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IsIan In iief

A simpliIied Introduction to Islam
A collection oI articles dealing with diIIerent
Islamic issues
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Prepared by:
Yasscr Gabr & Hnuda Karknur
Is!amic Prnpagatinn OIIicc in Rabwah, Riyadh
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Is!am at Ynur Fingcrtips
This IillIe look is a guiding look lo IsIan, vheie ve
aie liying lo vanish avay lhe chaos lhal is hiding lhe
ieaIily of IsIan. Theiefoie, ve hope lhal you ieceive
lhis look vilh open ains vilhoul a jol of piejudice lo
undeisland IsIan as il is nol as il has leen depicled in
lhe nedia. Then, Iel's piay Cod-AIIah AInighly lhal
lhis look vouId le a good inlioduclion foi lhe coiiecl
knovIedge of IsIan, lhe ieIigion of aII lhe nessengei of
AIIah AInighly fion Adan lo Mohannad peace le
upon lhen.
Chaptcr Onc
The Ciealoi
The nane AIIah (Cod) in IsIan is lhe peisonaI
nane of Cod. The nosl concise definilion of Cod in
IsIan is given in foui veises of Suiah AI-IkhIaas in lhe
HoIy Qui'an:
||Say, "He is AIIah, |Who isj One,
AIIah, lhe LleinaI Refuge,
He neilhei legels noi is loin,
Noi is lheie lo Hin any equivaIenl."
(HoIy Qui'an 112: 1-4)
To MusIins, lhis foui-Iine definilion of
AInighly Cod seives as lhe louchslone of lhe sludy of
Cod. Any candidale lo divinily nusl le suljecled lo
lhis 'acid lesl' and since lhe alliilules of The Ciealoi
given in lhis chaplei aie unique, faIse gods and
pielendeis lo divinily can le easiIy disnissed using
lhese veises.
i) The fiisl ciileiion is "Say, He is AIIah, one and
Can lheie le noie lhan one god` This veise leIIs us
lhal The Ciealoi is lhe onIy one vho has lolaI and
alsoIule povei, unique in His nanes and alliilules.
ii) The second ciileiion is, 'AIIah is alsoIule and
The void lhal is liansIaled as The LleinaI, AlsoIule
fion Aialic is sonelhing lhal can le alliiluled onIy lo
The Ciealoi as aII lhe olhei exislenl leings lenpoiaI oi
condilionaI` Il aIso neans lhal AIIah is nol dependanl
on any peison oi lhing, lul aII peisons and lhings aie
dependanl on Hin.
iii) The lhiid ciileiion is 'He legels nol, noi is He
This neans Cod vas nol loin, noi does He give liilh
and shaie his divinily vilh olheis. Noi does He have a
faniIy oi ieIalionship vilh anolhei leing.
iv) The fouilh lesl - vhich is lhe nosl sliingenl - is,
"Theie is none Iike unlo Hin".
The nonenl you can inagine oi conpaie 'Cod lo
anylhing, lhen he (lhe candidale lo divinily) is nol
Cod. Il is nol possilIe lo conjuie up a nenlaI picluie of
lhe One Tiue Cod lecause of lhe sinpIe facl, as
ciealion, ve onIy knov ciealion.
The MusIins piefei caIIing lhe Supiene
Ciealoi, 'AIIah', inslead of lhe LngIish void 'Cod. The
Aialic void, 'AIIah, is puie and unique, unIike lhe
LngIish void 'Cod, vhich can le pIayed aiound vilh.
Ioi exanpIe, If you add 's lo lhe void Cod, il lecones
'Cods, lhal is lhe pIuiaI of Cod. AIIah is one and
singuIai, lheie is no pIuiaI of AIIah. If you add lhe
void 'falhei lo 'Cod il lecones 'Cod-falhei. Cod-
falhei neans soneone vho is a guaidian. Theie is no
void Iike 'AIIah-falhei. If you add lhe void 'nolhei
lo 'Cod, il lecones 'Cod-nolhei. Theie is nolhing
Iike 'AIIah-nolhei in IsIan. AIIah is a unique void,
vhich does nol conjuie up any nenlaI picluie noi can
il le pIayed aiound vilh. Theiefoie, lhe MusIins
piefei using lhe Aialic void 'AIIah foi lhe AInighly.
UnIty nf Gnd:
Sone peopIe pielend lhal lhe exislence of noie
lhan one Cod is nol iIIogicaI. Lel us poinl oul lo lhen
lhal if lheie veie noie lhan one Cod, lhey vouId
dispule vilh one anolhei foi each god liies lo fuIfiII his
viII againsl lhe viII of lhe olhei gods. This can le seen
in lhe nylhoIogy of lhe poIylheislic and panlheislic
If a 'Cod is defealed oi unalIe lo defeal lhe
olheis, he is suieIy nol lhe one liue Cod. Il is aIso
popuIai anong poIylheislic ieIigions lhe idea of nany
Cods foi each one is having diffeienl iesponsiliIilies.
Lach one vouId le iesponsilIe foi a pail of nans
exislence e.g. a Sun-Cod, a Rain-Cod, elc. This
indicales lhal one 'Cod is inconpelenl of ceilain acls,
and noieovei, he is aIso ignoianl of lhe olhei Cods
poveis, dulies, funclions and iesponsiliIilies. Il cannol
le an ignoianl and incapalIe Cod. If lheie veie noie
lhan one Cod, il vouId suieIy Iead lo confusion,
disoidei, chaos and desliuclion in lhe univeise. ul lhe
univeise is in conpIele hainony. The CIoiious Quian
||Had lheie leen lheiein (in lhe heavens and
lhe eailh) gods lesides AIIh, lhen veiiIy lolh vouId
have leen iuined. CIoiified le AIIh, lhe Loid of lhe
Thione, (High is He) alove vhal lhey alliilule lo
Hin!. (HoIy Qui'an 21: 22)
If lheie veie noie lhan one Cod, lhey vouId
have laken avay vhal lhey ciealed. The HoIy Qui'an
||No son (oi offspiing oi chiIdien) did AIIh
legel, noi is lheie any i|an (god) aIong vilh Hin, (if
lheie had leen nany gods), lehoId, each god vouId
have laken avay vhal he had ciealed, and sone vouId
have liied lo oveicone olheis! CIoiified le AIIh alove
aII lhal lhey alliilule lo Hin!, (HoIy Qui'an 23:91).
Thus lhe exislence of one Tiue, Unique, Supiene,
AInighly Cod, is lhe onIy IogicaI concepl of Cod.
Whal aie lhe pioofs lhal leloken AIIah
AInighly's exislence`
AIIah, lo Whon le asciiled aII peifeclion and
najesly, has nade denonslialions in lhis univeise lo
enunciale His exislence and His singIeness.
He has nade lhe signs in lhe univeise as his
eIenenlaiy device lo Iel lhe hunan leing giasp ly
his/hei liain. The ieason can peiceive lhe exislence of
AIIah AInighly ly lhe use of lhe ialionaI evidence
vhich is pul in lhe voiId ly lhe Ciealoi.
Thcsc dcmnnstratInns arc as fn!!nws:
1. Thc cvIdcncc nf crcatInn:
Il is knovn lhal lhe hunan leing does neilhei
cieale hin/heiseIf noi does he/she lhe aninaIs, lhe
pIanls, and lhe eailh he/she Iives on.
The HoIy Qui'an has slaled lhis facl in lhe foIIoving
||Oi veie lhey ciealed of nolhing, oi veie lhey
lhenseIves lhe ciealois` Oi did lhey cieale lhe
heavens and lhe eailh` Ralhei, lhey aie nol
ceilain., (HoIy Qui'an 52: 35-36)
2. Thc cvIdcncc nf chargc:
The vesliges of AIIah's alliilules and lhe
fealuies of His nagnificenl ciealion aie exisling in
eveiy coinei of lhe vhoIe voiId. Lveiylhing is nade in
lhe univeise is consideied as a sign lhal lelokens AIIah
AInighly Who has ciealed, lioughl lo peifeclion and
exceIIed in naking His ciealuies.
The unleIievei is lhe one vho finds an eIeganl
diess, and lhen he/she does nol deduce lhal lhe
exislence of lhis diess gives evidence of lhe one vho
has nade il. He inpules lhe exislence of lhe diess lo
lhe Coincidence" lhal has inleifeied lo nake lhe lip of
lhe lhiead lo gel ly ilseIf inlo lhe lhieading hoIe of lhe
needIe vhich noves in a counled novenenl lo end up
vilh lhe diess ly aII ils ninule vondeifuI delaiIs.
Is il possilIe lhal a ialionaI peison lhinks lhal
"lhe chance" oi " lhe coincidence" is alIe lo nake a cai
lhal is found in fionl of his house`
WouId he/she say lhal a vind has lIovn lo
galhei lhe pieces of pIaslic upon lhe pieces of iion vilh
a pinch of iullei and fiagnenls of gIass lo nake a
cai``!! ..Oi vouId he/she vondei vho has innovaled
lhis cai ly ils capacilies and accuiacy`
Thus, a ialionaI peison vouId nol accepl lhal
lhe univeise, incIuding ils gaIaxies, pIanels, eailh, seas,
is sinpIy ciealed ly an iiialionaI naluie vhich has
neilhei an essence noi an exislence.
WouId a judicious peison lhink lhal lhe hunan
lody, incIuding ils Iinls vhose sliucluies and dulies
aie accuiale, is voiking as a lhoiough syslen
depending on lhe ciealion of coincidence`
AII lhe dala of lhe nodein science highIighls of
a capalIe and ciealive Ciealoi of lhe voiId, and ils
||Weie lhey ciealed of nolhing, Oi veie lhey
lhenseIves lhe ciealois` (HoIy Qui'an 52: 35).
3. Thc cvIdcncc nf guIdancc:
When Ihaiaoh had asked lhe piophel Moses, peace le
upon hin, lhe ansvei vas heievilh:
||Iii'aun (Ihaiaoh) said: "Who lhen, O Msa
(Moses), is lhe Loid of you lvo`" |Msa (Moses)j said:
"Oui Loid is He Who gave lo each lhing ils foin and
naluie, lhen guided il aiighl.",
(HoIy Qui'an 2O: 49-5O).
In lhe sinpIe expIanalion of HoIy Qui'an: "
Moses had ansveied: Oui Loid is He Who has given
eveiylhing He has ciealed ils filling fealuie lo le a sign
of His peifecl ciealion. Then, He guided each ciealuie
lo vhal is nade lo acconpIish on eailh.
Hencefoilh, AIIah AInighly has ciealed each
genie of lhe ciealuies lo le guided lo ils kind of Iife-
slyIe and lo ils devices he/she/il piovided vilh.
The liids aie Iead lo nigiale lhousands of
kiIonelies and lhen cone lack lo lheii nesls of vhich
lhey have leen aIieady guided lo luiId il.
The fish is aIso diiecled lo nigiale lhousands of
kiIonelies and lo gel lack ly lhe sane vay lo ils
liilhpIace. Ioi exanpIe, lhe SaInon, vhich nigiales
fion sone of lhe Aneiican iiveis lo lhe shoies of
Luiope, is lolaIIy capalIe lo cone lack lo lhe iivei
vheie il has leen loin. Il sinpIy svins on lhe
opposile diieclion of lhe iivei lo pul ils eggs and lo die
lheiefoie. The nexl geneialion is sponlaneousIy alIe lo
do lhe sane sleps. To lool, AIIah has guided lhe
aninaIs lo lhe vay of ils nuliilion and lhe nanneis of
hunling. Sone olhei ciealuies aie acquainled vilh lhe
slialagens of disguise and deviousness elc.
One has nenlioned sone exanpIes of AIIah
AInighly's guidance lo his ciealuies:-
When lhe cal excieles, il does nol Ieave lhe pIaceunIess
il coveis ils slooI vilh lhe dusl.
- The anazing defense in lhe leehive since il is
defended ly ils lees liII lhe Iasl lee dies duiing lheii
fighl againsl lhe hoinels. One nighl vondei Who has
laughl lhe lees lo nake saciifice of lhenseIves lo keep
lheii hive.
- The nenleis of lhe leehive, vho aie lhe voikeis, aie
used lo choose anong lhe voiking naggols a Iaiva
lhal is assuned lo luin oul lhe queen ly consuning
lhe ioyaI nuliilion in case of lhe queen dealh vilhoul
- The nosquilo lhal is used lo pul ils eggs as lags in
lhe quagniies so as lo luoys on lhe suiface of valei.
Who has laughl il lhe luoyancy iuIe of Aichinedes`
-Who has laughl lhis nosquilo lo gel ils nuiluie fion
lhe lIood of lhe hunan leing` Thus, hov does il gel
lhe sulslance lo seciele in oidei lo slop lhe lhionlosis
of lhe lIood and lo ienain fIuid as soon as il inseils ils
- The deseil liees vhich engendeis vings lo ils seeds lo
fIy fai avay and lhiough niIes lo Iook foi good
oppoilunilies lo le inpIanled ovei lheie, Who has
laughl lhese liees lo nake lhese vings and sunshades`
- Who has laughl lhe fiiefIy lo le iIIuninaled al nighl
lo alliacl lhe nosquiloes in oidei lo eal lhen`
- And lhe hoinel vho inseils ils slingei inside of lhe
neivous cenlei of lhe viclin insecl lo le nunled and
paiaIyzed, lhen, il liings il lo ils nesl lo pul on il one
egg..vhenevei il halches, lhe snaII insecl can find ils
nuiluie is fiesh and ieady lo eal. Iion vheie does lhe
hoinel Ieain lhe suigeiy and lhe analony of lhe
neivous syslen`
Hov do aII lhese ciealuies gel ils knovIedge and
ieguIalion lul fion ils Ciealoi`
Sheikh Muhannad AI ChazaIi has viillen:
Whalevei lhe hunan leing gels lhiough
his/hei effoil and lhoughl lhal he/she has a Iiniled
quaIily in conpaiison lo vhal occuis in his/hei
voiIdIy suiioundings. I ienenlei lhe line I have
vaIked aloul lhe indusliies of sugai vheie lhe lunneIs
aie alounded vilh juice and lhe ovens aie fuII of fueI.
The nachines aie coveiing a vasl aiea of lhe eailh. I
have Iooked aiound ne heie and lheie lo say
sponlaneousIy: Iiaise lhe Loid! The inleiioi of lhe lee
can do lhis duly.lhe duly of naking lhe sugai
vilhoul lhe use of aII lhese iolaiy nachines and lhe
cIanoious noise!
Heievilh, I have inagined lhal lhe hunan
innovalions aie an inleIIigenl hinl lo lhe vondeis lhal
occui in lhe univeise vilhoul lhese conpIex
inleivenlions and lhe nuIlipIe devices.
||VeiiIy! In lhe ciealion of lhe heavens and lhe
eailh, and in lhe aIleinalion of nighl and day, and lhe
ships vhich saiI lhiough lhe sea vilh lhal vhich is of
use lo nankind, and lhe valei (iain) vhich AIIh sends
dovn fion lhe sky and nakes lhe eailh aIive lheievilh
aflei ils dealh, and lhe noving (Iiving) ciealuies of aII
kinds lhal He has scalleied lheiein, and in lhe veeiing
of vinds and cIouds vhich aie heId lelveen lhe sky
and lhe eailh, aie indeed Aqaa| (pioofs, evidences,
signs, elc.) foi peopIe of undeislanding.
(HoIy Qui'an 2:164).
Why Dncs A!!ah crcatc thc human bcIng?
Dncs A!!ah crcatc us In vaIn?
The liain is avaie of lhe exislence of AIIah
AInighly ly lhe use of lhe signs in lhe univeise. The
hunan liain iecognizes lhal lhe Ciealoi of lhe univeise
is KnovIedgealIe and Wise. Thus, il is quile inpossilIe
lhal He cieales us in vain and vilhoul a speciaI laigel.
Olheivise, lhis facl vouId nol le in landen vilh His
visdon, CIoiy le lo Hin.
||"Did you lhink lhal We had ciealed you in
pIay (vilhoul any puipose), and lhal you vouId nol le
lioughl lack lo Us` So LxaIled le AIIh, lhe Tiue
King, L iIha iIIa Huva (none has lhe iighl lo le
voishipped lul He), lhe Loid of lhe Supiene
Thione!!, (HoIy Qui'an 23: 115-116).
Though, ve cannol knov vhal does lhe Ciealoi
vanl fion us, Hov lo voiship Hin as He ieaIIy vanls
us lo do` Hov lo lhank Hin` This is vhy He has senl
lo us nessengeis lo leII us aloul HinseIf (AIIah
AInighly) and lhe ieason He has ciealed lhe univeise.
Why he has ciealed us` Whal is lhe Iife-slyIe He has
depicled foi us lo foIIov` And vhal He has pieseived
lo us vhelhei il is a ievaid oi a punishnenl`
||Messengeis as leaieis of good nevs as veII as
of vaining in oidei lhal nankind shouId have no pIea
againsl AIIh aflei lhe Messengeis. And AIIh is Lvei
AIIIoveifuI, AIIWise. (HoIy Qui'an 4: 165)
The nessengeis, vhon AIIah has picked oul
fion lhe lesl of His ciealuies, veie undei lhe cuslody
and lhe pioleclion of AIIah. They have lioughl
niiacIes fion AIIah AInighly lo give evidence of lheii
liulhfuI nessage. AIIah has senl dovn lo lhen lhe
pioceduie of Iife vhich nusl le peifoined ly lhe
hunankind. As il is, he vho has oleyed AIIah and his
nessengeis viII le peifeclIy ievaided ly AIIah
AInighly, and he vho has disoleyed AIIah viII le
punished foi suie.
||And vhoso oleys AIIh and lhe Messengei
(Muhannad), lhen lhey viII le in lhe conpany of
lhose on vhon AIIh has lesloved His Ciace, of lhe
Iiophels, lhe Siddiqun (lhose foIIoveis of lhe Iiophels
vho veie fiisl and foienosl lo leIieve in lhen.), lhe
nailyis, and lhe iighleous. And hov exceIIenl lhese
conpanions aie! (HoIy Qui'an 4: 69).
Iuilheinoie, AIIah AInighly has confiined in lhe
HoIy Qui'an:
||And vhosoevei disoleys AIIh and His
Messengei (Muhannad), and liansgiesses His Iinils,
He viII casl hin inlo lhe Iiie, lo alide lheiein, and he
shaII have a disgiacefuI loinenl. (HoIy Qui'an 4:14)
AIIah AInighly has expIained lo us lhal lhe ciealion is
ceilainIy foi specific visdon:
||And We ciealed nol lhe heaven and lhe eailh
and aII lhal is lelveen lhen vilhoul puipose! Thal is
lhe consideialion of lhose vho disleIieve! Then voe lo
lhose vho disleIieve (in IsIanic Monolheisn) fion lhe
Iiie! (HoIy Qui'an 38:27)
AIIah AInighly has nade il cIeai lo us lo knov lhe
ieason lehind lhe ciealion of lhe hunankind:
||And I (AIIh) ciealed nol lhe jinns and
hunans excepl lhey shouId voiship Me (AIone).
(HoIy Qui'an 51: 56)
Il goes vilhoul saying lhal voishiping AIIah is
nol onIy piaying, genufIecling, and fasling, lul il
conlains aIso aII lhe deeds and lhe lehavioi vhich
AIIah Ioves us lo do. Taking caie of lhe oiphan is
consideied as voishipping. Visiling a sick peison is
pail of voishipping. Taking avay anylhing lhal nighl
huil lhe olheis in lhe ioad is a vay of voishipping.
Cieeling lhe olheis is aIso voishipping..elc.
Sheikh Iln Tayniyyah has confiined:
Woishipping is a nane lhal is connecled lo
eveiylhing AIIah AInighly Ioves and agiees on
vhelhei il is ieIaled lo sayings, inleiioi and exleiioi
deeds. Iiayei, giving aIns, fasling, doing lhe
piIgiinage, saying lhe liulh, IoyaIly, fiIiaI devolion,
good conlacl vilh one's ieIalives, fuIfiIInenl of lhe
pacl, Oideiing lo voik oul kindness and avoiding
ladness, sliiving againsl lhe unleIieveis and
hypociiles, lhe phiIanlhiopy lo lhe neighlouis,
oiphans, indigenl, vagalond, sIaves, aninaIs,
invocalion of AIIah, ieading.aie aII kinds of
voishipping AIIah AInighly.
The Iove of AIIah and His nessengei, lhe feai of
AIIah, depulalion lo His AInighly, keeping IoyaIly lo
His ieIigion, leing palienl lo his oideis, leing lhankfuI
lo His leneficence, lhe conlenlnenl lovaids His fale,
lhe ieIiance on hin, eseeching His neicy and
appiehending his exciucialion, and lhe Iike aie aII
kinds of voishipping AIIah AInighly.
AttrIbutcs nf Gnd (A!!ah):
To AIIah leIong lhe nosl leaulifuI nanes. The HoIy
Qui'an says:
||" Say (O Muhannad): "Invoke AIIh oi
invoke lhe Mosl eneficenl (AIIh), ly vhalevei nane
you invoke Hin (il is lhe sane), foi lo Hin leIong lhe
esl Nanes. And offei youi Sa|a| (piayei) neilhei
aIoud noi in a Iov voice, lul foIIov a vay lelveen.
( HoIy Qui'an 17:11O )
Souices of IsIan give no Iess lhan ninely-nine
diffeienl alliilules lo AIIah AInighly. The HoIy Qui'an
iefeis lo AIIah as Ai-Rahnan (Mosl Ciacious), Ai-
Raheen (Mosl MeicifuI) and Hakeen (AII Wise)
anong nany olhei nanes.
Gnd dncs nnt takc human fnrm:
Many ieIigions al sone poinl leIieve, diieclIy
oi indiieclIy, in lhe phiIosophy of anlhioponoiphisn
i.e. Cod is paIalalIe lo lecone a hunan. Theii
conlenlion is lhal Cod AInighly is so puie and hoIy lo
lhe exlenl lhal He is unavaie (Il is liue lhal AIIah is nol
Iike us, lul lhis does nol nean lhal He is unavaie of
oui silualions!!!`- I vouId ialhei say: is fai avay) of lhe
haidships, shoilconings and feeIings of hunan leings.
In oidei lo sel lhe iuIes foi hunan leings, He cane
dovn lo eailh as a hunan. Lel us nov anaIyze lhis
aigunenl and see if il slands lo ieason.
Suppose I nanufacluie a videocasselle iecoidei
(VCR). Do I have lo lecone a VCR lo knov vhal is
good oi vhal is lad foi lhe VCR` Whal do I do` I viile
a nanuaI insliuclion. "In oidei lo valch a video
casselle, you shouId inseil lhe casselle and piess on lhe
pIay lullon. In oidei lo slop, piess on lhe slop lullon.
If you vanl lo fasl foivaid, piess on lhe II lullon. Do
nol diop il fion a heighl oi il viII gel danaged. Do nol
inneise il in valei oi il viII gel iuined". These nanuaI
insliuclions Iisl lhe vaiious dos and donls foi lhe
nachine. SiniIaiIy, oui Loid and Ciealoi, AIIah does
nol need lo lake lhe hunan foin so as lo knov vhal is
good oi lad foi lhe hunan leing. He chooses lo ieveaI
lhe nanuaI insliuclions. The Iasl and finaI nanuaI
insliuclion lhal is senl dovn lo lhe hunan leings is lhe
CIoiious Qui'an vhose 'do's and 'donls aie
nenlioned lo lhe hunan leings lhiough lhe HoIy
If you aIIov ne lo conpaie hunan leings vilh
nachines, I vouId say hunans aie noie conpIicaled
lhan lhe nosl conpIex nachines in lhe voiId. Lven lhe
nosl advanced conpuleis, vhich aie exlieneIy
conpIex, aie paIe in conpaiison lo lhe physicaI,
psychoIogicaI, genelic, and sociaI faclois lhal affecl
individuaIs and coIIeclive hunan Iife. The noie
advanced lhe nachine is, lhe giealei lhe need foi ils
nanuaI insliuclion is. y lhe use of lhe sane ciileiia,
don'l lhe hunan leings iequiie a nanuaI insliuclion
ly vhich il is easy lo govein lheii ovn Iives`
Theiefoie, AIIah does nol cone dovn
peisonaIIy lo give lhe nanuaI insliuclion. He chooses a
nan anongsl nen lo deIivei lhe nessage and
connunicales vilh hin al a highei IeveI lhiough lhe
nediun of ieveIalions. Such chosen nen aie caIIed
nessengeis and piophels of Cod.
Gnd dncs nnt pcrfnrm ungnd!y acts:
The alliilules of AInighly Cod piecIude any
eviI since Cod is lhe souice of juslice, neicy and liulh.
Cod can nevei le lhoughl of as doing an ungodIy acl.
Hence, ve cannol inagine Cod leIIing a Iie, leing
unjusl, naking a nislake, foigelling lhings, oi having
any such hunan faiIings. SiniIaiIy, Cod can do
injuslice if He chooses lo, lul He viII nevei do il
lecause leing unjusl is an ungodIy acl. The HoIy
Qui'an says:
||SuieIy! AIIh viongs nol even of lhe veighl of
an alon (oi a snaII anl), lul if lheie is any good (done),
He doulIes il, and gives fion Hin a gieal ievaid...
(HoIy Qui'an 4:4O)
Cod can le unjusl if He chooses lo le so, lul lhe
nonenl Cod does injuslice, He ceases lo le Cod.
Gnd dncs nnt makc mIstakc:
Cod can nake nislakes if He vanls lo, lul He
does nol nake nislakes, lecause naking a nislake is
ungodIy acl. The HoIy Qui'an says:
||. My Loid is neilhei unavaie noi He
foigels, (HoIy Qui'an 2O:52)
The nonenl Cod nakes a nislake, he ceases lo le
Gnd dncs nnt fnrgct:
Cod can foigel if He vanls lo. ul Cod does nol
foigel anylhing lecause foigelling is an ungodIy acl,
vhich ieeks of hunan Iinilalions and faiIings. The
HoIy Qui'an says:
||. My Loid is neilhei unavaie noi He
foigels, ( HoIy Qui'an 2O:52)
Chaptcr Twn
Whal is IsIan`
IsIan neans sulnission, oledience, suiiendei
and conpIiance vilh lhe connand and piohililion of
lhe connandei vilhoul oljeclions. AIIah has naned
lhe liue ieIigion, 'IsIan foi il is an oledience lo hin,
sulnission lo His Connands vilhoul any iesislance,
puiifying acls of voiship foi Hin, leIieving in His
voids and having failh in Hin. IsIan lhen lecane a
piopei nane foi lhe ieIigion lioughl ly Muhannad
Why was thIs rc!IgInn namcd Is!am?
Adheienls of vaiious ieIigions aII ovei lhe
voiId have naned lheii ieIigions, eilhei vilh lhe nane
of a nan oi a pailicuIai iace Iike Chiislianily, vhich
vas naned aflei }esus Chiisl, and uddhisn vas
naned aflei ils foundei uddha, and Zoioasliianisn
vas naned aflei ils foundei and fIag lannei,
Zoioaslei. }udaisn had aIso eneiged anong lhe liile
of }udah and so on. The AII-Mighly AIIah HinseIf
caIIed il IsIan vhen He said,
||TiuIy, lhe ieIigion vilh AIIh is IsIn.
(Sulnission lo His WiII) (HoIy Qui'an 3:1)
Il is onIy IsIan lhal is nol alliiluled lo any
pailicuIai nan oi nalion. Ils nane indicales a speciaI
chaiacleiislic lhal lhe neaning of IsIan denoles. Il is
evidenl in lhis nane lhal no nan has any ioIe in
liinging lhis ieIigion inlo exislence and lhal il is nol
pecuIiai vilh any nalion lo lhe excIusion of olheis. Ils
onIy goaI is lo nake aII peopIe of lhe eailh have
chaiacleiislics of IsIan. So, vhoevei is chaiacleiized
vilh lhe quaIilies of IsIan anong ancienl peopIe and
conlenpoiaiy peopIe is a MusIin, jusl as he shaII le
caIIed a MusIin, and anyone vho possesses ils
quaIilies anong lhe coning geneialions.
Thc Mcssagc nf Is!am:
The nosl inpoilanl nessage of IsIan is lhe
alsoIule Unily of Cod-lhal lheie is onIy One Supiene
eing vho has no pailneis and is nol dependenl on
anyone oi anylhing. He is lhe ciealoi of eveiylhing and
lhe vhoIe univeise is undei His conlioI. Since lhe lolaI
sulnission of one's viII lo AIIah iepiesenls lhe essence
of voiship, IsIan is lhe voiship of AIIah aIone and lhe
avoidance of voiship diiecled lo any peison, pIace oi
lhing olhei lhan AIIah. In essence, IsIan caIIs nan
avay fion lhe voiship of ciealion and inviles hin lo
voiship onIy ils Ciealoi. AIIah is lhe onIy one
deseiving nan's voiship as il is onIy ly His viII lhal
piayeis aie ansveied. Hence piayeis lo lhe non-Iiving
such as lhe sun, fiie, and lo hunans vhelhei lhey aie
}esus, Moses oi even Muhannad aie iejecled, as AIIah
infoins us in lhe opening chaplei of lhe HoIy Qui'an,:
||You (AIone) ve voiship, and You (AIone) ve
ask foi heIp (foi each and eveiylhing).
(HoIy Qui'an 1:4)
Thc 5Ix PI!!ars nf FaIth In Is!am:
1. Bc!Icf In A!!ah:
You nusl leIieve in His Loidship, lhal He is lhe
Loid, lhe Ciealoi, lhe Iossessoi and lhe ConlioIIei of
aII nalleis. You nusl aIso leIieve in His iighl lo le
voishipped, lhal He is lhe onIy Tiue Deily, lhal aII
deilies lesides Hin aie faIse. You nusl leIieve in His
Nanes and Alliilules, lhal He has eaulifuI Nanes
and peifecl SulIine Alliilules.
You nusl aIso leIieve in His Oneness in aII lhal,
lhal He has no pailnei in His Loidship, noi in His iighl
lo le voishipped oi in His Nanes and Alliilules. You
nusl aIso leIieve lhal neilhei sIunlei noi sIeep
oveilakes Hin, lhal He knovs aII lhal is hidden and
evidenl, and lhal lo hin leIongs lhe soveieignly of lhe
heavens and lhe eailh. You nusl aIso leIieve lhal He
iose high ovei His Thione alove His ciealion, and lhal
He is vilh lhen ly His knovIedge and He knovs lheii
condilions, heais lheii ulleiances, sees lheii pIaces and
conlioIs lheii affaiis. He piovides foi lhe pooi, gives
ieIief lo lhe dejecled, gives aulhoiily lo vhon He viIIs,
vilhdiavs il fion vhon He viIIs and lhal He is AlIe
lo do aII lhings.
2. Bc!Icf In HIs angc!s:
A MusIin nusl leIieve in lhe angeIs, lhal is lo
say, il is AIIah Who has ciealed lhen and desciiles
lhen as, honouied sIaves", lhey does nol speak unliI
He has spoken and lhey acl on His Connand. AIIah
conceaIs lhen fion oui eyes so lhal ve do nol see
lhen. ul AIIah sonelines shovs sone of lhen lo
sone of His Iiophels and Messengeis.
AngeIs have funclions assigned lo lhen. CaliieI
is assigned lo ReveIalions vhich he liings fion AIIah
lo vhosoevei He vishes of His Messengeis. Anong
lhen aie: an angeI assigned lo laking lhe souIs, anolhei
lo lhe pioleclion of nankind, anolhei lo iecoiding of
lheii deeds.elc.
3. Bc!Icf In HIs Bnnks
To leIieve lhal AIIah ieveaIed ooks lo his
Iiophels and Messengeis, in oidei lo expIain lhe liulh
and caII lo il.
These ooks aie nany. Anong lhen aie lhe
Sciipluie of lhe Iiophel Aliahan, lhe Toiah of lhe
Iiophel Moses, lhe IsaIns given lo lhe Iiophel David
and lhe CospeI vhich vas lioughl ly lhe Iiophel
}esus Chiisl, nay peace le upon aII of lhen.
eIief in lhe Iievious ooks Iies in leIieving
lhal il is AIIah Who ieveaIed lhen lo His Messengeis
and lhal lhey conlained lhe Lav lhal AIIah vanled lo
le conveyed lo peopIe al lhal line.
AII lhese ooks lhal AIIah infoins us aloul
have aII lecone exlincl. The sciipluie of Aliahan does
no Iongei exisl in lhe voiId. As foi lhe Toiah, lhe
CospeI and lhe IsaIns, even lhough lhey do exisl ly
nane in lhe hands of }evs and Chiislians, lhey have
lecone aIleied, inleipoIaled and aduIleialed and nany
of lheii oiiginaI conlenls aie nissing. The Iines vhich
aie nol pail of lhen have leen incIuded in lhen, and
lhey aie alliiluled lo lhose vho aie nol lheii aulhois.
The OId Teslanenl foi inslance, has noie lhan foily
looks, and onIy five of lhen veie alliiluled lo Moses.
As foi lhe exisling gospeIs of loday, nolhing of lhen is
alliiluled lo }esus. On lhe Olhei hand, lhe Iasl ook,
vhich is ieveaIed ly AIIah, is lhe Qui'an vhich vas
ieveaIed lo Iiophel Muhannad. Il has aIvays leen
and is sliII piolecled and pieseived ly AIIah. No
change oi aIleialion has ciepl inlo any of ils Ielleis,
voids, voveIs oi neanings.
4. Bc!Icf In HIs Mcsscngcrs
To leIieve lhal AIIah senl Messengeis lo His
ciealion in oidei lo give lhen gIad lidings of Iaiadise if
lhey leIieve in AIIah and His Messengeis, and lo vain
lhen of punishnenl if lhey disoley. Theie aie nany
nessengeis. The fiisl of lhen vas Noah and lhe Iasl of
lhen is Muhannad |I..U.H. AIIah has loId us sloiies
aloul lhen in lhe HoIy Qui'an Iike Aliahan, Moses,
}esus, David, }ohn Zakaiiah and SaIeh. Theie aie aIso
sone piophels vhon ve knov nolhing foi, AIIah leIIs
us nolhing.
AII lhese Messengeis veie hunans since lhey
aie ciealed ly AIIah. They possessed nolhing of lhe
quaIilies of Loidship oi Codship. Theiefoie, no acl of
voiship shouId le diiecled lo lhen foi lhey couId nol
avaiI lhenseIves of any hain oi lenefil. The Iiophels
aie honouied sIaves, vhon AIIah chose. They aie
honouied vilh lhe Message and desciiled as His
sIaves. Theii ieIigion is IsIan (Sulnission lo Cod's
oideis), and AIIah viII nol accepl any olhei ieIigion
lesides il.
The lasic nessages of lhe Iiophels veie one
lul lheii Lavs diffei.
The finaI of aII lhese Lavs is lhal of
Muhannad. Il aliogales aII olhei pievious Iavs. His
Message is lhe Iasl of aII Divine Messages and he is lhe
Iasl of aII Messengeis. Whoevei leIieves in a Iiophel
anong lhen shouId leIieve in aII of lhen and vhoevei
denies anyone of lhen, il neans he/she has denied aII
of lhen.
5. Bc!Icf In thc Last Day
eIieve lhal lhe piesenl Iife is onIy a liiaI
piepaialion foi lhe nexl peienniaI ieaIn of exislence.
This Iife is a lesl foi each individuaI foi lhe eveiIasling
Iife lhal cones aflei dealh. A day viII cone vhen lhe
vhoIe univeise viII le deslioyed and lhe dead viII le
iesuiiecled foi judgnenl ly Cod. This day viII le lhe
leginning of a Iife lhal viII nevei end. This day is lhe
Day of }udgnenl. On lhal day, aII peopIe viII le
ievaided ly Cod accoiding lo lheii leIiefs and deeds.
Aflei having senl lhe Iiophel Muhannad lo
caII peopIe lo IsIan, Cod does nol accepl adheience lo
any ieIigion olhei lhan IsIan, vhen soneone iejecls
leIief in Cod, His Iiophel Muhannad, oi His ieIigion
of IsIan, il is jusl lhal he oi she viII le punished in lhe
Heieaflei. The liulh is conpIeleIy enIighlened and
does nol need noie expIanalion foi il sinpIy does nol
conlain confIicls in lhe HoIy Qui'an, lhe Sayings of lhe
piophel Muhannad, and lhe IsIanic cieed.
Those vho die vhiIe leIieving lhal Theie is no
liue god lul AIIah, and Muhannad is lhe Messengei
(Iiophel) of AIIah and aie MusIin viII le ievaided
on lhal day and viII le adnilled lo Iaiadise foievei, as
AIIah AInighly has said:
||ul lhey vho leIieve and do iighleous deeds -
lhose aie lhe conpanions of Iaiadise, lhey viII alide
lheiein eleinaIIy. (HoIy Qui'an 2:82)
ul lhose vho die al lhe line lhey do nol
leIieve lhal Theie is no liue god lul AIIah, and
Muhannad is lhe Messengei (Iiophel) of AIIah, in
olhei voids, lhey aie nol MusIin and lhey viII Iose
Iaiadise foievei lo le senl lo HeIIfiie, as Cod has said:
||And vhoevei seeks a ieIigion olhei lhan
IsIn, il viII nevei le accepled of hin, and in lhe
Heieaflei he viII le one of lhe Ioseis.
(HoIy Qui'an 3: 85)
Those vho die lefoie Iiophel Muhannad
|I..U.H, and veie foIIoving lhe ieaI nessage of
AIIah vhich is senl lhiough pievious nessengeis
(}esus, Moses.) aie consideied lo le leIieveis. Il's
quile cIeai lo fuilhei lhal aII lhe nessengeis of AIIah
aie liolheis and lhey Iove each olhei. Il occuis lhal
sone peopIe, vho have foIIoved lhen, liy lo
inleipoIale lhe HoIy nessage and lo aIlei il lo lheii
peisonaI gIullony and vhins.
6. Bc!Icf In prc-dccrcc.
You nusl leIieve lhal AIIah knovs vhal
happened and vhal shaII happen, lhal He knovs lhe
condilions, deeds, Iife spans and piovisions of His
5nmc BcautIcs nf Is!am:
1-Il is lhe ieIigion of AIIah vhich He has chosen foi
HinseIf, senl vilh His Messengeis and lhiough vhich
He aIIoved His sIaves lo voiship Hin.
2-Conpiehensiveness: One of lhe nosl pioninenl
leaulies of lhis ieIigion is ils conpiehensiveness foi
eveiylhing. This ieIigion enconpasses aII lhal one has
lo do vilh lhe Ciealoi Iike His Nanes, Alliilules and
iighls, and aII lhal one has lo do vilh lhe ciealuies Iike
Iavs, olIigalions, nanneis and ieIalionship.
3- IsIan is Iinking nan lo his Ciealoi diieclIy,
vilhoul a piiesl, ieveiend, oi hoIy seciel. This diiecl
conneclion lelveen lhe Ciealoi and lhe ciealed is a
conneclion lhal Iinks lhe heail vilh ils Loid and il
lheiely gels Iighl, guidance and Iofliness, lhe heail viII
seek peifeclion, and deens ilseIf high alove
insignificanl and delased lhings.
4- Il caleis foi lenefils of lhis voiId and lhe
Heieaflei. The IsIanic Lav is lased on pioleclion of lhe
lenefils of lhis voiId and lhe Heieaflei lo lhe exlenl lo
Iead lo lhe peifeclion of good noiaIs. As foi lhe
expIanalion of lhe lenefils of lhe Heieaflei, lhe ieIigion
of IsIan has expIained aII lhe necessaiy delaiIs and Iefl
nolhing vilhoul deaIing vilh il. Il has expounded il lo
salisfy aII lhe hunan needs lo lhe poinl lo Iel nolhing of
il unknovn. IsIan pionises lhe lIiss in lhe Heieaflei
and vains lhe hunankind againsl ils agony.
Conceining lhe lenefils of lhis voiId, AIIah
oidained in lhis ieIigion lo peifoin aII nalleis lhal can
piolecl aII lhe eIenenlaiy needs of lhe hunan leing:
hei/his ieIigion, Iife, piopeily, posleiily, dignily and
Conceining honouialIe conducls, IsIan enjoins
lhal oveilIy and coveilIy so nuch so lhal il foilids aII
soils of delasing nanneis. Anong lhe appaienl nolIe
conducls lhal IsIan enjoins aie cIeanIiness and
puiificalion vhich aie veiy diffeienl fion aII kinds of
inpuiilies and diil. IsIan ieconnends using of
peifune and oulvaid adoinnenl, lul il foilids fiIlhy
lehaviouis Iike aduIleiy, foinicalion, consuning
aIcohoI, ealing dead aninaIs, lIood and poik (il is fine
lo jusl say poik foi il sinpIy lhe fIesh of lhe pig). Il is
veII-knovn lhal IsIan enjoins ealing of IavfuI good
lhings as veII as il piohilils vaslefuIness and
As foi lhe innei puiificalion, IsIan piohilils
undesiialIe conducls and encouiages connendalIe
ones. Anong lhe foilidden nanneis aie: Iies,
olscenily, angei, jeaIousy, slinginess, delasing oneseIf,
Iove of pieslige and lhis voiId, aiiogance, haughliness
and hypociisy. Anong lhe connended lehaviouis aie:
good conducl, good conpanionship lo aII peopIe ly
leing kind lo lhen, juslice and faiiness, huniIily,
liulhfuIness, nagnaninily, geneiosily, dependence on
AIIah, sinceiily in voishipping acls, feai of AIIah,
palience and shoving gialilude.
Hnw Dncs 5nmcnnc Bccnmc a Mus!Im?
SinpIy ly saying vilh conviclion, La iIha iIIa
AIIah, Muhannadun iasooIu AIIah, This is hov one
conveils lo IsIan and lecones a MusIin. This saying
neans, Theie is no liue god lul AIIah, and
Muhannad is lhe Messengei of AIIah (Cod). The fiisl
pail, Theie is no liue god lul Cod, neans lhal none
has lhe iighl lo le voishipped lul AIIah AInighly -
Cod- aIone, and lhal AIIah-Cod- has neilhei pailnei
noi son.
To le a MusIin, one shouId aIso:
- eIieve lhal lhe HoIy Quian is lhe IileiaI void of Cod
ieveaIed ly Hin.
- eIieve lhal lhe Day of }udgnenl (lhe Day of
Resuiieclion) is liue and viII cone, as Cod has
pionised in lhe Qui'an
- Accepl IsIan as his oi hei ieIigion.
- Nol voiship anylhing oi anyone excepl AIIah
What Arc thc FIvc PI!!ars nf Is!am?
The Iive IiIIais of IsIan aie lhe fianevoik of a
MusIins Iife. They aie:
1) Thc TcstImnny nf FaIth:
The leslinony of failh is saying vilh conviclion,
La iIha iIIa AIIah, Muhannadun iasooIu AIIah.
This saying neans, Theie is no liue god lul Cod
(AIIah), and Muhannad is lhe Messengei (Iiophel) of
Cod. The fiisl pail, Theie is no liue god lul Cod,
neans lhal none has lhe iighl lo le voishipped lul
Cod aIone, and lhal Cod has neilhei pailnei noi son.
This leslinony of failh is caIIed lhe 'Shahada', a sinpIe
foinuIa vhich shouId le said vilh conviclion in oidei
lo conveil lo IsIan. The leslinony of failh is lhe nosl
inpoilanl piIIai of IsIan.
2) Praycr:
MusIins peifoin five piayeis a day. Lach
piayei does nol lake noie lhan a fev ninules lo
peifoin. Iiayei in IsIan is a diiecl Iink lelveen lhe
voishippei and Cod. Theie aie no inleinediaiies
lelveen Cod and lhe voishippei. In piayei, a peison
feeIs innei happiness, peace, and confoil, and lhal Cod
is pIeased vilh hin oi hei.
Iiayeis aie peifoined al davn, noon, nid-afleinoon,
sunsel, and nighl. A MusIin nay piay aInosl
anyvheie is assuned lo le cIean such as in fieIds,
offices, facloiies, oi univeisilies.
3) A!ms GIvIng, Zakt, (nb!Igatnry suppnrt nf thc
AII lhings leIong lo Cod, and veaIlh is
lheiefoie heId ly hunan leings in liusl. The oiiginaI
neaning of lhe void zakal is lolh 'puiificalion and
'giovlh. Civing zakal neans 'giving a specified
peicenlage on ceilain piopeilies lo ceilain cIasses of
needy peopIe.
Oui possessions aie puiified ly selling aside a
snaII poilion foi lhose in need, and il is aIike lhe
piuning of pIanls foi lhis culling Iel lack laIances and
encouiages nev giovlh.
A peison nay aIso give as nuch as he oi she pIeases as
voIunlaiy aIns oi chaiily.
4) FastIng thc Mnnth nf Ramadan:
Lveiy yeai in lhe nonlh of Ranadan, MusIins
fasl fion davn unliI sundovn, alslaining fion food,
diink, and sexuaI ieIalions. AIlhough lhe fasl is
leneficiaI lo heaIlh, il is iegaided piincipaIIy as a
nelhod of spiiiluaI seIf-puiificalion. y culling oneseIf
off lhe voiIdIy confoils even if il is peifoined foi a
shoil line.
5) Thc PI!grImagc tn Makkah:
The annuaI piIgiinage (Hajj) lo Makkah is an
olIigalion once duiing a Iifeline foi lhose vho aie
physicaIIy and financiaIIy alIe lo peifoin il.
A. Thc G!nrInus Qur'an:
The Qui'an vas nol lhe fiisl ook lo le
ieveaIed, noi vas Muhannad lhe fiisl Messengei lo le
senl. AIIah has ieveaIed lhe Sciipluies lo Aliahan,
Toiah lo Moses and lhe CospeI lo }esus. AII lhese ooks
veie ieveIalions fion AIIah lo His Iiophels and
As foi lhe Qui'an, AIIah HinseIf guaianlees ils
pioleclion, so il is loday lhe veilalin of vhal vas
ieveaIed lo lhe piophel Muhannad, peace le upon
hin, ovei fouileen cenluiies ago:
||VeiiIy We: Il is We Who have senl dovn lhe
Dni|r (i.e. lhe Qui'an) and suieIy, We viII guaid il
(fion coiiuplion). (HoIy Qui'an 15:9)
The Qui'an, lhe Iasl ieveaIed void of Cod, is
lhe piinaiy souice of eveiy MusIins failh and
piaclice. Il deaIs vilh aII lhe suljecls, vhich concein
hunan leings:
Wisdon, docliine, voiship, liansaclions, Iav,
elc., lul ils lasic lhene is lhe ieIalionship lelveen Cod
and His ciealuies. Al lhe sane line, il piovides
guideIines and delaiIed leachings foi a jusl sociely,
piopei hunan conducl, and an equilalIe econonic
syslen. Il aIso conlains lhe fundanenlaIs foi vhich
AIIah senl lhe Messengeis.
The Qui'an guides nankind lo lhe nosl
iighleous palh in aII aspecls of lheii Iife, foi il conlains
a caII lo leIief in lhe Oneness of AIIah, and nenlion His
Nanes, Alliilules and deeds. Il caIIs lo leIief in lhe
aulhenlicily of vhal lhe Iiophels and Messengeis
lioughl. Il affiins lhe Resuiieclion, ievaid, ieckoning
and eslalIishes evidences foi lhal. Il naiiales lhe sloiies
of pasl nalions, lhe punishnenl neled oul lo lhen in
lhis voiId as veII as lhe loinenl and exenpIaiy
punishnenl lhal avails lhen in lhe Heieaflei.
B. Thc PrnphctIc 5unnah:
AIIah ieveaIed lhe Qui'an lo lhe Messengei and
ieveaIed lo hin an aIike sayings vhich aie naned as
lhe Iiophelic Sunnah lo fuilhei lhe expIanalion of lhe
HoIy Qui'an.
The Sunnah is lhe second souice of lhe ieIigion
of IsIan. Il neans aII vhal is iepoiled fion lhe Iiophel
- vilh veII-connecled and aulhenlic chain of
liansnilleis - of his sayings, deeds, confiinalions and
quaIilies. Il is aIso a ieveIalion fion AIIah lo His
Messengei Muhannad, foi lhe Iiophel did nol speak
of his ovn desiie. AIIah AInighly says:
||Noi does he speak of (his ovn) desiie. Il is
onIy an Inspiialion lhal is inspiied. (HoIy Qui'an 53:

The Iiophel onIy conveys lo peopIe vhal he is
connanded lo convey. AIIah says aloul hin,
|| Say (O Muhannad):"I an nol a nev lhing anong lhe
Messengeis (of AIIh) (i.e. I an nol lhe fiisl Messengei)
noi do I knov vhal viII le done vilh ne oi vilh you. I
onIy foIIov lhal vhich is ieveaIed lo ne, and I an lul a
pIain Wainei." (HoIy Qui'an 46: 9)
The puie Sunnah is lhe piaclicaI
inpIenenlalion of lhe iuIes, leIiefs, acls of voiship,
kinds of ieIalionship and nanneis lhal IsIan enjoins.
AIIah AInighly has connanded lhe leIieveis lo
enuIale hin in aII his deeds and sayings lo ensuie lhal
lheii failh is conpIele. He says:
||Indeed in lhe Messengei of AIIh
(Muhannad) you have a good exanpIe lo foIIov foi
hin vho hopes in (lhe Meeling vilh) AIIh and lhe
Lasl Day and ienenleis AIIh nuch.
(HoIy Qui'an 33: 21)
And AIIah says:
|| ..And vhalsoevei lhe Messengei
(Muhannad) gives you, lake il, and vhalsoevei he
foilids you, alslain (fion il), .. (HoIy Qui'an 59: 7)
Chaptcr Thrcc
The Iiophel of IsIan
The Iiophel Muhannad -peace le upon hin-
vas loin in Mecca, a cily lhal is Iocaled in nodein-day
Saudi Aialia, in 57O AD (53 H). His falhei, AlduIIah
lin Ald AI-MullaIil, died lefoie his liilh. His nolhei,
Aninah linl Wahl, died of iIIness vhen he vas six
yeais oId. As an oiphan, Muhannad vas senl lo le
iaised ly his giandfalhei, vho died lvo yeais Ialei.
IinaIIy, lhe young loy passed lo lhe caie of Alu
TaIil vho is knovn as his paleinaI uncIe. Sone MusIin
schoIais undeiscoie lhal lhese eaiIy lough evenls,
vhich have lefaIIen in lhe Iife of lhe nessengei, enalIe
hin lo sland up againsl lhe haid confionlalion of lhe
poIylheisls and lhe unleIieveis.
Pcrsnna! Charactcr:
As a young nan, Muhannad voiked as a
shepheid, and Ialei as an appienlice liadei foi his
uncIe. As he giev, Muhannad gained a iepulalion foi
lhoughlfuIness and inlegiily. IeopIe nicknaned hin
AI-Sadiq (The TiulhfuI), lecause he nevei loId a Iie,
and AI-Anin (The Tiuslvoilhy), lecause he nevei
chealed. He vas caIIed upon fiequenlIy lo nediale
dispules lelveen lhe nolIe peopIe of Mecca.
Muhannad vas aIso knovn foi his disdain of lhe
pagan cuIluie lhal piedoninaled anong lhe peopIe of
Mecca. He nevei voishipped lhe idoIs of Quiaysh, lhe
liile lo vhich he leIonged. Inslead, he nade Iong
ielieals lo a nounlain cave caIIed Hiia, oulside of
Mecca, vheie he nedilaled. When he vas 25 yeais oId,
Khadijah linl KhuvayIid, a 4O-yeai-oId Meccan vidov
knovn foi hei sliong chaiaclei, successfuI liading
lusiness, and noliIily, pioposed lo hin. They naiiied
in lhe yeai 595 AD (28 H).
Thc FIrst Rcvc!atInn:
Al lhe age of 4O, vhiIe he vas in soIilude al
Hiia, Muhannad expeiienced lhe fiisl incidenl of
ieveIalion. He said lhe AngeI CaliieI cane lo hin and
insliucled hin in lhe foIIoving voids, vhich Ialei
lecane knovn as lhe fiisl ieveaIed veises of lhe Quian:
||Read! In lhe Nane of youi Loid, Who has
ciealed (aII lhal exisls), Has ciealed nan fion a cIol (a
piece of lhick coaguIaled lIood). Read! And youi Loid
is lhe Mosl Ceneious, Who has laughl (lhe viiling) ly
lhe pen |lhe fiisl peison lo viile vas Iiophel Idiees
(Lnoch)j, Has laughl nan lhal vhich he knev nol.
(HoIy Qui'an 96:1-5)

Muhannads iesponse lo lhis iniliaI expeiience
vas pIenly of feai and shock. He ieluined hone and
vas confoiled ly his lendei vife Khadijah, vho Ialei
lecane lhe fiisl leIievei in his nessage.
In lhe foIIoving yeais, lhe AngeI CaliieI insliucled
Muhannad lo lake lhe voids of lhe Qui'an lo lhe
Mecca, al lhal line, vas a cenlei foi liade and
idoI voiship in lhe vhoIe counliy of Saudi Aialia. This
nade il a cily of consideialIe pieslige and veaIlh. The
cilys Ieadeis feaied Muhannads nonolheislic
nessage foi il vouId jeopaidize lhal acluaI slalus.
HIs TcachIngs:
Muhannad Ied a hunlIe Iife: he had nevei
dislinguished hinseIf fion lhe olheis--he had no lody
guaids, and noved vilhoul an enlouiage. He loId
peopIe lhal his jol as a nessengei of Cod vas sinpIy lo
ieaffiin vhal Cod had aIieady ieveaIed lo hunanily
lhiough pievious piophels, incIuding Adan, Aliahan,
Moses, and }esus.
In lhe nonolheislic voiIdviev, Cod ciealed
hunankind as dignified ciealuies endoved vilh fiee
viII. Men and vonen aie enliusled vilh Ieading a Iife
of goodness, in lhe hope of ieaping lhe uIlinale
lenefils in lhe daiIy Iife and in lhe nexl Iife. AIlhough
no singIe veise sunnaiizes aII lhe leachings of IsIan,
lhe foIIoving exceipls fion lhe HoIy Qui'an iepiesenl
lhe Sliaighl Ialh Cod has chosen foi His leIieveis:
|| Say (O Muhannad): "Cone, I viII iecile vhal
youi Loid has piohililed you fion: }oin nol anylhing
in voiship vilh Hin, le good and dulifuI lo youi
paienls, kiII nol youi chiIdien lecause of poveily - We
piovide suslenance foi you and foi lhen, cone nol
neai lo A|- |auanisn (shanefuI sins, iIIegaI sexuaI
inleicouise, elc.) vhelhei connilled openIy oi secielIy,
and kiII nol anyone vhon AIIh has foilidden, excepl
foi a jusl cause (accoiding lo IsIanic Iav). This He has
connanded you lhal you nay undeisland. "And cone
nol neai lo lhe oiphan's piopeily, excepl lo inpiove il,
unliI he (oi she) allains lhe age of fuII slienglh, and
give fuII neasuie and fuII veighl vilh juslice. We
luiden nol any peison, lul lhal vhich he can leai.
And vhenevei you give youi void (i.e. judge lelveen
nen oi give evidence, elc.), say lhe liulh even if a neai
ieIalive is conceined, and fuIfiII lhe Covenanl of AIIh,
This He connands you, lhal you nay ienenlei. "And
veiiIy, lhis (i.e. AIIah's Connandnenls nenlioned
alove) is ny Sliaighl Ialh, so foIIov il, and foIIov nol
(olhei) palhs, foi lhey viII sepaiale you avay fion His
Ialh. This He has oidained foi you lhal you nay
lecone A|- Mu||aqun (lhe pious)." (HoIy Qui'an 6: 151-
The pooi, lhe oppiessed and vonen veie
anong lhe eaiIy leIieveis in IsIan. The Qui'an decIaied
equaIily as a univeisaI vaIue lhal is appIied lo aII kinds
of peopIe in lhe voiId. AddilionaIIy, lhe Qui'an
piohililed Meccas unacceplalIe pagan piaclices, such
as fenaIe infanlicide as veII as lhe hoIy veises had
encouiaged fieeing sIaves foi lhe sake of AIIah.
Muhannad laughl lhal lheie shouId le no dislinclion
lelveen Aials and non-Aials, oi lelveen Whiles and
Iacks. Muhannad said aII hunans aie lhe sane
lefoie AIIah.
The slunning ihylhn and deplh of conlenl
vhich is conlained in lhe Qui'ans veises capluied lhe
allenlion of even lhe nosl eIoquenl Aials. Meccas
pagans dispaiaged Muhannad as a neie poel, lul lhe
MusIins leIieved in lhe Qui'an as lhe uIlinale niiacIe
of failh, a leslinony in suppoil of Muhannads
piophecy. The eaiIy MusIins cheiished lhe veises,
nenoiized lhen, viole lhen dovn, and sliuggIed lo
voik lhen oul in lheii quolidian Iife. The pagans of
Mecca iidicuIed Muhannads cIain lo piophecy, and
iejecled his leachings. Ioi lhe nexl decade, Muhannad
- peace le upon hin, and lhe eaiIy MusIins veie
suljecled lo inhunane liealnenl. MusIins veie kiIIed,
loiluied and loycolled foi lhiee yeais, lheii piopeilies
and hoIdings veie laken ly foice. In iesponse,
Muhannad - peace le upon hin, encouiaged his
foIIoveis lo nigiale lo neighloiing cilies and slales. He
loId lhen aloul Chiislian Alyssinia (lodays Llhiopia)
foi il vouId offei lhen a good iefuge lecause il vas
iuIed ly a jusl king.
Muhannad - peace le upon hin, liied lo lake his
nessage oulside of Mecca. He venl lo a neaily
nounlain lovn caIIed Taif, lul ils Ieadeis senl lheii
youlh lo lhiov slones al Muhannad - peace le upon
hin - unliI, aflei suffeiing consideialIe physicaI injuiy,
he Iefl.
Muhannads haidships nounled vhen his
uncIe Alu TaIil passed avay, Ieaving hin vilhoul a
sliong aIIy in Mecca. Soon aflei his uncIes dealh, he
vas secielIy visiled ly Ieadeis of lhe lvo najoi liiles
of Madinah, a lovn 3OO niIes lo lhe noilheasl of Mecca.
The Ieadeis, vhose liilesnen foughl one anolhei in
Ienglhy vais, conveiled on lhe spol lo IsIan foi lhey
veie lhe neighlois of lhe }evs vho used lo leII lhen
aloul lhe Iasl nessengei vhose line is coning soonei.
The peopIe of lhe Madinah vied oul lhe }evs lo
le lhe foIIoveis of lhe nessengei of lhe end of lhe
voiId. Thence, lhey inviled Muhannad - peace le
upon hin, and lhe Meccan MusIins lo Iive in lhe
Madinah. The Meccan MusIins Iefl lheii hones
giaduaIIy. Sone of lhen have Iefl lheii faniIies,
noney, and lheii hoIdings foi lhe sake of AIIah
Theii exciucialing suffeiance vas leaialIe foi
lhe Iove of lheii Loid and His nessengei. One can caII
lheii Love and IoyaIly as lhe lesl feeIings lhal one can
ullei and le avaie of. Theii depailuie vas soon
discoveied ly lhe Ieadeis of Quiaysh, vho decided lo
eIininale Muhannad, lhe Iasl one lo Ieave. ul duiing
lhe nighl vhen lhey veie aloul lo kiII hin,
Muhannad, peace le upon hin, had escaped vilh his
cIosesl fiiend Alu aki, nay AIIah le piaised vilh
hin. In lhe Medina, safe fion lhe Meccan peiseculion,
Muhannad vas nov fiee lo caII olheis lo IsIan, and
his foIIoveis incieased iapidIy. To MusIins, he vas
lolh a nessengei of Cod vho shaied vilh lhen divine
ieveIalion, and a poIilicaI Ieadei vho goveined lheii
pulIic affaiis.
Undei lhe guidance of Muhannad, lhe Chailei
of Madinah vas deveIoped. Sone peopIe aigue lhal lhe
Chailei vas lhe fiisl pIuiaIislic conslilulionaI
fianevoik knovn lo nankind. Nol onIy did il
iecognize lhe seveiaI liiles engaging in fiee liade
inside and oulside of lhe Madinah, il aIso
acknovIedged }evish liiles as a coIIeclive enlily
londed vilh MusIins lhiough allachnenl lo a syslen
of iighls and olIigalions. The Chailei of lhe Madinah
ciealed an enviionnenl vheie aII couId Iead a noiaI
Iife and land logelhei lo oppose aggiession of any soil.
Meccas Ieadeiship allenpled lo pievenl
Muhannads novenenl fion eslalIishing lhe iools of
IsIan in lhe Madinah. They oiganized niIilaiy
expedilions againsl lhe IsIanic cily, lul lhey veie
evenluaIIy defealed.
5prcad nf Is!am:
Ioiced lo iecognize lhal lhey couId nol
eIininale IsIan- lhe divine nessage, oi defeal lhe
MusIins, lhe pagans of Mecca concIuded lhe Tiealy of
Hudayliyah vilh lhe MusIins. They agieed on
nainlaining peace and on olseiving neuliaIily in lheii
confIicls vilh lhiid pailies. LffecliveIy, lhe liealy
iecognized MusIins as a nev foice in Aialia and
acknovIedged lheii fieedon lo nove unnoIesled
lhioughoul lhe iegion. Duiing lhe nonlhs of
lianquiIily lhal foIIoved, MusIins senl pieacheis lo aII
diieclions, nany peopIe and liiles in Aialia conveiled
lo IsIan.
In 63O AD (8 AH) Meccan aIIies lieached lhe
liealy vhen lhey nassacied a gioup of liaveIing
MusIins. IoIIoving lhe allack, gieal nunleis of
MusIins gel galheied in lhe Madinah. Then, lhis ainy
naiched lovaids Mecca. The nunleis and dedicalion
of MusIins aslounded lhe Ieadeis of lhe cily. The
piophel and his foIIoveis decided nol lo fighl. Lnleiing
Mecca, Muhannad gave annesly lo aII peopIe vho
did nol vanl lo fighl, and so slayed inside lheii hones.
Lxcepl foi fev ninoi incidenls, lhe opening of Mecca
vas one of lhe nosl aslonishingIy lIoodIess niIilaiy
vicloiies in lhe voiId hisloiy.
The peopIe of Mecca, vho had ieIenlIessIy oppiessed
Muhannad and his foIIoveis foi noie lhan lvo
decades, feaied ieliilulion. Hovevei, lhey veie
liealed vilh lhe giealesl nagnaninily. In a giand
pulIic galheiing al lhe lovn cenlei, Muhannad asked
lhen, Whal do you lhink I viII do vilh you`, You
aie kind, and lhe son of a kind liolhei, lheii Ieadeis
ansveied. Co, you aie fiee! Muhannad iepIied. The
MusIins undeislood lhese voids lo nean lolaI
foigiveness. No hone vas piIIaged, no piopeily vas
Ovei lhe yeais, lhe pagan Meccans conveiled lo
IsIan. The Iiophel ienoved aII lhe idoIs in and aiound
lhe Ka`lah. The culic nonunenl al lhe cenlei of lhe
cily is leIieved lo have leen luiIl ly Aliahan and his
son IshnaeI. Lvei since, lhe MusIin caII lo piayei has
leen heaid five lines a day in lhis ancienl sancluaiy.
Prnphct Muhammad's FIna! Ycars:
Muhannad ieluined lo Madinah, vhich
conlinued lo le lhe poIilicaI capilaI of lhe IsIanic cily-
slale. In 632 AD (1O AH) Muhannad venl lo Mecca as
a piIgiin as he leIieved il vas foi lhe Iasl line of his
Iife. The ieveIalion he ieceived ovei lheie incIuded lhe
foIIoving veise:
||This day, I have peifecled youi ieIigion foi
you, conpIeled My Iavoui upon you, and have chosen
foi you IsIn as youi ieIigion. (HoIy Qui'an 5: 3)
Wilhin fev nonlhs aflei ieluining lo Madinah,
Muhannad, peace le upon hin, died aflei a liief
iIIness. He is luiied in lhe giand Iiophels Masjid( il is
lellei lo say Masjid foi lhe nosque neans lhe pIace
lhal galheis nosquilo's- Non MusIins vho have used
lhal lein) in Madinah.
5nmc nf hIs Wnrds:
- One vho coveis up lhe faiIings of soneone in lhis
voiId viII have his shoilconings coveied up ly Cod
on lhe Day of }udgnenl. (MusIin: 6743)
- "eing iich does nol nean having a gieal anounl of
piopeily, lul |ilj is leing conlenl |vilh vhal one hasj."
(ukhaii: 6446)
- "(Cod) has ieveaIed lo ne lhal you shouId adopl
huniIily so lhal no one oppiesses anolhei."
(Alu Davood: 4897)
- A peison once asked lhe Iiophel Muhannad (peace
le upon hin): "Whal is failh`" The Iiophel iepIied:
"When a good deed lecones a souice of pIeasuie foi
you and an eviI deed lecones a souice of disgusl, lhen
you aie a leIievei." He vas lhen asked: "Whal is a sin`"
The Iiophel said: "Whenevei sonelhing piicks youi
conscience, give il up." (Ahned: 22856)
- Chaiily does nol dininish veaIlh. (MusIin:
- "Cod does nol judge you accoiding lo youi lodies
and appeaiances, lul He Iooks inlo youi heails and
olseives youi deeds." (MusIin: 67O7)
- The lesl of you is lhe one vho is lhe lesl lo his
faniIy. (Tiinidhi: 4269)
- "If you guaianlee ne six lhings on youi pail I shaII
guaianlee you Iaiadise: Speak lhe liulh vhen you laIk,
keep a pionise vhen you nake il, vhen you aie
liusled vilh sonelhing fuIfiII youi liusl, avoid sexuaI
innoiaIily, Iovei youi gaze (in nodesly), and iesliain
youi hands fion injuslice." (Ahned: 23428)
- "HeIp youi liolhei, vhelhei he is an oppiessoi oi he
is oppiessed." IeopIe asked, ".Il is iighl lo heIp hin if
he is oppiessed, lul hov shouId ve heIp hin if he is an
oppiessoi`" The Iiophel said, "y pievenling hin fion
oppiessing olheis. (ukhaii: 2444)
- "e kind, foi vhenevei kindness lecones pail of
sonelhing, il leaulifies il. Whenevei il is laken fion
sonelhing, il Ieaves il lainished." He aIso said: "Make
lhings sinpIe and do nol conpIicale lhen. CaIn peopIe
and do nol diive lhen avay." (MusIin: 6767)
- "ReIigion is veiy easy and vhoevei oveiluidens
hinseIf in his ieIigion viII nol le alIe lo conlinue in
lhal vay. So you shouId nol le exlienisls, lul liy lo le
neai lo peifeclion and ieceive lhe good lidings lhal you
viII le ievaided, and gain slienglh ly voishipping in
lhe noinings, lhe nighls." (ukhaii: 39)
- "Duiing |a niIilaiy expedilionj, a vonan vas found
kiIIed, so |lhe Iiophel Muhannadj foilade lhe kiIIing
of vonen, chiIdien, and nonks (nuns). The MusIin
fighleis aie iequesled lo fighl and kiII onIy lhe fighleis.
(ukhaii: 3O14)
- "The lesl lhing in lhis voiId is a viiluous vonan
(vife)." (MusIin: 3716)
Chaptcr Fnur
Iioofs of lhe aulhenlicily of IsIan
Anong lhe lhings lhal leslify lo lhe facl lhal lhe
Qui'an is a ieveIalion fion AIIah is lhal il conlains
sloiies of lhe pasl nalions, piophesied fuluie evenls
lhal cane lo happen as il has leen piophesied, and lhe
facl lhal il nenlions nany scienlific facls lhal have nol
leen discoveied unliI iecenlIy. Anolhei pioof of ils
leing a divineIy ieveaIed ook is lhal lhe Iiophel on
vhon il vas ieveaIed vas unknovn vilh anylhing
siniIai lo lhal oi iepoiled lo have knovn anylhing
siniIai lo lhe Qui'an.
Il aIso conlains nany pioofs and signs lhal
dazzIe lhe scienlisls and lhal aie suilalIe foi aII
geneialions and ages, and in vhich nany schoIais and
ieseaicheis find vhal lhey Iook foi.
Heie aie sone exanpIes lhal ieveaI sone of lhese facls:
1- 5amp!cs nf 5cIcntIfIc MIrac!cs In thc Hn!y
a- Thc smnthcrIng nf thc smc!!Ing In thc hIghcst
||And vhonsoevei AIIh viIIs lo guide, He
opens his lieasl lo IsIn, and vhonsoevei He viIIs lo
send asliay, He nakes his lieasl cIosed and
consliicled, as if he is cIinling up lo lhe sky. Thus
AIIh puls lhe vialh on lhose vho leIieve nol.
(HoIy Qui'an 6:125)
The Scienlific Iacl:-
IeopIe aie used lo lhink lhal vhenevei lhey go
lo lhe highesl pIaces, lhey vouId sneII lhe fieshesl aii
lhey couId evei sneII. Though, lhe nev discoveiy of
lhe nodein science has slaled lhal vhenevei lhe noie
lhe peison goes upvaids lhe Iessei lhe oxygen gels in
lhe aii. The schoIai have assuied fiankIy aloul lhis
alsoIule liulh lhal have leen aIieady confiined in lhe
HoIy Qui'an. Il goes vilhoul saying lhal lhis ullei
confiinalion undeiIines lhe liulhfuIness of lhe HoIy
Qui'an and ils enuncialion fion lhe Loid.
b- Pharanh dIcd bccausc hc gnt drnwncd:
||And We look lhe ChiIdien of IsiaeI acioss lhe
sea, and Iii'aun (Ihaiaoh) vilh his hosls foIIoved lhen
in oppiession and ennily, liII vhen diovning oveilook
hin, he said: "I leIieve lhal |a i|ana i||a (Huua): (none
has lhe iighl lo le voishipped lul) He," in Whon lhe
ChiIdien of IsiaeI leIieve, and I an one of lhe MusIins
(lhose vho sulnil lo AIIh's WiII).". Nov (you leIieve)
vhiIe you iefused lo leIieve lefoie and you veie one
of lhe Mufsidun (eviI-doeis, coiiupls, elc.)
(HoIy Qui'an 1O:9O-92)
The Scienlific Iacl:-
The lody of Ihaiaoh vas inviled lo Iiance.
Ihaiaoh vas piesenled in Iiance as a iespeclfuI king
even lhough he vas dead nany cenluiies ago. A good
nunlei of schoIais in nedicine has gieeled lhal lody
and ieceived in lheii Ialoialoiies. An oulslanding
docloi, Mauiice ucaiIIe, had leen sludying lhe lody
of Ihaiaoh foi lhiee days. This docloi has discoveied
lhal lhe nain ieason of Ihaiaoh's dealh vas diovning.
He confiined lhis ullei facl lo his fiiends. One of lhe
doclois had loId hin lhal lhis venl in landen vilh
vhal lhe MusIins cIained ils confiinalion in lhe HoIy
Qui'an. AII of a sudden, Docloi ucaiIIe said: "This
nusl nol le a void of a nan lul lhe HoIy Woid of
Cod!" Docloi ucaiIIe venl lo Saudi Aialia in a
scienlific seninai. He asked aloul lhe diovning of lhe
lody of Ihaiaoh lhal had leen nenlioned in lhe HoIy
Qui'an as veII as he nenlioned lhal he hinseIf
discoveied lhe facl vhiIe liealing lhe lody of Ihaiaoh.
As soon as he had seen lhe veises of lhe Qui'an, he
sponlaneousIy slaled, "lheie is no god lul AIIah and
Muhannad is lhe nessengei of AIIah". He has viillen
a naiveIous look vhose lilIe is: Science in lhe ilIe
and lhe HoIy Qui'an". This ook has confiined nany
scienlific nalleis lhal aie sinpIy in hainony vilh lhe
hoIy veises of lhe Qui'an.
c- Thc Lnwcst Arca nn Earth:
||The Ronans have leen defealed. In lhe neaiei
Iand (Syiia, Iiaq, }oidan, and IaIesline), and lhey, aflei
lheii defeal, viII le vicloiious. Wilhin lhiee lo nine
yeais. The decision of lhe nallei, lefoie and aflei
(lhese evenls) is onIy vilh AIIh, (lefoie lhe defeal of
Ronans ly lhe Ieisians, and aflei, i.e. lhe defeal of lhe
Ieisians ly lhe Ronans). And on lhal Day, lhe
leIieveis (i.e. MusIins) viII iejoice (al lhe vicloiy given
ly AIIh lo lhe Ronans againsl lhe Ieisians), Wilh lhe
heIp of AIIh, He heIps vhon He viIIs, and He is lhe
AIIMighly, lhe Mosl MeicifuI. (Il is) a Iionise of AIIh
(i.e. AIIh viII give vicloiy lo lhe Ronans againsl lhe
Ieisians), and AIIh faiIs nol in His Iionise, lul nosl
of nen knov nol. (HoIy Qui'an 3O:1-6)

The Scienlific Iacl:-
Hisloiy looks leII us aloul a lallIe lelveen lhe
Ieisian and lhe yzanline enpiies - lhe Iallei signifies
lhe easlein pail of lhe Ronan Lnpiie - vhich vas
Iocaled in lhe aiea lelveen Adhia`al and asia, neai
lhe Dead Sea. The lallIe, vhich occuiied in 619 A.C.,
ended vilh lhe vicloiy of lhe Ieisians.
The Ronans ieceived a seveie lIov in lhal
lallIe and eveiyone al lhal line expecled lheii
kingdon lo faII. SuipiisingIy, lhey veie engaged in
anolhei lallIe in 622 A.C. in lhe aiea of Nineveh vheie
lhey defealed lhe Ieisians and occupied nany aieas.
Sone nonlhs Ialei, lhe yzanlines signed an agieenenl
vilh lhe Ieisians accoiding lo vhich lhey ieluined aII
pieviousIy occupied aieas.
CeogiaphicaI alIases shov lhal lhe Iovesl spol
on lhe suiface of lhe eailh is lhe aiea neai lhe Dead Sea
vheie lhe suiface of lhe eailh is as Iov as 395 neleis
leIov sea IeveI. Iholos laken ly saleIIiles suppoil lhis
Nol lo nenlion lhal lhe pagan Quiaysh of
Mecca iejoiced al lhe oveilhiov of Rone ly Ieisia.
They veie pio-Ieisian, and in lheii heail of heails lhey
hoped lhal lhe nascenl novenenl of IsIan, vhich al
lhal line vas, fion a voiIdIy poinl of viev, veiy veak
and heIpIess, vouId aIso coIIapse undei lheii
peiseculion. ul lhey nisiead lhe liue Signs of lhe
lines. They aie loId heie lhal lhey vouId soon le
disiIIusioned in lheii caIcuIalions, and il acluaIIy so
happened al lhe lallIe of Issus in 622 (lhe yeai of
Hijial) and in 624, vhen HeiacIius caiiied his canpaign
inlo lhe heail of Ieisia and lhe Meccan Quiaysh veie
lealen off al adi. (Ioolnole of The HoIy Qui'an
LngIish TiansIalion in lhe Madinah, p1176/35O6)
d- Thc Qur'an nn thc OrIgIn nf thc UnIvcrsc:
The science of nodein cosnoIogy,
olseivalionaI and lheoielicaI, cIeaiIy indicales lhal, al
one poinl in line, lhe vhoIe univeise vas nolhing lul a
cIoud of 'snoke (i.e. an opaque highIy dense and hol
gaseous conposilion).1 This is one of lhe undispuled
piincipIes of slandaid nodein cosnoIogy. Scienlisls
nov can olseive nev slais foining oul of lhe iennanls
of lhal 'snoke.
The iIIuninaling slais ve see al nighl veie, jusl
as vas lhe vhoIe univeise, in lhal 'snoke naleiiaI.
AIIah has said in lhe Quian:
||.Then He |s|aua (iose ovei) lovaids lhe
heaven vhen il vas snoke.
(HoIy Qui'an 41:11)
ecause lhe eailh and lhe heavens alove (lhe
sun, lhe noon, slais, pIanels, gaIaxies, elc.) have leen
foined fion lhis sane 'snoke, ve concIude lhal lhe
eailh and lhe heavens veie one connecled enlily. Then
oul of lhis honogeneous 'snoke, lhey foined and
sepaialed fion each olhei. AIIah has said in lhe Quian:
||Have nol lhose vho disleIieve knovn lhal lhe
heavens and lhe eailh veie joined logelhei as one
uniled piece, lhen We pailed lhen` And We have
nade fion valei eveiy Iiving lhing. WiII lhey nol lhen
leIieve` (HoIy Qui'an 21: 3O)
Di. AIfied Kionei is one of lhe voiIds
ienovned geoIogisls. He is Iiofessoi of CeoIogy and
lhe Chaiinan of lhe Depailnenl of CeoIogy al lhe
Inslilule of Ceosciences, }ohannes Culenleig
Univeisily, Mainz, Ceinany. He said:
Thinking vheie Muhannad cane fion . . . I
lhink il is aInosl inpossilIe lhal he couId have knovn
aloul lhings Iike lhe connon oiigin of lhe univeise,
lecause scienlisls have onIy found oul vilhin lhe Iasl
fev yeais, vilh veiy conpIicaled and advanced
lechnoIogicaI nelhods, lhal lhis is lhe case.
AIso he said:
Sonelody vho did nol knov sonelhing aloul
nucIeai physics fouileen hundied yeais ago couId nol, I
lhink, le in a posilion lo find oul fion his ovn nind,
foi inslance, lhal lhe eailh and lhe heavens had lhe
sane oiigin.
- Tnc |irs| Tnrcc Minu|cs, a Mcdcrn Vicu cf |nc Origin cf
|nc Unitcrsc, Weinleig, pp. 94-1O5.
c- Thc Qur'an nn MnuntaIns:
A look enlilIed |ar|n is a lasic iefeience
lexllook in nany univeisilies aiound lhe voiId. One of
ils lvo aulhois is Iiofessoi Lneiilus Iiank Iiess. He
vas lhe Science Advisoi lo foinei US Iiesidenl }inny
Cailei, and foi 12 yeais vas lhe Iiesidenl of lhe
NalionaI Acadeny of Sciences, Washinglon, DC. His
look says lhal nounlains have undeiIying iools. These
iools aie deepIy enledded in lhe giound, lhus,
nounlains have a shape Iike a peg. This is hov lhe
Quian has desciiled nounlains. AIIah has said in lhe
||And lhe nounlains as pegs... (HoIy Qui'an 78: 7)
Modein eailh sciences have pioven lhal
nounlains have deep iools undei lhe suiface of lhe
giound and lhal lhese iools can ieach seveiaI lines
lheii eIevalions alove lhe suiface of lhe giound. 1 So
lhe nosl suilalIe void lo desciile nounlains on lhe
lasis of lhis infoinalion is lhe void 'peg, since nosl of
a piopeiIy sel peg is hidden undei lhe suiface of lhe
The hisloiy of science leIIs us lhal lhe lheoiy of
nounlains having deep iools vas inlioduced onIy in
1865 ly lhe Asliononei RoyaI, Sii Ceoige Aiiy. 2
Mounlains aIso pIay an inpoilanl ioIe in slaliIizing lhe
ciusl of lhe eailh. 3 They hindei lhe shaking of lhe
eailh. AIIah has said in lhe Quian:
||And He has affixed inlo lhe eailh nounlains
slanding fiin, Iesl il shouId shake vilh you,..
(HoIy Qui'an 21: 3O)
Likevise, lhe nodein lheoiy of pIale leclonics
hoIds lhal nounlains voik as slaliIizeis foi lhe eailh.
This knovIedge aloul lhe ioIe of nounlains as
slaliIizeis foi lhe eailh has jusl legun lo le undeislood
in lhe fianevoik of pIale leclonics since lhe Iale 196Os.
CouId anyone duiing lhe line of lhe Iiophel
Muhannad have knovn of lhe liue shape of
CouId anyone inagine lhal lhe soIid nassive
nounlain vhich he sees lefoie hin acluaIIy exlends
deep inlo lhe eailh and has a iool, as scienlisls affiin`
Modein geoIogy has confiined lhe liulh of lhe
Quianic veises.
Rcf. - |ar|n, Iiess and Sievei, p. 435. AIso see |ar|n
Scicncc, Tailuck and Lulgens, p. 157.
- Tnc Gcc|cgica| Ccnccp| cf Mcun|ains in |nc Quran, LI-
Naggai,p. 5. p. 44-45
f- Thc Qur'an nn C!nuds:
Scienlisls have sludied cIoud lypes and have
ieaIized lhal iain cIouds aie foined and shaped
accoiding lo definile syslens and ceilain sleps
connecled vilh ceilain lypes of vind and cIouds.
One kind of iain cIoud is lhe cunuIoninlus
cIoud. MeleoioIogisls have sludied hov cunuIoninlus
cIouds aie foined and hov lhey pioduce iain, haiI, and
They have found lhal cunuIoninlus cIouds go
lhiough lhe foIIoving sleps lo pioduce iain:
1) The cIouds aie pushed ly lhe vind: CunuIoninlus
cIouds legin lo foin vhen vind pushes sone snaII
pieces of cIouds (cunuIus cIouds) lo an aiea vheie
lhese cIouds conveige.
2) }oining: Then lhe snaII cIouds join logelhei foining
a Iaigei cIoud.
3) Slacking: When lhe snaII cIouds join logelhei,
updiafls vilhin lhe Iaigei cIoud inciease. The updiafls
neai lhe cenlei of lhe cIoud aie sliongei lhan lhose neai
lhe edges. These updiafls cause lhe cIoud lody lo giov
veilicaIIy, so lhe cIoud is slacked up. This veilicaI
giovlh causes lhe cIoud lody lo slielch inlo cooIei
iegions of lhe alnospheie, vheie diops of valei and
haiI foinuIale and legin lo giov Iaigei and Iaigei.
When lhese diops of valei and haiI lecone loo heavy
foi lhe updiafls lo suppoil lhen, lhey legin lo faII fion
lhe cIoud as iain, haiI, elc...
AIIah has said in lhe Quian:
||See you nol lhal AIIh diives lhe cIouds
genlIy, lhen joins lhen logelhei, lhen nakes lhen inlo
a heap of Iayeis, and you see lhe iain cones foilh fion
lelveen lhen. And He sends dovn fion lhe sky haiI
(Iike) nounlains, and sliike lheievilh vhon He viII,
and aveils il fion vhon He viIIs. The vivid fIash of ils
(cIouds) Iighlning neaiIy lIinds lhe sighl.
(HoIy Qui'an 24: 43)
MeleoioIogisls have onIy iecenlIy cone lo knov
lhese delaiIs of cIoud foinalion, sliucluie, and funclion
ly using advanced equipnenl Iike pIanes, saleIIiles,
conpuleis, laIIoons, and olhei equipnenl, lo sludy
vind and ils diieclion, lo neasuie hunidily
and ils vaiialions, and lo deleinine lhe IeveIs and
vaiialions of alnospheiic piessuie.
The pieceding veise, aflei nenlioning cIouds and iain,
speaks aloul haiI and Iighlning:
||.... And He sends dovn fion lhe sky haiI (Iike)
nounlains, and sliike lheievilh vhon He viII, and
aveils il fion vhon He viIIs. The vivid fIash of ils
(cIouds) Iighlning neaiIy lIinds lhe sighl.
(HoIy Qui'an 24: 43)
UioIogisls have found lhal lhese cunuIoninlus
cIouds, lhal shovei haiI, ieach a heighl of 25,OOO lo
3O,OOO fl (4.7 lo 5.7 niIes),2 Iike nounlains, as lhe
Quian said: ||.... And He sends dovn fion lhe sky haiI
(Iike) nounlains,
This veise nay iaise a queslion. Why does lhe
veise say ils Iighlning in a iefeience lo lhe haiI` Does
lhis nean lhal haiI is lhe najoi facloi in pioducing
Iighlning` Lel us see vhal lhe look enlilIed Mc|ccrc|cgq
Tcdaq says aloul lhis. Il says lhal a cIoud lecones
eIecliified as haiI faIIs lhiough a iegion in lhe cIoud of
supei cooIed diopIels and ice ciyslaIs. As Iiquid
diopIels coIIide vilh a haiIslone, lhey fieeze on conlacl
and ieIease Ialenl heal.
This keeps lhe suiface of lhe haiIslone vainei
lhan lhal of lhe suiiounding ice ciyslaIs. When lhe
haiIslone cones in conlacl vilh an ice ciyslaI, an
inpoilanl phenonenon occuis: eIeclions fIov fion lhe
coIdei oljecl lovaid lhe vainei oljecl. Hence, lhe
haiIslone lecones negaliveIy chaiged. The sane effecl
occuis vhen supeicooIed diopIels cone in conlacl vilh
a haiIslone and liny spIinleis of posiliveIy chaiged ice
lieak off.
These Iighlei posiliveIy chaiged pailicIes aie
lhen caiiied lo lhe uppei pail of lhe cIoud ly updiafls.
The haiI, Iefl vilh a negalive chaige, faIIs lovaids lhe
lollon of lhe cIoud, lhus lhe Iovei pail of lhe cIoud
lecones negaliveIy chaiged. These negalive chaiges
aie lhen dischaiged as Iighlning. 1 We concIude fion
lhis lhal haiI is lhe najoi facloi in pioducing Iighlning.
This infoinalion on Iighlning vas discoveied
iecenlIy. UnliI 16OO AD, AiislolIes ideas on
neleoioIogy veie doninanl. Ioi exanpIe, he said lhal
lhe alnospheie conlains lvo kinds of exhaIalion, noisl
and diy. He aIso said lhal lhundei is lhe sound of lhe
coIIision of lhe diy exhaIalion vilh lhe neighlouiing
cIouds, and Iighlning is lhe infIaning and luining of
lhe diy exhaIalion vilh a lhin and fainl fiie.1 These aie
sone of lhe ideas on neleoioIogy lhal veie doninanl
al lhe line of lhe Quians ieveIalion, fouileen
cenluiies ago.
AIIah Said in HoIIy Quian:
||And We send lhe vinds feiliIizing (lo fiII
heaviIy lhe cIouds vilh valei), lhen caused lhe valei
(iain) lo descend fion lhe sky, and We gave il lo you lo
diink, and il is nol you vho aie lhe ovneis of ils sloies
|i.e. lo give valei lo vhon you Iike oi lo vilhhoId il
fion vhon you Iikej. (HoIy Qui'an 15:22)
The pievious chaplei of HoIy Qui'an , incIudes
a gieal scienlific facl , vheie lhe vind has a pail in lhe
inocuIalion of sone pIanls , and aIso lhe void can le
used lo shov lhe effecl of vinds lo coIIecl diffeienl
cIouds vilh lvo diffeienl eIecliic chaiges ( posilive &
negalive ) , in vhich is consideied as a naiiiage oi an
- A|ncspncrc, Anlhes and olheis, pp. 268-269, and
||cncn|s cf Mc|ccrc|cgq, MiIIei and Thonpson, p . 141.
- Mc|ccrc|cgq Tcdaq, Ahiens, p. 437.
- Tnc lcr|s cf Aris|c||c Trans|a|cd in|c |ng|isn.
Mc|ccrc|cgica, voI. 3, Ross and olheis, pp. 369a-369l.

g-Thc Qur'an nn Dccp 5cas and Intcrna! Wavcs:
AIIah has said in lhe Quian:
|| Oi |lhe slale of a disleIieveij is Iike lhe
daikness in a vasl deep sea, oveivheIned vilh a gieal
vave lopped ly a gieal vave, lopped ly daik cIouds,
daikness, one alove anolhei, if a nan slielches oul his
hand, he can haidIy see il! And he foi vhon AIIh has
nol appoinled Iighl, foi hin lheie is no Iighl...
(HoIIy Quian, 24:4O)
This veise nenlions lhe daikness found in deep
seas and oceans, vheie if a nan slielches oul his hand,
he cannol see il. The daikness in deep seas and oceans
is found aiound a deplh of 2OO neleis and leIov. Al
lhis deplh, lheie is aInosl no Iighl. eIov a deplh of
1OOO neleis lheie is no Iighl al aII. Hunan leings aie
nol alIe lo dive noie lhan foily neleis vilhoul lhe aid
of sulnaiines oi speciaI equipnenl. Hunan leings
cannol suivive unaided in lhe deep daik pail of lhe
oceans, such as al a deplh of 2OO neleis.
Scienlisls have iecenlIy discoveied lhis
daikness ly neans of speciaI equipnenl and
sulnaiines lhal have enalIed lhen lo dive inlo lhe
deplhs of lhe oceans.
We can aIso undeisland fion lhe foIIoving
senlences in lhe pievious veise, " a vasl deep sea,
oveivheIned vilh a gieal vave lopped ly a gieal
vave, lopped ly daik cIouds, daikness,...", lhal lhe
deep valeis of seas and oceans aie coveied ly vaves,
and alove lhese vaves aie olhei vaves. Il is cIeai lhal
lhe second sels of vaves aie lhe suiface vaves lhal ve
see, lecause lhe veise nenlions lhal alove lhe second
vaves lheie aie cIouds, ul vhal aloul lhe fiisl vaves`
Scienlisls have iecenlIy discoveied lhal lheie aie
inleinaI vaves vhich occui on densily inleifaces
lelveen Iayeis of diffeienl densilies. The inleinaI
vaves covei lhe deep valeis of seas and oceans
lecause lhe deep valeis have a highei densily lhan lhe
valeis alove lhen. InleinaI vaves acl Iike suiface
vaves. They can aIso lieak, jusl Iike suiface vaves.
InleinaI vaves cannol le seen ly lhe hunan eye, lul
lhey can le delecled ly sludying lenpeialuie oi
saIinily changes al a given Iocalion.
Rcf. Occans, ||dcr and Pcrnc||a, p. 27. - Occancgrapnq,
Grcss, p. 205.
2-Cha!!cngc tn Prnducc LIkc thc Hn!y Qur'an
AIIah has said in lhe Qui'an:
||And if you (Aial pagans, }evs, and
Chiislians) aie in doull conceining lhal vhich We have
senl dovn (i.e. lhe Qui'an) lo Oui sIave (Muhannad
Ieace le upon hin), lhen pioduce a Suran (chaplei) of
lhe Iike lheieof and caII youi vilnesses (suppoileis and
heIpeis) lesides AIIh, if you aie liulhfuI. ul if you do
il nol, and you can nevei do il, lhen feai lhe Iiie (HeII)
vhose fueI is nen and slones, piepaied foi lhe
disleIieveis. (HoIIy Quian 2: 23-24)
Lvei since lhe Qui'an vas ieveaIed, fouileen
cenluiies ago, no one has leen alIe lo pioduce a singIe
chaplei Iike lhe chapleis of lhe Qui'an in lheii leauly,
eIoquence, spIendoi, vise IegisIalion, liue infoinalion,
liue piophecy, and olhei peifecl alliilules. AIso, nole
lhal lhe snaIIesl chaplei in lhe Qui'an (Chaplei 1O8) is
onIy len voids, yel no one has evei leen alIe lo neel
lhis chaIIenge, lhen oi loday. Sone of lhe disleIieving
Aials vho veie enenies of lhe Iiophel Muhannad-
peace le upon hin- liied lo neel lhis chaIIenge lo
piove lhal Muhannad -peace le upon hin- vas nol a
liue piophel, lul lhey faiIed lo do so. This faiIuie vas
despile lhe facl lhal lhe HoIy Qui'an vas ieveaIed in
lheii ovn Ianguage and diaIecl and lhal lhe Aials al
lhe line of Muhannad -peace le upon hin- veie veiy
eIoquenl peopIe vho used lo conpose leaulifuI and
exceIIenl poeliy, sliII iead and appiecialed loday.
3-Is!am Is Fnrctn!d In thc Hn!y Bnnk:
In Deuleionony 18, Iiophel Moses slaled lhal
Cod loId hin: I viII iaise up foi lhen a piophel Iike
you fion anong lheii liolheis, I viII pul ny voids in
his noulh, and he viII leII lhen eveiylhing I connand
hin. If anyone does nol Iislen lo ny voids lhal lhe
piophel speaks in ny nane, I nyseIf viII caII hin lo
accounl. (Deuleionony 18:18-19)
Iion lhese veises ve concIude lhal lhe piophel
in lhis piophecy nusl have lhe foIIoving lhiee
1) Thal he viII le Iike Moses.
2) Thal he viII cone fion lhe liolheis of lhe IsiaeIiles,
i.e. lhe IshnaeIiles.
3) Thal Cod viII pul His voids in lo lhe noulh of lhis
piophel and lhal he viII decIaie vhal Cod connands
Lel us exanine lhese lhiee chaiacleiislics in noie
a) A prnphct !Ikc Mnscs:
Theie veie haidIy any lvo piophels vho veie
so nuch aIike as Moses and Muhannad. olh veie
given a conpiehensive Iav and code of Iife. They lolh
had encounleied lheii enenies and veie vicloiious in
niiacuIous vays. They lolh veie accepled as piophels
and slalesnen. They lolh nigialed foIIoving
conspiiacies lo assassinale lhen. AnaIogies lelveen
Moses and }esus oveiIook nol onIy lhe alove
siniIaiilies lul olhei ciuciaI ones as veII. These incIude
lhe naluiaI liilh, lhe faniIy Iife, and lhe dealh of Moses
and Muhannad. AII lhese facls diffeienliale Moses
fion }esus, peace le upon lhen. Moieovei }esus vas
iegaided ly his foIIoveis as lhe Son of Cod and nol
excIusiveIy as a piophel of Cod, as Moses and
Muhannad veie and as MusIins leIieve }esus vas.
So, lhis piophecy iefeis lo lhe Iiophel Muhannad-
peace le upon hin- and nol lo }esus, lecause
Muhannad is noie siniIai lo Moses lhan }esus.
AIso, one nolices fion lhe CospeI of }ohn lhal
lhe }evs veie vailing foi lhe fuIfiIInenl of lhiee
dislincl piophecies. The fiisl vas lhe coning of Chiisl.
The second vas lhe coning of LIijah. The lhiid vas lhe
coning of lhe Iiophel. This is olvious fion lhe lhiee
queslions lhal veie posed lo }ohn lhe aplisl:
Nov lhis vas }ohns leslinony, vhen lhe }evs
of }eiusaIen senl piiesls and Leviles lo ask hin vho he
vas. He did nol faiI lo confess, lul confessed fieeIy, I
an nol lhe Chiisl. They asked hin, Then vho aie
you` Aie you LIijah` He said, I an nol. Aie you
lhe Iiophel` He ansveied, No. (}ohn 1:19-21).
If ve Iook in a ilIe vilh cioss-iefeiences, ve viII find
in lhe naiginaI noles vheie lhe void lhe Iiophel
occuis in }ohn 1:21 is lhe sane one lhal iefeis lo lhe
piophecy of Deuleionony 18:15 and 18:18.2.
AccoidingIy, ve concIude fion lhis gauging lhal }esus
Chiisl is nol lhe piophel nenlioned in Deuleionony
b) Frnm thc brnthcrs nf thc Israc!Itcs:
Aliahan had lvo sons, IshnaeI and Isaac
(Cenesis 21). IshnaeI lecane lhe giandfalhei of lhe
Aial nalion, and Isaac lecane lhe giandfalhei of lhe
}evish nalion. The piophel spoken of vas nol lo cone
fion anong lhe }evs lhenseIves, lul fion anong lheii
liolheis, i.e. lhe IshnaeIiles. Muhannad, a descendanl
of IshnaeI, is indeed lhis piophel.
AIso, Isaiah 42:1-13 speaks of lhe seivanl of
Cod, His chosen one and nessengei vho viII
liing dovn a Iav. He viII nol faIlei oi le discouiaged
liII he eslalIishes juslice on eailh. In his Iav lhe isIands
viII pul lheii hope. (Isaiah 42:4). Veise 11, connecls
lhal availed one vilh lhe descendanls of Kedai. Who is
Kedai` Accoiding lo Cenesis 25:13, Kedai vas lhe
second son of IshnaeI, lhe ancesloi of lhe Iiophel
Muhannad |peace le upon hin.
c) Gnd wI!! put HIs wnrds In thc mnuth nf thIs
The voids of Cod (lhe HoIy Qui'an) veie liuIy
pul inlo Muhannads noulh. AIIah AInighly senl lhe
AngeI CaliieI lo leach Muhannad lhe exacl voids of
Cod (lhe HoIy Qui'an) and asked hin lo diclale lhen
lo lhe peopIe as he heaid lhen. The voids aie lheiefoie
nol his ovn. They did nol cone fion his ovn lhoughls,
lul veie pul inlo his noulh ly lhe AngeI CaliieI.
Duiing lhe Iife line of Muhannad-peace le upon hin-
and undei his supeivision, lhese voids veie lhen
nenoiized and viillen ly his conpanions.
AIso, lhis piophecy in Deuleionony nenlioned
lhal lhis piophel viII speak lhe voids of Cod in lhe
nane of Cod. If ve Iooked lo lhe HoIy Qui'an, ve viII
find lhal aII ils chapleis, excepl Chaplei 9, aie pieceded
oi legin vilh lhe phiase, In lhe Nane of AIIah, lhe
Mosl Ciacious, lhe Mosl MeicifuI.
Anolhei indicalion (olhei lhan lhe piophecy in
Deuleionony) is lhal Isaiah lies lhe nessengei
connecled vilh Kedai vilh a nev song (a sciipluie in a
nev Ianguage) lo le sung lo lhe Loid (Isaiah 42:1O-11).
This is nenlioned noie cIeaiIy in lhe piophecy
of Isaiah: and anolhei longue, he viII speak lo lhis
peopIe (Isaiah 28:11 K}V). Anolhei ieIaled poinl
focuses on lhe ieveIalion of lhe HoIy Qui'an in seclions
ovei a span of lvenly-lhiee yeais. Il is inleiesling lo
conpaie lhis vilh Isaiah 28 vhich speaks of lhe sane
lhing, Ioi il is: Do and do, do and do, iuIe on iuIe,
iuIe on iuIe, a IillIe heie, a IillIe lheie. (Isaiah 28:1O)
Chaptcr FIvc
Top nisconceplions aloul IsIan
1. Mus!Ims arc vIn!cnt, tcrrnrIsts
This is lhe liggesl nisconceplion in IsIan. Il is
no doull iesuIling fion lhe conslanl sleieolyping and
lashing lhe nisshapen fealuies of MusIins lhiough lhe
use of lhe nedia. When a gunnan allacks a nosque in
lhe nane of }udaisn, a CalhoIic IRA gueiiiIIa sels off a
lonl in an uilan aiea, oi Seilian Oilhodox niIilianen
iape and kiII innocenl MusIin civiIians, lhese acls aie
nol used lo sleieolype an enliie failh. Nevei aie lhese
acls alliiluled lo lhe ieIigion of lhe peipelialois. Yel
hov nany lines have ve heaid lhe voids 'IsIanic,
MusIin fundanenlaIisl, elc.' Iinked vilh vioIence.
IoIilics in so caIIed "MusIin counliies" nay oi
nay nol have any IsIanic lasis. Oflen diclalois and
poIilicians viII use lhe nane of IsIan foi lheii ovn
puiposes. One shouId ienenlei lo go lo lhe souice of
IsIan and sepaiale vhal lhe liue ieIigion of IsIan says
fion vhal is poiliayed in lhe nedia. IsIan IileiaIIy
neans 'sulnission lo Cod' and is deiived fion a iool
void lhal sulslanliaIIy neans 'peace'.
IsIan nay seen exolic oi even exliene in lhe
nodein voiId. Ieihaps lhis is lecause ieIigion doesn'l
doninale eveiyday Iife in lhe Wesl, vheieas IsIan is
consideied a 'vay of Iife' foi MusIins and lhey nake
no division lelveen secuIai and sacied in lheii Iives.
Like Chiislianily, IsIan peinils fighling in seIf-defense,
in defense of ieIigion, oi on lhe pail of lhose vho have
leen expeIIed foicilIy fion lheii hones. Il Iays dovn
sliicl iuIes of conlal vhich incIude piohililions
againsl haining civiIians and deslioying ciops, liees
and Iiveslock.
INNOCLNTS....The HoIy Qui'an says:
||And fighl in lhe Way of AIIh lhose vho fighl
you, lul liansgiess nol lhe Iinils. TiuIy, AIIh Iikes nol
lhe liansgiessois. (HoIIy Quian 2:19O)
||ul if lhey incIine lo peace, you aIso incIine lo
il, and (pul youi) liusl in AIIh. VeiiIy, He is lhe AII-
Heaiei, lhe AII-Knovei (HoIIy Quian 8: 61)
Wai, lheiefoie, is lhe Iasl iesoil, and is suljecl lo
lhe iigoious condilions Iaid dovn ly lhe sacied Iav.
The lein 'jihad' IileiaIIy neans 'sliuggIe'. MusIins
leIieve lhal lheie aie lvo kinds of jihad. The olhei
'jihad' is lhe innei sliuggIe of lhe souI vhich eveiyone
vages againsl egolislic desiies foi lhe sake of allaining
innei peace, happy Iife in lhe nundane voiId and in
lhe Heieaflei.
2: Is!am npprcsscs wnmcn:
The inages of lhe lypicaI MusIin vonan
incIude veaiing lhe veiI, leing foiced lo slay hone,
and aie foilidden lo diive vehicIes aie aII connon in
nosl of peopIes' lhoughls. AIlhough sone MusIin
counliies nay have Iavs lhal oppiess vonen, lhis
shouId nol le consideied as coning fion IsIan. Many
of lhese counliies do nol iuIe ly any kind of Shaii'ah
(IsIanic Iav), lul ialhei lhey inlioduce lheii ovn
cuIluiaI slandpoinls on lhe issue of gendei equily.
IsIan on lhe olhei hand gives nen and vonen
diffeienl ioIes and equily lelveen lhe lvo is Iaid dovn
in lhe HoIy Qui'an and lhe exanpIe of lhe Iiophel
(peace le upon hin). IsIan sees a vonan, vhelhei
singIe oi naiiied, as a iespeclfuI individuaI in lhe
sociely vho has iighls lo ovn and dispose of hei
piopeily and eainings. A naiiiage gifl is given ly lhe
gioon lo lhe liide foi hei ovn peisonaI use, and she
keeps hei ovn faniIy nane ialhei lhan laking hei
husland's nane. olh nen and vonen aie expecled lo
diess in a vay lhal is nodesl and dignified.
The Messengei of Cod (peace le upon hin)
said: "The nosl peifecl in failh anongsl leIieveis is he
vho is lesl in nannei and kindesl lo his vife."
VioIence of any kind lovaids vonen and
foicing lhen againsl lheii viII foi anylhing is nol
aIIoved in IsIan. A MusIin naiiiage is a sinpIe, IegaI
agieenenl in vhich eilhei pailnei is fiee lo incIude
MaiilaI cuslons lhus vaiy videIy fion counliy
lo counliy. Divoice is nol connon, aIlhough il is
acceplalIe as a Iasl iesoil. Accoiding lo IsIan, a
MusIin giiI cannol le foiced lo naiiy againsl hei viII:
hei paienls sinpIy suggesl young nen lhey lhink nay
le suilalIe lo hei. This is lhe fieedon of IsIan lhal
gives il lo vonan vhiIe she has no iighl lo do anylhing
in lhe daikness age of Luiope.
3: Mus!Ims wnrshIp a dIffcrcnt Gnd:
AIIah is sinpIy lhe Aialic void foi Cod. AIIah
is foi MusIins lhe giealesl and nosl incIusive of lhe
Nanes of Cod. Il is an Aialic void lhal conlains a iich
neaning, denoling lhe one and onIy Cod and asciiling
no pailneis lo Hin. Il is exaclIy lhe sane void vhich
lhe }evs, in Heliev, use foi Cod (LIohe), lhe void
vhich }esus Chiisl used in Aianaic vhen he piayed lo
Cod. Cod has an idenlicaI nane in }udaisn,
Chiislianily, and IsIan, AIIah is lhe sane Cod
voishipped ly MusIins, Chiislians and }evs. MusIins
leIieve lhal AIIah's soveieignly is lo le acknovIedged
in voiship and in lhe pIedge lo oley His leaching and
connandnenls, conveyed lhiough His nessengeis
and piophels vho veie senl al vaiious lines and in
nany pIaces lhioughoul hisloiy. Hovevei, il shouId le
noled lhal Cod in IsIan is One and OnIy. He, lhe
LxaIled, does nol gel liied, does nol have a son (i.e.
}esus) oi have associales, noi does He have hunan-Iike
alliilulions as found in lhe olhei failhs vhich aie
lhoughl lo le changed lhiough lhe iun of hisloiy.
4: Is!am was sprcad by thc swnrd and Is
Intn!crant nf nthcr faIths:
Many sociaI sludies lexllooks foi sludenls shov
lhe inage of an Aial hoisenan caiiying a svoid in one
hand and lhe HoIy Qui'an in lhe olhei conqueiing and
foicilIy conveiling. This, lhough, is nol a coiiecl
IoiliayaI of hisloiy. IsIan has aIvays given iespecl and
fieedon of ieIigion lo aII failhs. The HoIy Qui'an says:
||AIIh does nol foilid you lo deaI juslIy and
kindIy vilh lhose vho foughl nol againsl you on
accounl of ieIigion and did nol diive you oul of youi
hones. VeiiIy, AIIh Ioves lhose vho deaI vilh
equily. (HoIIy Quian 6O:8)
Iieedon of ieIigion is Iaid dovn in lhe HoIy Qui'an
||Theie is no conpuIsion in ieIigion. VeiiIy, lhe
Righl Ialh has lecone dislincl fion lhe viong palh.
Whoevei disleIieves in Tagnu| and leIieves in AIIh,
lhen he has giasped lhe nosl liuslvoilhy handhoId
lhal viII nevei lieak. And AIIh is AII-Heaiei, AII-
Knovei. (HoIIy Quian 2: 256)
Chiislian nissionaiy, T.W. AinoId had lhis
opinion on his sludy of lhe queslion of IsIan's spiead:
"...of any oiganized allenpl lo foice lhe acceplance of
IsIan on lhe non-MusIin popuIalion, oi of any
syslenalic peiseculion inlended lo slanp oul lhe
Chiislian ieIigion, ve heai nolhing. Had lhe caIiphs
chosen lo adopl eilhei couise of aclion, lhey nighl have
svepl avay Chiislianily as easiIy as Ieidinand and
IsaleIIa diove IsIan oul of Spain, oi Louis XIV nade
Il is a funclion of IsIanic Iav lo piolecl lhe
piiviIeged slalus of ninoiilies, and lhis is vhy non-
MusIin pIaces of voiship have fIouiished aII ovei lhe
IsIanic voiId. Hisloiy piovides nany exanpIes of
MusIin loIeiance lovaids olhei failhs: vhen lhe caIiph
Onai enleied }eiusaIen in lhe yeai 634, IsIan gianled
fieedon of voiship lo aII ieIigious connunilies in lhe
cily. IiocIaining lo lhe inhalilanls lhal lheii Iives, and
piopeily veie safe, and lhal lheii pIaces of voiship
vouId nevei le laken fion lhen, he asked lhe
Chiislian paliiaich Sophionius lo acconpany hin on a
visil lo aII lhe hoIy pIaces. The Chiislians of }eiusaIen
aie keeping liII loday lhe covenanl of Onai, lhe second
CaIiph in IsIan. IsIanic Iav aIso peinils non-MusIin
ninoiilies lo sel up lheii ovn couils, vhich inpIenenl
faniIy Iavs diavn up ly lhe ninoiilies lhenseIves.
The Iife and piopeily of aII cilizens in an IsIanic slale
aie consideied sacied vhelhei lhe peison is MusIin oi
One has lo leII lhal lheie vas a MusIin soIdiei
vho has liespassed lhe iighls of a }evish nan in Iiaq
aflei defealing lhe Ieisian Lnpiie. This MusIin soIdiei
had piIIaged lhe house of lhe }evish nan vho hinseIf
venl lo lhe Madinah lo conpIain aloul lhis
nisdeneanoi. As soon as lhe CaIiph Onai heaid aloul
lhis pIundei, he sued lhis soIdiei nol onIy lo give lack
lhe house lo lhe }evish nan, lul aIso lo le punished
foi his lad deed lhal has nol a jol of ieIalionship vilh
Racisn is nol a pail of IsIan, lhe HoIy Qui'an
speaks onIy of hunan equaIily and hov aII peopIes aie
equaI in lhe sighl of Cod.
||O nankind! We have ciealed you fion a naIe
and a fenaIe, and nade you inlo nalions and liiles,
lhal you nay knov one anolhei. VeiiIy, lhe nosl
honouialIe of you vilh AIIh is lhal (leIievei) vho has
A|-Taqua |i.e. one of lhe Mu||aqun (pious)j. VeiiIy,
AIIh is AII-Knoving, AII-Avaie.
(HoIIy Quian 49:13)
This HoIy veise vas nol onIy a slalenenl in lhe
HoIy Qui'an, lul aIso a ieaI facl in lhe MusIin voiId
especiaIIy al lhe line lhal MusIins veie used lo foIIov
lhe HoIy oideis void ly void lo lhe poinl lhey gol a
gieal enpiie in 25 yeais al lhe line lhal lhe Ronans
have spenl 7OO yeais lo sellIe lheii gieal enpiie. Ioi
inslance, Ani Iln AIAs, one of MusIin Ieadeis vho
used lo le noniloiing Lgypl undei lhe agieenenl of
lhe CaIiph Onai, had a son vho vied vilh an Lgyplian
Theieaflei, vhen lhe son Iosl lhe iace
conpelilion, he has lealen up lhe Lgyplian guy vhiIe
ulleiing: do you oveicone ne and I an lhe son of lhe
nolIes! The Lgyplian young nan vas deepIy huil, and
he venl lo lhe Madinah lo conpIain againsl lhe son of
lhis Ieadei. The CaIiph Onai aiiaigned Ani Iln AIAs
and his son lo his couil, lhen, he said lo lhe Lgyplian
young nan:
"I vanl you lo leal up lhe son of lhe nolIes and
lhe nolIe nan (vho is lhe goveinoi of Lgypl-Ani Iln
AIAs!". The Lgyplian nan said: O CaIiph of lhe failhfuI,
I jusl vanl lo leal up lhe son of oui goveinoi foi he
had huil ne!"
Iausing heie foi a nonenl, lhe CaIiph Onai,
nay AIIah le piaised vilh hin, luined lo lhe goveinoi
of Lgypl and said a hisloiicaI senlence, ''O Ani! Since
vhen did you ensIave lhe peopIe vhon lheii nolheis
had lioughl lo lhe voiId fiee!"
On lhe heal of lhe nonenl, I shouId nenlion a
discussion has leen vilh one of ny lesl Aneiican
fiiends. She asked aloul lhe liulh of lhe facl lhal IsIan
had leen videspiead ly lhe povei of lhe svoids. I loId
hei,' Look Nancy, IsIan vas jusl lhe Saudi Aialia, lhen
il has leen spiead aInosl eveiyvheie.nany MusIin
schoIais vho have piolecled IsIan aie nol Aials, lul
lhey aie fion Russia, Ieise, and olhei pIaces, foi
exanpIe, Inan AI ukhaii and Inan MusIin.
Novadays lhe Aials aie veiy veak, lul Iook
aiound you: Tuikey lhal used lo le lhe second
Chiislian pIace (ConslanlinopIe) aflei Rone is sliII
IsIanic nany yeais aflei lhe veakness of lhe Aial
MusIins.Il is lhe sane lhing foi MaIaysia,
Afghanislan, Uzlekislan, Iakislan, Azeilaijan, osnia,
Kosovo, lhe MiddIe Lasl, Lgypl elc.Whal is lhe ieason
lhal Iel lhen keep lheii ieIigion even lhough lhey nany
lines suffei lecause of adopling a ieIigious Iife and
Ioving AIIah AInighly.lheie is no nundane povei
lhal conpeIs lhen lo conveil lo IsIan.They aie
MusIins lecause lhey vanl lo seek lhe palh of confoil,
souIfuI conlenl, and peienniaI happy Iife. They aie sliII
MusIins lecause lhey found lhenseIves vilhin lhe
gIislening of lhe HoIy Woids lhal cone diieclIy fion
lhe Loid of lhe WoiId.
5: A!! Mus!Ims arc Arabs:
The MusIin popuIalion of lhe voiId is aiound
1, 2 liIIion. One oul of five peopIe in lhe voiId is a
MusIin. They aie a vasl iange of iaces, nalionaIilies,
and cuIluies fion aiound lhe gIole--fion lhe
IhiIippines lo Nigeiia--lhey aie uniled ly lheii
connon IsIanic failh. OnIy aloul 18 Iive in lhe Aial
voiId and lhe Iaigesl MusIin connunily is in
Indonesia. Mosl MusIins Iive easl of Iakislan. Thiily
peicenl of MusIins Iive in lhe Indian sulconlinenl, 2O
in Sul-Sahaian Afiica, 17 in Soulheasl Asia, 18 in
lhe Aial voiId, and 1O in lhe Soviel Union and
China. Tuikey, Iian, and Afghanislan nake up 1O of
lhe non-Aial MiddIe Lasl. AIlhough lheie aie MusIin
ninoiilies in aInosl eveiy aiea, incIuding Lalin
Aneiica and AusliaIia, lhey aie nosl nuneious in
Russia and ils nevIy independenl slales, India and
cenliaI Afiica. Theie aie aloul 6 niIIion MusIins in lhe
Uniled Slales.
6: A!! Mus!Im mcn marry fnur wIvcs:
The ieIigion of IsIan vas ieveaIed foi aII
socielies and aII lines, and as il is, il acconnodales
videIy diffeiing sociaI iequiienenls. Ciicunslances
nay vaiianl lhe laking of anolhei vife lul lhe iighl is
gianled, accoiding lo lhe HoIy Qui'an, onIy on
condilion lhal lhe husland is sciupuIousIy faii. No
vonan can le foiced inlo lhis kind of naiiiage if lhey
do nol vish il, and lhey aIso have lhe iighl lo excIude il
in lheii naiiiage conliacl.
IoIygany is neilhei nandaloiy, noi
encouiaged, lul neieIy peinilled. Inages of "sheikhs
vilh haiens" aie nol consislenl vilh IsIan, as a nan is
onIy aIIoved al nosl foui vives onIy if he can fuIfiII
lhe sliingenl condilions of liealing each faiiIy and
pioviding each vilh sepaiale housing elc. Ieinission
lo piaclice poIygany is nol associaled vilh neie
salisfaclion of passion. Il is ialhei associaled vilh
conpassion lovaid vidovs and oiphans. Il vas lhe
HoIy Qui'an lhal Iiniled and pul condilions on lhe
piaclice of poIygany anong lhe Aials, vho had as
nany as len oi noie vives and consideied, lhen
Il is lolh honesl and accuiale lo say lhal il is
IsIan lhal ieguIaled lhis piaclice, Iiniled il, nade il
noie hunane, and insliluled equaI iighls and slalus foi
aII vives. Whal lhe Qui'anic deciees anounl lo, laken
logelhei is discouiagenenl of poIygany unIess
necessily foi il exisls. Il is aIso evidenl lhal lhe geneiaI
iuIe in IsIan is nonogany and nol poIygany. Il is a
veiy liny peicenlage of MusIins lhal piaclice il ovei
lhe voiId. Hovevei, peinission lo piaclice Iiniled
poIygany is onIy consislenl vilh IsIan's ieaIislic viev
of lhe naluie of nan and vonan and of vaiious sociaI
needs, piolIens and cuIluiaI vaiialions.
The queslion is, hovevei fai noie lhan lhe
inheienl fIexiliIily of IsIan, il aIso is lhe fiank and
sliaighlfoivaid appioach of IsIan in deaIing vilh
piaclicaI piolIens. Ralhei lhan iequiiing hypociilicaI
and supeificiaI conpIiance, IsIan deIves deepei inlo
lhe piolIens of individuaIs and socielies, and piovides
foi Iegilinale and cIean soIulions vhich aie fai noie
leneficiaI lhan vouId le lhe case if lhey veie ignoied.
Theie is no doull lhal lhe second vife IegaIIy naiiied
and liealed kindIy is lellei off lhan a nisliess vilhoul
any IegaI iighls oi peinanence. Il is quile liue lhal nan
in lhe Uniled Slales of Aneiica and Luiope gels
naiiied lo a one vonan, lul aIas, lhe peicenlage of lhe
leliayaI of lhe huslands liespasses lhe nunlei of foui
lhal is IegaIIy accepled in IsIan. A Weslein nan
naiiies onIy one vonan, lul neanvhiIe, he can have
an alundanl nunlei of iIIegaI ieIalionships vilh olhei
vonen! IsIan iesliicled lhis chaos ly inposing lhe
iuIes of poIygany vilh quile ceilain iuIes lhal keep lhe
honoui of lhe vonan as a iespeclfuI hunan leing and
nol a neie device foi pIeasuie.
7: Mus!Ims arc barbarIc and backward pcnp!c:
Anong lhe ieasons foi lhe iapid and peacefuI
spiead of IsIan vas lhe sinpIicily of ils docliine. IsIan
caIIs foi failh in onIy one Cod Who is voilhy lo
voiship. Il aIso iepealedIy insliucls nan lo use his
poveis of inleIIigence and olseivalion. Wilhin fev
yeais, gieal civiIizalions and univeisilies veie
fIouiishing, foi accoiding lo lhe Iiophel peace le upon
hin, 'seeking knovIedge is an olIigalion foi eveiy
MusIin nan and vonan'.
The synlhesis of Laslein and Weslein ideas lhal
have coiieIaled lhe nev lhoughl lo lhe oId one, have
engendeied lecause of lhe MusIins' effoils gieal
advances in nedicine, nalhenalics, physics,
aslionony, geogiaphy, aichilecluie, ail, Iileialuie, and
hisloiy. Many ciuciaI syslens such as aIgelia, lhe
Aialic nuneiaIs, and aIso lhe concepl of lhe zeio (vilaI
lo lhe advancenenl of nalhenalics), veie liansnilled
lo nedievaI Luiope fion IsIan. Sophislicaled
insliunenls vhich veie lo nake possilIe lhe Luiopean
voyages of discoveiy veie deveIoped, incIuding lhe
aslioIale, lhe quadianl and good navigalionaI naps.
8: Muhammad was thc fnundcr nf Is!am and
Mus!Ims wnrshIp hIm:
Muhannad peace le upon hin vas loin in
Mecca in lhe yeai 57O. Since his falhei died lefoie his
liilh, and his nolhei shoilIy afleivaids, he vas iaised
ly his uncIe fion lhe iespecled liile of Quiaysh. As he
giev up, he lecane knovn foi his liulhfuIness,
geneiosily and sinceiily, so lhal he vas soughl aflei foi
his aliIily lo aililiale in dispules. The hisloiians
desciile hin as caIn and nedilalive. Muhannad
peace le upon hin vas of a deepIy ieIigious naluie,
and had Iong delesled lhe decadence of his sociely.
Il lecane his halil lo nedilale fion line lo
line in lhe Cave of Hiia neai Mecca. Al lhe age of 4O,
vhiIe engaged in a nedilalive ielieal, Muhannad -
peace le upon hin- ieceived his fiisl ieveIalion fion
Cod lhiough lhe AngeI CaliieI. This ieveIalion, vhich
conlinued foi 23 yeais, is knovn as lhe HoIy Qui'an. As
soon as he legan lo iecile lhe voids he heaid fion
CaliieI, and lo pieach lhe liulh vhich Cod had
ieveaIed lo hin, he and his snaII gioup of foIIoveis
suffeied lillei peiseculion, vhich giev fieiceIy. In lhe
yeai 622 Cod gave lhen lhe connand lo enigiale.
This evenl, lhe Hijiah oi 'nigialion', in vhich
lhey Iefl Mecca foi lhe cily of Medina, naiks lhe
leginning of lhe MusIin caIendai. Aflei seveiaI yeais,
lhe Iiophel and his foIIoveis veie alIe lo ieluin lo
Mecca, vheie lhey foigave lheii enenies and
eslalIished IsIan definiliveIy lo spiead oul in lhe olhei
iegions snoolhIy and effecliveIy. efoie lhe dealh of
lhe Iiophel - peace le upon hin- al lhe age of 63, lhe
giealei pail of Aialia vas MusIin, and vilhin a
cenluiy of his dealh IsIan had spiead lo Spain in lhe
Wesl and as fai Lasl as China. He died vilh Iess lhan
five possessions lo his nane.
WhiIe Muhannad -peace le upon hin- vas
chosen lo deIivei lhe nessage, he is nol consideied lhe
foundei" of IsIan, since MusIins considei IsIan lo le
lhe sane Divine guidance senl lo aII peopIes lefoie.
MusIins leIieve in aII lhe piophels fion Adan, Noah,
Moses, }esus elc. vho veie aII senl vilh divine
guidance foi lheii peopIes. Lveiy piophel vas senl lo
his ovn peopIe, lul Muhannad peace le upon hin
vas senl lo aII of nankind foi he is consideied lo le lhe
Iasl nessengei. Il is sulslanliaI lo lhink of lhe
nessengei Muhannad as lhe Iasl and finaI nessengei
vho is senl lo deIivei lhe nessage of IsIan. MusIins
ieveie and honoui hin- peace le upon hin- foi aII he
venl lhiough and his dedicalion, lul lhey alsoIuleIy
do nol voiship hin.
||O Iiophel (Muhannad)! VeiiIy, We have senl
you as vilness, and a leaiei of gIad lidings, and a
Wainei, And as one vho inviles lo AIIh |IsInic
Monolheisn, i.e. lo voiship none lul AIIh (AIone)j ly
His Leave, and as a Ianp spieading Iighl (lhiough youi
insliuclions fion lhe Qui'n and lhe Sunnan |nc |cga|
uaqs cf |nc Prcpnc|). , (HoIIy Quian 33: 45-46).
9: Mus!Ims dnn't bc!Icvc In Jcsus nr any nthcr
MusIins iespecl and ieveie }esus, peace le
upon hin, and avail his Second Coning. They
considei hin one of lhe giealesl Cod's nessengeis lo
nankind. A MusIin nevei iefeis lo hin sinpIy as
'}esus', lul aIvays adds lhe phiase "peace le upon hin
". The HoIy Qui'an confiins his viigin liilh (a chaplei
of lhe HoIy Qui'an is enlilIed 'Maiy'), and Maiy is
consideied lhe puiesl vonan anong aII lhe ciealion.
The HoIy Qui'an desciiles lhe Annuncialion as
||And (ienenlei) vhen lhe angeIs said: "O
Maiyan (Maiy)! VeiiIy, AIIh has chosen you, puiified
you (fion poIylheisn and disleIief), and chosen you
alove lhe vonen of lhe 'A|anin (nankind and jinns)
(of hei Iifeline)." O Maiy! "Sulnil youiseIf vilh
oledience lo youi Loid (AIIh, ly voishipping none
lul Hin AIone) and piosliale youiseIf, and |r|a'i (lov
dovn elc.) aIong vilh Ar-Ra|i'un (lhose vho lov
dovn elc.).", This is a pail of lhe nevs of lhe Gnaio
(unseen, i.e. lhe nevs of lhe pasl nalions of vhich you
have no knovIedge) vhich We inspiie you vilh (O
Muhannad). You veie nol vilh lhen, vhen lhey casl
Iols vilh lheii pens as lo vhich of lhen shouId le
chaiged vilh lhe caie of Maiyan (Maiy), noi veie you
vilh lhen vhen lhey dispuled. (Renenlei) vhen lhe
angeIs said: "O Maiyan (Maiy)! VeiiIy, AIIh gives you
lhe gIad lidings of a Woid |"e!" - and he vas! i.e. 'Isa
(}esus) lhe son of Maiyan (Maiy)j fion Hin, his nane
viII le lhe Messiah 'Isa (}esus), lhe son of Maiyan
(Maiy), heId in honoui in lhis voiId and in lhe
Heieaflei, and viII le one of lhose vho aie neai lo
AIIh.", "He viII speak lo lhe peopIe in lhe ciadIe and
in nanhood, and he viII le one of lhe iighleous.", She
said: "O ny Loid! Hov shaII I have a son vhen no nan
has louched ne." He said: "So (il viII le) foi AIIh
cieales vhal He viIIs. When He has decieed
sonelhing, He says lo il onIy: "e!" and il is. And He
(AIIh) viII leach hin |'Isa (}esus)j lhe ook and A|-
Hi|nan (i.e. lhe Sunnan, lhe fauIlIess speech of lhe
Iiophels, visdon, elc.), (and) lhe Tauil (Toiah) and
lhe InjeeI (CospeI). (HoIIy Quian 3: 42-48)
"}esus "peace le upon hin" vas loin
niiacuIousIy lhiough lhe sane povei, vhich had
lioughl Adan "peace le upon hin "inlo leing vilhoul
a falhei:
||VeiiIy, lhe Iikeness of 'Isa (}esus) lefoie AIIh
is lhe Iikeness of Adan. He ciealed hin fion dusl, lhen
(He) said lo hin: "e!" - and he vas
(HoIIy Quian 3: 59)
Duiing his piophelic nission }esus "peace le upon
hin" peifoined nany niiacIes. The Qui'an leIIs us lhal
he said:
||And viII nake hin |'Isa (}esus)j a Messengei
lo lhe ChiIdien of IsiaeI (saying): "I have cone lo you
vilh a sign fion youi Loid, lhal I design foi you oul of
cIay, as il veie, lhe figuie of a liid, and liealhe inlo il,
and il lecones a liid ly AIIah's Leave, and I heaI hin
vho vas loin lIind, and lhe Iepei, and I liing lhe dead
lo Iife ly AIIah's Leave. And I infoin you of vhal you
eal, and vhal you sloie in youi houses. SuieIy, lheiein
is a sign foi you, if you leIieve. (HoIIy Quian 3: 49)
Neilhei Muhannad- peace le upon hin- noi
}esus "peace le upon lhen cane lo change lhe lasic
docliine of lhe leIief in One Cod lioughl ly eaiIiei
piophels, lul lo confiin and ienev il.
In lhe HoIy Qui'an }esus "peace le upon hin" is
iepoiled as saying:
||And I have cone confiining lhal vhich vas
lefoie ne of lhe Tauil (Toiah), and lo nake IavfuI lo
you pail of vhal vas foilidden lo you, and I have
cone lo you vilh a pioof fion youi Loid. So feai AIIh
and oley ne. , TiuIy! AIIh is ny Loid and youi Loid,
so voiship Hin (AIone). This is lhe Sliaighl Ialh.
(HoIIy Quian 3: 5O-51)
This is siniIai lo vhal ve find in lhe ilIe vhen
}esus "peace le upon hin" said in lhe ook of
Mallhevs: "5:17 Think nol lhal I an coning lo deslioy
lhe Iav, oi lhe piophels: I an nol coning lo deslioy,
lul lo fuIfiII".
Iiophel Muhannad peace le upon hin said:
"Whoevei leIieves lheie is no god lul AIIah,
aIone vilhoul a pailnei, lhal Muhannad is His
nessengei, lhal }esus is lhe seivanl and nessengei of
Cod, His void lhal liealhed inlo Maiy and a spiiil
enanaling fion Hin, and lhal Iaiadise and HeII aie
liue, shaII le ieceived ly Cod inlo Heaven."
Chaptcr 5Ix
IacuIlies Of IsIan
IsIan lakes caie of lhe hunan leing fion
seveiaI dinensions in oidei lo nake lhe nan/vonen
veII-deveIoped in a slaliIized sociely vheie niilh,
coopeialion, and peace in innosl feeIings and lhe
ieaIily of lhe peison. Theie aie nany usefuI facuIlies on
vhich IsIan Iean lo go fuilhei in lhe hunan
liansaclions and lhe nuluaI ieIalionships lhal aie
assuned lo le sulslanliaIIy successfuI. In lhe foIIoving
Iines, lheie aie going lo le nenlioned sone of lhe
IsIanic facuIlies lhal pay allenlion lo lhe hunan deeds
in IsIan.
1. Thc nrphans:
AIIah AInighly uiges lhe piophel Muhannad
peace le upon hin lo lake caie of lhe oiphan:
||Theiefoie, lieal nol lhe oiphan vilh
oppiession, (HoIIy Quian 93:9)
Il is nol onIy oidained lo lake caie of lhe oiphan
lul aIso lo lieal hin/hei kindIy and affeclionaleIy. This
allilude is veiy Iucialive lefoie AIIah AInighly foi lhe
peison viII gain lhe neicy and lhe ievaid fion lhe
Loid of lhe voiId. This is consideied as lhe palh of lhe
iighleousness in lhe HoIy Qui'an,
||Il is nol A|-8irr (piely, iighleousness, and each
and eveiy acl of oledience lo AIIh, elc.) lhal you luin
youi faces lovaids easl and (oi) vesl (in piayeis), lul
A|- 8irr is (lhe quaIily of) lhe one vho leIieves in AIIh,
lhe Lasl Day, lhe AngeIs, lhe ook, lhe Iiophels and
gives his veaIlh, in spile of Iove foi il, lo lhe kinsfoIk, lo
lhe oiphans, and lo A|- Masa|in (lhe pooi), and lo lhe
vayfaiei, and lo lhose vho ask, and lo sel sIaves fiee,
peifoins As-Sa|a| (|qana|-as-Sa|a|), and gives lhe Za|a|,
and vho fuIfiII lheii covenanl vhen lhey nake il, and
vho aie As-Saoirin (lhe palienl ones, elc.) in exliene
poveily and aiInenl (disease) and al lhe line of
fighling (duiing lhe lallIes). Such aie lhe peopIe of lhe
liulh and lhey aie A|Mu||aqun (pious)
(HoIIy Quian 2:177)
2. 5cIcncc:
IsIan is knovn as lhe ieIigion of lhe science foi
lheie aie no confIicls lelveen lhe science and lhe
ieIigion. This neans lhal IsIan does nol piohilil lhe
palh of knovIedge and science, lul il ialhei inposes on
MusIins lo seek lhe Loie so as lo le in high IeveIs in
lhe paiadise.
|| .. Say: "Aie lhose vho knov equaI lo lhose
vho knov nol`" Il is onIy nen of undeislanding vho
viII ienenlei (HoIIy Quian 39: 9)
Iuilheinoie, lhe schoIais aie lhe lesl peopIe lo
knov lhe giealness and gIoiy of AIIah AInighly lo lhe
exlenl lo feai Hin. This is ulleiIy fuilheied in lhe HoIy
||Il is onIy lhose vho have knovIedge anong
His sIaves lhal feai AIIh. VeiiIy, AIIh is AIIMighly,
Ofl Ioigiving. (HoIIy Quian 35:28)
To lool, one has lo add lhal lhe nessengei of
AIIah Muhannad peace le upon hin used lo uige lhe
MusIins lo seek lhe palh of knovIedge. He used lo say:
"Whoevei has soughl lhe palh lo knovIedge,
AIIah AInighly viII pave lhe palh lo hin lo gel lo
paiadise." (Alu Davood 3645)
The necessily of science in IsIan is lased on
knoving lhe uIlinale liulh aloul lhe voiId lo deciphei
lhe codes of oneseIf, lhe suiioundings, lhe olheis, and
lhe univeise. This sulslanliaI liulh viII enalIe lhe
peison lo knov one's ciealoi so as lo piaise His
AInighly and lo piay lo Hin as He onIy vanls us lo
3. Thc cnvIrnnmcnt:
If one lakes goIden shols of lhe IsIanic piaclice
lovaids lhe enviionnenl, one can discein lhe huge
caie of MusIins lovaids lhe enviionnenl.
The Iiophel, upon hin le lIessings and peace,
- "If any MusIin pIanls a liee oi sovs a fieId, and a
hunan, liid oi aninaI eals fion il, il shaII le ieckoned
as chaiily fion hin." (ukhaii 232O)
- "If lhe day of iesuiieclion cones upon anyone of you
vhiIe he has a seedIing in hand, Iel hin pIanl il."
(Ahned 1324O)
- "Iailh ( leIieving ) is noie lhan sevenly vays , highesl
is lhe leslinony of ( No Cod ul AIIah ), and lhe
Iovesl is lo ienove any hain ( diil, iock, . elc.) fion
ioad." (MusIin: 162)
- "Renoving Hains fion ioads is a chaiily."
(ukhaii, 24)
No hain and no infIicling hain (Iln Magah 243O),
Means you shouIdn'l nake nolhing Hain lo olheis oi
lo youi seIf (snoking, noise .elc.)
This posilive allilude invoIves laking neasuies
lo inpiove aII aspecls of Iife: heaIlh, nuliilion, and lhe
psychoIogicaI and spiiiluaI dinensions, foi nan's
lenefil and lhe nainlenance of his veIfaie, as veII as
foi lhe lelleinenl of Iife foi aII fuluie geneialions.
And as is shovn in lhe Iiophelic decIaialions
alove, lhe ain of lolh lhe conseivalion and
deveIopnenl of lhe enviionnenl in IsIan is lhe
univeisaI good of aII ciealed leings.
4. RacIsm:
Theie is no diffeience lelveen peopIe in IsIan
foi lhe hunan leings aie aII equaI and lhe favoiiles lo
AIIah AInighly aie lhe nosl pious ones. This is cIeaiIy
expounded in IsIan lo denaicale lhe ieIalionships
lelveen lhe peopIe and lo define lhe slalus of noliIily
lhal is coiieIaled lo onIy piely inslead of lhe iace, coIoi,
and veaIlh.
||O nankind! We have ciealed you fion a naIe
and a fenaIe, and nade you inlo nalions and liiles,
lhal you nay knov one anolhei. VeiiIy, lhe nosl
honouialIe of you vilh AIIh is lhal (leIievei) vho has
A|-Taqua |i.e. one of lhe Mu||aqun (pious)j. VeiiIy,
AIIh is AII-Knoving, AII-Avaie.
(HoIIy Quian 49:13)
The piaclice of equily in IsIan is quile cIeai duiing lhe
piIgiinage in Mecca,
"(The Hajj piIgiinage lo Mecca) vas an
exhiIaialing expeiience lo see peopIe leIonging lo
diffeienl coIouis, iaces and nalionaIilies, kings, heads
of slales and oidinaiy nen fion veiy pooi counliies aII
cIad in lvo sinpIe vhile sheels piaying lo Cod vilhoul
any sense of eilhei piide oi infeiioiily. Il vas a piaclicaI
nanifeslalion of lhe concepl of equaIIy in IsIan."
Cassius CIay, nov Muhannad AIi.
Il goes vilhoul saying lhal lheie is no piolIen
in IsIan aloul lhe vhile and Iack peopIe. The
MusIins do nol lieal peopIe veII oi ladIy lecause of
lheii coIois foi lhey aie aII ciealed ly one Cod: AIIah
5. Thc RIghts nf AnIma!s:
AIIah AInighly has nade inpoilanl vaIue lo
lhe aninaIs as lhey aie ciealed ly Hin. One has lo le
nice lovaids lhe aninaIs and lo lieal lhen as good as
one can do foi lhey aie ciealuies Iike us: lhey feeI,
sneII, sIeep, voik, coopeiale elc.
The piophel Mohannad peace le upon hin has slaled,
"AIIah has oidained leneficence in eveiylhing.
Thus, if you kiII do il veII, and if you sIaughlei,
peifoin veII. You have lo shaipen youi Iane so as lo
soolhe lhe sIain aninaI." (MusIin. 5167)
Iion lhis peispeclive, one has lo knov lhal il is
foilidden lo kiII aninaIs in IsIan unIess one sIaughleis
lhen in oidei lo eal lhen Iike covs, fish, chicken elc.
Il is aIso oideied nol lo loiluie lhe aninaIs in
any case. These aninaIs aie lo le iespecled as ciealuies
of AIIah AInighly. Il is naiialed lhal Iln Onai has
passed ly young guys vho veie pIaying vilh a IillIe
liid ly lhe use of lheii aiiovs. The guys escaped vhen
lhey had seen hin. He Iooked upon lhis pooi liid and
said, " The aninaIs nusl le liealed veII foi lhe MusIin
nusl le in landen vilh naluie lhal is suiiounding hin
foi his/hei ovn lenefils and lhe olhei ciealuies'
AIso, Iel's ienenlei lhe Hadilh of Muhannad
(peace le upon hin) - "If any MusIin pIanls a liee oi
sovs a fieId and a hunan, liid oi aninaI eals fion il, il
shaII le ieckoned as chaiily fion hin." (ukhaii, 232O)
The nessengei of AIIah Muhannad (peace le
upon hin) used lo say," Who has huil lhis liid` Woe
le lo lhe one vho has done lhis loinenl lo il! The
nessengei of AIIah, Muhannad (peace le upon hin)
has cuised vhoevei daies lo pIay oi huil anylhing lhal
has a souI - Iike an aninaI- " il is naiialed ly lhe lvo
Sheikhs: AI ukhaii and MusIin. The nessengei of
AIIah (peace le upon hin) had aIso slaled, "Don'l cause
danage oi deliinenl". Thal is lo say lhe luIIfighling
and lhe cockfighling aie exlieneIy foilidden in IsIan
foi lhey cause a gieal danage foi aninaIs. AII of lhis
huil is done foi lhe sake of lhe unneicifuI peopIe.
Though, lhis saying neans one is nol lo huil oneseIf oi
lhe olheis foi eveiy ciealuie in lhe voiId has
his/hei/ils ovn iighls lo le piolecled foi lhe sake of
lhe Loid of lhe voiId.
6. Thc RIghts nf thc prIsnncrs:
AIIah AInighly has foilidden lhe MusIins lo
hain lhe hunan leings vho aie piisoneis of vai. The
case lhal lhey aie piisoneis does nol deny lheii hunan
iighls foi lhey need lo le consideied caiefuIIy vilh aII
lhe iespecl a peison deseive in a hunane allilude. Ioi
inslance, loiluie is veiy piohililed IsIan. The
nessengei of AIIah Muhannad peace le upon hin
slaled, Do nol nuliIale. (Naiialed ly MusIin 3/1357)
This is assuned lo le piacliced in IsIan anong
Iuilheinoie, IsIan uiges lhe peison lo lieal
veII lhe piisoneis and even lo ieIease lhen foi lheii
iighls lo le sinpIy fiee as iespeclfuI hunan leings.
The nessengei of AIIah Muhannad peace le
upon hin had insisled in lhe Hadilh of Sahih, "You
have lo nouiish lhe hungiy peison, visil lhe sick
peison, and ieIease lhe piisonei", il is naiialed ly (AI
This allilude in IsIan is consideied as one of lhe
acls of iespecl and coopeialion anong lhe hunan
leings in lhe MusIin sociely. The MusIin aie lo le
uniled as one lody, and in case a pail of lhe lody,
iegaidIess of ils snaIIness, is suffeiing, lhe vhoIe viII
aulonalicaIIy slay up and has a fevei aII lhe line liII
lhis pail of lody viII le iecoveied and fine.
Thc parcnts:
The paienls aie lo le seiiousIy caied of foi lhe sake of
AIIah AInighly Who has oidained peopIe lo do as
||Woiship AIIh and join none vilh Hin in
voiship, and do good lo paienls, kinsfoIk, oiphans, A|-
Masa|in (lhe pooi), lhe neighloui vho is neai of kin,
lhe neighloui vho is a sliangei, lhe conpanion ly
youi side, lhe vayfaiei (you neel), and lhose (sIaves)
vhon youi iighl hands possess. VeiiIy, AIIh does nol
Iike such as aie pioud and loaslfuI.
(HoIIy Quian 4:36)
AIIah AInighly has enjoined His voishipping
lo lhe good deed lovaids lhe paienls foi lhey aie lhe
ones vho has iaised lhe chiId up and educaled
hin/hei lo le in lhe posilion lhal he/she is in lheie.
||And youi Loid has decieed lhal you voiship
none lul Hin. And lhal you le dulifuI lo youi paienls.
If one of lhen oi lolh of lhen allain oId age in youi
Iife, say nol lo lhen a void of disiespecl, noi shoul al
lhen lul addiess lhen in leins of honoui., And Iovei
unlo lhen lhe ving of sulnission and huniIily
lhiough neicy, and say: "My Loid! eslov on lhen
Youi Meicy as lhey did liing ne up vhen I vas
snaII." (HoIIy Quian 17: 23-24)
One of lhe nen had asked lhe nessengei of
AIIah Muhannad peace le upon hin aloul vhon lhe
nosl inpoilanl in lhe viev of AIIah lo caie aloul. The
nessengei of AIIah had ansveied, "Youi nolhei". He
has said il lhiice, and in lhe fouilh line lhe nan had
asked hin again, he ansveied, "youi falhei". This
slalenenl gives lhe evidence lo peopIe lo lake caie of
lheii paienls, especiaIIy lhe nolhei vho has leen
piegnanl foi nine nonlhs lo liing lhe peison lo Iife.
The nolhei has suffeied a Iol lo liing up lhe chiId, and
lhen, il is exlieneIy necessaiy lo lieal hei veII and lo
le nice lovaids hei as a vaIualIe gen in lhe heail of
lhe peison vho enlodies one's lhoughls and ieveienl
feeIings in good acls and sinceie gialilude. In a void,
IsIan caies aloul lhe nul of lhe sociely lhal is caIIed
lhe faniIy.
Coning lo lhe end of lhis look, one has lo poinl oul
lhal lhe seekei of lhe iighl palh has lo le Iook foivaid
lo iunnaging lhe coiiecl souice vilh lhe iighl peopIe
lo knov lhe lolaI liulh. This seens lo le quile haid in
lhe niddIe of lhe chaos of lhe nedia and lhe nisshapen
fealuies of IsIan lecause lhe nisdeeds of sone
MusIins. DefinileIy, one has lo ask AIIah AInighly lo
shov hin/hei lhe alsoIule liulh and lhe uIlinale facls
of lhe voiId lo knov vhal lo choose and lo le quile
ceilain of lhe iighl lhing lo do lovaids Hin AInighly,
lovaids oneseIf and olheis. These aie sone usefuI Iinks
lo Iook upon vilh aII of oui devoul vishes.
Cnntcnts Pagc
IsIan In iief ....................................................................... 1
IRLIACL............................................................................. 2
Chaptcr Onc........................................................................ 3
Thc Crcatnr ......................................................................... 3
Unily of Cod:....................................................................... 6
Whal aie lhe pioofs lhal leloken AIIah AInighly's
exislence` ............................................................................. 7
Why Does AIIah cieale lhe hunan leing`.................... 13
Alliilules of Cod (AIIah):................................................ 17
Chaptcr Twn ..................................................................... 21
What Is Is!am? .................................................................. 21
Why vas lhis ieIigion naned IsIan`............................. 21
The Message of IsIan: ...................................................... 22
The Six IiIIais of Iailh in IsIan: ..................................... 24
Sone eaulies of IsIan: ................................................... 3O
Hov Does Soneone econe a MusIin` ....................... 33
Whal Aie lhe Iive IiIIais of IsIan`................................ 34
SOURCLS OI ISLAM:...................................................... 36
Chaptcr Thrcc................................................................... 39
Thc Prnphct nf Is!am....................................................... 39
IeisonaI Chaiaclei:........................................................... 39
The Iiisl ReveIalion:......................................................... 4O
His Teachings: ................................................................... 41
Ieiseculion: ....................................................................... 43
Migialion: .......................................................................... 44
Spiead of IsIan: ................................................................ 46
Iiophel Muhannads IinaI Yeais:................................ 47
Sone of his Woids:........................................................... 48
Chaptcr Fnur..................................................................... 51
Prnnfs nf thc authcntIcIty nf Is!am............................... 51
1- SanpIes of Scienlific MiiacIes in lhe HoIy Qui'an: . 52
a- The snolheiing of lhe sneIIing in lhe highesl pIaces
............................................................................................. 52
l- Ihaiaoh died lecause he gol diovned:.................... 52
c- The Lovesl Aiea on Lailh:.......................................... 54
d- The Quian on lhe Oiigin of lhe Univeise:............... 56
e- The Quian on Mounlains: .......................................... 58
f- The Quian on CIouds: ................................................. 6O
g-The Quian on Deep Seas and InleinaI Waves: ........ 64
2-ChaIIenge lo Iioduce Like lhe HoIy Qui'an ............. 67
3-IsIan is IoieloId in lhe HoIy ook: ............................ 69
Chaptcr FIvc...................................................................... 74
Tnp mIscnnccptInns abnut Is!am.................................. 74
1. MusIins aie vioIenl, leiioiisls. ................................... 74
2: IsIan oppiesses vonen: ............................................. 76
3: MusIins voiship a diffeienl Cod: ............................. 77
4: IsIan vas spiead ly lhe svoid and is inloIeianl of
olhei failhs: ........................................................................ 78
5: AII MusIins aie Aials: ................................................ 83
6: AII MusIin nen naiiy foui vives:............................ 84
7: MusIins aie lailaiic and lackvaid peopIe:............ 86
8: Muhannad vas lhe foundei of IsIan and MusIins
voiship hin: ..................................................................... 87
9: MusIins don'l leIieve in }esus oi any olhei piophels:
............................................................................................. 89
Chaptcr 5Ix........................................................................ 93
Facu!tIcs Of Is!am............................................................ 93
1. The oiphans: .................................................................. 93
2. Science: ........................................................................... 94
3. The enviionnenl:.......................................................... 96
4. Racisn: ........................................................................... 97
5. The Righls of AninaIs:................................................. 98
6. The Righls of lhe piisoneis:....................................... 1OO
The paienls: ..................................................................... 1O1
Cnnc!usInn: ..................................................................... 104
Conlenls ........................................................................... 1O6
Note: Quran Versions used were: The Noble Quran, An
English translation oI the meanings oI The Holy Quran.
Translators: Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al- Hilali,
Ph.D. Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. And also,
Translation OI The Meanings OI The Glorious Quran,
Translated By AbulQasim Publishing House, 1997 (Al-
Muntada Alislami)
All praise to Allah.
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