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What am i??

I always start with an equals sign and am used to perform calculations

What am i??
I go from left to right and am identified using a number.

What am i??
I am the spreadsheet piece of software we use in school

What am i??
I go up and down and am identified using a letter

How will we know if we have been successful today?

If we review what we already know about spreadsheets If we create a chart using data of our choice If we summarise our learning before we leave

Data Collection Form

Think of 1 question you would like to ask the rest of the class
Your question must have a minimum of 4 possible answers On scrap paper state your name, your question, your 4 or more possible answers and leave space for the class to tally their answers

Mr Burrowes

Who do you think will win the Premier League this season?
2.Chelsea 3.Manchester United 4.Manchester City 5.Other

What have you learnt?

Summarise what you have learnt in today's lesson using no more than 5 words Stick your post it note on the wipe board before leaving

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