations - Udc

U d = U dio (cos dx dr ) = U dio (cos dxtot )
At Inverter >90, i.e. Ud<0:

dxtot = dx + dr

Ud Rec > 0

Ud Inv < 0

cos = cos(180 ) = cos U d = U dio ( cos dx dr ) U d = U dio (cos + dx dr )

with different Reference-Arrow System at Inverter:

cos = cos + 2 dx

U d = U dio ( cos + dx dr ) = U di0 (cos dx + dr )

Ud Rec > 0

Ud Inv > 0

U d = U dio (cos dx + dr ) = U dio (cos dxtot )

dxtot = dx dr

Main Equations - Udc

a) Rectifier with = const b) Inverter with c) Inverter with = const = const

Main Equations - Iv (6-Pulse)

Effective Current:

I vN = I vN1 =

2 I dN 3 3 3 2 6 I dN = I I vN = 3 dN

Fundamental Current:

Main Equations - STr (6-Pulse)

STrN = 3 U vN I vN I vN = STrN = 2 U vN I dN U vN STrN = U dioN I dN 3 U dio STrN


2 I dN 3

= U dioN 3 2

U dN = cos N dxtotN

1 = U dN I dN 3 (cos N dxtotN )

Main Equations - XTr

2 U vN = uK STrN

STrN = 2 U vN I dN X TrN = u K U vN 2 I dN U vN X TrN u K U dio N = 3 2 I dN = U di 0 N 3 2 U dio N = dxN 3 I dN U dN cos N dxtotN

U dio = N X TrN

dxN U dN = 3 (cos N dxtotN ) I dN

Main Equations - Reactive Power (simplified)

S1 = =

3 U1 I 1


P1 cos

1 3 U1 IV 1 , mit = transformer voltage ratio 1 3 = 3 U1 I veff 3 2 3 U v1 Id = 3 3 2 U dio Id = 3 3 3 2 Ud 3 2 Id = 3 3 2 cos dxtot 3 Pd P 1 = cos dxtot cos arccos(cos dxtot ) Q1 Pdc tan[arccos(cos dxtot )]

Main Equations - Reactive Power

Q1 =

Pdc tan

u sin u cos(2 + u ) tan = sin u sin (2 + u )

For Inverter use instead of

Main Equations - Overlap u = arccos ( cos 2 dx )

u = Arc cos
Ud U dio

Ud dx U dio

= cos ( ) dx

For Inverter use g instead of a

Main Equations - Reactive Power (Alternatives)

Q1 = Q1 = Q1 = Q1 = Q1 = U d Id U d Id u sin u cos (2 + u ) sin u sin( 2 + u ) 2 u + sin (2 ) sin (2 + 2u ) cos( 2 ) cos(2 + 2u ) 2 u + sin (2 ) sin (2 + 2u ) cos( 2 ) cos(2 + 2u )

U di 0 (cos dxtot ) I d U di 0

cos + cos( + u ) 2 u + sin (2 ) sin (2 + 2u ) Id 2 2 (cos + cos( + u )) (cos cos( + u )) 2 u + sin (2 ) sin (2 + 2u ) 4 (cos cos( + u ))

U di 0 I d

Q1 = U di 0 I d

2 u + sin (2 ) sin (2 + 2u ) 8 dxtot

For Inverter use instead of

Design Considerations - Valve Short Circuit


s u2 s u1

u v


uv = u 2 u1 = 2U v sin t
t 2U v 1 ik = u dt ) v = 2L 2(LN + LTr t

sin tdt

Design Considerations - Valve Short Circuit

ik = k =

Uv U [ cost ]tmin = v [cos min cost ] 2L 2L

Uv Uv 1 97 [cos5 +1] = = 2L 2 (XTr + X N ) 1 97 Uv 1 97 STr 1 = = = 2 2 U v u + STr 2 Uv Uv 2 uk + k S SN Tr S N =1 97 Id uk + STr SN

Design Considerations - Minimum Load

Current discontinuity depend on: - minimum power - control angles - dc-side inductances Should be avoided, because: -increased stress on snubber circuits -current interruption may cause control instability

Design Considerations - SCR Short Circuit Ratio and Effective Short Circuit Ratio:

SSC SCR = PdcN ESCR = SSC - Q filter Pdc =SCR Q filter Pdc

Thank you

Acknowledgements:SAG Training presentation Direct current Transmission Kimbark High Voltage Direct Current Transmission 2ND Edition-Arrilaga

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