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Error Descriptor The Command Error codes are reserved from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authorit y (IANA).

The Command Error codes that have already been reserved can be found a t the IANA web page, The following table lists the supported error codes defined by the H.248.8 profi le and in packages. MGW Supported H.248.8 Error Codes: H.248.8 /11/ 400 - Syntax error in message 401 - Protocol Error 403 - Syntax Error in TransactionRequest 406 - Version Not Supported 410 - Incorrect identifier 411 - The transaction refers to an unknown ContextId 413 - Number of transactions in message exceeds maximum 422 - Syntax Error in Action 430 - Unknown TerminationID 431 - No TerminationID matched a wildcard 435 - Termination ID is not in specified Context 440 - Unsupported or unknown Package 442 - Syntax Error in Command 443 - Unsupported or Unknown Command 444 - Unsupported or Unknown Descriptor 445 - Unsupported or Unknown Property 446 - Unsupported or Unknown Parameter 447 - Descriptor not legal in this command 448 - Descriptor appears twice in a command 449 - Unsupported or Unknown Parameter or Property Value 451 - No such event in this package 454 - No such parameter value in this package 455 - Property illegal in this Descriptor 458 - Unexpected Event/Request ID 459 - Unsupported or Unknown Profile 501 - Not Implemented 502 - Not ready 506 - Number of Transaction Pendings Exceeded 533 - Response exceeds maximum transport PDU size 542 - Command is not allowed on this termination Table 28: Error Codes Sent by MSS MGW Supported H.248.8 Error Codes: H.248.8 /11/ 400 - Syntax error in message 401 - Protocol Error 403 - Syntax Error in TransactionRequest 406 - Version Not Supported 410 - Incorrect identifier 411 - The transaction refers to an unknown ContextId 412 - No ContextIDs available 421 - Unknown action or illegal combination of actions 422 - Syntax Error in Action 430 - Unknown TerminationID 431 - No TerminationID matched a wildcard

432 - Out of TerminationIDs or No TerminationID available 433 - TerminationID is already in a Context 434 - Max number of Terminations in a Context exceeded 435 - Termination ID is not in specified Context 440 - Unsupported or unknown Package 441 - Missing Remote or Local Descriptor 442 - Syntax Error in Command 443 - Unsupported or Unknown Command 444 - Unsupported or Unknown Descriptor 445 - Unsupported or Unknown Property 446 - Unsupported or Unknown Parameter 448 - Descriptor appears twice in a command 449 - Unsupported or Unknown Parameter or Property Value 450 - No such property in this package 452 - No such signal in this package 451 - No such event in this package 454 - No such parameter value in this package 455 - Property illegal in this Descriptor 457 - Missing parameter in signal or event 500 - Internal software Failure in MG 501 - Not Implemented 502 - Not ready 503 - Service Unavailable 505 - Transaction Request Received before a Service Change Reply has been receiv ed 506 - Number of Transaction Pendings Exceeded 510 - Insufficient resources 512 - Media Gateway unequipped to detect requested Event 513 - Media Gateway unequipped to generate requested Signals 514 - Media Gateway cannot send the specified announcement 515 - Unsupported Media Type 521 - Termination is 'ServiceChanging' 533 - Response exceeds maximum transport PDU size 542 - Command is not allowed on this termination 581 - Does Not Exist Supported Error Codes defined in packages: H.248.9 /12/ 600 - Illegal syntax within an announcement specification 601 - Variable type not supported 602 - Variable value out of range 606 - Unknown segment ID Table 29: Error Codes Sent by MGW Error cases are handled with Command Error codes specified in ITU-T H.248.8 spec ification Error Codes and ServiceChangeReasons. Errors can occur on different le vels in a message (see the following figure): * message level * transaction level * action level * command level Original size (display in resizeable window for enlarging) Figure 3: Relationship between Commands, Contexts, Actions, and Transactio ns in an H.248 message DN70387408 Id: 0900d805804bcbb7 2009/12/22 Nokia Siemens Networks

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