Things Teachers Should Unlearn

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Top Things Teachers Should Unlearn Your list --The idea that one way is the only way.

Multiple Choice Worksheets that teach us nothing. The thought that everyone learns best one way. Not true. Some like books, notes, hands on projects, it depends entirely on the person and there should be options to fit every students needs so they can reach their full potential Lectures without discussion makes class boring, so fewer people pay attention. Revolving a class around a textbook makes it very boring and easy not to learn anything but still get an A in the class. You could easily do some cramming the night before a test, by reading only a couple pages out of a textbook. Most of the time you dont even have to open a single page in the book and still pass the class with flying colors. Teachers who want to work on the sports that they coach during class, so they just give out busy work or put in a movie. I feel that their priority should be to their students during class time. Teachers with a boring and unengaging voice. Teachers shouldnt read straight out of the textbook. Theyre not teaching at all that way, and we dont learn anything from it. Instead, we want to fall asleep. Teachers shouldnt punish the entire class for one students mistake. For example, just because one student didnt complete the homework assignment after an entire week, dont lecture the whole class on late assignments. Some teachers treat their teaching position as just an 8-3 job. They stop most, if not all, actual teaching and just move through the motions to get through the day.

Here is Word for Word my website i was assigned as an article 1. Teachers know all the answers. 2. Teachers have to be in control of the class. 3. Teachers are responsible for the learning. 4. Students are obliged to respect teachers. 5. Learning can be measured by a letter or a number.

6. Teachers should plan activities and then assessments. 7. Learners need to sit quietly and listen. 8. Technology integration is optional. 9. Worksheets support learning. 10. Homework is an essential part of learning. They are all EXTREMELY valid points, but Ive highlighted my personal favorites/the ones I agree with most.

Some teachers at Lincoln treat us like were little kids . . . like only going to the bathroom when its an emergency (plus you have to use a hall pass), and you can barely speak even if its just a whisper, and if were still talking and not sitting down in our exact seat when the bell rings, well have to stay after. Its SO DUMB! I cannot stand teachers that sit and talk the whole hour and dont involve the students at all. It gets so boring just sitting there and listening to them talk, and most of the time you cant even follow what they are saying. We dont learn anything through pointless lectures.
I hate when teachers just give you boring and pointless work sheets to work on while they just go sit on their computers doing whatever it is they are doing. Its a complete waste of class time we sit there doing busywork when we actually could be learning and most of the time nobody even does the worksheets it usually turns into a time for talking and I learn very little from worksheets and they dont usually help for the test. I would be more engaged in the topic if the teachers wouldnt put such boring keynotes upon the board. They think that allll of that information they put up on the board we just soak up.We are actually trying to write down all the words really fast before the teachers flips the slide instead of really listening to what they are saying. Why not cut the amount down and talk about the main points and really focus on those points so we actually learn something.

I dont like the way some teachers make you teach yourself. I know this is going to be what its like in college, but since we arent in college yet, they could teach us and make sure we know the information for our future classes. Im tired of busy work, especially when the teacher doesnt even make the assignment themselves. They get a worksheet out of the textbook or online. Students know how to use google and we can usually find every answer to the worksheet in a matter of minutes. I understand that students need to respect their teachers and not talk when they are talking, but sometimes Im scared to even voice my opinion in a discussion. Some teachers need to lighten up and stop following the Kids should only speak when spoken to rule. This isnt the 60s.

When you randomly assign people into groups that theyre forced to work in, youre not going to get the best results. Making kids feel uncomfortable isnt a good way to make them want to learn what youre trying to teach. Teachers who plan on teaching something fun. But they really havent planned it out, and they dont have everything they need, so instead they stand there and lecture instead of coming prepared to class. Teachers who are unwilling to learn themselves is something that really bothers me. Stuff that was learned when they went to college probably isnt current with everything now. Some teachers think that after they get their license they are done learning and that isnt true. Teachers believe that standardized testing and worksheets are a good way to gauge our intelligence. More often than not, students learn better through interactive activities, not a multiple choice worksheet. Teach us through activities that are going to stick in our heads, not textbook preaching that goes in one ear and out the other, then expect us to quote it back. Teachers also need to realize that their class is not the focus of our day. I have five college classes that all assign HOURS of homework, on top of any other activities going on outside of school. How much time outside of school do the teachers spend on school work? Usually, a lot less than the students. Besides those classes I have many other things that take up my time, that unfortunately get neglected because I have to spend my time doing homework: Family, friends, church, piano. We get busy and its hard to find the time to do everything.

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