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EE 434 Electromagnetic Waves, Spring 2010 Homework #11 solution

9.3. The far eld power density radiated from an antenna is given by sin cos r W/m2 0 2 r where K is a constant. Determine the following P =K 2 2

(a) Azimuthal and elevation planes half-power beam widths. (b) Azimuthal and elevation planes rst null beam widths. (c) Directivity and directive gain. (a) In the azimuthal plane, the half-power beam width, 1 is dened as cos 2 is 1 = 120 .
2 2


1 = 2 . That

In the elevation plane, the half-power beam width, 1 is determined from sin 90

1 . 2

The solution is 1 = 120 .

(b) The azimuthal plane rst null beam width, 0 , is found from cos 20 = 0. The solution is 1 = 180 . The elevation plane rst null beam width is found from sin 90 20 = 0. 2 The solution is 0 = 180. (c) The directivity is D= The average power is found from

P Pavg


1 = 2r 2


sin cos 2 r sin d d r2


K sin2 d = 2r 2 0 K 1 2 [ sin ] = 2 2r 2 2 K 2 = 2r 2 2 K = 2 2r

cos d

The directive gain is thus 1


sin cos 2r 2 = 2 sin cos r2 K

The directive gain is the maximum value of the directivity, which is at = 90 and = 0 . D0 = 2. 9.7. Consider an array of two isotropic sources. Obtain an expression for the AF and sketch the radiation pattern for the following conditions: (a) The separation distance is d = , and the two elements were fed equal 2 currents but of 180 phase dierence. (b) The separation distance is d = , and the two elements were fed equal 4 currents but of 90 phase dierence. (c) The separation distance is d = , and the two elements were fed equal currents but of 180 phase dierence. (a) We have = d cos . It is unclear whether the problem is referring to = 180 or = 180 . The expression is then AF = sin sin 2 = cos

The solid and dotted curves plot the two cases.

(b) Here we have AF = Here are the two cases sin sin 2 = cos 2 2

(c) Now we have AF = sin sin 2 = 2 cos

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