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Colors and Shapes Created By: Alec Torres Created For: Albertville Pre-K Program

Red The apple is red.

Green The frog is green.

Blue The sh is blue.

Yellow The school bus is yellow.

White The paper is white.

Black The crow is black.

Brown The bear is brown.

Orange The orange is orange.

Purple The plum is purple.

Gray The cat is gray.

Pink The amingo is pink.

Tan The sand castle is tan.

Teal The leaf is teal.

Navy The pants are navy.

Gold The watch is gold.

Aqua The water is aqua.

Cube The building blocks are cubes.

Heart The heart is running.

Diamond This is a diamond.

Star The star is smiling.

Oval This is an oval.

Triangle This is a triangle.

Rectangle The paper is a rectangle.

Square The table is a square.

Circle The soccer ball is a circle.

Word List Red Yellow Brown Gray Teal Aqua Diamond Triangle Circle Green White Orange Pink Navy Cube Star Rectangle Blue Black Purple Tan Gold Heart Oval Square

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